Pinned issues
- 5
Doesn't work in torch.inference_mode()?
#655 opened by LyuJZ - 0
Backward mode about directloss minimization
#671 opened by zhangrentu - 0
The calculation of w in SO3 to_quaternion() function may cause gradient explosion.
#670 opened by HiOnes - 1
Slow BaSpaCho slover
#665 opened by rwn17 - 5
The positive-definite question
#647 opened by gzspkgypt - 9
Batching of error function
#565 opened by jytime - 3
- 2
Implicit backward mode gives nan result
#659 opened by lpanaf - 9
Memory explosion problem
#654 opened by EmeryLee97 - 2
Support of dtype = float32?
#656 opened by lpanaf - 1
Bundle Adjustment example not using GPU?
#653 opened by vishnurohit87 - 3
Fail to install on Windows
#649 opened by BigPotato-H - 2
Batched optimization
#652 opened by praveenVnktsh - 1
inplace arithmetic is not allowed
#650 opened by tyhuang98 - 8
- 0
run optimization on gpu, outer loop reports error
#648 opened by califford - 2
Is there any Visualization Examples here?
#646 opened by TwiceMao - 1
Error with linalg.cholesky
#645 opened by EmeryLee97 - 1
Deadzone Loss
#640 opened by Dhanushvarma - 1
how to deploy a theseus trained model to device?
#643 opened by baodingge - 1
Creating custom intrinsic matrices for use in error_fn in AutoDiffCostFunction
#644 opened by Unturned3 - 1
invoking CPU solving
#642 opened by WeiXiCZ - 29
Failure to fit complex data.
#618 opened by zhangrentu - 1
Is Theseus compatible with torch.compile ?
#624 opened by CavalloneChen - 4
- 2
Failed to install theseus
#638 opened by ggttkl - 1
- 8
Segmentation fault when setting nn.Parameter
#632 opened by abcamiletto - 1
Segmentation fault on CusolverLUSolver
#634 opened by shengtsui - 0
AutoDiffCostFunction with CUDA C++
#635 opened by sssphil - 5
Optimization on SE(3)
#626 opened by mhubii - 3
undefined symbol: dsyrk_
#630 opened by shengtsui - 3
question about 'Objective.error_squared_norm()'
#620 opened by WeiXiCZ - 7
- 2
- 0
`dogbox` and/or `trf` optimisers for bound-constrained non-linear least squares
#625 opened by tvercaut - 4
- 5
- 9
- 1
How to skip the gradient explosion?
#590 opened by FanWu-fan - 24
- 1
why optimization doesn't work
#602 opened by EXing - 5
Pose optimizing algorithm using image based loss doesn't change pose on each iteration
#595 opened by neanea04 - 0
What is the difference between transform_from and transform_to in the SE3 object. Which one should be used for direct transformation and inverse transformation
#598 opened by neanea04 - 0
Baspacho device doesn't accept "cuda:0"
#597 opened by luisenp - 2
Range Measurement
#592 opened by codeaddict00 - 1
Mannual vs Automatic Vectorization
#591 opened by EXing - 0
- 6
Bug Report in implicit mode and truncated mode, but no problem in unroll mode
#578 opened by xphsean12 - 0