QP Benchmarks for the ProxQP Solver against OSQP, GUROBI, MOSEK, quadprog and qpOASES
- ahoarauParis
- alexandre-faye
- AndrePatri@ADVRHumanoids, Humanoids and Human Centered Mechatronics - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- austinvishalItaly
- breeder11
- changhai0551SJTU
- ChanJoonSeoul
- CzworldyZhejiang University
- dhruvthankiPensacola, Florida
- fabinschInria, Paris
- facontidavidePicknik
- haodongnjShanghai
- jcarpentInria, Paris
- johnzhang3Carnegie Mellon University
- JuneJulyAugustProgramming
- junzengx14UC Berkeley
- jwdiniusLos Angeles, CA
- keevindohertyMIT
- KY-Lin22Kyoto University
- Leeez
- ManifoldFR@Simple-Robotics
- matheecsCQU ➡️ UWM ➡️ XJTU ➡️ DR ➡️ UR
- mitsui29
- sailuluo
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- stephane-caronInria
- wangfj161
- worasuch
- YorkWestenhaverAlphaFund