
Using GitHub Action to collect paper list with publicly available source code in the daily arxiv

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


paper code
mitigating mismatch compression in differential local field potentials mismatch_compression
concept-based explainability for an eeg transformer model tcav-bendr


paper code
self-supervised learning for clustering of wireless spectrum activity self-supervised-spectrum-sensing
pulse shape discrimination based on the tempotron: a powerful classifier on gpu TempotronGPU
leveraging variational autoencoders for parameterized mmse estimation vae-estimator
real-time event recognition of long-distance distributed vibration sensing with knowledge distillation and hardware acceleration efficient-dvs
gram-schmidt methods for unsupervised feature extraction and selection gram_schmidt_feature_extraction
fadam: adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical fisher information fadam_pytorch
a scalable quantum non-local neural network for image classification QNL-Net


paper code
s4sleep: elucidating the design space of deep-learning-based sleep stage classification models s4sleep
energy-efficient beamforming for riss-aided communications: gradient based meta learning GMML
towards end-to-end gps localization with neural pseudorange correction e2eprnet
trellis bma: coded trace reconstruction on ids channels for dna storage clustered-nanopore-reads-dataset
fast erasure decoder for hypergraph product codes pruned-peeling-and-vh-decoder
improved field size bounds for higher order mds codes mds3-groebner
understanding is compression medal


paper code
robust mri reconstruction by smoothed unrolling (smug) smug_journal
spectrum prediction with deep 3d pyramid vision transformer learning Real-world-Spectrum
parkinson's disease classification via eeg: all you need is a single convolutional layer LightCNNforPD


paper code
textless unit-to-unit training for many-to-many multilingual speech-to-speech translation utut
learning based dynamic cluster reconfiguration for uav mobility management with 3d beamforming icmlcn-2024-dynamic-clustering
sim2real in reconstructive spectroscopy: deep learning with augmented device-informed data simulation rec_spectrometer
an observability-constrained magnetic field-aided inertial navigation system -- extended version OC-MAINS-code
an optimal pairwise merge algorithm improves the quality and consistency of nonnegative matrix factorization NMFMerge.jl
compression represents intelligence linearly llm-compression-intelligence


paper code
multistatic-radar rcs-signature recognition of aerial vehicles: a bayesian fusion approach rcs_atr
adversarial contrastive learning based physics-informed temporal networks for cuffless blood pressure estimation acl-pitn
entropy coding of unordered data structures shuffle-coding


paper code
exact tensor completion powered by slim transforms transformed_tnn
accelerating high-fidelity waveform generation via adversarial flow matching optimization periodwave
gsvd-nmf: recovering missing features in non-negative matrix factorization gsvdinitialization.jl
josephson oscillations of two weakly coupled bose-einstein condensates BecJosephsonCurrent


paper code
self-supervised scalable deep compressed sensing scnet
virus-nerf -- vision, infrared and ultrasonic based neural radiance fields virus_nerf
using explainable ai for eeg-based reduced montage neonatal seizure detection braineocare
lipcot: linear predictive coding based tokenizer for self-supervised learning of time series data via language models lipcot
adaptive basis function selection for computationally efficient predictions adaptive-bf-selection
periodwave: multi-period flow matching for high-fidelity waveform generation periodwave
outsourcing control requires control complexity learningrequiresintinf
on the salient limitations of the methods of assembly theory and their classification of molecular biosignatures mscomplexity
information-theoretic measures on lattices for high-order interactions nips2024hoi


paper code
eeg-macs: manifold attention and confidence stratification for eeg-based cross-center brain disease diagnosis under unreliable annotations eeg-disease-macs
interpretable pre-trained transformers for heart time-series data heartgpt
how transformers learn causal structure with gradient descent transformers-learn-causal-structure


paper code
convolutional proximal neural networks and plug-and-play algorithms Proximal_Neural_Networks
localising the seizure onset zone from single-pulse electrical stimulation responses with a cnn transformer localising_soz_from_spes
time is not enough: time-frequency based explanation for time-series black-box models time_is_not_enough
a robust baro-radar-inertial odometry m-estimator for multicopter navigation in cities and forests rio
residual-inr: communication efficient on-device learning using implicit neural representation residual-inr


paper code
the rlign algorithm for enhanced electrocardiogram analysis through r-peak alignment for explainable classification and clustering rlign


paper code
exploiting structure in quantum relative entropy programs qrep-structure


paper code
exploiting semantic localization in highly dynamic wireless networks using deep homoscedastic domain adaptation semanticloc
telco-rag: navigating the challenges of retrieval-augmented language models for telecommunications telco-rag
unleashing the power of data tsunami: a comprehensive survey on data assessment and selection for instruction tuning of language models fantastic-data-engineering
real-time event recognition of long-distance distributed vibration sensing with knowledge distillation and hardware acceleration efficient-dvs
bayes-optimal learning of an extensive-width neural network from quadratically many samples ExtensiveWidthQuadraticSamples


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comparison analysis between standard polysomnographic data and in-ear-eeg signals: a preliminary study in_ear_eeg_vs_psg


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sky-gvio: an enhanced gnss/ins/vision navigation with fcn-based sky-segmentation in urban canyon sky-view-images
fadam: adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical fisher information fadam_pytorch


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approximate message passing with rigorous guarantees for pooled data and quantitative group testing amp_pooled_qgt
robust beamforming with gradient-based liquid neural network GLNN
functional renormalization group for signal detection and stochastic ergodicity breaking stochastic-signal-detection


paper code
localization of brain activity from eeg/meg using mv-pure framework supFunSim
hierarchical state space models for continuous sequence-to-sequence modeling hiss


paper code
k-deep simplex: deep manifold learning via local dictionaries manifold-learning-with-simplex-constraints
sleepyco: automatic sleep scoring with feature pyramid and contrastive learning sleepyco
stimulus-informed generalized canonical correlation analysis for group analysis of neural responses to natural stimuli si-gcca
an exact theory of causal emergence for linear stochastic iteration systems an_exact_causal_emergence_theory


paper code
single-shot quantum signal processing interferometry qsp-interferometry
robust beamforming for ris-aided communications: gradient-based manifold meta learning GMML
edge learning based collaborative automatic modulation classification for hierarchical cognitive radio networks CAMC


paper code
a new framework for nonlinear kalman filters a-new-framework-for-nonlinear-kalman-filters
selection for short-term empowerment accelerates the evolution of homeostatic neural cellular automata empowered-nca-ii


paper code
a physical-layer orchestration framework for open system models of autonomous riss self-configuring-orchestration
mds-ed: multimodal decision support in the emergency department -- a benchmark dataset for diagnoses and deterioration prediction in emergency medicine mds-ed
a scalable quantum non-local neural network for image classification QNL-Net


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physics-enhanced graph neural networks for soft sensing in industrial internet of things PEGNN_SS
detection of manatee vocalisations using the audio spectrogram transformer manatees
scaling training data with lossy image compression lossycompressionscalingkdd2024


paper code
lab-scale vibration analysis dataset and baseline methods for machinery fault diagnosis with machine learning vbl-va001
toward real-time digital twins of em environments: computational benchmark of ray launching software ray-launching-benchmark
probing the information theoretical roots of spatial dependence measures spatial-self-information


paper code
using explainable ai for eeg-based reduced montage neonatal seizure detection braineocare
channel shaping using beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface: analysis, optimization, and enhanced flexibility channel-shaping-using-beyond-diagonal-reconfigurable-intelligent-surface
dc is all you need: describing relu from a signal processing standpoint relu_dc_is_all_you_need


paper code
learned kernels for sparse, interpretable, and efficient medical time series processing smolk
ensemble kalman filtering meets gaussian process ssm for non-mean-field and online inference gpssmproj
dreamer: dual-ris-aided imager in complementary modes dreamer
can all variations within the unified mask-based beamformer framework achieve identical peak extraction performance? unified_framework_for_mask-based_bf
the rlign algorithm for enhanced electrocardiogram analysis through r-peak alignment for explainable classification and clustering rlign
the information geometry of umap info-geometry-umap
multi-sources information fusion learning for multi-points nlos localization AMDNloc
adaptive foundation models for online decisions: hyperagent with fast incremental uncertainty estimation GPT-HyperAgent


paper code
algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization on noisy data with negative values nearly_nmf
rigorous dynamical mean field theory for stochastic gradient descent methods rigorous-dynamical-mean-field-theory


paper code
multi-scale transformer-based network for emotion recognition from multi physiological signals EPiC-2023-ACII
thraws: a novel dataset for thermal hotspots detection in raw sentinel-2 data pyraws
advanced mathematical modelling for energy-efficient data transmission and fusion in wireless sensor networks bpnn_wsn
reconfigurable intelligent surface aided vehicular edge computing: joint phase-shift optimization and multi-user power allocation DDPG-RIS-MADDPG-POWER
an empirical investigation into the time and frequency response characteristics of hopf resonators DetectorBank
the language of infographics: toward understanding conceptual metaphor use in scientific storytelling metaphortool
non-asymptotic uncertainty quantification in high-dimensional learning UQ_high_dim_learning


paper code
luvira dataset validation and discussion: comparing vision, radio, and audio sensors for indoor localization luvira_dataset
diffusion-aided joint source channel coding for high realism wireless image transmission diffjscc
mmvr: millimeter-wave multi-view radar dataset and benchmark for indoor perception 12611978


paper code
hierarchical state space models for continuous sequence-to-sequence modeling hiss
joint data inpainting and graph learning via unrolled neural networks Graph-Learning-via-Unrolling
multi-channel masked autoencoder and comprehensive evaluations for reconstructing 12-lead ecg from arbitrary single-lead ecg mcma
algebra of nonlocal boxes and the collapse of communication complexity algebra-of-boxes-code


paper code
you can wash hands better: accurate daily handwashing assessment with smartwatches uwash
single-shot quantum signal processing interferometry qsp-interferometry
towards task-compatible compressible representations research
biased backpressure routing using link features and graph neural networks dutybp
type-based unsourced multiple access TUMA
group projected subspace pursuit for block sparse signal reconstruction: convergence analysis and applications BlockSparse
fast and provable simultaneous blind super-resolution and demixing for point source signals: scaled gradient descent without regularization Simultaneous-Blind-Super-Resolution-and-Demixing


paper code
compressed sensing: a discrete optimization approach discretecompressedsensing.jl


paper code
subspacenet: deep learning-aided subspace methods for doa estimation subspacenet
generalizable sleep staging via multi-level domain alignment sleepdg
a fast multitaper power spectrum estimation in nonuniformly sampled time series mtnufft
joint optimization of age of information and energy consumption in nr-v2x system based on deep reinforcement learning joint-optimization-of-aoi-and-energy-consumption-in-nr-v2x-system-based-on-drl


paper code
principal component analysis in space forms HoroPCA
a coding-theoretic analysis of hyperspherical prototypical learning geometry coding_theoretic_hpl


paper code
subject-adaptive transfer learning using resting state eeg signals for cross-subject eeg motor imagery classification miccai2024-restl
fadam: adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical fisher information fadam_pytorch


paper code
cafnet: a confidence-driven framework for radar camera depth estimation cafnet
annotation of sleep depth index with scalable deep learning yields novel digital biomarkers for sleep health SDI
a new framework for nonlinear kalman filters a-new-framework-for-nonlinear-kalman-filters
ldgcn: an edge-end lightweight dual gcn based on single-channel eeg for driver drowsiness monitoring driver-drowsiness-monitoring
information limits and thouless-anderson-palmer equations for spiked matrix models with structured noise spiked-matrix-models-with-structured-noise
rpn: reconciled polynomial network towards unifying pgms, kernel svms, mlp and kan tinyBIG


paper code
neuro-bert: rethinking masked autoencoding for self-supervised neurological pretraining OpenBioSeq
swinjscc: taming swin transformer for deep joint source-channel coding swinjscc
learning multi-frequency partial correlation graphs bspcg
mt-hccar: multi-task deep learning with hierarchical classification and attention-based regression for cloud property retrieval mt-hccar
feature characterization for profile surface texture feature-characterization-for-profile-surface-texture
groupwise deformable registration of diffusion tensor cardiovascular magnetic resonance: disentangling diffusion contrast, respiratory and cardiac motions dtcmr-reg
prediction of rare channel conditions using bayesian statistics and extreme value theory bayesian_evt_urllc
biometric authentication based on enhanced remote photoplethysmography signal morphology rppg_biometrics
inference through innovation processes tested in the authorship attribution task InnovationProcessesInference


paper code
fullsubnet: a full-band and sub-band fusion model for real-time single-channel speech enhancement FullSubNet
edpnet: an efficient dual prototype network for motor imagery eeg decoding edpnet


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deep imbalanced regression to estimate vascular age from ppg data: a novel digital biomarker for cardiovascular health Dist-Loss


paper code
stimulus-informed generalized canonical correlation analysis for group analysis of neural responses to natural stimuli si-gcca
integrating pre-trained language model with physical layer communications on-device-ai-comm
srvit: vision transformers for estimating radar reflectivity from satellite observations at scale srvit
robust low-cost drone detection and classification in low snr environments noisy-drone-rf-signal-classification-v2
neural distributed source coding neural-dsc
generalization error of graph neural networks in the mean-field regime gnn_mf_ge


paper code
linear periodically time-variant digital pll phase noise modeling using conversion matrices and uncorrelated upsampling PLL
spatio-spectral structure tensor total variation for hyperspectral image denoising and destriping spatio-spectral-structure-tensor-total-variation-for-hyperspectral-image-denoising-and-destriping
fadam: adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical fisher information fadam_pytorch
kernel vs. kernel: exploring how the data structure affects neural collapse shallow_nc1
machine learning predictors for min-entropy estimation ml-predictors-min-entropy-estimation


paper code
a deep automotive radar detector using the radelft dataset RaDelft-Dataset
incremental measurement of structural entropy for dynamic graphs incre-se
partial information decomposition: redundancy as information bottleneck pid-as-ib
local to global: learning dynamics and effect of initialization for transformers markov


paper code
federated learning compression designed for lightweight communications fl_exps
whalenet: a novel deep learning architecture for marine mammals vocalizations on watkins marine mammal sound database whalenet
listening to the noise: blind denoising with gibbs diffusion gibbs-diffusion
towards task-compatible compressible representations research
flocora: federated learning compression with low-rank adaptation flocora_eusipco24
benchmarking mortality risk prediction from electrocardiograms ecg-survival-benchmark
emt: a novel transformer for generalized cross-subject eeg emotion recognition emt


paper code
mind's eye: image recognition by eeg via multimodal similarity-keeping contrastive learning MUSE_EEG
a multi-resolution mutual learning network for multi-label ecg classification mrm
xi-net: transformer based seismic waveform reconstructor waveformreconstructor
constructing structured tensor priors for bayesian inverse problems AbTensors
the information geometry of umap info-geometry-umap


paper code
motion-robust free-running volumetric cardiovascular mri motion-robust-CMR
discrete approximations of gaussian smoothing and gaussian derivatives pyscsp
markov chain monte carlo multi-scan data association for sets of trajectories batch-tpmbm-using-mcmc-sampling
feature characterization for profile surface texture feature-characterization-for-profile-surface-texture
automatic ai model selection for wireless systems: online learning via digital twinning DT-powered-AMS
learning and communications co-design for remote inference systems: feature length selection and transmission scheduling impact-of-data-freshness-in-learning


paper code
a comparative study of deep learning and iterative algorithms for joint channel estimation and signal detection in ofdm systems mimo_jcesd
a geometry-based stochastic wireless channel model using channel images geostochasticchanmodel


paper code
self-supervised learning for human activity recognition using 700,000 person-days of wearable data ssl-wearables
eeg-dbnet: a dual-branch network for temporal-spectral decoding in motor-imagery brain-computer interfaces eeg-dbnet
on the inductive biases of demographic parity-based fair learning algorithms fairness-ib


paper code
eeg2rep: enhancing self-supervised eeg representation through informative masked inputs eeg2rep
interpretable modulated differentiable stft and physics-informed balanced spectrum metric for freight train wheelset bearing cross-machine transfer fault diagnosis under speed fluctuations PyDSN
a comparative analysis of the ensemble methods for drug design Comparative-Analysis


paper code
afs-bm: enhancing model performance through adaptive feature selection with binary masking afs_bm-algorithm
a decoupled approach for composite sparse-plus-smooth penalized optimization compositesps
sim2real in reconstructive spectroscopy: deep learning with augmented device-informed data simulation rec_spectrometer
full reference point cloud quality assessment using support vector regression frsvr-pcqa
deep-reinforcement-learning-based aoi-aware resource allocation for ris-aided iov networks ris-rb-aoi-v2x-drl
reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted vec based on multi-agent reinforcement learning ris-vec-marl
an efficient frequency diversity scheme for ultra-reliable communications in two-path fading channels two-ray-ultra-reliability
generalization error of graph neural networks in the mean-field regime gnn_mf_ge


paper code
semantic: semantic interference cancellation towards 6g wireless communications SemantIC
harmonics of learning: universal fourier features emerge in invariant networks spectral-universality
algebra of nonlocal boxes and the collapse of communication complexity algebra-of-boxes-code


paper code
toward fully-end-to-end listened speech decoding from eeg signals fesde
multimodal learning without labeled multimodal data: guarantees and applications pid


paper code
melep: a novel predictive measure of transferability in multi-label ecg diagnosis melep-ecg
provably robust score-based diffusion posterior sampling for plug-and-play image reconstruction diffusion-plug-and-play
regime learning for differentiable particle filters Regime_Switching
approximation properties relative to continuous scale space for hybrid discretizations of gaussian derivative operators pyscsp
semantic-aware resource allocation based on deep reinforcement learning for 5g-v2x hetnets semantic-aware-resource-allocation-based-on-deep-reinforcement-learning-for-5g-v2x-hetnets
bcamirs at semeval-2024 task 4: beyond words: a multimodal and multilingual exploration of persuasion in memes beyond-words-a-multimodal-exploration-of-persuasion-in-memes


