Framework for data aquisition and position control to be used with the highlevel processor of Ascending Technologies helicopters
- alexmillaneETH Zürich
- andrepfr
- billhibazzz
- burrimiETH Zürich Autonomous Systems Lab
- caseKmtokyo, japan
- DominikSchindler
- DzungTmd
- enricgalceranETH Zürich
- ethzasl-jenkins
- fminaETH Zürich
- FrancescoC87Italy
- gawelaZurich
- helenol@ethz-asl
- HitszChenHITsz
- inabajskThe University of Tokyo
- inkyusa
- JeffC0227
- jhcloos
- joseluslSnT - University of Luxembourg
- karenbodie
- kostas-alexis
- magrimmZurich
- marija-p
- mbuerki
- michaelpantic
- neunertm
- nikolicj
- PascalGohlZürich, Switzerland
- rehderj
- rikbaETH Zuerich
- simonlynenGoogle, ETH Zurich
- stephanweissNASA-JPL California Institute of Technology
- tkazikZurich
- tstastnyAuterion
- weblucasETH Zurich
- weixuanzhangETH Zürich