Updated list of frameworks and libraries for iOS, Watch OS and OSX.
- A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects.
- A collaborative list of awesome swift resources
- A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks
- Awesome OSX - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for OSX.
- Awesome Open Source Mac Apps
- Cocoanetics Swift-Examples
- Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- iOS Cookies: A hand curated collection of iOS libraries written in Swift
- List of awesome snippets, plugins, and extras for Xcode
- The best FRP in iOS links.
- Swift Community Best Practices
- WWDC Students - This repository features the lists of WWDC scholarship entrants from each year, beginning in 2014.
- iOS9 day by day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS9-Day-by-Day blog series.
- iOS 9 Sampler - Code examples for the new features of iOS 9.
- Programming iOS Book Example - Downloadable code examples for my books, "iOS 9 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 9" (bk2).
- iOS8 day by day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS8-Day-by-Day blog series.
- iOS8 LevellingUp - A collection of the lesser-known cool things in iOS 8.
- iOS8 Sampler - Code examples for the new features of iOS 8.
- ActivityViewController
- ActionSheet
- AddressBook
- AI
- Alert
- Animation
- Asset Picker
- Audio
- Badge
- Beacon
- Button
- Camera
- Charts
- Checkbox
- CollectionView
- CollectionViewCell
- Color
- Date
- Dynamic Behavior
- Font
- GameplayKit
- Gesture
- Image
- Intro
- Keyboard
- Label
- Loader
- Localization
- Log
- Map
- Metal
- Menu
- NavigationBar
- Network
- PageControl
- Persistance
- PickerView
- Progress Bar
- Pull To Refresh
- Rating
- Routing
- Resource
- ScrollView
- Security
- Segmented Control
- Slider
- Sprite
- Statusbar
- Stepper
- Switch Control
- Tag
- TabBar
- TableView
- TableViewCell
- Text
- Textfield
- Timer
- Toast Notification
- UI Frameworks
- Utils
- Video
- View
- ViewController Container
- ViewController Transition
- WebView
- Window
- JGActionSheet
- LGActionSheet
- REDActionSheet
- RMActionController
- RMPickerViewController
- SGActionView
- WCActionSheet
- XLActionController - Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift 2.
- FloatingActionSheetController - Cool design ActionSheetController library written in Swift2.
- ImagePicker - Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.
- PCRapidSelectionView - Interactive, beautiful & fast UIActionSheet replacement, supports continuous hold & select.
Address Book implementations
- EPContactsPicker - A contacts picker component for iOS.
UIAlertViewControllers, PopUps, PopOvers and ToolTips
- ATAppUpdater - Checks if there is a newer version of your app in the AppStore and alerts the user to update.
- AFMInfoBanner - Easy to use auto-hiding notice bar below Navigation Bar.
- AMPopTip
- BTBalloon
- btSimplePopUp
- CNPPopupController
- CT_PopOutMenu_Demo
- CXCardView
- CZPicker
- DYAlertPickerViewDemo
- ENPopUp
- ExpandAlertView
- GUAAlertView
- JDFTooltips
- JTAlertView
- KLCPopup
- Kamagari
- LGAlertView
- MJAlertView
- MMPopupView
- MODropAlert
- MSAlertController
- NYAlertViewController
- OpinionzAlertView
- RFRateMe - RFRateMe will help you promote your iPhone/iPad app without irritating your users.
- STPopup
- SWBufferedToast
- TAOverlay
- BMInputBox
- DCAlertController
- DOAlertController
- DTIToastCenter-Swift
- EasyTipView
- EZAlertController - Easy Swift UIAlertController.
- Notification-AlertView
- PathDynamicModal
- PermissionScope
- Popover - Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
- SCLAlertView-Swift
- SlideControl - Vertical slide control build with Swift 2.0.
- SLPopupViewController
- SweetAlert-iOS
- Swift-Prompts
- TKSwarmAlert
- UNAlertView
- AZSoundManager
- AnimationEngine
- BAFluidView - This view and its layer create a 2D fluid animation that can be used to simulate a filling effect.
- BFRadialWaveView - Radial wave
- CPKenBurnsView
- CoreGraphicsDynamicAnimation
- confetti
- DrawCircleFrame
- GLMoveToTrashAnimation
- JazzHands
- LearnCube-iOS - An animation practise demo.
- MCSFishEye
- NGAParallaxMotion
- MotionBlur - Add motion blur effect to your animations
- PortalTransition - Inspired by Apple's keynote portal animation, it is an iOS implementation of Portal like UIViewController transition.
- PulsingHalo - iOS Component For Creating A Pulsing Animation. It allows you to create single halo or multiple halos.
- RFRotate
- UIRotatableView
- VENSnowOverlayView - A snowy UIView overlay to make your apps Christmassy!
- DoneHud - Done animation on HUD.
- EasyAnimation - Design and prototype UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- ElasticTransition - A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag.
- Fluent - Swift Animations made Easy.
- IBAnimatable
- JingRound
- KFWatchKitAnimations - KFWatchKitAnimations creates beautiful 60 FPS animations for Watch by recording animations from the iOS. ⌚️
- MTPrivateTrainerAnimation
- PIRipple - Ripple Effect for iOS (swift)
- PowerUpYourAnimations - Sample code from talks on advanced animations: link.
- RazzleDazzle
- RubberBandEffect
- SAConfettiView
- SnowFalling - Snow Falling in Swift.
- Spring - A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
- springdamping - Realtime experimentation with duration, spring and damping for UIView animations.
- UIViewXXYBoom
Apps and tutorials
- Armchair - A simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and OSX in Swift.
- MMWormhole - Message passing between iOS apps and extensions. ⌚️
- Movies
- Partita - A simple instrument tuner app for iOS.
- Subjective-C Tutorials
- bitbar - BitBar lets you put the output from any script/program in your Mac OS X Menu Bar.
- Cherry - Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the Watch. Written in Swift. ⌚️
- Clipinio - Lightweight clipboard manager for OSX.
- Dunk - Dunk is Dribbble client.
- EventBlankApp - A free open source iOS app for events or conferences.
- gulps - Gulps is an open source app for iOS and Apple Watch that lets you keep track of your daily water consumption.
- HighstreetWatchApp - This repository contains an example Highstreet WatchKit app. ⌚️
- JBWatchActivityIndicator - JBWatchActivityIndicator - An easy way to generate activity indicator images for Apple Watch. ⌚️
- Knuff - The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
- NKWatchActivityIndicator - An activity indicator library for Apple Watch and a sample to push the limit of animation in watchOS 2. ⌚️
- OpenSim - OpenSim is an open source alternative for SimPholders, written in Swift.
- Project-RainMan - Open Source Weather App created with Swift.
- ReviewTime - Review Time is an open source app for iOS written in Swift that show the average review times for iOS and the Mac Apps using data crowdsourced from AppReviewTime.
- Tropos - Weather and Forecasts for Humans.
- WatchKit-Apps - Tutorials app for WatchKit. ⌚️
Image, Video, Color, Audio Editors or Pickers
- AssetPicker
- AUMediaPlayer - AUMediaPlayer is a nice high level API for audio and video playback, both from network stream and local files.
- AVAssetResourceLoader - A sample iOS application that demonstrates AVAssetResourceLoader fro AVPlayer.
- CustomImagePicker
- DLFPhotosPicker
- DRColorPicker
- DraggableYoutubeFloatingVideo
- GMImagePicker
- ICGVideoTrimmer
- iImagePickerController
- IQMediaPickerController
- InstagramPhotoPicker
- JMBackgroundCameraView
- JSImagePickerController
- KSHMosaicCamera
- PKImagePickerDemo
- RAScrollablePickerView
- RPMultipleImagePicker
- RSKImageCropper
- Reader - pdf
- SWImageRotation
- TOCropViewController
- TouchGradientPicker
- ZCSAvatarCapture - User avatar editing made nice.
- ALCameraViewController
- BRNImagePickerSheet
- DSFacebookImagePicker
- ImagePicker - Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.
- LiquidLoader - Spinner loader components with liquid animation.
- Videoshader - Script-based real-time video processing technology for OpenGL/iOS
- IQAudioRecorderController
- JSQSystemSoundPlayer
- MVSpeechSynthesizer
- Mume - MumeFM is a music player,Mume is a douban FM 3rd client for iOS.