paper code
disco might not be funky: random intelligent reflective surface configurations that attack disco-intelligent-reflecting-surfaces-active-channel-aging-for-fully-passive-jamming-attacks
room transfer function reconstruction using complex-valued neural networks and irregularly distributed microphones complex-sound-field
flexloc: conditional neural networks for zero-shot sensor perspective invariance in object localization with distributed multimodal sensors flexloc
accelerating ill-conditioned hankel matrix recovery via structured newton-like descent HSNLD
analog information decoding of bosonic quantum ldpc codes mqt-qecc
image and video tokenization with binary spherical quantization bsq-vit


paper code
a unified multi-task semantic communication system for multimodal data t-udeepsc
dh-ptam: a deep hybrid stereo events-frames parallel tracking and mapping system dh-ptam
distributionally robust receive beamforming beamforming
solving inverse problems with model mismatch using untrained neural networks within model-based architectures a-adaptive-model-based-methods
singing voice graph modeling for singfake detection singgraph
compressible dynamics in deep overparameterized low-rank learning & adaptation deep-lora-transformers
winner-takes-all learners are geometry-aware conditional density estimators VoronoiWTA
soundscape captioning using sound affective quality network and large language model soundscaper
lessons from generalization error analysis of federated learning: you may communicate less often! generalization_fl_icml2024
localized adaptive risk control localized-adaptive-risk-control
fadam: adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical fisher information fadam_pytorch
physics-informed deep learning and compressive collocation for high-dimensional diffusion-reaction equations: practical existence theory and numerics PINN_high_dimensional_PDE


paper code
active sensing for reciprocal mimo channels active-sensing-for-reciprocal-mimo-channels
learning optimal linear precoding for cell-free massive mimo with gnn olp-gnn
digital twins of the em environment: benchmark for ray launching models ray-launching-benchmark
s$\omega$i: score-based o-information estimation soi
revisiting attention weights as interpretations of message-passing neural networks gatt


paper code
clarifying the effect of mean subtraction on dynamic mode decomposition msub_mdselect_dmd
selective noise suppression methods using random svpwm to shape the noise spectrum of pmsms SNS-in-random-SVPWM
privacy preserving semi-decentralized mean estimation over intermittently-connected networks private-collaborative-relaying
informed graph learning by domain knowledge injection and smooth graph signal representation igl
untrained neural nets for snapshot compressive imaging: theory and algorithms SCI-BDVP


paper code
interpreting deepcode, a learned feedback code deepcode-interpretability
random matrix theory improved fr'echet mean of symmetric positive definite matrices icml-rmt-2024
deeppolar: inventing nonlinear large-kernel polar codes via deep learning deeppolar


paper code
robust waveform design for integrated sensing and communication robust-waveform
kernel vs. kernel: exploring how the data structure affects neural collapse shallow_nc1


paper code
deep optimal transport for domain adaptation on spd manifolds deep-optimal-transport-for-domain-adaptation-on-spd-manifolds
hypergraph-mlp: learning on hypergraphs without message passing hypergraph-mlp
regime learning for differentiable particle filters Regime_Switching
an unsupervised approach for periodic source detection in time series unsupervised_periodicity_detection
a gaussian process-based streaming algorithm for prediction of time series with regimes and outliers Lintel
the information geometry of umap info-geometry-umap
fadam: adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical fisher information fadam_pytorch
physics-informed deep learning and compressive collocation for high-dimensional diffusion-reaction equations: practical existence theory and numerics PINN_high_dimensional_PDE


paper code
a large-scale evaluation of speech foundation models s3prl
eeg-dbnet: a dual-branch network for temporal-spectral decoding in motor-imagery brain-computer interfaces eeg-dbnet
medformer: a multi-granularity patching transformer for medical time-series classification medformer


paper code
signal processing meets sgd: from momentum to filter SGDF-Optimizer
faultformer: pretraining transformers for adaptable bearing fault classification faultformer
random forests for detecting weak signals and extracting physical information: a case study of magnetic navigation magnav
on the properties and estimation of pointwise mutual information profiles bmi
track initialization and re-identification for~3d multi-view multi-object tracking mv-glmb-ab


paper code
assessment of unsteady flow predictions using hybrid deep learning based reduced order models Assessment-of-hybrid-DLROM
multi-device task-oriented communication via maximal coding rate reduction taskcommmcr2
structure-preserving transformers for sequences of spd matrices spdtransnet
sleepfm: multi-modal representation learning for sleep across brain activity, ecg and respiratory signals sleepfm-codebase
mambavc: learned visual compression with selective state spaces 2024-mambavc


paper code
enn: a neural network with dct adaptive activation functions enn
physics-informed appliance signatures generator for energy disaggregation edframe
wav-kan: wavelet kolmogorov-arnold networks Wav-KAN


paper code
analog or digital in-memory computing? benchmarking through quantitative modeling zigzag-imc
perfect codes over non-prime power alphabets: an approach based on diophantine equations perfect-q-ary-codes


paper code
k-band: self-supervised mri reconstruction via stochastic gradient descent over k-space subsets k-band
eegdir: electroencephalogram denoising network for temporal information storage and global modeling through retentive network EEGDiR
a truly concurrent semantics for reversible ccs reversible-ccs-as-nets


paper code
optimizing polynomial graph filters: a novel adaptive krylov subspace approach AdaptKry
an efficient compression method for sign information of dct coefficients via sign retrieval sr


paper code
surrogate-based cross-correlation for particle image velocimetry sbcc
discrete approximations of gaussian smoothing and gaussian derivatives pyscsp
rscnet: dynamic csi compression for cloud-based wifi sensing rscnet
approximation properties relative to continuous scale space for hybrid discretizations of gaussian derivative operators pyscsp
mamca -- optimal on accuracy and efficiency for automatic modulation classification with extended signal length mamca
interpretable diffusion via information decomposition info-decomp
differentially private fair binary classifications dp_fair_binary


paper code
exploring new territory: calibration-free decoding for c-vep bci pyntbci
robust beamforming with gradient-based liquid neural network GLNN


paper code
$f$-divergence based classification: beyond the use of cross-entropy discriminative-classification-fdiv
kid-ppg: knowledge informed deep learning for extracting heart rate from a smartwatch KID-PPG
dynamic gnns for precise seizure detection and classification from eeg data NeuroGNN
language-oriented semantic latent representation for image transmission img2img-sc
towards task-compatible compressible representations research


paper code
calibrating wireless ray tracing for digital twinning using local phase error estimates phase-aware-rt-calibration
unsupervised learning based end-to-end delayless generative fixed-filter active noise control unsupervised-gfanc
unsupervised learning for joint beamforming design in ris-aided isac systems DL-Beamforming-RIS-ISAC
joint instantaneous amplitude-frequency analysis of vibration signals for vibration-based condition monitoring of rolling bearings Joint-Instantaneous-Amplitude-Frequency-Analysis-for-Vibration-Based-Condition-Monitoring


paper code
multi-target tracking with transferable convolutional neural networks mtt
genet: a graph neural network-based anti-noise task-oriented semantic communication paradigm genet
modeling of time-varying wireless communication channel with fading and shadowing Modeling-of-Time-varying-Wireless-Communication-Channel-with-Fading-and-Shadowing


paper code
audioldm 2: learning holistic audio generation with self-supervised pretraining AudioLDM2
learning multi-frequency partial correlation graphs bspcg
prospects for ai-enhanced ecg as a unified screening tool for cardiac and non-cardiac conditions -- an explorative study in emergency care ecg-mimic
personalized heart disease detection via ecg digital twin generation lavq-editor
neuronet: a novel hybrid self-supervised learning framework for sleep stage classification using single-channel eeg NeuroNet
timely status updates in slotted aloha networks with energy harvesting aoi_slottedaloha_energyharvesting
time-of-arrival estimation and phase unwrapping of head-related transfer functions with integer linear programming hrtf-ilp
a supervised information enhanced multi-granularity contrastive learning framework for eeg based emotion recognition si-cleer
transition role of entangled data in quantum machine learning transition-role-of-entangled-data-in-qml
texshape: information theoretic sentence embedding for language models neuralinformationshaping
an efficient compression method for sign information of dct coefficients via sign retrieval sr
partial information decomposition as information bottleneck pid-as-ib
localized adaptive risk control localized-adaptive-risk-control


paper code
compressing sign information in dct-based image coding via deep sign retrieval dsr
asf-yolo: a novel yolo model with attentional scale sequence fusion for cell instance segmentation asf-yolo
diffusion-aided joint source channel coding for high realism wireless image transmission diffjscc
optimal beamforming of ris-aided wireless communications: an alternating inner product maximization approach RIS_Optimization


paper code
ecg-based estimation of respiratory modulation of av nodal conduction during atrial fibrillation ecg-based_estimation_of_respiratory_modulation_of_av_nodal_conduction_during_atrial_fibrillation


paper code
data augmentation for generating synthetic electrogastrogram time series syegg
enhancing deep reinforcement learning: a tutorial on generative diffusion models in network optimization gdmopt
uncertainty-aware bayes' rule and its applications bayes-rule
regime learning for differentiable particle filters Regime_Switching
communication-efficient collaborative perception via information filling with codebook codefilling


paper code
robofisense: attention-based robotic arm activity recognition with wifi sensing robofisense
learning linear block error correction codes e2e_dc_ecct


paper code
generalised envelope spectrum-based signal-to-noise objectives: formulation, optimisation and application for gear fault detection under time-varying speed conditions snrocl
antenna failure resilience: deep learning-enabled robust doa estimation with single snapshot sparse arrays deep_rsa_doa
fully reversing the shoebox image source method: from impulse responses to room parameters acoustic-sfw
performance evaluation of pac decoding with deep neural networks Performance-Evaluation-of-PAC-Decoding-with-Deep-Neural-Networks
perfect codes over non-prime power alphabets: an approach based on diophantine equations perfect-q-ary-codes


paper code
risk-aware continuous control with neural contextual bandits risk_aware_contextual_bandit
extended kalman filter -- koopman operator for tractable stochastic optimal control linearizing-uncertainty-for-control
identification of snps in genomes using gramep, an alignment-free method based on the principle of maximum entropy gramep


paper code
denoiser-based projections for 2-d super-resolution multi-reference alignment denoiser_projection
eeg-deformer: a dense convolutional transformer for brain-computer interfaces eeg-deformer
joint signal detection and automatic modulation classification via deep learning changshuoradiodata
locality regularized reconstruction: structured sparsity and delaunay triangulations LocalityRegularization


paper code
titan: bringing the deep image prior to implicit representations titan-implicit-prior
guaranteed dynamic scheduling of ultra-reliable low-latency traffic via conformal prediction online_cp_urllc
the information geometry of umap info-geometry-umap
an efficient difference-of-convex solver for privacy funnel dcaPF-torch


paper code
multi-task learning for radar signal characterisation radchar
timely status updates in slotted aloha network with energy harvesting aoi_slottedaloha_energyharvesting
ultra inertial poser: scalable motion capture and tracking from sparse inertial sensors and ultra-wideband ranging ultrainertialposer
type-based unsourced multiple access TUMA


paper code
a new method of modeling the multi-stage decision-making process of crt using machine learning with uncertainty quantification crt_multistageml_uncertainty
fully differentiable ray tracing via discontinuity smoothing for radio network optimization differt2d
siamquality: a convnet-based foundation model for imperfect physiological signals siamquality
cauchy-schwarz divergence information bottleneck for regression cauchy-schwarz-information-bottleneck


paper code
the luvira dataset: synchronized vision, radio, and audio sensors for indoor localization luvira_dataset
telco-rag: navigating the challenges of retrieval-augmented language models for telecommunications telco-rag
interpreting deepcode, a learned feedback code deepcode-interpretability
enumeration of minimum weight codewords of pre-transformed polar codes by tree intersection ptpc


paper code
luvira dataset validation and discussion: comparing vision, radio, and audio sensors for indoor localization luvira_dataset


paper code
mains: a magnetic field aided inertial navigation system for indoor positioning mainsvsmagekf
exponentially weighted moving models ewmm_code
eegdir: electroencephalogram denoising network for temporal information storage and global modeling through retentive network EEGDiR
the largest eeg-based bci reproducibility study for open science: the moabb benchmark moabb
comparing self-supervised learning techniques for wearable human activity recognition self-supervised-learning-har
classifier-guided neural blind deconvolution: a physics-informed denoising module for bearing fault diagnosis under heavy noise classbd
evaluating fast adaptability of neural networks for brain-computer interface fast_bci
squwa: signal quality aware dnn architecture for enhanced accuracy in atrial fibrillation detection from noisy ppg signals squwa
mp-dpd: low-complexity mixed-precision neural networks for energy-efficient digital predistortion of wideband power amplifiers opendpd
a weight-aware-based multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation method for human motion intention recognition WMDD
leveraging visibility graphs for enhanced arrhythmia classification with graph convolutional networks vg_for_arrhythmia_classification_with_gcn
unmasking the role of remote sensors in comfort, energy and demand response sensors4singlezonesystems
message-passing on hypergraphs: detectability, phase transitions and higher-order information hypergraph-message-passing


paper code
using explainable ai to investigate electrocardiogram changes during healthy aging -- from expert features to raw signals ecg-aging
a multimodal feature distillation with cnn-transformer network for brain tumor segmentation with incomplete modalities mctseg
collaborative filtering based on diffusion models: unveiling the potential of high-order connectivity cf_diff
turbo-cf: matrix decomposition-free graph filtering for fast recommendation turbo-cf


paper code
ul-dl duality for cell-free massive mimo with per-ap power and information constraints duality
frequency-aware masked autoencoders for multimodal pretraining on biosignals ml-famae


paper code
incremental measurement of structural entropy for dynamic graphs incre-se


paper code
the luvira dataset: measurement description luvira_dataset
caster: a computer-vision-assisted wireless channel simulator for gesture recognition testspectrogram
diffdet4sar: diffusion-based aircraft target detection network for sar images DiffDet4SAR
sky-gvio: an enhanced gnss/ins/vision navigation with fcn-based sky-segmentation in urban canyon sky-view-images
personalized heart disease detection via ecg digital twin generation lavq-editor
on the salient limitations of the methods of assembly theory and their classification of molecular biosignatures mscomplexity


paper code
wemac: women and emotion multi-modal affective computing dataset wemac_dataset_speech_processing


paper code
on interference-rejection using riemannian geometry for direction of arrival estimation interference-rejection-using-riemannian-geometry-for-doa-estimation
impact analysis of antenna array geometry on performance of semi-blind structured channel estimation for massive mimo-ofdm systems CRB_of_3D_Antenna_Arrays_on_Performance_of_Semi-blind_Structured_Channel_Estimation
on the semi-blind mutually referenced equalizers for mimo systems Semi-blind_Mutually_Referenced_Equalizers
rf-diffusion: radio signal generation via time-frequency diffusion rf-diffusion
foundational gpt model for meg meg-transfer-decoding
leveraging the doppler effect for channel charting doppler-effect-channelcharting
openairlink: reproducible wireless channel emulation using software defined radios openairlink
amplitude-phase fusion for enhanced electrocardiogram morphological analysis ecg-mee-metric
compression represents intelligence linearly llm-compression-intelligence


paper code
near-field velocity sensing and predictive beamforming near-field-velocity-sensing-and-predictive-beamforming
interpretation of intracardiac electrograms through textual representations text-egm
exponentially weighted moving models ewmm_code
snake-fmri: a modular fmri data simulator from the space-time domain to k-space and back snake-fmri


paper code
cell-free multi-user mimo equalization via in-context learning cell-free-mimo-icl
trainable joint channel estimation, detection and decoding for mimo urllc systems jcddnet
demystifying why local aggregation helps: convergence analysis of hierarchical sgd hierarchical-sgd
on naisargik images of varshamov-tenengolts and helberg codes grayvt


paper code
what is learnt by the learnable front-end (leaf)? adapting per-channel energy normalisation (pcen) to noisy conditions adapting-leaf
quantum message-passing algorithm for optimal and efficient decoding quantum-message-passing-paper
on the salient limitations of the methods of assembly theory and their classification of molecular biosignatures mscomplexity


paper code
synaptogen: a cross-domain generative device model for large-scale neuromorphic circuit design synaptogen
efficient computation of the quantum rate-distortion function efficient-qrd
just wing it: optimal estimation of missing mass in a markovian sequence missing-mass


paper code
self-supervised learning for time series analysis: taxonomy, progress, and prospects Awesome-SSL4TS
k-band: self-supervised mri reconstruction via stochastic gradient descent over k-space subsets k-band
subspace phase retrieval spr
multi-sources information fusion learning for multi-points nlos localization AMDNloc


paper code
visual decoding and reconstruction via eeg embeddings with guided diffusion eeg_image_decode
diffdet4sar: diffusion-based aircraft target detection network for sar images DiffDet4SAR


paper code
decoding natural images from eeg for object recognition nice-eeg
reinforcement learning based dynamic power control for uav mobility management asilomar-2023-ee-uav-varying-reliability
spatio-spectral structure tensor total variation for hyperspectral image denoising and destriping spatio-spectral-structure-tensor-total-variation-for-hyperspectral-image-denoising-and-destriping
alzheimer's disease detection in psg signals DL4ADpred
bcamirs at semeval-2024 task 4: beyond words: a multimodal and multilingual exploration of persuasion in memes beyond-words-a-multimodal-exploration-of-persuasion-in-memes
early warning systems for financial markets of emerging economies ews_condent
approximate gradient coding for privacy-flexible federated learning with non-iid data label-heterogeneity


paper code
gegenbauer graph neural networks for time-varying signal reconstruction gegengnn


paper code
signal2image modules in deep neural networks for eeg classification signal2image-modules-in-deep-neural-networks-for-eeg-classification
learned kernels for sparse, interpretable, and efficient medical time series processing smolk


paper code
visually evaluating generative adversarial networks using itself under multivariate time series GaussianGANs
task-oriented communication for edge video analytics tocom-tem
computational solar energy -- ensemble learning methods for prediction of solar power generation based on meteorological parameters in eastern india solar_energy_prediction_srra
danse: data-driven non-linear state estimation of model-free process in unsupervised learning setup danse-jrnl
sdemg: score-based diffusion model for surface electromyographic signal denoising sdemg
complex neural network based joint aoa and aod estimation for bistatic isac bistatic_isac


