A ROS package that implements a multi-robot RRT-based map exploration algorithm. It also has the image-based frontier detection that uses image processing to extract frontier points.
- aha1022
- AhmedElsiddieg
- chaowu644
- chendongcseHuawei
- ct2034@boschresearch
- cxzhp
- donrv
- gstavrinos@roboskel, NCSR Demokritos
- hichana
- JimmyDaSilvaISIR-Sorbonne University
- kingchenchina
- layne22
- Lianglege
- luo-pan
- marknabilFrance
- megalphianUniversity of Waterloo
- mrmouss
- paralin@aperturerobotics
- parlange
- Petrox@Rescube
- pilaodaTencent
- Redorse
- Severn-Vergil
- spmaniato@cruise-automation
- ssajj1212
- StanleyYakeGuangzhou
- SteveMacenski@open-navigation
- stevewenSignal Robotic
- TS-YinJie
- wanghuayou1028
- xqd954
- YangLei1993Beijing Institute of Technology
- yfzhangpony.ai
- YuehChuanTaiwan
- zwkcodingPnC@UISEE Graduate@BIT-IVRC
- zychaoqun