- SYWaveformPlayer
- VOXHistogramView
- ZLMusicFlowWaveView
- TuningFork - A Simple Tuner for iOS.
Notifications icons
- BBBadgeBarButtonItem
- CustomBadge
- MIBadgeButton-Swift
- PPDragDropBadgeView
- RKNotificationHub
- UIBarButtonItem-Badge
- WZLBadge
- ABFillButton
- APRoundedButton
- BFPaperButton - A flat button inspired by Google Material Design's Paper theme.
- DKCircleButton - Circle button tap effect
- DownloadButton
- FRDLivelyButton
- GBFlatButton
- GUIRoundProgressButton
- HYBubbleButton
- Icomations
- JTImageButton
- KBRoundedButton
- KSMManyOptionsButton - This interface is similar to the interface used when the "Voice recording" and "Camera" buttons are pressed and held in iOS 8's message app.
- PicsLikeControl
- RMSaveButton
- Responsive-Interaction-Control
- SDRecordButton - An animated UIButton subclass, meant to be used as a recording button.
- SwishControl - SwishControl is a category on UIControl for adding sound effects to UIControlEvents.
- TBIconTransitionKit
- VBFPopFlatButton - Flat button with 21 different states and 2 types animated using pop.
- VLDContextSheet - A clone of the Pinterest iOS app context menu.
- YLLongTapShare - Long Tap Sharing control for iOS.
- ZCSHoldProgress - UILongPressGestureRecognizer subclass with some nice (customizable) visual flair.
- btSimpleRippleButton
- ios-multi-back-button - Replacement for the built-in UINavigationController back-button that allows going back multiple levels.
- ANLongTapButton - Long tap button with animated progress bar.
- DOFavoriteButton
- GNTickerButton
- Hamburger Menu Button
- KYShutterButton
- LiquidFloatingActionButton
- MaterialView - Material Floating Button for iOS - Swift
- NPFlipButton
- PlayPauseAnimation
- recordbutton
- RNLoadingButton
- SFlatButton
- TKAnimatedCheckButton
- TKSubmitTransition
- TVButton - Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift).
AVFoundation and CIFaceFeature implementations
- CFMagicEventsDemo
- CLFaceDetectionImagePicker - Live face detection
- Cool-iOS-Camera
- DBCamera
- DSFacialGestureDetector
- IPDFCameraViewController
- JMBackgroundCameraView
- LLSimpleCamera
- PhotoTweaks
- RSCameraSwitchSample
- Smile-Detector-CameraViewController
- SwiftMustaches
- TGLAugmentedRealityView - Augmented Reality made easy -- place overlays on a camera preview and adjust their position depending on device attitude.
- BBStockChartView
- BEMSimpleLineGraph
- BTSpiderPlotterView
- Cool-iOS-Camera
- DGTriangleGraphView
- EChart
- FSLineChart
- HACBarChart
- JBChartView
- JTChartView
- LGFlapJackStackView
- LMGaugeView
- MDRotatingPieChart
- MPPlot
- MagicPie
- NKWatchChart - A chart library for Apple Watch based on PNChart and ios-charts. ⌚️
- PieChar - The source code in this repository should be read along side the blog post on creating an animated Pie Chart.
- RWBarChartView
- SHLineGraphView
- TEAChart
- TWRCharts
- VBPieChart
- VKBarChartView
- ZFPlotChart
- 3DGraph - An interactive Swift 3D Graph.
- APLineChart
- DRDoubleTapButton
- ios-charts
- PNChart-Swift
- ROStorageBar
- SwiftCharts
- swift-linechart
Radio buttons and Checkboxes
- BEMCheckBox - Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box).
- CTCheckbox - Checkbox UI component library for iOS.
- DLRadioButton - A highly customizable Radio Button for iOS.
- LGRadioButtonsView - iOS implementation of radio buttons
- M13Checkbox - A customizeable checkbox for iOS.
- TNRadioButtonGroup - Create easy radio button groups in Objective-C.
- ADLivelyCollectionView - Add custom animations to any UICollectionView.
- AdvancedUserInterfacesUsingCollectionView - Swipe to edit, batch editing including drag reordering, and a sophisticated custom UICollectionViewLayout that features pinning headers, global headers, and loading placeholders.
- AWCollectionViewDialLayout - UICollectionViewLayout for displaying cells in a semi-circle with a nice fish eye effect.
- CollectionViewParallaxScrolling - An implementation of a custom UICollectionViewLayout that demonstrates WhatsApp-style parallax scrolling in a collection view.
- CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout - Parallax, Sticky Headers, Growing image heading, done right in one UICollectionViewLayout.
- DMDynamicWaterfall - UICollectionView Waterfall Layout with UIKit Dynamics.
- EBCardCollectionViewLayout - Horizzontal UICollectionView.
- ERJustifiedFlowLayout - A subclass of UICollectionViewFlowLayout for iOS that supports different types of cell justification and inter-cell spacing.
- FBLikeLayout - This is an UICollectionView layout inspired by the photo section of facebook. This layout loads squared items with randomic full size items.
- HTKDragAndDropCollectionViewLayout UICollectionViewLayout subclass that works together with a custom UICollectionViewCell to provide drag and drop for a UICollectionView.
- HorizontalScrollCell
- JCCollectionViewWaterfallLayout - Support multiple section, and can add headerView and footerView.
- JGTransitionCollectionView
- MJParallaxCollectionView
- MONUniformFlowLayout - A simple flow layout the handles the arrangement of the items in a collection view.
- MTCardLayout - Mimicking the behavior of the Passbooks apps in iOS using a custom UICollectionViewLayout.
- MYNStickyFlowLayout - Drop-in sticky headers and footers for UICollectionView.
- NHBalancedFlowLayout - UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying items of different sizes in a grid without wasting any visual space.
- NVBnbCollectionView - A Airbnb-inspired collection view (parallax).
- PICollectionPageView
- PDKTStickySectionHeadersCollectionViewLayout
- PinterestAnimator - UICollectionView Layout that makes section headers behave like UITableView section headers. Section header views stick to the top of the collection view, over it's section cells.
- RBCollectionViewBalancedColumnLayout - A UICollectionViewLayout that displays your cells in balanced columns.
- RCCPeakableImageView - Implementation of a "peekable" thumbnail image.
- RPSlidingMenu
- StickyCollectionView - UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.
- Stretchy-Collection-View - A demo app of how to use a custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout to create a stretchy collection view just like Evernote does in iOS 7.
- TGLStackedViewController - A stack layout with gesture-based reordering using UICollectionView -- inspired by Passbook and Reminders apps.
- THSpringyCollectionView - A memory and CPU efficient implementation of a collection view with cells that bounce around like they do in the iOS 7 messages app.
- uicollectionview-reordering - UICollectionView with iOS 9 supports easy reordering.
- UICollectionViewWithSearchBar - UICollectionView With SearchBar.
- UIXPackedLayout - UICollectionViewLayout that fits as many cells a possible in either horizontal or vertical slices.
- Voltron - When UICollectionViewCell needs to be a UIViewController.
- VPRubberMenu - UICollectionView - Menu component with 'rubbery' effect inspired by Nike 'Making' application.
- ZOZolaZoomTransition - Zoom transition that animates the entire view heirarchy. Used extensively in the Zola iOS application.
- CKWaveCollectionViewTransition - Cool custom transition between two or more UICollectionViewControllers.
- GooglePlayTransition - Custom transition like Google Play Store Android App. written in Swift.
- Hanabi - UICollectionViewLayout subclass with a focus on UICollectionViewCell content.
- KRLCollectionViewGridLayout - A iOS swift base collectionview with unique animation feature inspired from behance made using UICollectionView.
- KDDragAndDropCollectionView - Dragging and Dropping data across multiple UICollectionViews.
- IOStickyHeader - Parallax and Sticky header done right using UICollectionViewLayout.
- RAMReel - RAMReel is a controller that allows you to choose options from a list.
- RAReorderableLayout - A UICollectionView layout whitch can move item with drag and drop.
- ReorderableGridView-Swift - Reorderable grid view solution implemented with swift.
