- 8
- 0
DexNet adversarial objects链接失效
#55 opened by SDKBig - 0
GPG representation to grasp net
#54 opened by silver380 - 2
#14 opened by yimingli1998 - 13
- 0
#53 opened by biosbeta - 2
#26 opened by JingKangSun - 0
- 1
rect_label contains only 120 scenes
#49 opened by SnallQiu - 2
Install graspnetAPI Error and tmp Solution
#48 opened by Hermanye996 - 2
sklearn is now deprecated
#43 opened by clin-nexera - 0
Objects used in Scene 188 and 189 declared as 'novel' are part of 'similar' and 'seen' split
#47 opened by best3125 - 2
#46 opened by upc-ghy - 1
#44 opened by bjutlss - 4
- 1
#41 opened by shineYuSong - 1
Grasps of object
#40 opened by AlfaLegion - 1
loadGrasp method does not return best grasps
#39 opened by paolotron - 1
#38 opened by mccandless - 0
I see the maximum pixel value in depth of graspnet 1 billion is more than 255, why?And then how can i normalize it to 0~1?thank you very much.
#37 opened by meiguiz - 5
How to generate a GraspGroup for evaluation
#35 opened by Junyu-Zhu - 11
Reproducing results of GGCNN on GraspNet
#30 opened by Merlyy - 2
- 2
Missing close.jpg in mtl for object 68
#34 opened by Jiayuan-Gu - 1
how to translate the depth.png to depth.npy
#36 opened by meiguiz - 0
#31 opened by Pamyuu - 1
RAM Memory usage during evaluation
#25 opened by FrancescoRosa3 - 7
suction 1 billion
#22 opened by trungpham2606 - 1
o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) RuntimeError
#28 opened by cww97 - 1
Rect Label: Score
#27 opened by MicheleOliva - 1
#24 opened by DLYL2019 - 1
in grasp_eval, when k+1 > len(score_list)
#20 opened by cww97 - 1
#23 opened by Puppet097 - 2
Question about rectgrasp dataset
#21 opened by June-Jo - 2
I have read the graspnet evaluation part (grasp annotated data generation), and the grasp generation part is using DEXNET. I am wondering if it can be changed to graspnet-baseline when the my model (trained) is mature later.
#15 opened by gzchenjiajun - 1
convert Grasps between ann_ids
#17 opened by cww97 - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
convert rect -> 6d faild
#12 opened by cww97 - 13
confused about rect labels
#11 opened by cww97 - 2
sth about rectGrasp -> evaluation
#10 opened by cww97 - 6
- 1
I successfully test rectangle-graspnet-multiObject-multiGrasp, how could I get the ap evaluation result on your paper
#8 opened by cww97 - 2
exam_convert.py有两个img show,第二个炸了
#7 opened by cww97 - 1 未成功 warning缺少ros依赖?
#5 opened by cww97 - 1
#4 opened by cww97 - 1 缺少 dexnet
#6 opened by cww97 - 1
loadScenePointCloud: RuntimeError
#3 opened by cww97