- 4
about the input to Suma
#47 opened by Hello-Water - 3
Visualizer not found
#46 opened by laurenzheidrich - 2
some problems in running and using SuMa
#45 opened by zcc00210 - 2
error when ./visualizer
#44 opened by ContinueLopo - 2
Run on custom dataset
#43 opened by jagdishbhanushali - 1
segmentation fault
#34 opened by xdtzzz - 2
- 0
- 3
Error in compilation
#38 opened by Barnonewdm - 1
runtime error
#42 opened by griffin-BC - 1
- 1
- 0
Segmentation fault
#36 opened by JunyuanDeng - 2
Try to understand the file pose.txt
#39 opened by John155 - 5
Docker image for SuMa
#15 opened by HTLife - 29
Segmentation fault
#20 opened by Sun1307010608 - 4
Segmentation fault
#29 opened by jhjun724 - 3
segmentation fault
#32 opened by hungkyun - 9
- 2
Question regarding merging 3 VLP-16
#33 opened by ArghyaChatterjee - 1
- 2
Used in stereo camera
#30 opened by liuzhenboo - 1
Questions on the equation (10) in the paper
#31 opened by Tompson11 - 10
Visualization raises a segment error
#26 opened by zhoupengwei - 2
How to exploit created map ?
#13 opened by jediofgever - 2
CUDA porting
#22 opened by ceccocats - 19
OpenGL Error
#28 opened by Rogers34 - 2
Something about the GlShader::fromCache();
#25 opened by Gatsby23 - 1
How to test on rosbag file ?
#23 opened by Gatsby23 - 2
How to use the simulation_reader ?
#24 opened by Gatsby23 - 8
terminate when running SurfelMap.cpp
#19 opened by qiaozhijian - 1
- 5
Is it possible to add a ros wrapper?
#18 opened by LiShuaixin - 4
How to save poses?
#16 opened by Lyusijie - 6
- 13
- 2
- 10
For other Lidar sensor
#11 opened by xiesc - 5
"1 package failed" when i do catkin build
#9 opened by Lyusijie - 2
- 10
Error: KIT robot model not found
#6 opened by DavidJamesOKC - 6
Unknown CMake command "COMPILE_SHADERS"
#4 opened by xiesc - 7
- 1
OpenGL Error: out of memory(1285)
#1 opened by szm88 - 1
Where to download the .bin file?
#2 opened by hyx007