- aeroue
- casiarobot
- feiyang110402
- g-chDelft University of Technology
- jepierre
- joeyy3
- Lawliet9666The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Lee-JaeWonCILAB @ Yonsei Univ.
- liangjunwu98
- LiangZhao13Zhejiang University
- ljslam213Zhejiang University of Technology
- mzy98
- OliverHuang1220Xi’an University of Technology
- pzy22
- qwerty35SeoulTech
- raghavsuri13
- Rao-KaiEast China University of Science and Technology
- rtkartistaOSU Robotics
- Sephiroth1118NKU
- shallowshadowshade
- siyuanwu99Insta360 Research
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- Swarm-lzyUniversity of Manchester
- uebelkorp5
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- Will0105
- wnsrl970219Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University
- WX-James
- wyseo10
- wzh1995115North China University of Technology
- YatsenRobot
- ycanayTUM
- yi-hsuan-chenCollege Park
- yuwei-wuUniversity of Pennsylvania
- zzsssky
- zzyyhhh