- SACollectionViewVerticalScalingFlowLayout - UICollectionViewLayout that performs scaling up and down automatically on disappearing cells, and applies UIDynamics.
- Sapporo - Cellmodel-driven collectionview manager.
- ScaledVisibleCellsCollectionView - ScaledVisibleCellsCollectionView is UICollectionView extension. ScaledVisibleCellsCollectionView is Check visible cells position. And setting cell's scale and alpha.
- SKPhotoBrowser
- StickyCollectionView - UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.
- SwiftyCollectionView - Tutorial
- TabbedCollectionView - Multi-page collection view with tab categories.
- ZLBalancedFlowLayout - A UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass that scales items to take up space, optimized for large item set.
- BeanTransitionManager - A Pinterest style segue for expanding UIImageViews into detail views.
- JCBannerView
- UICollectionView-ARDynamicHeightLayoutCell - Automatically UICollectionViewCell size calculating.
Color Pickers, color and style frameworks
- AYSlidingPickerView - Implementation of a picker view that can be shown by either tapping on or panning the navigation bar.
- BFPaperColors - Flat colors taken from Google's Material Design: Paper.
- Chameleon - Chameleon is a lightweight, yet powerful, flat color framework for iOS (Objective-C & Swift).
- DBImageColorPicker - https://github.com/d0ping/DBImageColorPicker
- DKNightVersion - DKNightVersion is a lightweight iOS framework adding night mode/theme to your iOS app.
- FPBrandColors
- ios-material-design
- MSColorPicker
- Rainbow - Rainbow is a ruby gem for colorizing printed text on ANSI terminals.
- UIColor-FlatColors
- UIColor-Pantone
- UIColor-uiGradientsAdditions
- clrex - Simple script to generate UIColor factory methods from clr files.
- Colors - Terminal Colors for Swift.
- DPTheme
- DynamicColor - DynamicColor provides powerful methods to manipulate colours in an easy way.
- flatuicolor
- himbo - A simple iOS App to create mono colored backgrounds. Written in Swift and supporting 3D Touch on iPhone 6s.
- Hue - Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need.
- MaterialKit - Material design components for iOS written in Swift.
- PrettyColors - PrettyColors is a Swift library for styling and coloring text in the Terminal. The library outputs ANSI escape codes and conforms to ECMA Standard 48.
- ProtocolUI - ProtocolUI is a simple helper file providing very basic infrastructure for customizing UI elements via protocol extensions.
- UIColor-Hex-Swift - Convenience method for creating autoreleased color using RGBA hex string.
Date Pickers and Calendars
- BKDateAndTimePickerView
- CLWeeklyCalendarView
- CalendarIOS7
- DPCalendar
- DVDatePickerTableViewCell - Inline/Expanding date picker for table views.
- Day-Date-Picker
- FSCalendar
- HSDatePickerViewController
- JTCalendar
- KDCalendarView
- RDVCalendarView
- RMDateSelectionViewController
- SBFlatDatePicker
- ScheduleKit - ScheduleKit is a new graphical event management framework for Mac OSX that provides a great way to display a set of event-like objects.
- timeLineiOS
- AGGeometryKit-POP
- AIMBalloon
- DDHDynamicViewControllerTransitions - Custom view controller transitions using UIDynamic behaviors.
- DynamicXray
- VBFJellyView - VBFJellyView is a custom view made out using UIKit Dynamics and with a very funny effect when adding behaviours to it.
- DateRangePicker - Date range picker control for OSX.
- Newtons-Cradle - Newtons Cradle - Bearing in Swift using UIDynamicBehavior.
- PhysicsCup
- Font-Awesome-Swift
- FontBlaster - Say goodbye to importing custom fonts via property lists as FontBlaster automatically imports and loads all fonts in your app's NSBundles with one line of code.
- Fontawesome
- GoogleMaterialIconFont - Google Material Design Icons for Swift and ObjC project.
- MaterialDesignSymbol
- SwiftFontName
- BFDragGestureRecognizer
- Jot - Easy way to add touch-controlled drawings and text to images in your iOS app.
- JVTouchEventsWindow - JVTouchEventsWindow is a simple helper framework to display touch events within your projects/apps demos, with easy customization. It really comes handy when you want to show off your app and create a preview video/gif of your app.
- PatternLock
- PJRSignatureDemo - Signature
- SlingshotColorGradient - Select a Pen and Color similar to the way SlingShot does.
- DBPathRecognizer - Gesture recognizer tool [Swift / iOS]
- InceptionTouch - Who needs 3DTouch when you can have InceptionTouch.
- Knock - A simple detector for physical knocks on the back or front of an iPhone.
- LimSignatureView - Signature View in Swift.
- RPModalGestureTransition
- PennyPincher - A fast gesture recognizer based on the PennyPincher algorithm, written in Swift.
- Standard-Template-Protocols - Protocols for your every day iOS needs.
- Tactile - The Swift way to add UIGestureRecognizer and to react to UIControlEvents.
Images and Galleries
- ANBlurredImageView - Subclass of UIImageView for animating the blurring and unblurring of images with a tint color.
- CLImageEditor - CLImageEditor provides basic image editing features to iPhone
- CoverPhotoTwitterExample - Example of blurred expanding cover photo like twitter app.
- Filterpedia - Core Image Filter explorer.
- KVNBoundedImageView - KVNBoundedImageView attempts to keep faces visible and centered in a UIImageView.
- LiveBlend
- Masu - Placeholder
- MDIncrementalImageView - UIImageView subclass that loads the image progressively
- UIView-draggable - UIView category that adds dragging capabilities.
- UIImage-Helpers
- UIImageView_FaceAwareFill - This category applies Aspect Fill content mode to an image and if faces are detected it centers them instead of centering the image just by its geometrical center.
- ARNZoomImageTransition
- DPImageCache - Swift extension for UIImageView. Help loading image asynchronously and store local file cache.
- DPImageGenerator - It's an image generator for default image.
- Haneke - A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
- ImageLoaderSwift
- ImageViewer - An image viewer à la Twitter.
- Nuke - Advanced pure Swift framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images.
- Panorama - 360° panorama view, iOS-
- Panoramic - Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app.
- Panorific - An immersive, intuitive, motion-based way to explore high quality panoramas and photos on an iOS device. Panorific is implemented in Swift.
- PASImageView - Rounded async imageview downloader lightly cached and written in Swift
- SwiftUIImageEffects
- Toucan - Toucan is a Swift library that provides a clean, quick API for processing images.
LaunchScreen, OnBoarding, Splashscreen, WalkThrough
- ABCIntroView - Easy to use onboarding which allows you to introduce your users to the applicaiton before reaching the Main Screen.
- AnimatedLogin - Just a Login view with video in the background alike Vine.
- CBZSplashView - Inspired by twitter bird animation.
- CSWXIBWalkThrough - An Objective-C clone of github/ariok/BWWalkthrough using only XIB files, no storyboards
- ESConveyorBelt - Create nice tutorial pages with parallax and animations with ease
- FFBackgroundParallax
- FeedbackMe - Simply the request for feedback/reviews to your users.
- [GHWalkThrough](https://github.com/GnosisHub/GHWalkThrough
- JMHoledView
- LaunchScreenViewController - iOS View Controller for loading default launch screen in app and maybe to add some animations to it.
- MPCoachMarks
- MYBlurIntroductionView
- Onboard - An iOS framework to easily create a beautiful and engaging onboarding experience with only a few lines of code.
- PICoachmark
- Popsicle - Simple, extensible value interpolation framework
- ProductTour - iOS bubble tutorial to help the user understand your interface.
- SKSplashView - Twitter bird animation
- Surfboard - Surfboard is a delightful onboarding framework for iOS.
- VXWalkthroughViewController - Simple way to add an intro to your app.
- BWWalkthrough - BWWalkthrough is a class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App.
- Gecco - Simply highlight items for your tutorial walkthrough, written in Swift.
- Instructions
- JTSplashView - Create the beautiful splash view with JTSplashView.
- RMParallax - The way to impress users on the first app launch.
- SoundCloudTransition - Custom interactive transition like SoundCloud iOS App.
