A collection of ROS and non-ROS (Python) code that converts data from vision-based system (external localization system like fiducial tags, VIO, SLAM, or depth image) to corresponding mavros topics or MAVLink messages that can be consumed by a flight control stack (with working and tested examples for ArduPilot).
- A-ppIes
- agtbaskaraJapan
- AndieDeng
- beduffyBearcover + MTank
- chapdbrNRC
- CHH3213
- Chshy
- codespring-lh
- DINGMAN17Singapore
- FPSychotic
- GimpelZhangCARIZON
- greymanerUnionSys
- hendjoshsr71USA
- hernantakPT. NTX Solusi Teknologi
- janchkCVS
- junwoo091400@auterion
- Lee0326Beijing
- lmark1Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems
- Majed-Alsubaie
- mtbsteve
- Nanke2012
- NekSfyrisUK Atomic Energy Authority
- OmarYaser3000
- PenceMatariaAerial Robotics IITK
- Petrox@Rescube
- potato77Guangzhou
- recharles
- saminhasan
- sbbugNanjing University
- sd196821
- sinaqahremaniKingston
- virtualrobotixLaser Navigation srl
- WshgL
- YC-LaiHTC Vive
- zzhh00