paper code
square root lasso: well-posedness, lipschitz stability and the tuning trade off srlasso_revolutions
exact recovery of the support of piecewise constant images via total variation regularization 2023-support-recovery-tv
algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization on noisy data with negative values nearly_nmf
3d-speaker-toolkit: an open source toolkit for multi-modal speaker verification and diarization 3D-Speaker
dual simplex volume maximization for simplex-structured matrix factorization maxvol_dual
evolving semantic communication with generative model gan_secom
localising the seizure onset zone from single-pulse electrical stimulation responses with a transformer localising_soz_from_spes
greedy poisson rejection sampling greedy-poisson-rejection-sampling


paper code
efficient deep learning-based estimation of the vital signs on smartphones medvse
identifying tbi physiological states by clustering multivariate clinical time-series data slac-time
leveraging variational autoencoders for parameterized mmse estimation vae-estimator
channel estimation in underdetermined systems utilizing variational autoencoders vae-est-ud
gan-supervised seismic data reconstruction: an enhanced-learning for improved generalization gan_guided_seismic
brant-2: foundation model for brain signals brant-2
deep csi compression for dual-polarized massive mimo channels with disentangled representation learning direnet
toward low-latency iterative decoding of qldpc codes under circuit-level noise slidingwindowdecoder


paper code
high-rate phase association with travel time neural fields phase_association
genet: a graph neural network-based anti-noise task-oriented semantic communication paradigm genet
clustering change sign detection by fusing mixture complexity mc-fusion


paper code
on the intersection of signal processing and machine learning: a use case-driven analysis approach signal-processing-for-machine-learning
hill: hierarchy-aware information lossless contrastive learning for hierarchical text classification hill


paper code
user training with error augmentation for electromyogram-based gesture classification emg-feedback-user-training
arbitrary discrete fourier analysis and its application in replayed speech detection adfa
coupled generator decomposition for fusion of electro- and magnetoencephalography data coupled-generator-decomposition
fast real-time arbitrary waveform generation using graphic processing units awg-on-gpu
proprioception is all you need: terrain classification for boreal forests BorealTC


paper code
successive pose estimation and beam tracking for mmwave vehicular communication systems Fast-CFEAR-Radar-Odometry


paper code
interpretable causal inference for analyzing wearable, sensor, and distributional data addmalts
towards better statistical understanding of watermarking llms dualga


paper code
sdoa-net: an efficient deep learning-based doa estimation network for imperfect array sdoa-net
design of efficient point-mass filter with application in terrain aided navigation efficient-pmf
identifying tbi physiological states by clustering multivariate clinical time-series data slac-time
energy-efficient analog beamforming for rf-wet with charging time constraint ee-analog-beamforming-wet
iterative regularization with k-support norm: an important complement to sparse recovery irksn_aaai2024
page: prototype-based model-level explanations for graph neural networks page
s$\omega$i: score-based o-information estimation soi


paper code
deep joint source-channel coding over cooperative relay networks relay_jscc
brain tumor detection based on a novel and high-quality prediction of the tumor pixel distributions Brain-tumor-detection-based-on-a-novel-and-high-quality-prediction-of-the-tumor-pixel-distributions
hypergraph-mlp: learning on hypergraphs without message passing hypergraph-mlp
guiding masked representation learning to capture spatio-temporal relationship of electrocardiogram st-mem
sim2real in reconstructive spectroscopy: deep learning with augmented device-informed data simulation rec_spectrometer
finding the missing data: a bert-inspired approach against package loss in wireless sensing csi-bert
information decomposition in complex systems via machine learning distributed-information-bottleneck.github.io
a fast and provable algorithm for sparse phase retrieval sparsepr
language modeling is compression language_modeling_is_compression


paper code
deep nonnegative matrix factorization with beta divergences deep-beta-nmf-public
data-driven forced oscillation localization using inferred impulse responses fo_local
deep regularized compound gaussian network for solving linear inverse problems dr-cg-net
mains: a magnetic field aided inertial navigation system for indoor positioning mainsvsmagekf
selfeeg: a python library for self-supervised learning in electroencephalography selfeeg
a continuous boostlet transform for acoustic waves in space-time acha_sparsityanalysis
a deep learning method for beat-level risk analysis and interpretation of atrial fibrillation patients during sinus rhythm ecgbeat4afsinus
specific emitter identification handling modulation variation with margin disparity discrepancy mdd-sei
robust counterfactual explanations for neural networks with probabilistic guarantees TReX-Counterfactuals


paper code
a time-causal and time-recursive analogue of the gabor transform pygabor
a conversational brain-artificial intelligence interface eegchat
the information geometry of umap info-geometry-umap


paper code
compressing sign information in dct-based image coding via deep sign retrieval dsr
uncertainty-aware and reliable neural mimo receivers via modular bayesian deep learning bayesian-learning-for-receivers
model-free reinforcement learning of semantic communication by stochastic policy gradient sinfony
plug-and-play regularization on magnitude with deep priors for 3d near-field mimo imaging PnP-Regularization-on-Magnitude
visual decoding and reconstruction via eeg embeddings with guided diffusion eeg_image_decode
meta-learning-based fronthaul compression for cloud radio access networks Meta-Learning-Fronthaul-Compression-CRAN


paper code
slicertms: real-time visualization of transcranial magnetic stimulation for mental health treatment SlicerTMS
structure-preserving transformers for sequences of spd matrices spdtransnet


paper code
wimans: a benchmark dataset for wifi-based multi-user activity sensing wimans
exploring challenges in deep learning of single-station ground motion records mage
innovation processes for inference InnovationProcessesInference
an efficient difference-of-convex solver for privacy funnel dcaPF-torch


paper code
tfn: an interpretable neural network with time-frequency transform embedded for intelligent fault diagnosis tfn
ul-dl duality for cell-free massive mimo with per-ap power and information constraints duality
symmetric-reciprocal-match method for vector network analyzer calibration srm-calibration
guiding masked representation learning to capture spatio-temporal relationship of electrocardiogram st-mem
blockchain-enabled variational information bottleneck for iot networks blockchain-enabled-variational-information-bottleneck-for-iot-networks
on the salient limitations of the methods of assembly theory and their classification of molecular biosignatures mscomplexity
learning unknown intervention targets in structural causal models from heterogeneous data lit
detection of unobserved common causes based on nml code in discrete, mixed, and continuous variables cloud


paper code
blind source separation of single-channel mixtures via multi-encoder autoencoders self-supervised-bss-via-multi-encoder-ae
differentiable learning of generalized structured matrices for efficient deep neural networks Gaudi-GBLR
szcore: a seizure community open-source research evaluation framework for the validation of eeg-based automated seizure detection algorithms epilepsy2bids
dero: dead reckoning based on radar odometry with accelerometers aided for robot localization dero
a decoupled approach for composite sparse-plus-smooth penalized optimization compositesps
gan-based massive mimo channel model trained on measured data gan-wireless-channel-model
bayes conditional distribution estimation for knowledge distillation based on conditional mutual information iclrmcmi


paper code
dtp-net: learning to reconstruct eeg signals in time-frequency domain by multi-scale feature reuse eeg-denoise


paper code
structure-preserving transformers for sequences of spd matrices spdtransnet
tsrnet: simple framework for real-time ecg anomaly detection with multimodal time and spectrogram restoration network tsrnet
brant-2: foundation model for brain signals brant-2
arnn: attentive recurrent neural network for multi-channel eeg signals to identify epileptic seizures arnn
diffusion-based generative prior for low-complexity mimo channel estimation diffusion_channel_est


paper code
matnet: multi-level fusion transformer-based model for day-ahead pv generation forecasting matnet
improving robustness via tilted exponential layer: a communication-theoretic perspective texp_for_robustness
neuro-gpt: towards a foundation model for eeg neurogpt
arbitrary discrete fourier analysis and its application in replayed speech detection adfa
lum-vit: learnable under-sampling mask vision transformer for bandwidth limited optical signal acquisition lum-vit
powerskel: a device-free framework using csi signal for human skeleton estimation in power station ckdformer
hybrid quantum neural network advantage for radar-based drone detection and classification in low signal-to-noise ratio hybrid-quantum-classical-Neural-Network-for-radar-data
neural estimation of the rate-distortion function with applications to operational source coding nerd-rcc
exposing the deception: uncovering more forgery clues for deepfake detection exposing-the-deception


paper code
self-supervised learning for time series analysis: taxonomy, progress, and prospects Awesome-SSL4TS
active sensing for reciprocal mimo channels active-sensing-for-reciprocal-mimo-channels
safeguarding data in multimodal ai: a differentially private approach to clip training dpclip
stein variational guided model predictive path integral control: proposal and experiments with fast maneuvering vehicles proj-svg_mppi


paper code
statistical component separation for targeted signal recovery in noisy mixtures stat_comp_sep
listening to the noise: blind denoising with gibbs diffusion gibbs-diffusion
quantum state compression with polar codes qscpolar


paper code
eeg2rep: enhancing self-supervised eeg representation through informative masked inputs eeg2rep
extended kalman filter -- koopman operator for tractable stochastic optimal control linearizing-uncertainty-for-control
on the computational entanglement of distant features in adversarial machine learning adversary-example-through-relativity


paper code
multi-kernel correntropy-based orientation estimation of imus: gradient descent methods mc_gd_imu
hrtf upsampling with a generative adversarial network using a gnomonic equiangular projection hrtf-upsampling-with-a-generative-adversarial-network-using-a-gnomonic-equiangular-projection
distributed deep joint source-channel coding with decoder-only side information deepjscc-wz
computation rate maximization for wireless powered edge computing with multi-user cooperation wptmec


paper code
a complex quasi-newton proximal method for image reconstruction in compressed sensing mri cqnpcs_mrireco
semi-supervised end-to-end learning for integrated sensing and communications sslisac
deep, convergent, unrolled half-quadratic splitting for image deconvolution decun
flexible robust beamforming for multibeam satellite downlink using reinforcement learning 2310_beamforming_learner_2
bagged deep image prior for recovering images in the presence of speckle noise Bagged-DIP-Speckle


paper code
cell-free isac mimo systems: joint sensing and communication beamforming Cell-free-ISAC-beamforming
a hybrid quantum-classical approach based on the hadamard transform for the convolutional layer icml2023-ht
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces-enabled intra-cell pilot reuse in massive mimo systems ris-pilot-reuse
sdemg: score-based diffusion model for surface electromyographic signal denoising sdemg
szcore: a seizure community open-source research evaluation framework for the validation of eeg-based automated seizure detection algorithms epilepsy2bids
a conversational brain-artificial intelligence interface eegchat


paper code
approximate message passing with rigorous guarantees for pooled data and quantitative group testing amp_pooled_qgt
brant-2: foundation model for brain signals brant-2
random forests for detecting weak signals and extracting physical information: a case study of magnetic navigation magnav
gdtm: an indoor geospatial tracking dataset with distributed multimodal sensors gdtm
semantic-preserving image coding based on conditional diffusion models spic
dynamic multi-network mining of tensor time series dmm


paper code
ris-admm: a ris and admm-based passive and sparse sensing method with interference removal ris-admm
motor imagery decoding using ensemble curriculum learning and collaborative training ensemble-mi
a new method of modeling the multi-stage decision-making process of crt using machine learning with uncertainty quantification crt_multistageml_uncertainty
diffplf: a conditional diffusion model for probabilistic forecasting of ev charging load DiffPLF
interpretable diffusion via information decomposition info-decomp
comparing comparators in generalization bounds comparing-comparators
treet: transfer entropy estimation via transformer treet


paper code
beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surfaces utilizing graph theory: modeling, architecture design, and optimization bdris-utilizing-graph-theory
on the impact of mutual coupling on ris-assisted channel estimation communication
learning transfer operators by kernel density estimation fpoperatorde


paper code
deep, deep learning with bart deep-deep-learning-with-bart
apsense: data-driven algorithm in ppg-based sleep apnea sensing apsense
iterative regularization with k-support norm: an important complement to sparse recovery irksn_aaai2024
integrating pre-trained language model with physical layer communications on-device-ai-comm


paper code
wimans: a benchmark dataset for wifi-based multi-user activity sensing wimans
robust beamforming for ris-aided communications: gradient-based manifold meta learning GMML
reliability and latency analysis for wireless communication systems with a secret-key budget secret-key-budget-ruin
towards cohesion-fairness harmony: contrastive regularization in individual fair graph clustering ifairnmtf


paper code
outlier-insensitive kalman filtering: theory and applications oikf-nuv
multidimensional gabor-like filters derived from gaussian functions on logarithmic frequency axes gabor-like-filters
improving eeg signal classification accuracy using wasserstein generative adversarial networks eeg-wgan
stein variational guided model predictive path integral control: proposal and experiments with fast maneuvering vehicles proj-svg_mppi


paper code
prediction, communication, and computing duration optimization for vr video streaming code4vr-prediction-communication-and-computing
introducing rsess: an open source enumerative sphere shaping implementation coded in rust rsess
lightweight deep learning based channel estimation for extremely large-scale massive mimo systems XLCNet


paper code
compressing sign information in dct-based image coding via deep sign retrieval dsr
optimized gradient tracking for decentralized online learning Optimized-Gradient-Tracking
self-supervised blind source separation via multi-encoder autoencoders self-supervised-bss-via-multi-encoder-ae
leveraging digital cousins for ensemble q-learning in large-scale wireless networks digital-cousins-for-ensemble-q-learning
commodity-specific triads in the dutch inter-industry production network numetris


paper code
harpa: high-rate phase association with travel time neural fields phase_association
design space exploration on efficient and accurate human pose estimation from sparse imu-sensing dse-sparse-imu
improving robustness via tilted exponential layer: a communication-theoretic perspective texp_for_robustness
implementation of kalman filter approach for active noise control by using matlab: dynamic noise cancellation kalman_filter_for_anc
set learning for accurate and calibrated models oko
treet: transfer entropy estimation via transformer treet
tighter bounds on the information bottleneck with application to deep learning vub


paper code
a new inexact proximal linear algorithm with adaptive stopping criteria for robust phase retrieval ipl-code-share
energy-efficient power allocation in cell-free massive mimo via graph neural networks ee_cell_free
checking the sufficiently scattered condition using a global non-convex optimization software check-ssc


paper code
spiking neural networks in the alexiewicz topology: a new perspective on analysis and error bounds alexsnn
multi-timescale ensemble q-learning for markov decision process policy optimization tsp_23_supplementary_file


paper code
stochastic unrolled federated learning fed-surf
rscnet: dynamic csi compression for cloud-based wifi sensing rscnet


paper code
task-oriented communication with out-of-distribution detection: an information bottleneck framework VCCIB
deep nonnegative matrix factorization with beta divergences deep-beta-nmf-public
sdemg: score-based diffusion model for surface electromyographic signal denoising sdemg
attention with markov: a framework for principled analysis of transformers via markov chains markov


paper code
on confidence sequences for bounded random processes via universal gambling strategies confidence-sequence-via-gambling
algorithms for computing the free distance of convolutional codes algorithms-for-computing-the-free-distance-of-convolutional-codes
minimum description length and generalization guarantees for representation learning mdl_and_generalization_guarantees_for_representation_learning


paper code
graph representation learning for contention and interference management in wireless networks ac-grl-wi-fi
an information-theoretic approach to analyze nlp classification tasks nlp-element-influence
flexible variational information bottleneck: achieving diverse compression with a single training fvib


paper code
self-supervised speech representation and contextual text embedding for match-mismatch classification with eeg recording eeg-stimulus-match-mismatch
energy-efficient power allocation in cell-free massive mimo via graph neural networks ee_cell_free
online speaker diarization of meetings guided by speech separation sspavaldo
determination of trace organic contaminant concentration via machine classification of surface-enhanced raman spectra Determination-of-Trace-Organic-Contaminant-Concentration-via-Machine-Classification-of-Raman-Spectra


paper code
gaussian adaptive attention is all you need: robust contextual representations across multiple modalities gaussian-adaptive-attention
an iot system for smart building combining multiple mmwave fmcw radars applied to people counting mmwave_cluster


paper code
enn: a neural network with dct adaptive activation functions enn
mt-hccar: multi-task deep learning with hierarchical classification and attention-based regression for cloud property retrieval mt-hccar
a fully differentiable model for unsupervised singing voice separation umss_icassp
channel characterization of uav-ris-aided systems with adaptive phase-shift configuration uav-ris-blockage
unrestricted error-type codebook generation for error correction code in dna storage inspired by nlp code_generation_for_dna_storage
large language model evaluation via matrix entropy matrix-entropy


paper code
cell-free massive mimo in o-ran: energy-aware joint orchestration of cloud, fronthaul, and radio resources o-ran-cell-free
task-oriented communication with out-of-distribution detection: an information bottleneck framework VCCIB
generalizable sleep staging via multi-level domain alignment sleepdg
biodiffusion: a versatile diffusion model for biomedical signal synthesis biodiffusion
effective communication with dynamic feature compression tmlcn_code


paper code
a strong and simple deep learning baseline for bci mi decoding eegsimpleconv
energy-efficient power allocation in cell-free massive mimo via graph neural networks ee_cell_free
rotation invariant quantization for model compression riq


paper code
data-driven estimation of capacity upper bounds upper_capacity_bounds
opendpd: an open-source end-to-end learning & benchmarking framework for wideband power amplifier modeling and digital pre-distortion opendpd
a generalized multiscale bundle-based hyperspectral sparse unmixing algorithm gmbua
diffusion model based posterior sampling for noisy linear inverse problems dmps


paper code
afs-bm: enhancing model performance through adaptive feature selection with binary masking afs_bm-algorithm
towards adaptive subspace detection in heterogeneous environment heterogeneous_detector
a review of deep learning methods for photoplethysmography data dl_ppg_review
entanglement purification with quantum ldpc codes and iterative decoding ghz_distillation_qec
statistical mechanics of the maximum-average submatrix problem Maximum-Average-Submatrix
multi-sources information fusion learning for multi-points nlos localization AMDNloc


