Allows you to publish the state of a robot (i.e the position of its base and all joints) via the "tf" transform library
- 1
robot_state_publisher start Error
#221 opened by shufujian - 2
- 4
Missing urdf_parser_plugin exec_dependencies?
#187 opened by RiZom-91 - 6
Ros2 foxy symbol lookup error issue
#153 opened by Fricodelco - 0
- 1
#217 opened by sahilsaqi - 2
- 1
[bug] Crash on refresh of robot_description parameter in case there is mimic joint in the original description
#211 opened by doisyg - 3
[ROS2] robot_state_publisher start failed
#198 opened by chenjunnn - 1
Node terminates does not properly at shutdown
#207 opened by GeorgUr - 3
frame_prefix parameter not working
#205 opened by hcdiekmann - 0
Continuous requests to parameter server for tf_prefix with every joint_state message
#200 opened by nlamprian - 2
Python Bindings for Robot State Publisher
#199 opened by geoeo - 3
Not working on Raspberry Pi
#174 opened by 13037639065 - 25
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 10
- 3
Static fixed transforms are not updated with robot_description parameter (Galactic Branch)
#188 opened by Patrick-Lascombe - 1
- 4
Make `ros2` the default branch
#178 opened by sloretz - 2
Catch Exception when parsing invalid urdf
#140 opened by mganglb - 1
- 2
- 5
ROS Noetic `tf_prefix` no longer supported
#147 opened by PedroACaldeira - 11
tf_prefix no longer used in ROS2 node
#125 opened by pbeeson - 6
- 2
[ros2-testing] Unable to locate package ros-rolling-robot-state-publisher
#167 opened by vatanaksoytezer - 4
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Branch robot_state_publisher for Galactic
#162 opened by sloretz - 1
phantom links show up in rviz when using robot_model
#164 opened by griz1112 - 2
[ros2] create duplicate nodes
#163 opened by wep21 - 0
- 2
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ROS2 Dashing tf ignores namespace
#142 opened by joe28965 - 3
Command substitution failing for ros2 branch: rsp-launch-xacro-command-subst.xml
#148 opened by sjauhri - 7
- 2
Create a new release of robot_state_publisher
#133 opened by mgrrx - 1
ROS 2: Properly parse command-line options
#118 opened by clalancette - 7
ROS 2: Switch back to parameter for description?
#119 opened by clalancette - 1
ROS 2: Port the robot_state_publisher tests
#116 opened by clalancette - 1
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Why is there a leading slash?
#128 opened by maxlein - 3
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ROS 2: switch the license back to BSD
#120 opened by clalancette - 1
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Could not load the file sensor_msgs/JointState.h
#110 opened by r-hede