- bigMeaoRobotics
- brunoeducsantosCapgemini Engineering
- dsonyyAGH Space Systems
- emersonknapp@BonsaiRobotics
- fengwh123
- Galto2000Washington DC
- gstavrinos@roboskel, NCSR Demokritos
- handcraftedcode1Phoenix, AZ
- hooramMunich, Germany
- hoser21
- ichatzinikolaidisCambridge, UK
- iftahnafLulav.Space
- jackstarred
- l-schilling
- leander-dsouzaUniversity of Sheffield
- lvruichenShenZhen, China
- MartinNievasCIII - Centro de Investigación en Informática para la Ingeniería (UTN - frc)
- MavrikantESEN
- meetm473Earth
- mext169
- newcanopiesLuxembourg
- NickoDemaRobotics Research Engineer | StarLine
- nixwang
- pulver22@LCAS
- snrdevsTAI
- sumedhsvijayIndia
- threeal@lumina-inc
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- trishantroyArizona State University
- TurtleZhongBeijing Institute of Technology
- wxmerktUniversity of Oxford
- xiazhenyu555西北工业大学
- yaxianfan
- zhangs970430
- zmk5@sandialabs and Sol Robotics
- zzzhpzhp