paper code
the icanclean algorithm: how to remove artifacts using reference noise recordings iCanClean
the manifold scattering transform for high-dimensional point cloud data pointcloud_scattering
identifying tbi physiological states by clustering multivariate clinical time-series data slac-time
modulate your spectrum in self-supervised learning intl
congestion-aware distributed task offloading in wireless multi-hop networks using graph neural networks multihop-offload
fully differentiable ray tracing via discontinuity smoothing for radio network optimization differt2d
nlcg-net: a model-based zero-shot learning framework for undersampled quantitative mri reconstruction NLCG-Net
cone-restricted information theory conerestrictedinformationtheory
in-context learning for mimo equalization using transformer-based sequence models icl-equalization
deep learning-based adaptive joint source-channel coding using hypernetworks hyper-ajscc


paper code
group-level brain decoding with deep learning meg-group-decode
mutual information-based integrated sensing and communications: a wmmse framework MI-based-WMMSE-ISAC-algorithm
chaotic properties of an fir filtered h'enon map chaotic-properties-of-an-fir-filtered-henon-map
biodiffusion: a versatile diffusion model for biomedical signal synthesis biodiffusion
window stacking meta-models for clinical eeg classification eegscopeandarbitration
morpheusnet: resource efficient sleep stage classifier for embedded on-line systems morphuesnet
learning non-myopic power allocation in constrained scenarios nmpa
attentive fusion: a transformer-based approach to multimodal hate speech detection hate-speech-identification
a novel maximum-entropy-driven technique for low-rank orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization with $\ell_0$-norm sparsity constraint mep-orthogonal-nmf


paper code
learning to extract distributed polarization sensing data from noisy jones matrices physics-based-distributed-polarization-sensing
pac codes: sequential decoding vs list decoding List-Decoding-for-Polar-and-PAC-Codes
recovering simultaneously structured data via non-convex iteratively reweighted least squares simirls
learn to categorize or categorize to learn? self-coding for generalized category discovery infosieve


paper code
a comparative study of deep learning and iterative algorithms for joint channel estimation and signal detection mimo_jcesd
score-based source separation with applications to digital communication signals score_based_source_separation
a densenet-based method for decoding auditory spatial attention with eeg asad_densenet
neural network equalizers and successive interference cancellation for bandlimited channels with a nonlinearity nn-mi
entanglement purification with quantum ldpc codes and iterative decoding ghz_distillation_qec
greedy poisson rejection sampling greedy-poisson-rejection-sampling
algebra of nonlocal boxes and the collapse of communication complexity algebra-of-boxes-code
bayes conditional distribution estimation for knowledge distillation based on conditional mutual information iclrmcmi


paper code
resource-efficient separation transformer speechbrain
optimal discrete beamforming of ris-aided wireless communications: an inner product maximization approach RIS_Optimization
ensemble kalman filtering meets gaussian process ssm for non-mean-field and online inference gpssmproj
frequency analysis and filter design for directed graphs with polar decomposition ICASSP2024
unsupervised harmonic parameter estimation using differentiable dsp and spectral optimal transport 1d-spectral-optimal-transport
iterative regularization with k-support norm: an important complement to sparse recovery irksn_aaai2024
remaining useful life prediction for aircraft engines using lstm rul-prediction
calibration of an ska-low prototype station using holographic techniques zenodo.8237885
opendpd: an open-source end-to-end learning & benchmarking framework for wideband power amplifier modeling and digital pre-distortion opendpd
reliability and latency analysis for wireless communication systems with a secret-key budget secret-key-budget-ruin


paper code
robust peak detection for holter ecgs by self-organized operational neural networks r-peak-detection-1d-selfonn
learning temporal resolution in spectrogram for audio classification diffres-python
emergency response person localization and vital sign estimation using a semi-autonomous robot mounted sfcw radar radar-vitals-estimation
semantic-forward relaying: a novel framework towards 6g cooperative communications Semantic_Forward
generalizable sleep staging via multi-level domain alignment sleepdg
block majorization minimization with extrapolation and application to $\beta$-nmf bmme


paper code
task-oriented communication with out-of-distribution detection: an information bottleneck framework VCCIB
online action recognition for human risk prediction with anticipated haptic alert via wearables paper_guo_2023_humanoids_lifting_risk_prediction
adf & transapp: a transformer-based framework for appliance detection using smart meter consumption series transapp
selfeeg: a python library for self-supervised learning in electroencephalography selfeeg
rfrl gym: a reinforcement learning testbed for cognitive radio applications rfrl-gym
seamless and multi-resolution energy forecasting multiresolutionforecasting
pulsatiomech: an open-source matlab toolbox for seismocardiography signal processing scg_master_toolbox
weiss-weinstein bound of frequency estimation error for very weak gnss signals WWB


paper code
on the salient limitations of the methods of assembly theory and their classification of molecular biosignatures mscomplexity
in search of maximum non-overlapping codes nono-codes


paper code
adaptive kalmannet: data-driven kalman filter with fast adaptation adaptive-knet-icassp24
online test-time adaptation of spatial-temporal traffic flow forecasting adcsd


paper code
qcm-sgm+: improved quantized compressed sensing with score-based generative models qcs-sgm-plus
calibration-free online test-time adaptation for electroencephalography motor imagery decoding eeg-otta
faultformer: pretraining transformers for adaptable bearing fault classification faultformer
ensemble kalman filtering meets gaussian process ssm for non-mean-field and online inference gpssmproj
improving transferability of network intrusion detection in a federated learning setup transferability
ddd: a perceptually superior low-response-time dnn-based declipper ddd
lofi user scheduling for multiuser mimo wireless systems lofi-user-scheduling


paper code
channel estimation in underdetermined systems utilizing variational autoencoders vae-est-ud
a geometry-based stochastic wireless channel model using channel images geostochasticchanmodel
geo2sigmap: high-fidelity rf signal mapping using geographic databases geo2sigmap


paper code
multi-device task-oriented communication via maximal coding rate reduction taskcommmcr2
transmusic: a transformer-aided subspace method for doa estimation with low-resolution adcs transformer_music
multi-agent context learning strategy for interference-aware beam allocation in mmwave vehicular communications beam-analysis


paper code
near-field velocity sensing and predictive beamforming near-field-velocity-sensing-and-predictive-beamforming
physics-informed appliance signatures generator for energy disaggregation edframe
an experimental sorting method for improving metagenomic data encoding mizar
concurrent brainstorming & hypothesis satisfying: an iterative framework for enhanced retrieval-augmented generation (r2cbr3h-sr) r2cbr3h-sr


paper code
data-adaptive graph framelets with generalized vanishing moments for graph signal processing graph-involved-frame
$f$-divergence based classification: beyond the use of cross-entropy discriminative-classification-fdiv
families of costs with zero and nonnegative mtw tensor in optimal transport regularmtw


paper code
dictionary attack on imu-based gait authentication dictionaryattackonimugait
wisegrt: dataset for site-specific indoor radio propagation modeling with 3d segmentation and differentiable ray-tracing wisegrt


paper code
a declarative goal-oriented framework for smart environments with lpaas Solomon
bayesian topology inference on partially known networks from input-output pairs inference_langevin


paper code
gasper: graph signal processing in r SGWT-SURE
robust kalman filters based on the sub-gaussian $\alpha$-stable distribution robust-kalman-filters-based-on-the-sub-gaussian-alpha-stable-distribution
robofisense: attention-based robotic arm activity recognition with wifi sensing robofisense
a generalization of the convolution theorem and its connections to non-stationarity and the graph frequency domain genconv
efficient physics-based learned reconstruction methods for real-time 3d near-field mimo radar imaging efficient-learned-3d-near-field-mimo-imaging


paper code
nuv-doa: nuv prior-based bayesian sparse reconstruction with spatial filtering for super-resolution doa estimation ICASSP24-NUV-DoA
sparsity-aware distributed learning for gaussian processes with linear multiple kernel distributed-gsm
ensemble kalman filtering-aided variational inference for gaussian process state-space models gpssmproj
harmonics of learning: universal fourier features emerge in invariant networks spectral-universality
a refining underlying information framework for monaural speech enhancement rui_se
robust stochastically-descending unrolled networks unrolledglow


paper code
geo2sigmap: high-fidelity rf signal mapping using geographic databases geo2sigmap
instantaneous frequency estimation in multicomponent signals in case of interference based on the prony method prony_if_estimation


paper code
multimodal brain-computer interface for in-vehicle driver cognitive load measurement: dataset and baselines cl-drive
finding order in chaos: a novel data augmentation method for time series in contrastive learning Finding_Order_in_Chaos
energy-aware adaptive sampling for self-sustainability in resource-constrained iot devices EcoTrack
revisiting deep generalized canonical correlation analysis revisiting-dgcca
angle of arrival and centimeter distance estimation on a smart uwb sensor node uwb_dualantenna_aoa
leveraging visual supervision for array-based active speaker detection and localization leveraging-visual-supervision-for-array-based-asdl
bayesian optimized physics-informed neural network for estimating wave propagation velocities bopinn
bidirectional uwb localization: a review on an elastic positioning scheme for gnss-deprived zones positioning-algorithms-for-uwb-matlab


paper code
calibrating wireless ray tracing for digital twinning using local phase error estimates phase-aware-rt-calibration
energy-efficient spiking neural network equalization for im/dd systems with optimized neural encoding optispike


paper code
grid-free harmonic retrieval and model order selection using deep convolutional neural networks deepest-demo
deep plug-and-play prior for multitask channel reconstruction in massive mimo systems pnpmt
a study on transferability of deep learning models for network intrusion detection transferability
control aspects for using ris in latency-constrained mobile edge computing mec-with-ris-control


paper code
morpi: mobile robot pure inertial navigation morpi
eat-radar: continuous fine-grained intake gesture detection using fmcw radar and 3d temporal convolutional network with attention eat-radar
low-complexity subspace-descent over symmetric positive definite manifold subspace_descent_over_SPD_manifold
symmetric-reciprocal-match method for vector network analyzer calibration srm-calibration
channel estimation for quantized systems based on conditionally gaussian latent models quantized_channel_estimation
a geometry-based stochastic wireless channel model using channel images geostochasticchanmodel
tsrnet: simple framework for real-time ecg anomaly detection with multimodal time and spectrogram restoration network tsrnet
cardiac and extracardiac discharge diagnosis prediction from emergency department ecgs using deep learning ecg-mimic
a refining underlying information framework for speech enhancement rui_se
frequency analysis and filter design for directed graphs with polar decomposition ICASSP2024
wisegrt: dataset for site-specific indoor radio propagation modeling with 3d segmentation and differentiable ray-tracing wisegrt


paper code
rtsnet: learning to smooth in partially known state-space models (preprint) rtsnet_tsp
approaching globally optimal energy efficiency in interference networks via machine learning ee
score-based data generation for eeg spatial covariance matrices: towards boosting bci performance Tensor-CSPNet-and-Graph-CSPNet
dtp-net: learning to reconstruct eeg signals in time-frequency domain by multi-scale feature reuse eeg-denoise
multi-stage learning for radar pulse activity segmentation radseg
a novel dual-stream time-frequency contrastive pretext tasks framework for sleep stage classification dstf-sleepstaging
hypergraph-mlp: learning on hypergraphs without message passing hypergraph-mlp
probabilistic learning of the purkinje network from the electrocardiogram purkinje-learning
risk-aware continuous control with neural contextual bandits risk_aware_contextual_bandit
srmac -- smoothed recursive moving average crossover for real-time systolic peak detection in photoplethysmography SRMAC_peak_detector
understanding probe behaviors through variational bounds of mutual information information_probing


paper code
qcm-sgm+: improved quantized compressed sensing with score-based generative models qcs-sgm-plus
multi-task learning for radar signal characterisation radchar
structure-preserving transformers for sequences of spd matrices spdtransnet
score-based diffusion priors for multi-target detection 2d-mtd_diffusion
simulation-based evaluation of indoor positioning systems in connected aircraft cabins ewgt_2023


paper code
fast variational block-sparse bayesian learning fast-variational-block-sparse-bayesian-learning
annotating sleep states in children from wrist-worn accelerometer data using machine learning ece381k-applied-ml-project
towards a geometric understanding of spatio temporal graph convolution networks stg-gradcam
robust mri reconstruction by smoothed unrolling (smug) smug_journal
learning to transmit with provable guarantees in wireless federated learning wirelessfl-pdg


paper code
early stopping for deep image prior early_stopping_for_dip
decentralized state estimation in a dimension-reduced linear regression dtt
balancing summarization and change detection in graph streams bsc


paper code
binary spatial random field reconstruction from non-gaussian inhomogeneous time-series observations WarpedGaussianProcesses
domain invariant representation learning and sleep dynamics modeling for automatic sleep staging dream
simpsi: a simple strategy to preserve spectral information in time series data augmentation simpsi
ensemble kalman filtering-aided variational inference for gaussian process state-space models gpssmproj
asf-yolo: a novel yolo model with attentional scale sequence fusion for cell instance segmentation asf-yolo
robust graph neural network based on graph denoising robust_gnn
a geometry-based stochastic wireless channel model using channel images geostochasticchanmodel
quantifying & modeling multimodal interactions: an information decomposition framework pid


paper code
robust single-shot 3d fluorescence imaging in scattering media with a simulator-trained neural network sbrnet
assessing neural network representations during training using noise-resilient diffusion spectral entropy DiffusionSpectralEntropy
on the regret of online coded caching onlinecodedcaching


paper code
neural network based generation of a 1-dimensional stochastic field with turbulent velocity statistics nn-turb
low-complexity subspace-descent over symmetric positive definite manifold subspace_descent_over_SPD_manifold
a scalable and generalizable pathloss map prediction pmnet


paper code
vicious classifiers: data reconstruction attack at inference time vicious-classifiers
functional renormalization group for signal detection and stochastic ergodicity breaking stochastic-signal-detection


paper code
distributed two-tier drl framework for cell-free network: association, beamforming and power allocation dhdrl
spectral temporal graph neural network for massive mimo csi prediction csi-prediction
faultformer: transformer-based prediction of bearing faults faultformer
mains: a magnetic field aided inertial navigation system for indoor positioning mainsvsmagekf


paper code
w-transformers : a wavelet-based transformer framework for univariate time series forecasting w-transformer
ensemble machine learning model trained on a new synthesized dataset generalizes well for stress prediction using wearable devices stress
a generalized bandsplit neural network for cinematic audio source separation bandit
fast and robust sparsity-aware block diagonal representation frs-bdr
towards decentralized task offloading and resource allocation in user-centric mobile edge computing ucmec-mmwave-fronthaul
augmenting channel charting with classical wireless source localization techniques toa-aoa-augmented-channelcharting
model-free learning of two-stage beamformers for passive irs-aided network design zosga-irs


paper code
deepjscc-l++: robust and bandwidth-adaptive wireless image transmission deepjscc-lplusplus
isac 4d imaging system based on 5g downlink millimeter wave signal ISAC_4D_IMaging
classification utility, fairness, and compactness via tunable information bottleneck and r'enyi measures rfib-code
message-passing on hypergraphs: detectability, phase transitions and higher-order information hypergraph-message-passing
algebra of nonlocal boxes and the collapse of communication complexity algebra-of-boxes-code


paper code
2d signal estimation for sparse distributed target photon counting data signal-estimation-sparse-data
balancing summarization and change detection in graph streams bsc


paper code
zero-shot self-supervised learning for mri reconstruction ZS-SSL
fast and expressive gesture recognition using a combination-homomorphic electromyogram encoder com-hom-emg
rigorous dynamical mean field theory for stochastic gradient descent methods rigorous-dynamical-mean-field-theory
quantifying the redundancy between prosody and text quantifying-redundancy


paper code
foundations of user-centric cell-free massive mimo cell-free-book


paper code
towards interpretable sleep stage classification using cross-modal transformers cross-modal-transformer
a distributed block-split gibbs sampler with hypergraph structure for high-dimensional inverse problems dsgs
optimal discrete beamforming of ris-aided wireless communications: an inner product maximization approach RIS_Optimization
data augmentation for generating synthetic electrogastrogram time series syegg
deda: deep directed accumulator deda
robust joint estimation of galaxy redshift and spectral templates using online dictionary learning bryanetal2023
mpcnn: a novel matrix profile approach for cnn-based sleep apnea classification mpcnn-sleep-apnea
learning multi-frequency partial correlation graphs bspcg
autoregressive language models for estimating the entropy of epic ehr audit logs audit-log-lm


paper code
non-stationary transformers: exploring the stationarity in time series forecasting Nonstationary_Transformers
single-shot quantum signal processing interferometry qsp-interferometry
windformer:bi-directional long-distance spatio-temporal network for wind speed prediction windformer
kernel-based tests for likelihood-free hypothesis testing lfi


paper code
high-power and safe rf wireless charging: cautious deployment and operation high_power_and_safe_wpt
applying dimensionality reduction as precursor to lstm-cnn models for classifying imagery and motor signals in ecog-based bcis dim-reduction-with-cnn-lstm


paper code
ssvep-dan: a data alignment network for ssvep-based brain computer interfaces ssvep-dan


paper code
rtsnet: learning to smooth in partially known state-space models rtsnet_tsp
hkf: hierarchical kalman filtering with online learned evolution priors for adaptive ecg denoising hkf_icassp23
outage performance and novel loss function for an ml-assisted resource allocation: an exact analytical framework greedy-resource-allocation-outage-classification
source-free domain adaptation for ssvep-based brain-computer interfaces sfda-ssvep-bci
estimation of entropy-regularized optimal transport maps between non-compactly supported measures entropic-map


paper code
modeling and correcting bias in sequential evaluation sequential-bias
temporally causal discovery tests for discrete time series and neural spike trains github_temporal_causality


paper code
learning to reconstruct signals from binary measurements ssbm


paper code
data-driven identification of parametric governing equations of dynamical systems using the signed cumulative distribution transform PyTransKit
topology of surface electromyogram signals: hand gesture decoding on riemannian manifolds geometryofsemg


paper code
cslp-ae: a contrastive split-latent permutation autoencoder framework for zero-shot electroencephalography signal conversion cslp-ae


