- 4
- 13
Hardware schema
#53 opened by antun008 - 2
Question about formula derivation
#75 opened by SlamCabbage - 3
one problem
#74 opened by liming-jing - 1
hello, i have question about failure case
#73 opened by wnalsqja1 - 3
Velodyne Sesnor Input
#50 opened by zgxsin - 3
How to understand formula 23
#72 opened by PengKunPROO - 1
The VIO ESIKF issues
#71 opened by xiaofafafafa - 2
launch error: doesn't exist
#69 opened by Hjw-Edward - 2
#30 opened by chenxianbo - 1
#70 opened by Cc19245 - 2
- 2
How to save map?
#52 opened by JinRanYAO - 15
Launch error
#25 opened by aditdoshi333 - 5
- 4
Save Lidar or camara trajectory
#55 opened by Camilochiang - 0
fatal error: r2live/States.h
#67 opened by shishiteng - 3
Error when I run the demo.launch
#41 opened by xiaobinbin813 - 2
- 1
question about qRegisterMetaType(QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QVector<int>')
#64 opened by zuowei1998 - 6
R2Live + external IMU
#48 opened by Camilochiang - 7
- 0
How to run on realsense d435i and livox mid-40?
#66 opened by ly-uuu - 5
lio_feat_extract died when using Livox Mid-70
#63 opened by yuhang1008 - 6
- 1
is there any possible for not use ros?
#62 opened by jcyhcs - 1
is there limit for agent speed?
#61 opened by ZYangLu - 1
some problem in "void lasermap_fov_segment()"
#60 opened by guojing-gj - 1
Some questions about feature extraction.
#58 opened by h-k8888 - 1
Intensity channel not available
#57 opened by Camilochiang - 2
Drift in running r2live.
#40 opened by rahulsharma11 - 1
can not understand the formula ”diff_vins_lio_q“
#51 opened by chenxianbo - 9
bad map result
#47 opened by huangsiyuan0717 - 1
Failed to compute a step: Eigen failure. Unable to perform dense Cholesky factorization
#49 opened by zgxsin - 1
DSLR camera
#44 opened by antun008 - 0
- 1
Error at catkin_make
#43 opened by Camilochiang - 1
How to use velodyne lidar data to test r2live?
#39 opened by Liuhao91 - 2
- 6
What is the unit of acceleration in the IMU topic?
#36 opened by nerius59 - 3
Questions about dynamic scenes
#35 opened by zxd123 - 3
will it update to use fast-lio2?
#34 opened by CanCanZeng - 3
some files missing?
#24 opened by rahulsharma11 - 1
Somethings wrong when using my own equipments
#33 opened by GuoPingPan - 1
- 1
#28 opened by vikramkalabi - 0
question about depends version
#32 opened by chengwei0427 - 4
Is it compatible with opencv 4?
#23 opened by aditdoshi333 - 2
How to run on realsense L515?
#22 opened by aditdoshi333 - 1