- SwiftyWalkthrough - The easiest way to create a great walkthrough experience in your apps, powered by Swift.
- TwitterBirdAnimation - Twitter bird animation
- VideoSplash
- Argo - Functional JSON parsing library for Swift.
- Freddy - A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.
- mapper - Another JSON deserialization library for Swift.
- ObjectMapper - Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
- SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
- APNumberPad
- DesireKeyboard - Awesome keyboard for tvOS.
- IHKeyboardAvoiding - IHKeyboardAvoiding is an elegant solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown - no UIScrollView required!.
- IQKeyboardManager - Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView.
- LCNumberInputView
- MMNumberKeyboard - A simple keyboard to use with numbers and, optionally, a decimal point.
- NgKeyboardTracker - Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps.
- PEAR-KeyboardNotification - It is keyboard notification for ios.
- UIViewController-KeyboardAnimation - Working with iOS keyboard demands a lot of duplicated code. This category allows you to declare your animations with smooth keyboard animation timing and write very little code.
- KBKit - Classes to extend UIKit navigation using key commands.
- NaughtyKeyboard
- RFCalculatorKeyboard
- ClearTextLabel - ClearTextLabel is a UILabel subclass that creates a label with see-through text.
- DGDrawingLabel - Label which allows to pre-calculate text layout with a great performance.
- FSDAirportFlipLabel
- JTImageLabel - Simple view which contain a UILabel and a UIImageView which stay side by side, even if you change the alignment of the UILabel.
- Preloader.Ophiuchus - Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters.
- ShadeLabel - A UILabel library that automatically drops shadow if it's backgroundColor or superview's background (if your label backgroundColor is clearColor) get's brighter.
- TOMSMorphingLabel - Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label.
- YetiCharacterLabelExample - UILabel subclass to perform text effects.
- ZCAnimatedLabel
- ActiveLabel - UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
- ASAttributedLabelNode
- KDEDateLabel - UILabel subclass that saves you from refreshing it when using 'time ago' format.
- LTMorphingLabel - Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
- MarqueeLabel - A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text will not fit inside the specified frame.
- ODMultiColumnLabel - A UILabel replacement that renders text on multiple columns.
Loaders and Activity Indicators
- AMTumblrHud
- BLMultiColorLoader - Multi coloured and customisable loading indicator (loader) for iOS applications.
- DGActivityIndicatorView
- ESSSquareProgressIndicator
- FeSpinner
- GMDCircleLoader
- IMGActivityIndicator
- IoGMarquee - A scrolling, repeating text display.
- JTMaterialSpinner
- JTProgressHUD
- KIProgressView
- LGPlaceholderView
- LHLoadingView
- LLARingSpinnerView
- MFLFoldingClock - This is a highly complex animation library for showing numbers changing, be it a countdown, a clock, or a scoreboard. It now allows for any size frame with special affine transforms.
- MGFinderView
- MMMaterialDesignSpinner
- MZLoading
- PQFCustomLoaders
- RFLoader
- RPLoadingAnimation
- RZSquaresLoading
- SCSkypeActivityIndicatorView
- SpinKit-ObjC
- SplittingTriangle
- TSActivityIndicatorView
- VMGearsLoading
- WovenStar
- YRActivityIndicator
- gmail-like-loading
- CircleSlider
- DTIActivityIndicatorView-Swift
- FliudLoadingIndicator
- KOActivityIndicator
- Loader - This library allows you to easily add an FB style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews or collection views.
- MAActivityIndicator
- MFLFillableTextLoader - Loading slash progress indicator based on filling stroked text.
- MediumProgressView
- NVActivityIndicatorView
- ProgressKit - Progress Views for OSX.
- RSDotsView
- SwiftSpinner
- LanguagesManager - An easy way to control manually the language in your application.
- iOS-CustomLocalisator - A custom localisator class which allows to change the app language without having to restart it.
- Laurine - Localization code generator written in Swift.
- CleanroomASL - A Swift-based API for reading from & writing to the Apple System Log (more commonly known somewhat inaccurately as "the console").
- CleanroomLogger
- SwiftyBeaver - Colorful, lightweight & fast logging in Swift 2.
- SwiftLogger
- Watchdog - Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread.
- XCGLogger - A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog or println, but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- APOfflineReverseGeocoding - Offline reverse geocoding library.
- CCHMapClusterController
- DBMapSelectorViewController - This component allows you to select circular map region from the MKMapView.
- DXCustomCallout-ObjC
- FSInteractiveMap - A charting library to visualize data on a map.
- FSRotatingCamera - Class helper that uses MKMapCamera to rotate around a coordinate.
- HACClusterMapViewController
- HACLocationManager
- LFHeatMap
- MRWorldMapView - UIView subclass that displays a world map with selectable countries.
- MapKitDrawing
- SLParallaxController - Create a parallax effect between an UITableView and a MapView, like the view in FourSquare.
- TSClusterMapView
- UIPlacePicker - UIPlacePicker is a UIViewController where the user can pick a location from a map or entering the complete address.
- db_compass - It offers you a way to track the user's location and heading given by a coordinate or an address. Really useful for geolocation AR applications.
- GpxLocationManager - GpxLocationManager is a replacement for CLLocationManager that allows the developer to use GPS data from GPX files or CLLocation arrays for testing.
- SKMapsCenter - Maintain center while zooming.
- SnapLocation - Swift micro-app that snaps your current location and writes it to pasteboard, it also optionally saves a map image in photos.
- ADDropDownMenuView
- AirbnbViewController
- AKLookups - AKLookups class implements a drop-down list for selecting particular value of set.
- AnimatedCircularCollectionMenu
- BAHFourCornersController
- BTNavigationDropdownMenu
- BackMenu
- BlurMenu - A simple iOS menu with blur background. Uses Apple's UIImage+ImageEffects.
- CDSideBarController
- CHAnimation
- CKRadialMenu
- CNPGridMenu - Mailbox style grid menu with a blurred background
- Context-Menu.iOS
- DLWidgetMenu - Versatile solution for displaying widget menus and can easily be extended with custom layouts and/or animations.
- DOPDropDownMenu - Drop down menu like we see on website for iPhone.
- DropMenu
- DropdownMenu
- DropdownViewDemo
- DWBubbleMenuButton
- E84PopOutMenu
- FancyTabBar - Simple menu button that expands to reveal up to 5 sub-menu options.
- IGLDropDownMenu - An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation.
- JVMenuPopover
- JZMultiChoicesCircleButton - Multi choice circle button with cool 3d parallax effect.
- LGFilterView
- LGPlusButtonsView - iOS implementation of Google 'plus button', that shows more options.
- LGSideMenuController
- LMDropdownView - Simple dropdown view inspired by Tappy.
- M13ContextMenu - A Pintrest style context menu for iOS.
- MCSFishEye - The dock-like control for iOS.
- MISDropdownViewController
- MLPresentController
- NGSplitMenuController - Menu Driven Split view controller
- NOCircleSelector
- OECentreMenu - A simple drag and drop solution for an animated menu in the centre of the screen.
- PopMenu - Pop animation menu
- NFXPullTab - Easy way to select ViewController.
- RBMenu
- RGPaperLayout
- RNGridMenu
- SAExpandableButton - Expandable menu for choosing options as seen in the iOS camera app
- SSASideMenu
- SlideMenu3D
- SphereMenu - Fun menu powered by UIDynamicAnimator
- UPStackMenu
- VCFloatingActionButton
- btSimpleSideMenu
- ENSwiftSideMenu
- FlowingMenu - Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift.
- GuillotineMenu
- Hokusai - Swift library that provides a bouncy action sheet.
- JGFlipMenu - Flipping menu system written in Swift. Uses @IBDesignable for quick and easy implementation.
- MarkingMenu
- MediumMenu
- MenuItemKit - MenuItemKit provides image and block(closure) support for UIMenuItem.
- PageMenu - A fully customizable and flexible paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view
- Side-Menu.iOS - Animated side menu with customizable UI.
- SliderPanel
- SphereMenuSwift
- Summflower - Swift implementation to the sexiest sharing icon based on Summly app.
- SvpplyTable - Expandable and collapsable Menu, like Svpply.
- SwiftySideMenu
- fireworks - Fireworks Graphics Demo (OSX/Metal/Swift).
