- 145594
- alexandrosdmsPatras, Greece
- arlk
- caozh502
- ClarkZha
- deksprime@soar-robotics
- dongheeEunpa Industries
- dronewarrior
- EleonF
- frontwRaccoonLab
- godhj93Autonomous System Laboratory UNIST
- huiyue
- junzengx14UC Berkeley
- LiuQiangBlogWuhan
- mamariomiamoNational University of Singapore
- michaelchi08MCKC
- Norton-z
- PathetiueSun Yat-sen University
- perfume
- puffyq
- SJWang2015
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- sujayt123
- sunhaoshui
- SwiftGustSeoul, Korea, Republic of
- tiralonghipol
- tizianofiorenzaniAerovironment
- USE-jx
- USTfgaoaaZhejiang University
- wxmzerone
- XYvven
- yun-longRPG
- YvonneoO
- ZbyLGscSun Yat-sen University, China
- zhujiangchaoZhejiang University