- 0
- 6
[jsk_perception/vqa_node] No module named 'jsk_perception.vil_inference_client'
#2849 opened by kochigami - 4
- 8
- 2
Build error in Install PCL from source
#2827 opened by Kanazawanaoaki - 11
Kinfuを実行しようとするとFailed to load nodelet [/kinfu]になる
#2828 opened by Kanazawanaoaki - 1
- 0
jsk_perception for arm64 / buster
#2809 opened by k-okada - 2
Sample data cannot be downloaded.
#2807 opened by sktometometo - 8
sample_line_segment_detector not working in noetic
#2757 opened by DuffRumkins - 3
Regression caused by update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf #457
#2685 opened by amirtu - 6
- 1
Where is the `sample_insta360_air.launch `file?
#2783 opened by gyt290811 - 9
jsk_recognition_msgs loaded catkin_virtualenv, but never invoked 'catkin_generate_virtualenv'
#2781 opened by gyt290811 - 6
#2776 opened by sawada10 - 11
[audio_to_spectrogram] spectrum_plot does not work with apt-version matplotlib (?)
#2759 opened by pazeshun - 1
jsk_recognition_msgs needs package.xml format 2 or needs to modify rostest dependency
#2763 opened by kjeremy - 5
PanoramaInfo msg can have image height and width?
#2752 opened by knorth55 - 3
- 3
Coral EdgeTPUHumanPoseEstimator shows doubled bounding box with rect_array_in_panorama_to_bounding_box_array
#2746 opened by knorth55 - 1
EuclideanClustering crashes with cluster_filter=1
#2737 opened by Affonso-Gui - 4
How to Invert a Mask Image?
#2706 opened by Affonso-Gui - 3
RobotToMaskImage doesn't align
#2705 opened by Affonso-Gui - 1
How to evaluate affectively on landscapes
#2700 opened by a-ichikura - 0
How to recognize clothes (and other features) to find people in different direction
#2699 opened by nakane11 - 3
- 2
Error messages from rviz plugin if slightly different timestamps on jsk_recognition_msgs::BoundingBox and jsk_recognition_msgs::BoundingBoxArray
#2693 opened by LukeAI - 0
- 0
template matching で対象の3次元の位置を知りたい
#2675 opened by k-okada - 2
PeoplePoseArray visualizer
#2673 opened by k-okada - 5
- 13
#2660 opened by a-ichikura - 1
name clashing in bounding-box-to-cube.l?
#2662 opened by a-ichikura - 1
add video captioning
#2651 opened by k-okada - 42
- 2
Sample data does not exists
#2631 opened by sktometometo - 4
- 5
Coral TPU USBで認識したものをdeep sort trackerなどでトラッキングしたい.
#2618 opened by knorth55 - 5
With cluster_point_indices_decomposer, a few tf of segmentation_decomposeroutput appear in the reference frame instead of the target frame.
#2594 opened by shmpwk - 4
OutOfMemoryError on my P51s
#2613 opened by k-okada - 2
[jsk_perception] Broken links in
#2595 opened by pazeshun - 1
- 2
What Eigen version should I use?
#2605 opened by bxc237 - 1
some models are removed from google drive?
#2603 opened by knorth55 - 2
Nbin_uF64__jsk_pcl_ros__ubuntu_focal_amd64__binary takes longer than 120 minutes to build
#2592 opened by sloretz - 1
Compile error (RoboStack: ROS+Conda)
#2593 opened by Tobias-Fischer - 12
How to properly install octree voxel grid
#2587 opened by malith1992 - 1
- 0
[jsk_perception] Implementation of new visual tracker
#2590 opened by tongtybj - 1
Release request of 1.2.16
#2584 opened by knorth55