- BFNavigationBarDrawer - A UIToolbar subclass that can easily be displayed below a UINavigationBar, similarly to the playlist view in the Music app.
- BLKFlexibleHeightBar - Create condensing header bars like those seen in the Facebook, Square Cash, and Safari iOS apps.
- BMYScrollableNavigationBar - Facebook-style scrollable navigation bar.
- CRGradientNavigationBar
- CRNavigationController
- DSTransparentNavigationBar - UINavigationBar that allows to set a transparency colors.
- GKFadeNavigationController - A Navigation Controller which supports animated hiding of the Navigation Bar.
- HTKScrollingNavigationController - Scrolling navigation controller for iOS 7.x with slide-up transitions. It uses UICollectionView under the hood and currently supports vertical sliding.
- IHParallaxNavigationController
- IPSqueezableViewController - Condensing effect of navigation bar as the one in Safari App.
- JDFPeekaboo - JDFPeekaboo is a simple class that hides the navigation bar when you scroll down, and shows it again when you scroll back up.
- JXGradientNavigationBar - Custom UINavigationBar subclass with gradient colors on iOS.
- LTNavigationBar - UINavigationBar Category which allows you to change its appearance dynamically.
- NKJPagerViewController - Swipe between ViewControllers like in the Spotify or Twitter app with an interactive Segmented Control in the Navigation Bar.
- RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers
- SMTNavigationBar - Customize iOS Navigation Bar items conveniently.
- SQTShyNavigationBar - A shrinking (shy) navigation bar that automatically adjusts as a user scrolls, with customizable full and shy heights.
- TCTitleLoading - This is a loading in the bottom of navigation bar title area.
- UINavigationController-gamefade
- XHLoadingNavigationItemTitleView
- ZGNavigationBarTitle
- AMScrollingNavbar
- BusyNavigationBar - A UINavigationBar extension to show loading effects above navigation bar's background.
- SAHistoryNavigationViewController - iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. Support 3D Touch.
- TB_TwitterUI
- TinderNavDemo - Tinder-style parallax paging navigation implementation.
- NetworkEye - NetworkEye,a iOS network debug library,It can monitor HTTP requests within the App and displays information related to the request.
- Polymer - Endpoint focused networking.
- SSASwiftReachability - A Swift Library To Track Network Reachability Changes.
- GBPageControl - A page control for SpriteKit based games written in Swift.
- PageMenu - A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram).
- AKPickerView - A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.
- ASDayPicker - Day picker for iOS (iPhone) that resembles the Calendar.app's week view.
- EasyPickersCollection - Collection of simple, extensible, easy to use pickers. Inspired by ActionSheetPicker.
- KDropDownMultipleSelection - Single or multiple selection in dropdownlist.
- KPFontPicker - https://github.com/pahnev/KPFontPicker.
CoreData, SQLite, NSUserDefaults
- APCDController
- ApolloDB - Encrypted JSON
- HardCoreData
- PEAR-CoreDataManager
- XLData
- Aggregate - How to build aggregate data fetch requests using Core Data.
- ALBNoSQLDB - A SQLite database wrapper written in Swift.
- AlecrimCoreData - AlecrimCoreData is a framework to easily access Core Data objects in Swift.
- BNR CoreDataStack - The Big Nerd Ranch Core Data stack.
- CoreStore - Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
- GRDB - SQLite toolkit.
- JSQDataSourcesKit
- QueryKit - A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.
- Pantry - The missing light persistence layer for Swift.
- SQLite.swift - A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
- WACoreDataSpotlight - Automatically index your CoreData objects to CoreSpotlight on iOS 9.
- ACPDownload
- ASProgressPopupView
- BSProgressButton
- CADVoteCountView
- CXCountDownLabel
- CircleProgressBar
- CircularProgressControl
- DAProgressOverlayView
- EAColourfulProgressView
- ITProgressBar-iOS
- JBCountdownLabel
- KVNProgress
- LASIImageView
- LDProgressView
- LLACircularProgressView
- M13ProgressSuite
- MBProgressHUD
- MBSimpleLoadingIndicator
- MRCircularProgressView
- MWKProgressIndicator
- RJImageLoader
- SGNavigationProgress - A category for showing a Messages like progress view on a UINavigationBar.
- SuProgress - iOS-7-Safari-style progress bar under the UINavigationBar for your app.
- TWRProgressView
- TYMActivityIndicatorView
- TYMProgressBarView
- UAProgressView
- UCZProgressView
- VAProgressCircle
- AAPullToRefresh
- AASpringRefresh
- CBStoreHouseRefreshControl
- INBPullToRefresh
- INSPullToRefresh
- JCPullToRefreshView - Supports pull-to-refresh and pull-to-loadmore
- JZRefreshControl
- MJRefresh
- mntpulltoreact - MNTPullToReact is an extended evolution of the famous Pull to Refresh interaction. The main idea comes from a unique question: can the natural pulling gesture do more than just refresh and therefore avoid ugly action buttons that take up precious content space?
- PathCover
- Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS
- PullToRefreshCoreText - PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style
- PullToRefreshWP8 - Simple Pull to Refresh Control for iOS. Inspired by WP8.
- Replace-iOS
- RMEIdeasPullToSortControl
- SSAPullToRefresh
- StargatePullToRefresh
- UzysAnimatedGifLoadMore - Add LoadMore using animated GIF to any scrollView with just simple code
- UzysCircularProgressPullToRefresh -
- ADChromePullToRefresh
- DGElasticPullToRefresh - Elastic pull to refresh compontent developed in Swift.
- GIFRefreshControl
- GearRefreshControl
- MAGearRefreshControl
- PeriscopyPullToRefresh
- PZPullToRefresh
- PocketRefreshControl - tutorial here
- PullRefresh
- PullToBounce
- PullToMakeFlight - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- PullToMakeSoup - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- PullToRefresh - This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations
- Refresher
- TB_PeriscopePTR - tutorial here
- HCSStarRatingView - Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C.
- FloatRatingView - Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift.
Assets code generators
- Misen - Script to support easily using Xcode Asset Catalog in Swift.
- Natalie - Storyboard Code Generator.
- R - Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects.
- ResourceInstantiatable - iOS resources management framework in Swift2.
- SwiftGen - A collection of Swift tools to generate Swift code (enums for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, …).
- ABRouter
- DeepLinkKit - A splendid route-matching, block-based way to handle your deep links.
- JLRoutes
- mobiledeeplinking-ios
- routable-ios
- WAAppRouting
- Compass - Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application.
- IKRouter - URLScheme router than supports auto creation of UIViewControllers for associated url parameters to allow creation of navigation stacks.
- Wayfaring - Routing library for Swift.
- Yukina - In App URL Router (Deep-Linking Framework for Swift).
- RFShortURL - RFShortURL provides free URL redirection service.
Scrollviews and PageControllers
- AppStoreStyleHorizontalScrollView - App store style horizontal scroll view.
- BTGlassScrollView - Inspired by Yahoo Weather App, this easy to use view replicates the look and feel.
- BTInfiniteScrollView*
- CustomScrollIndicator - iOS custom ScrollIView indicator.
- DroppyScrollView - Vertical scroll view with abilty to inserting and removing subviews top or any index with stylish dropping animations.
- DRPageScrollView - Block-driven paginated scroll view.
- EMCarousel
- FeSlideFilter
- MBXPageViewController - A library that allows to have a UIPageController with control buttons.
- JT3DScrollView - ScrollView with custom effects during the scroll for iOS.
- JTNumberScrollAnimatedView - Use JTNumberScrollAnimatedView for have a nice animation for display number.
- KVNMaskedPageControl - A drop-in replacement for UIPageControl that allows seamless transition between different dot styles, one for each page, using a masking effect.
- LGSublimationView
- LTInfiniteScrollView - An infinite scrollview allowing easily applying animation.
- MMParallaxPresenter - iOS Custom UIScrollView Class to display static text / views with a vertical parallax effect.
- MMScrollPresenter
- MPParallaxCollection
- OLEContainerScrollView - A UIScrollView subclass that intelligently handles multiple child scroll views and does not interfere with UIKitʼs cell reuse functionality.