paper code
signal2image modules in deep neural networks for eeg classification signal2image-modules-in-deep-neural-networks-for-eeg-classification
data-driven denoising of stationary accelerometer signals MEMS-IMU-Denoising
hkf: hierarchical kalman filtering with online learned evolution priors for adaptive ecg denoising hkf_icassp23
convolutional monge mapping normalization for learning on sleep data convolutional-monge-mapping-normalization
alpcah: sample-wise heteroscedastic pca with tail singular value regularization alpcah
successive linear approximation vbi for joint sparse signal recovery and dynamic grid parameters estimation sla-vbi
learning rl-policies for joint beamforming without exploration: a batch constrained off-policy approach safe-rl-deployment-for-5g
chatgpt in the context of precision agriculture data analytics chatgpt-in-the-context-of-precision-agriculture-data-analytics
caster: a computer-vision-assisted wireless channel simulator for gesture recognition testspectrogram


paper code
abs+ polar codes: exploiting more linear transforms on adjacent bits abs-polar
in-context learning for mimo equalization using transformer-based sequence models icl-equalization


paper code
principled pruning of bayesian neural networks through variational free energy minimization principledpruningbnn
spectral cross-domain neural network with soft-adaptive threshold spectral enhancement scdnn-ts
pay less but get more: a dual-attention-based channel estimation network for massive mimo systems with low-density pilots dacen
eeg-dg: a multi-source domain generalization framework for motor imagery eeg classification eeg-dg
uncertainty-aware bayes' rule and its applications bayes-rule


paper code
exploring best practices for ecg signal processing in machine learning ecg_augmentation
discerning and enhancing the weighted sum-rate maximization algorithms in communications ratemax


paper code
score-based source separation with applications to digital communication signals score_based_source_separation
classification of various types of damages in honeycomb composite sandwich structures using guided wave structural health monitoring damage-classification-using-feature-engineering
the fairness stitch: unveiling the potential of model stitching in neural network de-biasing the_fairness_stitch


paper code
gacs-korner common information variational autoencoder common-vae
learn to categorize or categorize to learn? self-coding for generalized category discovery infosieve


paper code
vehicular visible light positioning for collision avoidance and platooning: a survey vehicular-vlp-simulations


paper code
exclusive group lasso for structured variable selection exclusive-lasso
a ris-based vehicle doa estimation method with integrated sensing and communication system passivedoa-isac-ris
representing edge flows on graphs via sparse cell complexes edge-flow-cell-complexes
improving robustness via tilted exponential layer: a communication-theoretic perspective texp_for_robustness


paper code
robust waveform design for integrated sensing and communication robust-waveform
generating hsr bogie vibration signals via pulse voltage-guided conditional diffusion model vgcdm


paper code
a multimodal sensing ring for quantification of scratch intensity wearable_scratch_intensity
message passing meets graph neural networks: a new paradigm for massive mimo systems amp_gnn
on the impact of control signaling in ris-empowered wireless communications ris-control
energy-aware adaptive sampling for self-sustainability in resource-constrained iot devices EcoTrack
efficient computation of the quantum rate-distortion function efficient-qrd


paper code
ipdp: on partial dependence plots in dynamic modeling scenarios ipdp-on-partial-dependence-plots-in-dynamic-modeling-scenarios
optimal status updates for minimizing age of correlated information in iot networks with energy harvesting sensors RSS_algorithm
kernelized cumulants: beyond kernel mean embeddings kernelized-cumulants
quantifying & modeling multimodal interactions: an information decomposition framework pid
compression with bayesian implicit neural representations combiner
exact optimality of communication-privacy-utility tradeoffs in distributed mean estimation rrsc
boosting learning for ldpc codes to improve the error-floor performance ldpc_error_floor
estimating the rate-distortion function by wasserstein gradient descent wgd
learn to categorize or categorize to learn? self-coding for generalized category discovery infosieve


paper code
novel models for multiple dependent heteroskedastic time series stat40710


paper code
statistical component separation for targeted signal recovery in noisy mixtures stat_comp_sep
path weight sampling: exact monte carlo computation of the mutual information between stochastic trajectories pathweightsampling.jl
a neural collapse perspective on feature evolution in graph neural networks gnn_collapse


paper code
learning bilinear models of actuated koopman generators from partially-observed trajectories koopmangeneratorem


paper code
incremental measurement of structural entropy for dynamic graphs incre-se


paper code
gasper: graph signal processing in r SGWT-SURE
riscatter: unifying backscatter communication and reconfigurable intelligent surface riscatter
learning informative representation for fairness-aware multivariate time-series forecasting: a group-based perspective fairfor
distributed variational inference for online supervised learning distributed-mapping
learning state-augmented policies for information routing in communication networks state-augmeted-information-routing
federated learning compression designed for lightweight communications fl_exps
quantum conformal prediction for reliable uncertainty quantification in quantum machine learning quantum-cp
vontss: vmf based semi-supervised neural topic modeling with optimal transport vONTSS
teleqna: a benchmark dataset to assess large language models telecommunications knowledge teleqna


paper code
equivariant bootstrapping for uncertainty quantification in imaging inverse problems equivariant_bootstrap
a lego-brick approach to coding for network communication lego-brick


paper code
mutual information-based integrated sensing and communications: a wmmse framework MI-based-WMMSE-ISAC-algorithm
semantic: semantic interference cancellation towards 6g wireless communications SemantIC


paper code
compression with bayesian implicit neural representations combiner
perceptual measurements, distances and metrics perceptual_metric


paper code
removing structured noise with diffusion models joint-diffusion
correlative information maximization: a biologically plausible approach to supervised deep neural networks without weight symmetry Supervised-CorInfoMax


paper code
unique sparse decomposition of low rank matrices Unique_Fac_of_Low_Rank
semi-supervised end-to-end learning for integrated sensing and communications sslisac
autodeconj: a gpu accelerated imagej plugin for 3d light field deconvolution with optimal iteration numbers predicting autodeconj
beyond normal: on the evaluation of mutual information estimators bmi
the mixtures and the neural critics: on the pointwise mutual information profiles of fine distributions bmi


paper code
learning rl-policies for joint beamforming without exploration: a batch constrained off-policy approach safe-rl-deployment-for-5g
multi-sensor multi-scan radar sensing of multiple extended targets di-gsncp-radar-sensing
revisiting minimum description length complexity in overparameterized models mdl-complexity
task-aware distributed source coding under dynamic bandwidth task-aware-distributed-source-coding


paper code
semantic-forward relaying: a novel framework towards 6g cooperative communications Semantic_Forward
interpretable diffusion via information decomposition info-decomp
fast search method for large polarization kernels kernelbruteforcer


paper code
multi-kernel correntropy-based orientation estimation of imus: gradient descent methods mc_gd_imu
ecg-qa: a comprehensive question answering dataset combined with electrocardiogram ecg-qa
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces-enabled intra-cell pilot reuse in massive mimo systems ris-pilot-reuse
brain age revisited: investigating the state vs. trait hypotheses of eeg-derived brain-age dynamics with deep learning eeg-brain-age
uncovering ecg changes during healthy aging using explainable ai ecg-aging
boosting learning for ldpc codes to improve the error-floor performance ldpc_error_floor
functional renormalization group for signal detection and stochastic ergodicity breaking stochastic-signal-detection


paper code
tiny-ppg: a lightweight deep neural network for real-time detection of motion artifacts in photoplethysmogram signals on edge devices tiny-ppg
branched latent neural maps blnm.jl
isac 4d imaging system based on 5g downlink millimeter wave signal ISAC_4D_IMaging
s4sleep: elucidating the design space of deep-learning-based sleep stage classification models s4sleep


paper code
neural vocoder is all you need for speech super-resolution ssr_eval
voicefixer: a unified framework for high-fidelity speech restoration voicefixer
distributed deep joint source-channel coding over a multiple access channel deepjscc-noma
ontology-aware learning and evaluation for audio tagging ontology-aware-audio-tagging
the first cadenza signal processing challenge: improving music for those with a hearing loss task1
estimating conditional mutual information for dynamic feature selection dime


paper code
link scheduling using graph neural networks distgcn
a comprehensive indoor environment dataset from single-family houses in the us bdl_data_1


paper code
accoustate: auto-annotation of imu-generated activity signatures under smart infrastructure acconotate
conditional generative models for simulation of emg during naturalistic movements biomime
learning and communications co-design for remote inference systems: feature length selection and transmission scheduling impact-of-data-freshness-in-learning
procedural text mining with large language models proc-tm


paper code
path weight sampling: exact monte carlo computation of the mutual information between stochastic trajectories pathweightsampling.jl
on the financial consequences of simplified battery sizing models without considering operational details community-battery-sizing-study
local max-entropy and free energy principles, belief diffusions and their singularities topos


paper code
maximum likelihood based phase-retrieval using fresnel propagation forward models with optional constraints phasetorch
rcs-yolo: a fast and high-accuracy object detector for brain tumor detection rcs-yolo
multi-static isac in cell-free massive mimo: precoder design and privacy assessment globecom2023
the representation jensen-shannon divergence representationjsd


paper code
short-length ssvep data extension by a novel generative adversarial networks based framework tegan
branched latent neural maps blnm.jl
learning state-augmented policies for information routing in communication networks state-augmeted-information-routing
an efficient algorithm for clustered multi-task compressive sensing multics
revisiting minimum description length complexity in overparameterized models mdl-complexity
minimising the expected posterior entropy yields optimal summary statistics summaries
task-aware distributed source coding under dynamic bandwidth task-aware-distributed-source-coding
age of information in slotted aloha with energy harvesting aoi_slottedaloha_energyharvesting
mining java memory errors using subjective interesting subgroups with hierarchical targets sca-miner


paper code
accelerated motion correction with deep generative diffusion models motion_score_mri
learning large-scale mtp$_2$ gaussian graphical models via bridge-block decomposition mtp2-bbd


paper code
motion-robust free-running cardiovascular mri motion-robust-CMR
optimal receive filter design for misaligned over-the-air computation filteraircomp
set learning for accurate and calibrated models oko
geometry of sensitivity: twice sampling and hybrid clipping in differential privacy with optimal gaussian noise and application to deep learning twice_sampling_and_hybrid_clipping
efficient computation of the quantum rate-distortion function efficient-qrd


paper code
data-driven identification of parametric governing equations of dynamical systems using the signed cumulative distribution transform PyTransKit
fully adaptive time-varying wave-shape model: applications in biomedical signal processing tvwse
scaling representation learning from ubiquitous ecg with state-space models tiles_ecg_model
investigating the changes in bold responses during viewing of images with varied complexity: an fmri time-series based analysis on human vision fmri-time-series-classification


paper code
joint communication and computation framework for goal-oriented semantic communication with distortion rate resilience drgo-semcom


paper code
a time-causal and time-recursive scale-covariant scale-space representation of temporal signals and past time pytempscsp
toward reliable signals decoding for electroencephalogram: a benchmark study to eegnex eegnex
mm-fi: multi-modal non-intrusive 4d human dataset for versatile wireless sensing mmfi_dataset
ecg-qa: a comprehensive question answering dataset combined with electrocardiogram ecg-qa
quantum and quantum-inspired stereographic k nearest-neighbour clustering stereographic-quantum-embedding-clustering
functional graph contrastive learning of hyperscanning eeg reveals emotional contagion evoked by stereotype-based stressors Functional-Graph-Contrastive-Learning-of-Hyperscanning-EEG
structure-preserving transformers for sequences of spd matrices spdtransnet
bgf-yolo: enhanced yolov8 with multiscale attentional feature fusion for brain tumor detection bgf-yolo
finding order in chaos: a novel data augmentation method for time series in contrastive learning Finding_Order_in_Chaos
dnn-danm: a high-accuracy two-dimensional doa estimation method using practical ris dnn-danm
single-antenna jammers in mimo-ofdm can resemble multi-antenna jammers ofdm-jammer
partition and code: learning how to compress graphs PnC
a truly concurrent semantics for reversible ccs reversible-ccs-as-nets


paper code
deep sound-field denoiser: optically-measured sound-field denoising using deep neural network deep-sound-field-denoiser
an f-ratio-based method for estimating the number of active sources in meg fratio-based-method-for-source-enumeration
limitations in odour recognition and generalisation in a neuromorphic olfactory circuit eplnetwork_imamcleland2020
a class-weighted supervised contrastive learning long-tailed bearing fault diagnosis approach using quadratic neural network CCQNet
dictionary attack on imu-based gait authentication dictionaryattackonimugait
multimodal transformers for wireless communications: a case study in beam prediction deepsense6g_tii
statistical mechanics of the maximum-average submatrix problem Maximum-Average-Submatrix
quantum conformal prediction for reliable uncertainty quantification in quantum machine learning quantum-cp


paper code
online learning of the transfer matrix of dynamic scattering media: wavefront shaping meets multidimensional time series online_learning_tm
on the formation of min-weight codewords of polar/pac codes and its applications Error-Coefficient-reduced-Polar-PAC-Codes
towards disentangling information paths with coded resnext coded-resnext
stein variational guided model predictive path integral control: proposal and experiments with fast maneuvering vehicles proj-svg_mppi


paper code
trajectory pmb filters for extended object tracking using belief propagation trajectory-pmb-eot-bp
electrocardioguard: preventing patient misidentification in electrocardiogram databases through neural networks electrocardioguard
a new method of modeling the multi-stage decision-making process of crt using machine learning with uncertainty quantification crt_multistageml_uncertainty
mixed graph signal analysis of joint image denoising / interpolation icassp24-joint
unsupervised speech enhancement with diffusion-based generative models sgmse


paper code
frequency estimation using complex-valued shifted window transformer spectral-super-resolution-swin
scaling the time and fourier domains to align periodically and their convolution fxt
vontss: vmf based semi-supervised neural topic modeling with optimal transport vONTSS


paper code
validation of the reference impedance in multiline calibration with stepped impedance standards verification-multiline-trl-calibration
closed loop bci system for cybathlon 2020 GoPar
structure-preserving transformers for sequences of spd matrices spdtransnet
transmusic: a transformer-aided subspace method for doa estimation with low-resolution adcs transformer_music
gaussian processes with linear multiple kernel: spectrum design and distributed learning for multi-dimensional data distributed-gsm
deep nonnegative matrix factorization with beta divergences deep-kl-nmf-public
the multi-cluster fluctuating two-ray fading model mftr-fading-channel-model


paper code
toward reliable signals decoding for electroencephalogram: a benchmark study to eegnex eegnex
adaptive kalmannet: data-driven kalman filter with fast adaptation adaptive-knet-icassp24
self-supervised blind source separation via multi-encoder autoencoders self-supervised-bss-via-multi-encoder-ae
pypvroof: a python package for extracting the characteristics of rooftop pv installations using remote sensing data pypvroof
a strong and simple deep learning baseline for bci mi decoding eegsimpleconv
predicting survival time of ball bearings in the presence of censoring ball-bearing-survival
a densenet-based method for decoding auditory spatial attention with eeg asad_densenet


paper code
is channel estimation necessary to select phase-shifts for ris-assisted massive mimo? ris-massive-mimo
a spectral analysis of graph neural networks on dense and sparse graphs gnn_community_detection
nuv-doa: nuv prior-based bayesian sparse reconstruction with spatial filtering for super-resolution doa estimation ICASSP24-NUV-DoA
bayesian topology inference on partially known networks from input-output pairs inference_langevin
a worker-task specialization model for crowdsourcing: efficient inference and fundamental limits dtype
multiple-access channel coding with non-signaling correlations mac_ns_lp


paper code
task-oriented communication for multi-device cooperative edge inference vddib-sr
reinforcement learning for supply chain attacks against frequency and voltage control rl-cps-attacks
concurrent composition for interactive differential privacy with adaptive privacy-loss parameters concurrent-composition
chebyshev particles chebyshevparticles


paper code
hermes: hybrid error-corrector model with inclusion of external signals for nonstationary fashion time series hermes
efficient and scalable parametric high-order portfolios design via the skew-t distribution highOrderPortfolios
efficient ecg-based atrial fibrillation detection via parameterised hypercomplex neural networks hypercomplexecg
task-oriented communication for edge video analytics tocom-tem
physics-informed neural networks for prognostics and health management of lithium-ion batteries PINN-Battery-Prognostics
audioldm: text-to-audio generation with latent diffusion models AudioLDM
deep metric learning for the hemodynamics inference with electrocardiogram signals ssldml
audioldm 2: learning holistic audio generation with self-supervised pretraining AudioLDM2
ecg-based estimation of respiratory modulation of av nodal conduction during atrial fibrillation ecg-based_estimation_of_respiratory_modulation_of_av_nodal_conduction_during_atrial_fibrillation
the information geometry of umap info-geometry-umap
perceptual adjustment queries and an inverted measurement paradigm for low-rank metric learning paq


paper code
data-driven classification of low-power communication signals by an unauthenticated user using a software-defined radio jammingsdr
prista-net: deep iterative shrinkage thresholding network for coded diffraction patterns phase retrieval prista-net


paper code
watch this space: securing satellite communication through resilient transmitter fingerprinting SatIQ
dynamic causal graph convolutional network for traffic prediction DCGCN


paper code
load modulation for backscatter communication: channel capacity and near-capacity schemes backscatteratcapacity
manifold filter-combine networks mfcn
distributed variational inference for online supervised learning distributed-mapping
symmetric-reciprocal-match method for vector network analyzer calibration srm-calibration
uncertainty quantification in deep learning based kalman filters Uncertainty-extraction-in-Model-Based-DL
spherical and hyperbolic toric topology-based codes on graph embedding for ising mrf models: classical and quantum topology machine learning classical-and-quantum-topology-ml-toric-spherical


paper code
generalized minimum error entropy for adaptive filtering Generalized-minimum-error-entropy-for-robust-learning
towards efficient modeling and inference in multi-dimensional gaussian process state-space models gpssmproj


paper code
validation of the reference impedance in multiline calibration with stepped impedance standards verification-multiline-trl-calibration
neural augmented kalman filtering with bollinger bands for pairs trading kalmanbot_icassp23
from prediction markets to interpretable collective intelligence collective-intelligence-research


paper code
principled pruning of bayesian neural networks through variational free energy minimization principledpruningbnn
phonmatchnet: phoneme-guided zero-shot keyword spotting for user-defined keywords phonmatchnet
time-varying quasi-closed-phase analysis for accurate formant tracking in speech signals ftrack


paper code
on low-rank trace regression under general sampling distribution cv-impute


