Official ROS drivers for Ouster sensors (OS0, OS1, OS2, OSDome)
- 14
REQUIRED process [ouster/os_nodelet_mgr-2] has died!
#365 opened by retepik - 3
Simulation time in replay mode
#317 opened by JulioPlaced - 7
't' timestamp field content is not plausible
#350 opened by lukasj-imar - 16
#352 opened by James-R-Han - 0
- 1
- 4
Setting `proc_mask` once bricks the driver
#377 opened by themightyoarfish - 9
Problem applying driver_param when executing launch on jetson orin humble
#367 opened by lidarmansiwon - 3
Why does the driver not reinitialize the sensor config when I pass parameters different from the currently active config?
#376 opened by themightyoarfish - 3
- 5
- 2
deprecated declarations
#304 opened by grischi - 4
- 8
Ouster launch in docker
#300 opened by lidarmansiwon - 8
Failed to load nodelet '/ouster/os_node`
#316 opened by ZhangYaoll - 3
- 2
Reconnection to sensor
#332 opened by evehult - 0
Node parameters not parsed correctly when using python composite launch [Foxy]
#324 opened by Imaniac230 - 2
Failed to run /ouster/os_driver
#338 opened by Lin-Yi-Yang - 4
Bug with Ouster in ROS Noetic
#351 opened by yulan0215 - 7
Ros2 humble node not found error
#345 opened by curiousityy - 1
NIR field in point-cloud message
#354 opened by ilansmolySR - 9
- 4
CycloneDDS results in 0s in point cloud
#347 opened by James-R-Han - 4
- 2
- 11
Having trouble launching the sensor's driver in docker and getting messages
#341 opened by SoroushMalekiXP - 1
Replaying a converted pcap file does not send messages to the expected topic
#333 opened by CantLooseToAMoose - 1
- 0
camera_info for images
#342 opened by bracoe - 0
- 2
OS1-28 /ouster/signal_image /camera_info
#298 opened by imdsafi09 - 0
't' (timestamp for point) field is all zero
#331 opened by inwoong32 - 1
Failed to load nodelet '/ouster/os_driver` of type `ouster_ros/OusterDriver` to manager `os_nodelet_mgr'
#329 opened by zhangye1111 - 5
Trouble with launching the nodes through driver.launch and sensor.launch
#325 opened by SoroushMalekiXP - 6
- 5
Lidar points dropped in ros bag record
#306 opened by yashmewada9618 - 3
Show low frequency when recording rosbag or echoing /ouster/points topic & Artifact of ROS driver
#322 opened by SangHunHan92 - 3
Recommended launch for recording and using lidar live.
#314 opened by finostro - 3
Sensor data cannot be received while ping is working (Ros2, Ubuntu 22.04, OS1)
#309 opened by GahyeonLim - 3
Raw lidar packets
#312 opened by ajmorris1 - 0
Calibration problem,Ask for help
#315 opened by Sisyphus-neo - 1
Is the unit of point.t is nanoseconds?
#313 opened by lfwin - 1
Lidar/GPS Synchronisation problem
#311 opened by jiheddachraoui - 1
How can I get an absolute unix timestamp to use for time synchronization with other sensors.
#310 opened by lyxichigoichie - 0
Phase lock angle setup
#308 opened by AbdelrahmanAbdeldaim - 2
How do I change the QOS in ROS2?
#303 opened by tom-bu - 1
The problem of point cloud rotation depending on the installation angle of LiDAR
#307 opened by CYJ00 - 2
Unexpected UDP packet length
#305 opened by james-ward - 1
Where and when is the timestamp generated?
#299 opened by MarioSpeckert