- 18
- 3
deploy_test_PyPI action broken
#239 opened by traversaro - 5
iCubLisboa01 - updated model
#236 opened by plinioMoreno - 11
Load iCub URDF models in MuJoCo
#155 opened by traversaro - 10
Disalignment between iCub 2.* models (such as iCubGazeboV2_5) and real iCub 2.* models regarding analogServer devices publishing information on /icub/<...>/analog:o ports
#198 opened by traversaro - 6
iCub Model Collapses in Compliant Interaction Mode with Velocity Control mode
#114 opened by Woolfrey - 15
MATLAB's analyticalInverseKinematics - Problems with iCubGazeboV2_6 URDF
#227 opened by AlessandroT99 - 19
- 6
- 1
Add models for all iCub supported in robots-configuration (i.e. not in icebox) as of January 2024
#228 opened by traversaro - 18
`iCubGazeboV*` doesn't work with YARP 3.8 (YARP master as of October 2022) NWS/NWC
#171 opened by pattacini - 0
[iCubGenova11] Remove FT sensors in the legs
#229 opened by traversaro - 0
Warning when loading the model in urdfdom-py
#225 opened by traversaro - 0
Cannot reset the robot in simulation when using DART
#224 opened by Nicogene - 0
iCub 2.7 models do not have the xsens IMU
#223 opened by traversaro - 1
- 6
- 0
Windows CI Failure End of October 2023
#216 opened by traversaro - 1
Simulated finger hall effect sensors for iCubGazeboV2_5_visuomanip have wrong port names
#214 opened by xEnVrE - 1
Name of joint "*_hand_finger" differ between simulation and the real robot iCubGazeboV2_5_visuomanip
#210 opened by PasMarra - 2
Find a way to pass options to configuration files without modifying configuration files
#212 opened by traversaro - 3
Old configuration files - presumably not used
#185 opened by xEnVrE - 0
Triangles 43 and 46 of lower right leg skin swapped
#200 opened by BoPot - 6
- 4
- 2
Cannot find all robot models after #186
#189 opened by xEnVrE - 0
Add CI check to verify that package.xml and CMakeLists.txt have the same version
#187 opened by traversaro - 5
- 11
Create iCubGazeboV3_visuomanip
#169 opened by traversaro - 3
- 0
Align iCubGenova09 and iCubGazeboV3 configurations
#175 opened by traversaro - 1
Failure in Ubuntu apt CI end of September 2022
#172 opened by traversaro - 4
- 3
Strange IMU Behaviour in Simulation
#152 opened by SimoneMic - 4
iCubGazeboV3 - joint limits of shoulder pitch not aligned with limits of iCubGenova09
#157 opened by isorrentino - 8
Load ICub model URDF files in CoppeliaSim
#163 opened by diegomaureira - 5
iCubGazeboV2_* has `r_wrist_yaw` inverted
#156 opened by Nicogene - 1
icub_models.get_models_path() python command points to a non existing folder
#148 opened by GiulioRomualdi - 1
Deprecate left_wrist_mk2 and left_hand_mk3 and remove them in next release?
#147 opened by traversaro - 0
libgazebo_yarp_worldinterface contained in left_wrist_mk2 and left_hand_mk3
#142 opened by traversaro - 2
Possible typo in iCubGazeboV2_5_visuomanip urdf
#140 opened by fedeceola - 7
Fix iCubGazeboV2_5_visuomanip colors
#124 opened by traversaro - 6
- 11
- 1
Switch Gazebo models to use SDF 1.7
#128 opened by traversaro - 9
iCubNancy01 not importing
#112 opened by jbmouret - 3
Changing Joint Limits in Simulation?
#115 opened by Woolfrey - 0
- 11
- 8
Upper-body model with new wrist and hand
#108 opened by MatteoPerotto