paper code
fundamentals of wobbling and hardware impairments-aware air-to-ground channel model Wobbling-HI-Drones
towards domain generalization for ecg and eeg classification: algorithms and benchmarks biodg
towards quantitative precision for ecg analysis: leveraging state space models, self-supervision and patient metadata ssm_ecg
ridgeless regression with random features ridgeless-regression-with-random-features


paper code
self-supervised scalable deep compressed sensing scnet
a comparison of neural networks for wireless channel prediction channel_prediction_dnn
on the statistical relation of ultra-reliable wireless and location estimation localization-and-reliability-in-urllc
fast and low-memory compressive sensing algorithms for low tucker-rank tensor approximation from streamed measurements leave_one_out_recovery
a spatially non-stationary fading channel model for simulation and (semi-) analytical study of elaa-mimo non-stationary-fading-channel-model


paper code
early stopping for deep image prior early_stopping_for_dip
arrhythmia classifier based on ultra-lightweight binary neural network ecg_bnn_net
parameter-efficient learning for text-to-speech accent adaptation PEL-TTS
a multi-dimensional deep structured state space approach to speech enhancement using small-footprint models s4nd-u-net_speech_enhancement


paper code
quantized radio map estimation using tensor and deep generative models Quantized-Radio-Map-Estimation-BTD-and-DGM
dh-ptam: a deep hybrid stereo events-frames parallel tracking and mapping system dh-ptam


paper code
a thru-free multiline calibration thru-free-multiline-calibration
compressed sensing: a discrete optimization approach discretecompressedsensing.jl
iot data trust evaluation via machine learning iot_datatrust_rwi
optimal linear precoder design for mimo-ofdm integrated sensing and communications based on bayesian cram'er-rao bound isac-mimo-ofdm-wf
system identification using the signed cumulative distribution transform in structural health monitoring applications PyTransKit


paper code
learning to learn graph topologies l2g-neurips2021
tightly integrated motion classification and state estimation in foot-mounted navigation systems filterbanks
graph neural network-enhanced expectation propagation algorithm for mimo turbo receivers GNN-enhanced-EP-for-Turbo-MIMO
information content and maximum entropy of compartmental systems in equilibrium entropy_and_complexity_in_eq


paper code
parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (faceted hypersara): ii. code and real data proof of concept faceted-hypersara
a unified multi-task semantic communication system for multimodal data t-udeepsc
graph neural networks on spd manifolds for motor imagery classification: a perspective from the time-frequency analysis Tensor-CSPNet-and-Graph-CSPNet
multidimensional graph neural networks for wireless communications mdgnn
entropy estimation via uniformization nfee
learning and communications co-design for remote inference systems: feature length selection and transmission scheduling impact-of-data-freshness-in-learning


paper code
towards best practice of interpreting deep learning models for eeg-based brain computer interfaces Towards-Best-Practice-of-Interpreting-Deep-Learning-Models-for-EEG-based-BCI
remote bio-sensing: open source benchmark framework for fair evaluation of rppg rppg
swinjscc: taming swin transformer for deep joint source-channel coding swinjscc


paper code
quaternary neural belief propagation decoding of quantum ldpc codes with overcomplete check matrices quantum-neural-bp4-demo


paper code
selective noise suppression methods using random svpwm to shape the noise spectrum of pmsms SNS-in-random-SVPWM
rigorous dynamical mean field theory for stochastic gradient descent methods rigorous-dynamical-mean-field-theory


paper code
can we transfer noise patterns? a multi-environment spectrum analysis model using generated cases cnst


paper code
collaborative learning with a drone orchestrator collaborative-learning-with-a-drone-orchestrator
a thru-free multiline calibration thru-free-multiline-calibration
unlocking the diagnostic potential of ecg through knowledge transfer from cardiac mri mmcl-ecg-cmr
a law of data separation in deep learning re-equi-sepa


paper code
cosys-airsim: a real-time simulation framework expanded for complex industrial applications Cosys-AirSim
deep generative models for unsupervised delamination detection using guided waves anovae-delamshm
audioldm 2: learning holistic audio generation with self-supervised pretraining AudioLDM2
information decomposition reveals hidden high-order contributions to temporal irreversibility fastdmf


paper code
emergence of the svd as an interpretable factorization in deep learning for inverse problems descrambling-nn
low-complexity subspace-descent over symmetric positive definite manifold subspace_descent_over_SPD_manifold
striking the right balance: three-dimensional ocean sound speed field reconstruction using tensor neural networks tensor-neural-network


paper code
rtsnet: learning to smooth in partially known state-space models rtsnet_tsp
quantum and quantum-inspired stereographic k nearest-neighbour clustering stereographic-quantum-embedding-clustering


paper code
l-seqsleepnet: whole-cycle long sequence modelling for automatic sleep staging l-seqsleepnet
successive pose estimation and beam tracking for mmwave vehicular communication systems Fast-CFEAR-Radar-Odometry
branched latent neural operators blno.jl
k-band: self-supervised mri reconstruction via stochastic gradient descent over k-space subsets k-band


paper code
motion-robust free-running cardiovascular mri motion-robust-CMR
design space exploration on efficient and accurate human pose estimation from sparse imu-sensing dse-sparse-imu
differentiable adaptive short-time fourier transform with respect to the window length dstft
multimodal indoor localisation in parkinson's disease for detecting medication use: observational pilot study in a free-living setting Multihead-Dual-Convolutional-Self-Attention
differentiable short-time fourier transform with respect to the hop length dstft
hypertension detection from high-dimensional representation of photoplethysmogram signals hypertension_ppg
contrastive self-supervised learning based approach for patient similarity: a case study on atrial fibrillation detection from ppg signal simsig


paper code
bayesian algorithms for kronecker-structured sparse vector recovery with application to irs-mimo channel estimation journalkrosbl
can we transfer noise patterns? an multi-environment spectrum analysis model using generated cases cnst
llms4ol: large language models for ontology learning llms4ol


paper code
an integrated multi-time-scale modeling for solar irradiance forecasting using deep learning LSTM_Solar_Forecasting
vit2eeg: leveraging hybrid pretrained vision transformers for eeg data eegeyenet-vit
data augmentation of bridging the delay gap for dl-based massive mimo csi feedback crnetaug
nystr"om $m$-hilbert-schmidt independence criterion nystroem-mhsic


paper code
load modulation for backscatter communication: channel capacity and near-capacity schemes backscatteratcapacity
matnilm: multi-appliance-task non-intrusive load monitoring with limited labeled data matnilm
ultrasound image reconstruction with denoising diffusion restoration models drus-v1
rcs-yolo: a fast and high-accuracy object detector for brain tumor detection rcs-yolo
the representation jensen-shannon divergence representationjsd
spherical and hyperbolic toric topology-based codes on graph embedding for ising mrf models: classical and quantum topology machine learning Topology-Signal-Processing


paper code
dime: maximizing mutual information by a difference of matrix-based entropies DiME
quantifying & modeling multimodal interactions: an information decomposition framework pid


paper code
learning transfer operators by kernel density estimation fpoperatorde


paper code
multi-target tracking with transferable convolutional neural networks mtt
manifold filter-combine networks mfcn
learning to design analog circuits to meet threshold specifications circuit-synthesis


paper code
noise detection with spectator qubits and quantum feature engineering QFEND
denoising noisy neural networks: a bayesian approach with compensation NoisyNN
bounded simplex-structured matrix factorization: algorithms, identifiability and applications bssmf.jl
a switching gaussian process latent force model for the identification of mechanical systems with a discontinuous nonlinearity switching-gplfm
adaptive regularized zero-forcing beamforming in massive mimo with multi-antenna users Adaptive-Regularized-Zero-Forcing-Beamforming-in-Massive-MIMO-with-Multi-Antenna-Users


paper code
nilm as a regression versus classification problem: the importance of thresholding better_nilm
trumpets: injective flows for inference and inverse problems trumpets
self-supervised learning for human activity recognition using 700,000 person-days of wearable data ssl-wearables
deep injective prior for inverse scattering scattering_injective_prior
self-supervised learning for time series analysis: taxonomy, progress, and prospects Awesome-SSL4TS
deep unfolded simulated bifurcation for massive mimo signal detection unfolded_simbif
remote bio-sensing: open source benchmark framework for fair evaluation of rppg rppg
concept-based explainability for an eeg transformer model tcav-bendr
in search of maximum non-overlapping codes nono-codes


paper code
lrh-net: a multi-level knowledge distillation approach for low-resource heart network lrh-net
successive linear approximation vbi for joint sparse signal recovery and dynamic grid parameters estimation sla-vbi
transferability of convolutional neural networks in stationary learning tasks mtt
adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar


paper code
learning-based reconstruction of fri signals LearningBasedFRI
multi-view self-supervised learning for multivariate variable-channel time series multiview_ts_ssl
novel batch active learning approach and its application to synthetic aperture radar datasets sar_bal
can information flows suggest targets for interventions in neural circuits? ann-info-flow


paper code
dreamr: diffusion-driven counterfactual explanation for functional mri dreamr
sionna rt: differentiable ray tracing for radio propagation modeling diff-rt
genkl: an iterative framework for resolving label ambiguity and label non-conformity in web images via a new generalized kl divergence genkl


paper code
on the convergence of inexact gradient descent with controlled synchronization steps inexact-gradient-descent
propagation of linear uncertainties through multiline thru-reflect-line calibration uncertainty-multiline-trl-calibration
implicit anatomical rendering for medical image segmentation with stochastic experts morse
gaussian process deconvolution gaussian-process-deconvolution
3dinvnet: a deep learning-based 3d ground-penetrating radar data inversion 3dinvnet
classification with incoherent kernel dictionary learning incoherent-kernel-dictionary-learning
reduced kernel dictionary learning rkdl
radar-stda: a high-performance spatial-temporal denoising autoencoder for interference mitigation of fmcw radars rd_map_temporal_spatial_denoising_autoencoder
application of bert in wind power forecasting-teletraan's solution in baidu kdd cup 2022 kdd2022-baidu
deepcabac: a universal compression algorithm for deep neural networks DeepCABAC


paper code
wifi based distance estimation using supervised machine learning wifi-fingerprint
multi-target tracking with transferable convolutional neural networks mtt
graph neural networks on spd manifolds for motor imagery classification: a perspective from the time-frequency analysis Tensor-CSPNet-and-Graph-CSPNet
learning to reconstruct signals from binary measurements ssbm
source-free domain adaptation with temporal imputation for time series data mapu_sfda_ts
harpa: high-rate phase association with travel time neural fields phase_association


paper code
semantic information recovery in wireless networks sinfony
human biophysics as network weights: conditional generative models for dynamic simulation biomime


paper code
b-har: an open-source baseline framework for in depth study of human activity recognition datasets and workflows B-HAR
semi-device-dependent blind quantum tomography blind-quantum-tomography
fundamental limits for sensor-based robot control performance-limits


paper code
super-resolution radar imaging with sparse arrays using a deep neural network trained with enhanced virtual data sparse-array-radar-imaging
tsdownsample: high-performance time series downsampling for scalable visualization tsdownsample


paper code
grid-free mimo beam alignment through site-specific deep learning dlgf
manifold filter-combine networks mfcn
spoofing-resilient lidar-gps factor graph localization with chimera authentication chimera_fgo
set learning for accurate and calibrated models oko


paper code
deep optimal transport for domain adaptation on spd manifolds deep-optimal-transport-for-domain-adaptation-on-spd-manifolds
avoiding post-processing with event-based detection in biomedical signals eventnet
exact recovery of the support of piecewise constant images via total variation regularization 2023-support-recovery-tv


paper code
alpcah: sample-wise heteroscedastic pca with tail singular value regularization alpcah
fast and multi-aspect mining of complex time-stamped event streams cubescope
on the noise sensitivity of the randomized svd randomized-svd-code


paper code
d'em'elange, d'econvolution et d'ebruitage conjoints d'un mod`ele convolutif parcimonieux avec d'erive instrumentale, par p'enalisation de rapports de normes ou quasi-normes liss'ees (pendantss) pendantss
deep generation of heterogeneous networks hgen
on probability shaping for 5g mimo wireless channel with realistic ldpc codes on-probabilistic-qam-shaping-for-5g-mimo-wireless-channel-with-realistic-ldpc-codes
conditional and residual methods in scalable coding for humans and machines research
a neural collapse perspective on feature evolution in graph neural networks gnn_collapse


paper code
propagation of linear uncertainties through multiline thru-reflect-line calibration uncertainty-multiline-trl-calibration
towards domain generalization for ecg and eeg classification: algorithms and benchmarks biodg
decision-oriented two-parameter fisher information sensitivity using symplectic decomposition symplecticfishersensitivity
a lego-brick approach to coding for network communication lego-brick
worth of knowledge in deep learning worth_of_knowledge
engage: explanation guided data augmentation for graph representation learning engage


paper code
learning bilinear models of actuated koopman generators from partially-observed trajectories koopmangeneratorem
root tracking for rate-distortion: approximating a solution curve with higher implicit multivariate derivatives rtrd


paper code
noise detection with spectator qubits and quantum feature engineering QFEND
assessing the performance of 1d-convolution neural networks to predict concentration of mixture components from raman spectra ramix
accurate pet reconstruction from reduced set of measurements based on gmm accurate-pet-reconstruction-from-reduced-set-of-measurements-based-on-gmm
tokenization and the noiseless channel tokenization-scorer


paper code
ai-generated incentive mechanism and full-duplex semantic communications for information sharing semsharing
ecg-qa: a comprehensive question answering dataset combined with electrocardiogram ecg-qa
understanding a version of multivariate symmetric uncertainty to assist in feature selection package=msu
on graph uncertainty principle and eigenvector delocalization uncertainty-delocalization
on information captured by neural networks: connections with memorization and generalization aws-cv-unique-information


paper code
sinr: deconvolving circular sas images using implicit neural representations csas_deconvolution_inr
data-driven blind synchronization and interference rejection for digital communication signals scss_sync
on neural architectures for deep learning-based source separation of co-channel ofdm signals scss_ofdmarchitecture
statistical component separation for targeted signal recovery in noisy mixtures stat_comp_sep
llmzip: lossless text compression using large language models LLMzip


paper code
openfwi: large-scale multi-structural benchmark datasets for seismic full waveform inversion openfwi
binary spatial random field reconstruction from non-gaussian inhomogeneous time-series observations WarpedGaussianProcesses
robust spatiotemporal traffic forecasting with reinforced dynamic adversarial training rdat
cst-yolo: a novel method for blood cell detection based on improved yolov7 and cnn-swin transformer CST-YOLO
folded polynomial codes for coded distributed $aa^\top$-type matrix multiplication foldedpolynomialcodes
domain adaptive decision trees: implications for accuracy and fairness domain-adaptive-trees
compression with bayesian implicit neural representations combiner
recoil: parallel rans decoding with decoder-adaptive scalability recoil


paper code
multi-task learning for radar signal characterisation radchar
necessary and sufficient graphical conditions for optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models with hidden variables tigramite


paper code
signal inpainting from fourier magnitudes inpainting-fourier


paper code
space-time design for deep joint source channel coding of images over mimo channels st_jscc
high throughput open-source implementation of wi-fi 6 and wimax ldpc encoder and decoder yaldpc


paper code
distributed set-based observers using diffusion strategies distributed-set-based-observers-using-diffusion-strategies
scale dependencies and self-similar models with wavelet scattering spectra scattering_spectra
decomposed linear dynamical systems (dlds) for learning the latent components of neural dynamics dLDS-Discrete-Python-Model
data-driven denoising of stationary accelerometer signals MEMS-IMU-Denoising
a neural-network framework for the design of individualised hearing-loss compensation dnn-ha
tfn: an interpretable neural network with time-frequency transform embedded for intelligent fault diagnosis tfn
bayesian optimization of sampling densities in mri bindings-nufft-pytorch
short-length ssvep data extension by a novel generative adversarial networks based framework tegan
deep comparisons of neural networks from the eegnet family bionic_apps
lora backscatter communications: temporal, spectral, and error performance analysis lora-backscatter-performance-analysis
multiwave: multiresolution deep architectures through wavelet decomposition for multivariate time series prediction multiwave
matnet: multi-level fusion and self-attention transformer-based model for multivariate multi-step day-ahead pv generation forecasting matnet
duta-vc: a duration-aware typical-to-atypical voice conversion approach with diffusion probabilistic model duta-vc
to fold or not to fold: graph regularized tensor train for visual data completion graphttc
fdnet: focal decomposed network for efficient, robust and practical time series forecasting fdnet
beyond normal: on the evaluation of mutual information estimators bmi


paper code
super-resolution radar imaging with sparse arrays using a deep neural network trained with enhanced virtual data sparse-array-radar-imaging


paper code
hierarchical dirichlet process based gamma mixture modelling for terahertz band wireless communication channels DPGMM-Channel-Modelling
closed-form global optimization of beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surfaces optimization-of-bdris
diffusion-based conditional ecg generation with structured state space models sssd-ecg
low-complexity steered response power mapping based on low-rank and sparse interpolation lr-sp-int-srp
towards trustworthy seizure onset detection using workflow notes eeg_robustness
two-way semantic transmission of images without feedback TW-SemanticComm
safeguarding data in multimodal ai: a differentially private approach to clip training dpclip


paper code
semantic information recovery in wireless networks sinfony
deep demixing: reconstructing the evolution of network epidemics Deep_demixing
binomial line cox processes: statistical characterization and applications in wireless network analysis blcp


paper code
weight freezing: a regularization approach for fully connected layers with an application in eeg classification weightfreezing
bayesian calibration of mems accelerometers bayes_cal_paper
optimized gradient tracking for decentralized online learning Optimized-Gradient-Tracking
ts-moco: time-series momentum contrast for self-supervised physiological representation learning ts-moco
evaluating prompt-based question answering for object prediction in the open research knowledge graph thesis_work


paper code
hrtf upsampling with a generative adversarial network using a gnomonic equiangular projection hrtf-upsampling-with-a-generative-adversarial-network-using-a-gnomonic-equiangular-projection
correlative information maximization: a biologically plausible approach to supervised deep neural networks without weight symmetry Supervised-CorInfoMax