- PACScrollView - UIScrollView with blurry effect on scroll.
- PFTemplates - A scrollview similar to Instagram and 20lines app.
- PHPageScrollView
- SMScrollView
- StrechyParallaxScrollView
- TAPageControl
- ZLSwipeableView - A simple view for building card like interface like Tinder and Potluck.
- ZSeatSelector - Create a cinema seat map Layout.
- CrossNavigation - Any side navigation.
- MXParallaxHeader - Simple parallax header for UIScrollView.
- PBPagerViewController
- PagingMenuController
- valet - Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS or OS X Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- Swift.nV - Security Training Tool that demonstrates common mobile application vulnerabilities using Swift in iOS.
- DZNSegmentedControl - A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl for showing counts.
- ETSegmentedView
- HMSegmentedControl iw.
- ASValueTrackingSlider - A UISlider subclass that displays the slider value in a popup view.
- BubbleWindowSlider
- JAMAccurateSlider - A more accurate replacement for UISlider.
- JMMarkSlider
- MARKCircularSlider - An easy-to-use circular slider.
- MercuryMeter - A simple UIView that displays a horizontal "thermometer", representing a value using two different colors on a rounded line.
- CKSlideView
- ODMSwipeSelector - A value selector for iOS with a swipe gesture.
- TTRangeSlider - A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range.
- GradientSlider
- SnappingSlider - A beautiful slider control for iOS built purely upon Swift.
- SpringySlider
- Orbit7 - Open Source iOS Game created in SpriteKit with Swift.
- SKTiledMap - A TMX TileMap framework for SpriteKit.
- SmoothStatusBar
- UIViewController-ScrollingStatusBar - Category for UIViewController with UIScrollView to scroll statusBar along any UIScrollView subclass.
- AYStepperView
- CMSteppedProgressBar - Custom view as a progress bar with steps.
- Flat-SlideControl
- AHStepperControl - A simple stepper control for iOS.
- GMStepper - A stepper with a sliding label in the middle.
- KWStepper - A stepper control with flexible UI and tailored UX.
- StepSlider
- CMSwitchView
- DVSwitch
- ViralSwitch - UISwitch subclass that 'infects' the parent view with the onTintColor when the switch is turned on.
- JTMaterialSwitch
- Custom-Switch - A custom Switch created with UIViews and UIButtons in Swift.
- DGRunkeeperSwitch - Runkeeper design switch control (two part segment control) developed in Swift 2.0.
- Switcher - Custom UISwitcher with animation.
- TKSwitcherCollection - An animate switch collection.
- AHTabBarController - Using this control is fairly easy. For each tab you want to see in the tab bar you must create an AHTabView instance and set its image and title.
- AXSideButtonTabBarController - Simple tab bar controller with side buttons.
- BFPaperTabBarController
- BKSegmentedViewController
- BROptionsButton
- DMTabBarController
- FoldingTabBar.iOS - Folding tab bar
- GGTabBar
- GUITabPagerViewController
- HTHorizontalSelectionList
- JCSegmentBarController
- JFATabBarController
- LCTabBarController
- NTSlidingViewController
- RDVTabBarController
- RKTabView
- SWGradientTabBar
- VMTabbarCustomize
- XLPagerTabStrip
- ZRScrollableTabBar
- animated-tab-bar
- scrollableTabbar
- Animated-Tab-Bar
- GooeyTabbar
- XLPagerTabStrip - Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
- MHImageTabBar
- ScrollPager
- SwiftPages
- AFSwipeToHide - Hide your toolbars with a swipe. Just like Safari for iOS.
- ALCollapsableTableView - Expanding/Collapsing TableView Sections.
- AMHEditableTableView - Reorderable UITableView.
- AMScrollingNavbar - Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView.
- AMWaveTransition - Custom transition between viewcontrollers holding tableviews.
- ANBlurredTableView - It is implementation of view allowing navigation between views like in iOS 7 Weather App.
- APPaginalTableView
- AVLighterTableViewController - LighterTableViewController Swift.
- BRFlabbyTable - Bouncy and distorded table view cells.
- CFSSpringTableView - This UITableView Subclass makes your table view looks like its cells are connected to each other by springs.
- CRPaddyTableView - A TableView with animations like the Message App.
- DZNEmptyDataSet - A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display.
- Doppelganger Array diffs as collection view wants it.
- ENFooterActivityIndicatorView UITableView's
footer activity indicator
. - FSParallaxTableView - Parallax effect for images in table view cells.
- HFStretchableTableHeaderView - Stretchable TableHeaderView for iOS.
- HPReorderTableView - Drop-in UITableView replacement to reorder cells with long press on any part of the cell.
- HVTableView - UITableView with expand/collapse feature (fully animatable).
- JGCustomSelection A selection controller made with combinitation of UITableView and UICollectionview.
- KNPathTableViewController - UITableViewController with customizable overlay panel while scrolling.
- MGSpotyViewController - Beautiful viewController with a tableView and amazing effects like a viewController in the Spotify app.
- MMTransitionEffect - Transition Effect.
- NewsCommentLayout - The NewsCommentLayout mimic a layout of Netease client.
- OCBorghettiView - OCBorghettiView is an easy to use accordion view component for iOS.
- PADTiltViewController - PADTiltViewController adds device tilt capability to one directional scroll views on iOS.
- ParallaxTableViewHeader - Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled.
- RATreeView
- RNRippleTableView - A custom table view with highly detailed ripple animations.
- RRNCollapsableSectionTableView
- SJDataTableView - It moves vertically and horizontally Table.
- SKStatefulTableViewController - UITableviewController subclass that supports pull-to-refresh, load-more, initial-load, and empty states.
- StackTableView - UITableView with stack animation.
- StickyHeaderView - TableView HeaderView which sticks to the top and stretches when you pull down.
- StretchTableHeaderViewDemo - Provide a stretch table header view on which you can put a grid of buttons. Perform subtle animations when scrolling.
- TFStackingSectionsTableView
- TMOTableView - TMOTableView includes RefreshControl LoadMoreControl FirstLoadControl, and you can customize it.
- TQTableViewCellRemoveController
- TwitterPaggingViewer - A twitter like navigation bar, page viewer.
- YUTableView - UITableView which adds expandable sub-menu support to it.
- AccordionTableViewController - Accordion UITableViewController component based on Apples's example.
- COBezierTableView - UITableView modification written in Swift where cells are scrolling in an arc defined by a BezierPath.
- ConfigurableTableViewController - Typed, yet Flexible Table View Controller.
- MBTwitterScroll - Recreate Twitter's profile page scrolling animation for UITableView and UIScrollViews.
- OptionalEmptyTableViews
- QuickRearrangeTableView
- SAStickyHeader - A very simple sticky header with multiple image support via swipe gestures.
- Static - Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
- TableView-PullToRefresh
- ABMenuTableViewCell - UITableViewCell right menu, shown by ''swipe to delete' gesture.
- AMBTableViewController - Storyboard and Prototype Cells-centric block-based UITableView controller to manage complex layouts.s
- ASOXScrollTableViewCell - Horizontal Scroll Table View Cell
- BFPaperTableViewCell - UITableViewCell for iOS inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- BKZoomView - A UIView that will zoom into its parent view.
- DRCellSlideGestureRecognizer - Make your cells actionable through swipes.
- DiceTableViewCell - A Parallax TableViewCell like the Dice app.
- HTKDynamicResizingCell - Subclassed UITableView/UICollectionView cells that will auto calculate their size so long as AutoLayout constraints are applied correctly. For iOS 7+. Works similar to how iOS 8's auto sizing of cells work.
- JASwipeCell - iOS 8 Mail Inspired.
- JBParallaxCell
- MGSwipeTableCell - An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
- MMTableCellAnimation
- SWRevealTableViewCell - Swipe.
- SWTableViewCell - Swipe
- WCFastCell - A drop-in replacement for UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell which draws contents using CoreGraphics. Seamless integration with nibs provided.
- iOS8SelfSizingCells - This is instagram app feed tableView demo use iOS8 Self Sizing Cells.
- tableviewslide - Table view slides effect.
- YMSwipeTableViewCell
- ExpandableTableView * ExpandingStackCells - Expanding table view cells using `UIStackView in iOS 9.
