Python implementation of SO2, SE2, SO3, and SE3 matrix Lie groups using numpy or pytorch
- 673402618
- adamnemecektraceoid.ai
- andre-nguyen@trimble-civil-construction
- animebingMetaSota
- bygreencnChina
- caomwAHU
- catree
- chenchr
- Daiver
- dengchengchengAlibaba AI.LABS
- doomzzjuTencent-IEG
- florianblumeTU Berlin
- gdweiSCUT
- inspirit
- ixiaoli
- JiamingSuenZJU-3DV
- JoeMWatsonGermany
- justgos
- lvzhaoyangMeta Reality Lab Research
- mattgiamouUniversity of Toronto
- MaxLikesMathTrojAI
- mc275
- msaroufim@PyTorch
- pangfuminBeihang University (BUAA )
- rising-turtleGrove City College
- RubikplayerNVIDIA
- schneithAutonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zürich
- slamxs
- snooble
- v-mehta
- versatran01Rivian
- volcanohBeijing, China
- wk199
- xiahaaDTU
- YiChenCityUCity University HK
- YvaineNewYork