ROS 2 package of 3D lidar slam using ndt/gicp registration and pose-optimization
- 1
Build error after version update: pcl_conversions was moved to perception_pcl
#97 opened by rsasaki0109 - 7
Transform lookup extrapolation warning
#64 opened by Destranix - 3
- 6
Please help noob
#95 opened by IIIIllllIllI - 12
scanmatcher_node-1 process has died
#69 opened by Tester2009 - 1
Ouster OS1-16 lidar usage
#84 opened by Mustafa19077 - 7
Frame Changes
#92 opened by theinge9 - 2
Dense map representation?
#94 opened by wxyLuna2024 - 4
Use with Carla Bag
#82 opened by guzgonav - 2
General Guidance
#88 opened by rvxfahim - 6
plz help me, ros-foxy- libg2o
#85 opened by LEELEE412 - 18
Perfomance in real time drone systems
#89 opened by moralessP - 4
Nothing visualizing
#93 opened by yoepav - 1
Wrong transformation when an odometry is used
#87 opened by delipl - 2
About the use in the window environment
#83 opened by lidarmansiwon - 13
Build Issue (PCL version error)
#74 opened by NadimDeeb - 2
Intel Realse Sense on the manipulator
#71 opened by delipl - 2
QoS Policy Errors and Map Not Publishing
#81 opened by brian7989 - 3
Expected Performance with Ideal Pose
#30 opened by goksanisil23 - 10
Map Frame
#78 opened by lv-alerion - 2
Scan_Matcher "odom"-Frame Error
#79 opened by LuSchnitt - 11
Max distance (km) for mapping
#53 opened by SyahirMuzni - 1
How to create 2D occupancy grid using this ?
#73 opened by raviS123-dot - 4
- 3
- 5
scan_period parameter
#68 opened by yvzksgl - 4
PCL Version
#63 opened by remauxl - 2
Localization in previously built map
#66 opened by mrmara - 3
- 8
map->odom transform
#43 opened by felrock - 10
I had an error when I execute colcon build
#62 opened by Hensbag - 11
About the timeline of map creation
#60 opened by g2181053 - 2
Build issue
#61 opened by cjffly - 3
ros2 version of lio-sam
#59 opened by lucianzhong - 29
Colcon build Fail!
#54 opened by Marouan-22 - 15
Random and silent crashes
#56 opened by Arnwald - 4
- 2
- 6
IMU intergration fail
#39 opened by cshang412 - 2
- 2
installation failure Imported target "g2o::solver_eigen" includes non-existent path
#57 opened by ShaharSarShalom - 3
why g2o setFixed is lastest pose ?
#40 opened by sweetquiet - 2
Can not echo map_array topic
#41 opened by sigridmellemseter - 2
can you provide a citation?
#33 opened by khalisfadil - 8
- 1
Question for providing odometry
#45 opened by oskarmue - 8
Failed to build lidarslam_ros2
#46 opened by SyahirMuzni - 2
scanmatcher node-1 error after launch
#49 opened by SyahirMuzni - 2
Editting PCL
#50 opened by SyahirMuzni - 7
Map produced not aligned on loop road
#51 opened by SyahirMuzni