- folding-cell
- MCMHeaderAnimated - Animation between list and detail views.
- SBGestureTableView - Swift UITableView subclass that supports swiping rows ala Mailbox and long press to move rows.
- WobbleView - Wobble effect.
tags and tokens
- ANTagsView - This is the dynamic view to add and display hash tags in iOS Applicaitons.
- CLTokenInputView - A replica of iOS's native contact bubbles UI.
- HKKTagWriteView - The smart input custom view for Evernote app style tagging.
- iOS-Stepper-UI - This is a custom stepper control for iOS apps. This has been written with Objective-C.
- JCTagListView - Support delete tags and settings tags color.
- PARTagPicker - This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr.
- ZFTokenField - iOS custom view that let you add token view inside like NSTokenField.
- TagListView - Simple but highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
- RRTagController - RRTagController allows user to select tag and create new one.
- UITags
NSAttributedStrings, TextKit and UITextView
- EMString - A simple category on top of NSString using HTML's markup system to abstract the NSAttributedString API.
- HBVLinkedTextView - UITextView subclass that executes a block when a user taps a specified word or phrase..
- ImgGlyph - ImgGlyph for iOS is a collection of drop-in replacements for UILabel and UITextView that allow for font-sized in-line images (image glyphs) by auto-replacing specified strings with specified images.
- issue-5-textkit - A little demo application showing off some features of the new TextKit classes in iOS 7.
- LTTextView
- SlackTextViewController - A drop-in UIViewController subclass with a growing text input view and other useful messaging features.
- SWCrawlView - Open source repo for interactive Star Wars Crawl View, as close to theatrically accurate as possible.
- ZSSRichTextEditor - A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view.
- VerticallyScrollingStatusView - A subclass of UIView that shows vertically scrolling status messages.
- Wonderful
- WPAttributedMarkup - Simple utility category that can be used to easily create an attributed string from text with markup tags and a style dictionary.
- YALField - Custom Field component with validation for creating easier form-like UI from interface builder.
- BezierString - Rendering NSAttributedStrings along arbitrary UIBezierPaths.
- YYText - Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.
- RealtimeGradientText - Gradient Text in Real.
- Splitflap - A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications.
Textfields and Forms
- AFViewShaker
- BZGFormField - Text field with a validity indicator.
- Bohr - Settings screen composing framework.
- CBTextFieldView
- CKTextField - Enhanced UITextField, with improved visuals for a sweet UX.
- GDSMSSplitter - Objective-C classes designed to split a string into a sequence of short messages close to the international standard of SMS messaging.
- GrowingTextViewHandler-objc - An NSObject subclass to handle resizing of UITextView as the user types in.
- IQDropDownTextField - TextField with DropDown support using UIPickerView.
- JDFCurrencyTextField
- JMFormDescription
- JOTextField
- JVFloatLabeledTextField - UITextField subclass with floating labels.
- KMPlaceholderTextView - A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.
- MAFormViewController
- MHTextField - UITextField extension with built-in toolbar, validation and scrolling support.
- MMTextFieldEffects - Extension of TextFieldEffects with Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Objective-C.
- PAYFormBuilder
- RDRGrowingTextView - Auto Layout backed growing UITextView.
- SingleLineInput - A single line textfield implementation with Float Label Animation.
- TSCurrencyTextField - UITextField subclass for ATM-style currency input.
- TextFieldValidator
- validateIt - Validation Library for IOS apps.
- AutocompleteField - Add word completion to your UITextFields.
- EGFloatingTextField - Implementation of Google's "Floating labels" of Material design.
- FloatLabelFields
- Former - Former is a fully customizable Swift2 library for easy creating UITableView based form.
- LTBouncyPlaceholder
- ParkedTextField - A text field with a constant text/placeholder.
- SwiftyFORM - Form framework for iOS written in Swift.
- SwiftForms - A small and lightweight library written in Swift that allows you to easily create forms.
- TextFieldEffects - Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift.
- VMFloatLabel - Swift based UITextField subclass with floating labels.
- DDHTimerControl
- JSKTimerView
- KPTimePicker
- MZTimerLabel
- PeekInspiredTimePicker
- TimeScrubber
- WMGaugeView
Toast Notifications and message bars
- APToast
- Alert
- CRToast
- CSNotificationView
- GSMessages
- HDNotificationView
- HMAMessageViewManager
- IIShortNotificationPresenter
- JFMinimalNotifications
- KODropdownNotification
- KSToastView
- LNNotificationsUI
- MGFashionMenuView
- MPGNotification
- NgNotificationProxy
- SAWaveToast - Show text with wave animated background and floating animation.
- SlideInView
- TWMessageBarManager
- UIUserNotificationSettings-Extension
- AZNotification-Swift
- BRYXBanner
- CWStatusBarNotification
- DPNotify - DPNotify used to send short notifications on screen simple & quickly for iOS developing using Swift.
- Dodo
- Hermes
- iOSNotificationBanner
- NavigationNotice
- Notie - In-app notification in Swift, with customizable buttons and input text field.
- PeriscommentView - Showing comments like Periscope.
- SwiftyDrop
- Toast-Swift - A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
- Whisper
- Material - A beautiful graphics framework for Material Design in Swift.
- BugReportKit
- CZWeatherKit - A Simple Cocoa Weather Library.
- DBPrivacyHelper - Quick tool to explain the right place to enable your privacy settings.
- HelperLibrary - The HelperLibrary framework is a static library iOs simple that contains all the implementation of the silly and repetitive work you have to do every time you create a new iOS / OSX project.
- MBObjectPoolManager - MBObjectPoolManager is best way to reuse your objects in your project. You can save a memory reusing objects.
- ORSSerialPort - Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps.
- SmileWeather - A library for Search & Parse the weather data from Wunderground & Openweathermap conveniently.
- APTargets - Adding UIControl targets, the right way.
- Async - Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch.
- Butterfly - A lightweight library for integrating feedback module.
- Caramel - A portable I/O framework for Swift.
- Cast Free Arithmetic in Swift
- Chronos-Swift - GCD Utilities.
- DCDirectoryWatcher - A lightweight class for monitoring directory changes on iOS.
- Device - Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- Diamond - Swift scripting made easy.
- ExSwift - A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
- EZSwiftExtensions
- FileBrowser - Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift.
- FolioReaderKit - A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
- Format - A Swift 2 formatter kit. Simple formatting syntax for decimal numbers, currency, addresses, ordinal numbers and hexadecimal colors.
- Fuzi - A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift that makes your life easier.
- Ji - XML/HTML parser for Swift.
- KGNAutoLayout - Making AutoLayout Easy.
- Laconic - Short and clear expressions in Swift.
- Localize-Swift - Swift 2.0 friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching.
- Luminescence - HTTP parser for Swift 2 (Linux ready).
- Mirror - Swift objects Reflection API.
- Money - Swift value types for working with money & currency.
- NSData-GZIP - NSData+GZIP.swift is an extension of NSData written in Swift 2.0. It enables compress/decompress gzip using zlib.
- OCR-Demo-with-IDOL-OnDemand - Converting Images into text by using HP's IDOL OnDemand service - iOS app which is written with Swift.
- PermissionScope - Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API.
- phonenumberkit
- Proposer - Proposer provides a simple API to request permission for access Camera, Photos, Microphone, Contacts, Location.
- QuickActions - Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions (App Icon Shortcuts).
- RateLimit - Simple utility for only executing code every so often.
- Reachability.swift - Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures.
- Regex - A Swift µframework providing an NSRegularExpression-backed Regex type.
- Run - A Swift Wrapper for Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Framework that supports method chaining.
- SnapKit - A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X.
- Solid - New way to work with arrays in Swift.
- Sugar - Sugar is a sweetener for your Cocoa implementations.
- swift-algorithm-club - Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!.
- SwiftCGRectExtensions - A collection of CGRect, CGPoint and CGSize convenience functions for Swift.
- SwiftCop - SwiftCop is a validation library fully written in Swift and inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations.
- SwiftDate
- SwiftFilePath - Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.
- SwiftyRegex - Linux compatible regex framework written in Swift.
- SwiftShell-Swift2.0 - A Swift framework for shell scripting.
