This package implements a simple tree detector from point cloud data. It makes no assumptions about the ground plane and can handle arbitrary terrains.
- ahandsomeperson
- alanpapaliaMIT
- andre-nguyen@trimble-civil-construction
- antis0007
- BabylonehyTianjin University
- bkocisData Scientist @ Check24
- brunoeducsantosCapgemini Engineering
- cranklerHIT / HITSZ / SUSTech
- crNewton
- DreamWaterFoundShanghai Jiao Tong University
- EORez
- FrankBu0616@FAR-Lab
- FreeecodeChengdu , China
- Gatsby23SJTU
- grafotekaSpain
- GreKro
- hooramMunich, Germany
- keevindohertyMIT
- kmartinag
- liucsg
- mamariomiamoNational University of Singapore
- mfkiwl
- nethdecoSeaos Inc
- Qingq-liUniversity of Turku
- saikishorPAL Robotics S.L
- SigveMartinSkogli digital
- sunsided@median-kliniken
- takeyamayuki@CyberAgentAILab
- Tomato1107Okayama University
- TouchDeeperSouth China University of Technology
- vault2022
- wangyunpeng139Shanghai
- yanliang-wangHarbin Institute of Technology, Shen Zhen
- YinqiangZhangThe University of Hong Kong
- zhj888888student
- zhulz