paper code
validation of the reference impedance in multiline calibration with stepped impedance standards verification-multiline-trl-calibration
an adaptive and robust deep learning framework for thz ultra-massive mimo channel estimation FPN-OAMP-THz-Channel-Estimation
toward more accurate and generalizable brain deformation estimators for traumatic brain injury detection with unsupervised domain adaptation drca-mlhm
power allocation algorithms for massive mimo systems with multi-antenna users Power-Allocation-Algorithms-for-Massive-MIMO-Systems-with-Multi-Antenna-Users
learning to maximize mutual information for dynamic feature selection dynamic-selection
generic decoding of restricted errors rest-dec


paper code
one-dimensional deep image prior for curve fitting of s-parameters from electromagnetic solvers curvefitting-dip
model-based deep learning mbdl_book
a measure of the complexity of neural representations based on partial information decomposition nninfo
multimodal learning without labeled multimodal data: guarantees and applications pid


paper code
lora backscatter communications: temporal, spectral, and error performance analysis lora-backscatter-communications-temperal-spectral-and-error-performance-analysis
under-counted tensor completion with neural incorporation of attributes undercounted-tensor-completion
deep learning from crowdsourced labels: coupled cross-entropy minimization, identifiability, and regularization end-to-end-crowdsourcing
criteria tell you more than ratings: criteria preference-aware light graph convolution for effective multi-criteria recommendation cpa-lgc-recbole
estimating conditional mutual information for dynamic feature selection dime


paper code
adaptive whitening in neural populations with gain-modulating interneurons frame_whitening
data augmentation for generating synthetic electrogastrogram time series syegg
optimal resource allocation with delay guarantees for network slicing in disaggregated ran paper-fgkcj-2023
fast and interpretable nonlocal neural networks for image denoising via group-sparse convolutional dictionary learning groupcdl-tip
why we should report the details in subjective evaluation of tts more rigorously subjectiveevaluation
subspacenet: deep learning-aided subspace methods for doa estimation subspacenet
infoshape: task-based neural data shaping via mutual information infoshape
admm-based detector for large-scale mimo code-domain noma systems admm-based-detector-for-noma


paper code
swl-adapt: an unsupervised domain adaptation model with sample weight learning for cross-user wearable human activity recognition SWL-Adapt
bayes-optimal limits in structured pca, and how to reach them structured-pca-
probably anytime-safe stochastic combinatorial semi-bandits passcsb


paper code
structural optimization of factor graphs for symbol detection via continuous clustering and machine learning factor_graph_structural_opt
unearthing insights into mars: unsupervised source separation with limited data insight_src_sep
conditionally strongly log-concave generative models wcrg
graph neural networks-based user pairing in wireless communication systems userpairing
on tilted losses in machine learning: theory and applications TERM
outsourcing control requires control complexity learningrequiresintinf


paper code
on the convergence of inexact gradient descent with controlled synchronization steps inexact-gradient-descent
a hybrid quantum-classical approach based on the hadamard transform for the convolutional layer icml2023-ht
variational $f$-divergence and derangements for discriminative mutual information estimation fdime
recovering top-two answers and confusion probability in multi-choice crowdsourcing toptwo
domain adaptive decision trees: implications for accuracy and fairness domain-adaptive-trees
deepmad: mathematical architecture design for deep convolutional neural network lightweight-neural-architecture-search
causal discovery for time series with constraint-based model and pmime measure cd_for_ts_with_cbm_and_pmime


paper code
computational doob's h-transforms for online filtering of discretely observed diffusions CompDoobTransform
invertible kernel pca with random fourier features invertible_kernel_PCA
on the optimal recovery of graph signals orofgraphsignals
e-panns: sound recognition using efficient pre-trained audio neural networks e-panns
the representation jensen-r'enyi divergence jensen-renyi-divergence
distributed inference over linear models using alternating gaussian belief propagation FactorGraph.jl
structured model selection via $\ell_1-\ell_2$ optimization nonconvexsparsecyclicrecovery
how does information bottleneck help deep learning? information-bottleneck
ambient diffusion: learning clean distributions from corrupted data ambient-diffusion


paper code
traffic simulator for multibeam satellite communication systems Satellite-Traffic-Simulator
exploring self-attention mechanisms for speech separation speechbrain
doubly-iterative sparsified mmse turbo equalization for otfs modulation dismmse-turbo-equalizer-for-otfs
optimal resource allocation with delay guarantees for network slicing in disaggregated ran paper-fgkcj-2023
pulse shape discrimination based on the tempotron: a powerful classifier on gpu TempotronGPU
crisp: curriculum based sequential neural decoders for polar code family neural_polar_decoder
diffusion model based posterior sampling for noisy linear inverse problems dmps
dime: maximizing mutual information by a difference of matrix-based entropies DiME
on probability shaping for 5g mimo wireless channel with realistic ldpc codes on-probabilistic-qam-shaping-for-5g-mimo-wireless-channel-with-realistic-ldpc-codes


paper code
modulate your spectrum in self-supervised learning intl
the representation jensen-shannon divergence representationjsd
computation of reliability statistics for finite samples of success-failure experiments relistats


paper code
qcm-sgm+: improved quantized compressed sensing with score-based generative models qcs-sgm-plus
emergency response person localization and vital sign estimation using a semi-autonomous robot mounted sfcw radar radar-vitals-estimation


paper code
sliced-wasserstein on symmetric positive definite matrices for m/eeg signals spdsw
slicertms: interactive real-time visualization of transcranial magnetic stimulation using augmented reality and deep learning SlicerTMS
stochastic unrolled federated learning fed-surf
infoshape: task-based neural data shaping via mutual information infoshape
directed message passing based on attention for prediction of molecular properties d-gats
selection for short-term empowerment accelerates the evolution of homeostatic neural cellular automata empowered-nca-ii


paper code
extending conformal prediction to hidden markov models with exact validity via de finetti's theorem for markov chains cp_hmm
cooperative channel capacity learning CORTICAL
temporally causal discovery tests for discrete time series and neural spike trains github_temporal_causality


paper code
gradient-based learning of discrete structured measurement operators for signal recovery glodismo
machine learning-based csi feedback with variable length in fdd massive mimo ml-based-csi-feedback
synthetic ecg signal generation using probabilistic diffusion models augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan
appliance detection using very low-frequency smart meter time series ApplianceDetectionBenchmark
thraws: a novel dataset for thermal hotspots detection in raw sentinel-2 data pyraws
deepjscc-l++: robust and bandwidth-adaptive wireless image transmission deepjscc-lplusplus
classification utility, fairness, and compactness via tunable information bottleneck and r'enyi measures rfib-code
commodity-specific triads in the dutch inter-industry production network numetris
evaluating prompt-based question answering for object prediction in the open research knowledge graph thesis_work


paper code
joint distribution of distance and angles in finite wireless networks joint_pdf_dist_angles
grid-free harmonic retrieval and model order selection using deep convolutional neural networks deepest-demo
parameter-efficient learning for text-to-speech accent adaptation PEL-TTS
marginalized beam search algorithms for hierarchical hmms mbs


paper code
neural network entropy (nneten): entropy-based eeg signal and chaotic time series classification, python package for nneten calculation nneten
nonparametric two-sample testing by betting nonparametric-testing-by-betting
a measure of the complexity of neural representations based on partial information decomposition nninfo
synchronizing many filesystems in near linear time algebraic-reconciler
deir: efficient and robust exploration through discriminative-model-based episodic intrinsic rewards deir


paper code
pmnet: robust pathloss map prediction via supervised learning pmnet
outage performance and novel loss function for an ml-assisted resource allocation: an exact analytical framework greedy-resource-allocation-outage-classification
a modular and high-resolution time-frequency post-processing technique Time-frequency-analysis
algorithms for boolean matrix factorization using integer programming booleanmf
random edge coding: one-shot bits-back coding of large labeled graphs random-edge-coding


paper code
on the convergence of inexact gradient descent with controlled synchronization steps inexact-gradient-descent
policy evaluation in decentralized pomdps with belief sharing decpomdp_policy_evaluation_w-belief_sharing
guaranteed dynamic scheduling of ultra-reliable low-latency traffic via conformal prediction online_cp_urllc
phase retrieval via model-free power flow jacobian recovery powerphaseretrieval.jl


paper code
locality sensitive hashing via mechanical behavior mechhs
slicertms: interactive real-time visualization of transcranial magnetic stimulation using augmented reality and deep learning SlicerTMS
accelerated algorithms for nonlinear matrix decomposition with the relu function relu-nmd
adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar
detection and mitigation of byzantine attacks in distributed training aspis


paper code
transformers in time series: a survey time-series-transformers-review
hierarchical bayesian modelling for knowledge transfer across engineering fleets via multitask learning engineeringpatternrecognition
over-the-air computation with multiple receivers: a space-time approach space-time-ota
active sensing for two-sided beam alignment and reflection design using ping-pong pilots active-sensing-beam-alignment
improved upper and lower bounds on the capacity of the binary deletion channel bdc_upper_bounds
learning to code on graphs for topological interference management learning-to-code-on-graphs
adaptive and flexible model-based ai for deep receivers in dynamic channels facilitating-adaptation-deep-receivers


paper code
resource allocation for text semantic communications semantic-resource-allocation-S-SE-
a unified algorithmic framework for distributed adaptive signal and feature fusion problems -- part i: algorithm derivation DASF_toolbox
a unified algorithmic framework for distributed adaptive signal and feature fusion problems -- part ii: convergence properties DASF_toolbox


paper code
phaseaug: a differentiable augmentation for speech synthesis to simulate one-to-many mapping phaseaug
spiking neural networks in the alexiewicz topology: a new perspective on analysis and error bounds alexsnn


paper code
robust information bottleneck for task-oriented communication with digital modulation Discrete-TaskOriented-JSCC
gaussian process deconvolution gaussian-process-deconvolution
bistatic mimo radar sensing of specularly reflecting surfaces for wireless power transfer bistatic-mimo-radar-sensing
3dinvnet: a deep learning-based 3d ground-penetrating radar data inversion 3dinvnet
randomized and exchangeable improvements of markov's, chebyshev's and chernoff's inequalities randomized-markov


paper code
simple pooling front-ends for efficient audio classification simpfs
selective noise suppression using random svpwm to shape the voltage spectrum SNS-in-random-SVPWM
multi-scale transformer-based network for emotion recognition from multi physiological signals EPiC-2023-ACII
unrolled architectures for high-throughput encoding of multi-kernel polar codes polar-encoder-compiler


paper code
slurp! spectroscopy of liquids using robot pre-touch sensing slurp_grasping
model-free reinforcement learning of semantic communication by stochastic policy gradient sinfony
a thru-free multiline calibration thru-free-multiline-calibration


paper code
conditional and residual methods in scalable coding for humans and machines research


paper code
recurrences reveal shared causal drivers of complex time series shrec


paper code
latent signal models: learning compact representations of signal evolution for improved time-resolved, multi-contrast mri latent_signal_models_mrm_2022
modeling multivariate biosignals with graph neural networks and structured state space models graphs4mer
point cloud forecasting as a proxy for 4d occupancy forecasting 4d-occ-forecasting
leveraging label non-uniformity for node classification in graph neural networks label-non-uniformity-gnn
non-linear phase-retrieval algorithms for x-ray propagation-based phase-contrast tomography phasetorch
multi-scale transformer-based network for emotion recognition from multi physiological signals EPiC-2023-ACII


paper code
clnet: complex input lightweight neural network designed for massive mimo csi feedback CLNet
scatterformer: locally-invariant scattering transformer for patient-independent multispectral detection of epileptiform discharges scatterformer
information theory inspired pattern analysis for time-series data entropypipeline
deepmad: mathematical architecture design for deep convolutional neural network lightweight-neural-architecture-search


paper code
spiking neural network decision feedback equalization for im/dd systems snn-dfe
self-dual hadamard bent sequences hadamard_bent
randomized and exchangeable improvements of markov's, chebyshev's and chernoff's inequalities randomized-markov


paper code
computationally-efficient initialisation of gps: the generalised variogram method generalised-variogram-method
quantifying the impact of data characteristics on the transferability of sleep stage scoring models transferability_sleep


paper code
data-driven modeling of noise time series with convolutional generative adversarial networks noisegan
toward integrated sensing and communications in ieee 802.11bf wi-fi networks sharpax


paper code
ultra lite convolutional neural network for fast automatic modulation classification in low-resource scenarios ultra-lite-convolutional-neural-network-for-automatic-modulation-classification
energy-efficient cell-free massive mimo through sparse large-scale fading processing sparse-lsfprocess-cfmmimo
score-based data generation for eeg spatial covariance matrices: towards boosting bci performance Tensor-CSPNet-and-Graph-CSPNet
locality sensitive hashing via mechanical behavior mechhs
identifying stochasticity in time-series with autoencoder-based content-aware 2d representation: application to black hole data blackhole_1d_2d_label
a lightweight recurrent learning network for sustainable compressed sensing csrn
model-free learning of optimal two-stage beamformers for passive irs-aided network design zosga-irs


paper code
smoothed separable nonnegative matrix factorization smoothed-separable-nmf
transformers in time series: a survey time-series-transformers-review
an orchestration framework for open system models of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces self-configuring-orchestration


paper code
outlier detection of vital sign trajectories from covid-19 patients outlier-detection-recap-data
latent-kalmannet: learned kalman filtering for tracking from high-dimensional signals latent_kalmannet_tsp


paper code
robust semantic communications with masked vq-vae enabled codebook RobustSemanComm
entropy estimation via uniformization nfee


paper code
tree-amp: compositional inference with tree approximate message passing tramp
towards best practice of interpreting deep learning models for eeg-based brain computer interfaces Towards-Best-Practice-of-Interpreting-Deep-Learning-Models-for-EEG-based-BCI
covid19 reproduction number: credibility intervals by blockwise proximal monte carlo samplers OpSiMorE
a semi-supervised adaptive discriminative discretization method improving discrimination power of regularized naive bayes Semi-supervised-Adaptive-Discriminative-Discretization-for-Naive-Bayes-classifier


paper code
random access protocol with channel oracle enabled by a reconfigurable intelligent surface ris-random-access-channel-oracle
data-driven method for generating synthetic electrogastrogram time series syegg
dimensionality collapse: optimal measurement selection for low-error infinite-horizon forecasting naumer_dimensionality_2022.jl
learning to predict arbitrary quantum processes learning-quantum-process


paper code
denoiser-based projections for 2-d super-resolution multi-reference alignment denoiser_projection
cast: a toolchain for creating and characterizing realistic wireless network emulation scenarios cast
online recognition of incomplete gesture data to interface collaborative robots uc2017_classification
a byte sequence is worth an image: cnn for file fragment classification using bit shift and n-gram embeddings byte2image
compressing multidimensional weather and climate data into neural networks nncompression


paper code
neural network based generation of 1-dimensional stochastic fields with turbulent velocity statistics nn-turb
square root lasso: well-posedness, lipschitz stability and the tuning trade off srlasso_revolutions
eegmatch: learning with incomplete labels for semi-supervised eeg-based cross-subject emotion recognition eegmatch
multi-kernel correntropy-based orientation estimation of imus: gradient descent methods mc_gd_imu


paper code
olia: an open-source digital lock-in amplifier olia
interpreting neural min-sum decoders nams


paper code
self-stabilization: the implicit bias of gradient descent at the edge of stability eos


paper code
real-time outdoor localization using radio maps: a deep learning approach LocUNet
correlative information maximization based biologically plausible neural networks for correlated source separation Biologically-Plausible-Correlative-Information-Maximization-for-Blind-Source-Separation
minimal algorithmic information loss methods for dimension reduction, feature selection and network sparsification Network-Robustness-by-Kolmogorov-Complexity


paper code
a novel channel model for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces with consideration of polarization and switch impairments matlab_ris_channelmodel
quantum conformal prediction for reliable uncertainty quantification in quantum machine learning quantum-cp


paper code
optimal discrete beamforming of ris-aided wireless communications: an inner product maximization approach RIS_Optimization
towards flexibility and interpretability of gaussian process state-space model tgpssm
learning stage-wise gans for whistle extraction in time-frequency spectrograms CompositeGAN_WhistleAugment


paper code
a semi-supervised adaptive discriminative discretization method improving discrimination power of regularized naive bayes Semi-supervised-Adaptive-Discriminative-Discretization-for-Naive-Bayes-classifier
the optimality of word lengths. theoretical foundations and an empirical study iql-research-project-21-22
visualizing quantum circuit probability -- estimating computational action for quantum program synthesis qcircscape
reliability and latency analysis for wireless communication systems with a secret-key budget secret-key-budget-ruin
randomized and exchangeable improvements of markov's, chebyshev's and chernoff's inequalities randomized-markov


paper code
communication-efficient federated linear and deep generalized canonical correlation analysis federated_max_var_gcca
attention-embedded quadratic network (qttention) for effective and interpretable bearing fault diagnosis QCNN_for_bearing_diagnosis
autoencoder based iterative modeling and multivariate time-series subsequence clustering algorithm abimca
time-space-frequency feature fusion for 3-channel motor imagery classification tsff
arrhythmia classifier based on ultra-lightweight binary neural network ecg_bnn_net


paper code
localizing unsynchronized sensors with unknown sources xtdoa
modeling multivariate biosignals with graph neural networks and structured state space models graphs4mer
guaranteed dynamic scheduling of ultra-reliable low-latency traffic via conformal prediction online_cp_urllc
deep graph unfolding for beamforming in mu-mimo interference networks unrolled-wmmse-for-mu-mimo
on the optimal recovery of graph signals orofgraphsignals
multi-layer state evolution under random convolutional design conv-ml-amp
amgc: adaptive match-based genomic compression algorithm amgc


paper code
bounded simplex-structured matrix factorization: algorithms, identifiability and applications bssmf.jl
far from asymptopia atomicpriors.jl


paper code
spider-web generates coding algorithms with superior error tolerance and real-time information retrieval capacity dnaspiderweb