- SwiftString - SwiftString is a lightweight string extension for Swift.
- SwiftySwift - Collection of useful extensions for Swift types and Cocoa objects.
- Swiftz - Functional programming in Swift.
- Transporter - Transporter is a modern finite-state machine implemented in pure Swift.* StampIcon - Mac command line tool to imprint a text banner over a PNG icon, written in Swift.
- UnchainedString - Extensions for Swift Strings on Linux until the Foundation classes are up to speed.
- Verbose - Text generator written in Swift.
- Versions - Helping you find inner peace when comparing version numbers in Swift.
- Warehouse - You can use easily NSFileManager.
- Zip - Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
- Eleven - Eleven Player is a simple powerful video. player.use ffmpeg.
- VideoCover - A video background example for iOS.
- HTY360Player - A 360° video player for iOS.
- mobileplayer-ios - A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS.
- Periscope-VideoViewController - Video view controller with Periscope fast rewind control.
- AFBlurView
- AMDraggableBlurView
- CRMotionView - A custom photo viewer that implements device motion scrolling, inspired by Facebook Paper.
- CRPixellatedView - UIView subclass with a pixellated animation inspired by Facebook's Slingshot app.
- Circular-PickerView
- DBImageView
- ExpandableHeaderView It tries to reproduce the behaviour that you can find on Twitter app, profile section, when the user scrolls down that section, the header is expanded and blurred.
- ETFoursquareImages
- HATransparentView - UIView subclass based on Rdio stations menu.
- HATransparentView
- IQFeedbackView - Feedback/BugReport iOS control.
- JSWheelView - Wheel Control View.
- JTFadingInfoView - JTFadingInfoView is google's material design like notification view with smooth fade in/out animation features, based on UIButton subclass.
- JZStackedView
- LazyFadeInView
- LCBannerView - A very popular and highly customized banner view.
- M2DRibbonView - Ribbon shape view
- MABCardsView
- MMPulseView - A simple view to show circle pulse repeatly.
- MSLiveBlur
- NFXBubblePoolView
- NORosettaView
- PWParallaxScrollView
- SKPanoramaView - Create beautiful animated panorama views. Inspired by the intro view on the LinkedIn iOS app.
- SSUIViewMiniMe - A miniature replica of your UIView with an indicator of your location.
- TGDrawSvgPathView - IOS helper class to draw animated paths from SVG files
- TwitterCover - TwitterCover is a parallax top view with real time blur effect to any UIScrollView, inspired by Twitter for iOS.
- TWRBorderedView - A custom UIView subclass to easily turn on drawing of each single border on a view.
- UIView-Easing
- UIView-Shake - UIView category that adds a shake animation like the password field of the OSX login screen.
- XMCircleType - XMCircleTypeView is a UIView that allows you to display an NSString as a cicular text. Is will take font kerning into account, so no weird spacings.
- core-background - set of Objective-C classes inspired by the iOS Yahoo Weather App. It provides iOS location-based Flickr backgrounds with Gaussian blur light effects for iPhone.
- AbstractView - A simple UIView subclass that you can use as a background view.
- AHKBendableView - UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position change is animated
- AvatarView
- Blurable
- CCMRadarView - Waves of the radar
- ColorDebugView - Simple NS/UIView which can be used to quickly get a view on the screen when roughing out layouts/animations.
- HolyView - Custom view with transparent circle hole and title/button subview.
- jmcrainbow
- Kingfisher - Kingfisher is a lightweight and pure Swift implemented library for downloading and caching image from the web.
- Koloda - KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- MaterialCardView
- MPParallaxView - Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift.
- Shimmer
- SingleLineShakeAnimation - Shake a view with a single line of code with a non-intrusive extension for UIView, with good support for accessability, written in Swift.
- SVGSpriteView - Subclass of UIView where is possible render SVG Sprites.
- TB_CustomUIElement - Implementing custom UI elements with IBDesignable. Enjoy the full tutorial
- Twinkle - Twinkle is a Swift and easy way to make any UIView in your iOS app twinkle.
- VideoThumbView - Video Thumb ScrollView.
- ALAccordion
- ARSlidingPanel
- CBHazeTransitionViewController
- FlexSlidingView
- JRSplitVC - UISplitViewController with adaptative layouts.
- LGSemiModalNavController - Show a view controller a dynamically set height over another view controller.
- MCCardPickerCollectionViewController - A card collection view controller inspired by Facebook People you may know.
- SSStackedPageView - Stacked Views paged on top of each other, inspired by iOS 7 Reminders and iOS 7 Passport.
- SemiModalNavigationController
- SCTrelloNavigation - An iOS native implementation of a Trello Animated Navagation.
- tispr-card-stack - Card Stack in Swift for iOS8+.
- VisibleFormViewController - An extended UIViewController allowing to not hide the content behind the keyboard opened.
- VVBlurPresentation - A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one.
- XLSlidingContainer
- ZoomTransition - An easy to use interactive zoom transition for presenting view controllers onto a navigation stack.
- CarbonKitSwift - CarbonKit is an OpenSource iOS library that includes powerful and beauty UI controllers.
- EZSwipeController
- interactiveplayerview - Custom iOS music player view.
- MCPanelViewController - Drop-in panel control.
- SIFloatingCollection_Swift - SIFloatingCollection is a component that provides logic similar to Apple Music genres selection.
- StackPageView
- Timeline - Timeline like the Path iOS app.
- TransitionTreasury - Easier way to push your viewController.
UIStoryboardSegue, View Controller Transitions
- AFBlurSegue
- AFPopupView
- AMSlideMenu
- ARTransitionAnimator
- BWTitlePagerView - Recreate the Twitter navigation controller pager.
- CBHazeTransitionViewController - A small clone of Haze's beautiful transition view.
- CBStoreHouseTransition - A custom transition inspired by Storehouse iOS app, also support pop gesture.
- CircleTransition
- FGDynamicsTransition
- HYAwesomeTransition
- ICSDrawerController
- JTMaterialTransition
- JVTransitionAnimator
- LHMaterialDesign
- LicensingViewController - UIViewController subclass with a simple API for displaying licensing information.
- LTSlidingViewController - Sliding ViewController allowing custom transition
- MRFlipTransition
- MSDynamicsDrawerViewController
- octagonTransitioning
- PanToBack
- RASlideInViewController
- REFrostedViewController
- RGCardViewLayout
- RMStepsController
- RNBlurredSideViewController
- SAInboxViewController - UIViewController subclass inspired by "Inbox by google" animated transitioning.
- SCPageViewController
- SJStackNavigation
- SLPagingView - A navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like.
- Sidebar-Reveal-Taasky
- StarWars.iOS
- STPTransitions - Unified, easy API for custom iOS view controller transitioning.
- TransitionsPlayground
- TB_InteractiveTransitions
- TWTSideMenuViewController
- VCTransitionsLibrary - A collection of iOS7 animation controllers and interaction controllers, providing flip, fold and all kinds of other transitions.
- YFCardTransitions
- YSLContainerViewController
- YSLTransitionAnimator
- ZFDragableModalTransition - Custom animation transition for present modal view controller.
- ZOZolaZoomTransition
- DAExpandAnimation - A custom modal transition that presents a controller with an expanding effect while sliding out the presenter remnants.
- ISScrollViewPageSwift ScollView with UIViewController
- MusicPlayerTransition
- QZCircleSegue - Beatiful transition between circular-shapped buttons and your View Controller.
- RadialTransition_swift - Great iOS radial (circle) animation transition for navigation controller, with custom back swipe. (swift).
- SlideMenuControllerSwift
- SwiftPagingNav - A Twitter-like navigation bar and page viewer written in Swift.
- TransitionManager - Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations.
- TLMetaResolver - TLMetaResolver is an extension to UIWebView writen in Swift that adds the ability to parse the meta tags in the loaded web page and extract information about a native app that can be deep linked from that page.
- ATTutorialController - A tutorial controller ready to use. Uses its own UIWindow.
- LNWindowManagerExample - A window manager that makes working with UIWindow objects easily using an API similar to the UIViewController modal presentation API.
- appresizer - AppResizer allows you to change the width of the main window, thereby checking if your app renders correctly on all devices.