- 10
Database issues
#346 opened by ZoseJapata - 0
has solved
#355 opened by ChaoXianSen - 2
Inquiry on error for running protein annotation
#354 opened by songmj86 - 0
- 6
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/resistance/miniconda3/envs/pharokkaENV/bin/phanotate
#332 opened by yzhong005 - 1
- 1
Issues with IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
#348 opened by aryehjc - 4
issues parsing genbank files produced by Pharokka
#339 opened by vmkhot - 5
Error with Phanotate (return code 1)
#350 opened by Norina28 - 3
Google Colab error
#349 opened by CristianUNR - 9
- 4
UnsatisfiableError when installing with conda
#343 opened by fluhus - 3
Inquiry on Pharokka
#342 opened by songmj86 - 1
Libgsl error from mash - cant run
#341 opened by raw937 - 3
Linear genome plot?
#338 opened by raw937 - 1
- 3
- 2
Error with some sequences
#335 opened by Sudaraka88 - 0
Replace `hmmscan` with `hmmsearch`
#330 opened by valentynbez - 1
Alphabet error while annotating phage
#331 opened by Fabian-Bastiaanssen - 2
Wrong attribute - PyHMMER module
#328 opened by valentynbez - 7
Pharokka stuck at running mmseqs search
#325 opened by quocviet0908 - 3
Mash issue in upgrade
#315 opened by raw937 - 4
KeyError: 'Name contig'
#327 opened by SergeyBaikal - 5
PHAROKKA introducing dataframe and its dtype into NCBI Feature Table (.tbl) in each Loop.
#303 opened by deinotoxazumab - 8
Missing lot of databases
#313 opened by ala98412 - 1
tRNAs are not being included in tbl file.
#323 opened by hmontenegro - 6
pharokka failure due to missing BioPython function
#320 opened by leahfa - 4
External tools Fine parameter tuning
#299 opened by iferres - 5
dropped contigs
#316 opened by k6logc - 1
Prodigal-gv and Prodigal issue
#317 opened by raw937 - 8
Cannot get pharokka databases installed
#304 opened by Jlee795 - 2
phannote issues?
#307 opened by raw937 - 4
Pharokka fails on large dataset
#308 opened by nelsonruth11 - 2
Prodigal not working Pharokka v1.4.1
#314 opened by raw-lab - 0
wrong Aragorn version
#319 opened by ZaeemBIo - 0
ERROR | __main__:main:115 - The database directory was unsuccessfully checked. Please run
#318 opened by ZaeemBIo - 2
Bioconda version is out of date
#310 opened by marade - 2
database links incorrect
#311 opened by marade - 2
database error
#309 opened by mengyuan09876 - 2
FR: add a argument to select the contig to be plotted in case more than one contig in the assembly
#305 opened by splaisan - 4
- 1
Pharokka fails when contig input file ends in .fa, runs when file ends in .fasta
#301 opened by nelsonruth11 - 2
- 2
Quick question
#285 opened by r4carson - 19
Error calling tRNAscan-SE
#290 opened by asierFernandezP - 0
Expanding initial checks for user friendliness
#293 opened by thauptfeld - 3
Pharokka doesn't look for the good file in meta mode
#286 opened by rdenise - 6
VFDB databases are missing
#291 opened by sallybyers - 2 downloads unneeded hidden files
#274 opened by jowodo