paper code
urglq: an efficient covariance matrix reconstruction method for robust adaptive beamforming robust-adaptive-beamforming-2022
deep reinforcement learning based joint downlink beamforming and ris configuration in ris-aided mu-miso systems under hardware impairments and imperfect csi ris-miso-pda-deep-reinforcement-learning
lmda-net:a lightweight multi-dimensional attention network for general eeg-based brain-computer interface paradigms and interpretability braindecode
a framework for control channels applied to reconfigurable intelligent surfaces ris-control
folded polynomial codes for coded distributed $aa^\top$-type matrix multiplication foldedpolynomialcodes


paper code
dictionary learning for the almost-linear sparsity regime spectral_dict_learn
cosys-airsim: a real-time simulation framework expanded for complex industrial applications Cosys-AirSim
transthoracic super-resolution ultrasound localisation microscopy of myocardial vasculature in patients srussoftware
square root {lasso}: well-posedness, lipschitz stability and the tuning trade off srlasso_revolutions
adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar


paper code
wemac: women and emotion multi-modal affective computing dataset wemac_dataset_speech_processing
unsupervised voice activity detection by modeling source and system information using zero frequency filtering zff_vad
low-complexity blind parameter estimation in wireless systems with noisy sparse signals blind_and_nonparametric_estimators
dimensionality collapse: optimal measurement selection for low-error infinite-horizon forecasting naumer_dimensionality_2022.jl


paper code
latent signal models: learning compact representations of signal evolution for improved time-resolved, multi-contrast mri latent_signal_models_mrm_2022


paper code
physical lidar simulation in real-time engine Cosys-AirSim


paper code
sdoanet: an efficient deep learning-based doa estimation network for imperfect array sdoanet
distributed two-tier drl framework for cell-free network: association, beamforming and power allocation dhdrl
localization-based ofdm framework for ris-aided systems ris-ofdm-loca-scheduling
orthogonal non-negative matrix factorization: a maximum-entropy-principle approach mep-orthogonal-nmf


paper code
mean subtraction and mode selection in dynamic mode decomposition msub_mdselect_dmd
probabilistic estimation of instantaneous frequencies of chirp signals chirpgp
integration of physics-based and data-driven models for hyperspectral image unmixing awesome-hyperspectral-image-unmixing
learning model-free robust precoding for cooperative multibeam satellite communications 2302_learning_beamforming_code


paper code
group-level brain decoding with deep learning meg-group-decode
defending adversarial attacks on deep learning based power allocation in massive mimo using denoising autoencoders dae_for_adv_attacks_in_mimo
modular model-based bayesian learning for uncertainty-aware and reliable deep mimo receivers bayesian-learning-for-receivers
emc2-net: joint equalization and modulation classification based on constellation network emc2net
adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar
sionna: an open-source library for next-generation physical layer research sionna
structured gradient descent for fast robust low-rank hankel matrix completion hsgd
encoding, decoding, and causality between complex networks analytic-relations-between-complex-networks-encoding-decoding-and-causality
sionna rt: differentiable ray tracing for radio propagation modeling diff-rt


paper code
annealed langevin dynamics for massive mimo detection langevin-mimo-detector


paper code
srmd: sparse random mode decomposition sparserandommodedecomposition
pendantss: penalized norm-ratios disentangling additive noise, trend and sparse spikes pendantss
offline learning of closed-loop deep brain stimulation controllers for parkinson disease treatment vlbm
synthetic ecg signal generation using probabilistic diffusion models augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan
text-to-ecg: 12-lead electrocardiogram synthesis conditioned on clinical text reports text_to_ecg
tackling clutter in radar data -- label generation and detection using pointnet++ clutter-ds


paper code
dct-former: efficient self-attention with discrete cosine transform dct-former-public
learning resilient radio resource management policies with graph neural networks Resilient_RRM_GNN
flex-net: a graph neural network approach to resource management in flexible duplex networks flex-net


paper code
phaseaug: a differentiable augmentation for speech synthesis to simulate one-to-many mapping phaseaug
self-attention for enhanced oamp detection in mimo systems self_attention_oamp_mimo
transition waste optimization for coded elastic computing coded_elastic_computing


paper code
fundamentals of wobbling and hardware impairments-aware air-to-ground channel model Wobbling-HI-Drones
a neural-network framework for the design of individualised hearing-loss compensation dnn-ha
exploiting temporal structures of cyclostationary signals for data-driven single-channel source separation scss_csgaussian
graph neural networks on spd manifolds for motor imagery classification: a perspective from the time-frequency analysis Tensor-CSPNet-and-Graph-CSPNet
efficient ecg-based atrial fibrillation detection via parameterised hypercomplex neural networks hypercomplexecg
assessing gender fairness in eeg-based machine learning detection of parkinson's disease: a multi-center study multicentric-ml-parkinson-detection
challenges facing the explainability of age prediction models: case study for two modalities challenges-xai-aging-aaai23
securing data in multimode fibers by exploiting mode-dependent light propagation effects mmf-physec


paper code
neonatal eeg graded for severity of background abnormalities in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy downsample_open_eeg
sliced-wasserstein on symmetric positive definite matrices for m/eeg signals Sliced-Wasserstein_on_Symmetric_Positive_Definite_Matrices
eeg synthetic data generation using probabilistic diffusion models eeg-diffusion-pytorch
wigner distribution deconvolution adaptation for live ptychography reconstruction livewdd


paper code
adaptive decoding mechanisms for uav-enabled double-uplink coordinated noma uav-noma-adm
invertible kernel pca with random fourier features invertible_kernel_PCA
a classification of s-boxes generated by orthogonal cellular automata orthogonal-ca-sboxes
statistical mechanics of the maximum-average submatrix problem Maximum-Average-Submatrix


paper code
covid19 reproduction number: credibility intervals by blockwise proximal monte carlo samplers OpSiMorE
neural collapse with normalized features: a geometric analysis over the riemannian manifold normalized-neural-collapse
grid-free harmonic retrieval and model order selection using deep convolutional neural networks deepest-demo
nonlinear kalman filtering with reparametrization gradients nonkf_energy_minimization


paper code
large graph signal denoising with application to differential privacy dp-graph-denoising
unsupervised particle sorting for cryo-em using probabilistic pca particle_sorting
bit error and block error rate training for ml-assisted communication bler_training
fast fullsubnet: accelerate full-band and sub-band fusion model for single-channel speech enhancement fullsubnet
a comparative study of deep learning and iterative algorithms for joint channel estimation and signal detection mimo_jcesd
a switching gaussian process latent force model for the identification of mechanical systems with a discontinuous nonlinearity switching-gplfm


paper code
few-shot domain adaptation for end-to-end communication domain-adaptation-autoencoder
a stochastic approximate expectation-maximization for structure determination directly from cryo-em micrographs stochastic-approximate-em-for-cryo-em
data-driven method for generating synthetic electrogastrogram time series syegg
synthetic ecg signal generation using probabilistic diffusion models augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan
searching for effective neural network architectures for heart murmur detection from phonocardiogram cinc2022
deepmad: mathematical architecture design for deep convolutional neural network lightweight-neural-architecture-search
on probabilistic qam shaping for 5g mimo wireless channel with realistic ldpc codes on-probabilistic-qam-shaping-for-5g-mimo-wireless-channel-with-realistic-ldpc-codes
rotation invariant quantization for model compression riq


paper code
graph neural networks for distributed power allocation in wireless networks: aggregation over-the-air gnn-aggregation-over-the-air
towards v2i age-aware fairness access: a dqn based intelligent vehicular node training and test method age-fairness
distributed deep joint source-channel coding over a multiple access channel deepjscc-noma
enhancing multivariate time series classifiers through self-attention and relative positioning infusion timeseriesclassification-tps
quantized radio map estimation using tensor and deep generative models Quantized-Radio-Map-Estimation-BTD-and-DGM


paper code
signal inpainting from fourier magnitudes inpainting-fourier
distributed adaptive norm estimation for blind system identification in wireless sensor networks icassp2023-adapt-dist-avg
pay less but get more: a dual-attention-based channel estimation network for massive mimo systems with low-density pilots dacen
learning transfer operators by kernel density estimation fpoperatorde
the greedy side of the lasso: new algorithms for weighted sparse recovery via loss function-based orthogonal matching pursuit greedy_lasso_womp


paper code
nnsvs: a neural network-based singing voice synthesis toolkit nnsvs
point cloud forecasting as a proxy for 4d occupancy forecasting 4d-occ-forecasting
information plane analysis for dropout neural networks ip_dropout


paper code
implementation of dnn based data detector for qpsk systems qpsk_sdr_dnn_detector
brainbert: self-supervised representation learning for intracranial recordings brainbert
robust one-shot estimation over shared networks in the presence of denial-of-service attacks ieee-tac2023


paper code
compressing multisets with large alphabets using bits-back coding multiset-compression
hybrid far- and near-field channel estimation for thz ultra-massive mimo via fixed point networks FPN-OAMP-THz-Channel-Estimation
learned robust pca: a scalable deep unfolding approach for high-dimensional outlier detection lrpca


paper code
evaluation of interpretability for deep learning algorithms in eeg emotion recognition: a case study in autism deep-learning-emotion-decoding-using-eeg-data-from-autism-individuals
a ris-based vehicle doa estimation method with integrated sensing and communication system passivedoa-isac-ris


paper code
information fragmentation, encryption and information flow in complex biological networks fragmentation_replication_instructions
nonparametric two-sample testing by betting nonparametric-testing-by-betting
bayesian estimation of information-theoretic metrics for sparsely sampled distributions info-metric-estimation
information theory inspired pattern analysis for time-series data entropypipeline
rna secondary structures: from ab initio prediction to better compression, and back joint-rna-compression
quantifying & modeling feature interactions: an information decomposition framework pid


paper code
estimating total correlation with mutual information estimators tc-estimation
unsourced multiple access with random user activity uma_random_user_activity


paper code
power scaling laws and near-field behaviors of massive mimo and intelligent reflecting surfaces near-field-behavior
lightweight and high-fidelity end-to-end text-to-speech with multi-band generation and inverse short-time fourier transform mb-istft-vits
versatile neural processes for learning implicit neural representations versatile-np
energy-efficient blockchain-enabled user-centric mobile edge computing blockchain-enabled-ucmec
joint optimization of base station clustering and service caching in user-centric mec jo-cdsd
a local machine learning approach for fingerprint-based indoor localization -a-local-machine-learning-approach-for-fingerprint-based-indoor-localization
scalable infomin learning infomin


paper code
bolt: fused window transformers for fmri time series analysis bolt
towards unsupervised assessment with open-source data of the accuracy of deep learning-based distributed pv mapping deeppvmapper
quantized compressed sensing with score-based generative models qcs-sgm
incipient fault detection in power distribution system: a time-frequency embedded deep learning based approach AD-TFM-AT-Model
implementation of dnn based data detector for qpsk systems qpsk_sdr_dnn_detector
a dnn based normalized time-frequency weighted criterion for robust wideband doa estimation dnnnormtimefreq4doa
overparameterized relu neural networks learn the simplest models: neural isometry and exact recovery neural-recovery
synchronizing many filesystems in near linear time algebraic-reconciler
nystr"om $m$-hilbert-schmidt independence criterion nystroem-mhsic


paper code
mm-alt: a multimodal automatic lyric transcription system MM_ALT
sensefi: a library and benchmark on deep-learning-empowered wifi human sensing wifi-csi-sensing-benchmark
detecting non-overlapping signals with dynamic programming Signal-detection-with-dynamic-programming
calibration and uncertainty characterization for ultra-wideband two-way-ranging measurements uwb_calibration
real-time wireless ecg-derived respiration rate estimation using an autoencoder with a dct layer icassp2023-ae-dct
cell-free isac mimo systems: joint sensing and communication beamforming Cell-free-ISAC-beamforming
audioldm: text-to-audio generation with latent diffusion models audioldm_eval
propagation measurements and analyses at 28 ghz via an autonomous beam-steering platform SPAVE-28G
deep comparisons of neural networks from the eegnet family bionic_apps
smart 6g sky for green mobile iot networks smart-6g-sky-for-green-mobile-iot-networks
ultra-marginal feature importance: learning from data with causal guarantees umfi
raw radar data based object detection and heading estimation using cross attention crossattention_radar_detector
consistent diffusion models: mitigating sampling drift by learning to be consistent cdm


paper code
a ris-based vehicle doa estimation method with integrated sensing and communication system passivedoa-isac-ris
stimulus-informed generalized canonical correlation analysis of stimulus-following brain responses si-gcca
pendantss: penalized norm-ratios disentangling additive noise, trend and sparse spikes pendantss
selective noise suppression in random svpwm to shape the voltage and current spectrum SNS-in-random-SVPWM
a millimeter-wave software-defined radio for wireless experimentation mmwavesdr


paper code
deep learning for hybrid beamforming with finite feedback in gsm aided mmwave mimo systems gsmefbnet
guaranteed dynamic scheduling of ultra-reliable low-latency traffic via conformal prediction online_cp_urllc


paper code
towards interpretable sleep stage classification using cross-modal transformers cross-modal-transformer
enhancing multivariate time series classifiers through self-attention and relative positioning infusion timeseriesclassification-tps
a novel poisoned water detection method using smartphone embedded wi-fi technology and machine learning algorithms poisoned_water_detection
context query simulation for smart carparking scenarios in the melbourne cdb context-query-simulator


paper code
self-supervised eeg representation learning for automatic sleep staging contrawr
transformers in time series: a survey time-series-transformers-review
online meta-learning for hybrid model-based deep receivers metadeepsic
probabilistic estimation of instantaneous frequencies of chirp signals chirpgp
software-defined mimo ofdm joint radar-communication platform with fully digital mmwave architecture gr-mimo-ofdm-jrc
fundamental limits for sensor-based robot control performance-limits
crc-aided learned ensembles of belief-propagation polar decoders polar-ensembles
efficient integer retrieving from unordered compressed sequences directaccess


paper code
coordinated sum-rate maximization in multicell mu-mimo with deep unrolling gcnwmmse
binomial line cox processes: statistical characterization and applications in wireless network analysis blcp


paper code
offline learning of closed-loop deep brain stimulation controllers for parkinson disease treatment vlbm
channelformer: attention based neural solution for wireless channel estimation and effective online training Channelformer
software tools for decoding quantum low-density parity check codes qecc
trading information between latents in hierarchical variational autoencoders hit


paper code
multimodal representation learning using deep multiset canonical correlation mica-deep-mcca
evaluation of interpretability for deep learning algorithms in eeg emotion recognition: a case study in autism deep-learning-emotion-decoding-using-eeg-data-from-autism-individuals
astride: adaptive symbolization for time series databases astride
policy evaluation in decentralized pomdps with belief sharing decpomdp_policy_evaluation_w-belief_sharing
a vector quantized approach for text to speech synthesis on real-world spontaneous speech mqtts


paper code
dct-former: efficient self-attention with discrete cosine transform dct-former-public
unsupervised multimodal change detection based on structural relationship graph representation learning srgcae
identification of power system oscillation modes using blind source separation based on copula statistic hobmi


paper code
maestro-x: distributed orchestration of rotary-wing uav-relay swarms MAESTRO-X
efficient approximation of jacobian matrices involving a non-uniform fast fourier transform (nufft) Bjork
a covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection kravchuk-transform-and-its-zeros
graph-based sequential beamforming sequentialvariationalbayesdoa
achieving robust generalization for wireless channel estimation neural networks by designed training data ICC_2023
modular model-based bayesian learning for uncertainty-aware and reliable deep mimo receivers bayesian-learning-for-receivers


paper code
load modulation for backscatter communication: channel capacity and capacity-approaching finite constellations backscatteratcapacity
enhancing deep learning performance of massive mimo csi feedback jpts
low-complexity precoding for extremely large-scale mimo over non-stationary channels Low-complexity-precoding-algorithm-for-XL-MIMO
self-supervised enhancement of stimulus-evoked brain response data shift_detection_icassp2023


paper code
closed loop bci system for cybathlon 2020 GoPar
exposing the csi: a systematic investigation of csi-based wi-fi sensing capabilities and limitations exposing-the-csi
neural estimation of the rate-distortion function with applications to operational source coding nerd-rcc
inductive graph transformer for delivery time estimation igt-wsdm23


paper code
source detection via multi-label classification Signal_detector


paper code
recurrences reveal shared causal drivers of complex time series shrec
bayesian estimation of information-theoretic metrics for sparsely sampled distributions info-metric-estimation


paper code
chaos as an interpretable benchmark for forecasting and data-driven modelling dysts
beyond hawkes: neural multi-event forecasting on spatio-temporal point processes neural-spatio-temporal-probabilistic-transformers
versatile neural processes for learning implicit neural representations versatile-np
audioldm: text-to-audio generation with latent diffusion models audioldm_eval
kernelized cumulants: beyond kernel mean embeddings kernelized-cumulants


paper code
digital twin-based multiple access optimization and monitoring via model-driven bayesian learning bayesian-dt
smile: robust network localization via sparse and low-rank matrix decomposition smile-network-localization


paper code
flex-net: a graph neural network approach to resource management in flexible duplex networks flex-net


paper code
an inertial block majorization minimization framework for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization TITAN
a framework of inertial alternating direction method of multipliers for non-convex non-smooth optimization iADMM
partial identifiability for nonnegative matrix factorization nmf-partial-identifiability
high-throughput rate-flexible combinational decoders for multi-kernel polar codes polar-compiler


paper code
deep task-based analog-to-digital conversion adc-learning-hyperopt
autoencoder-based joint communication and sensing of multiple targets JCAS_multitarg
spectral cross-domain neural network with soft-adaptive threshold spectral enhancement scdnn-ts
weighted sum-rate maximization with causal inference for latent interference estimation research-weighted-sum-rate


paper code
propagation of linear uncertainties through multiline thru-reflect-line calibration uncertainty-multiline-trl-calibration
energy prediction using federated learning energy_prediction


paper code
source-free subject adaptation for eeg-based visual recognition Deep-BCI


paper code
emergence of the svd as an interpretable factorization in deep learning for inverse problems descrambling-nn


paper code
learning task-oriented communication for edge inference: an information bottleneck approach VL-VFE
descod-ecg: deep score-based diffusion model for ecg baseline wander and noise removal score-based-ecg-denoising
digital twin-based multiple access optimization and monitoring via model-driven bayesian learning bayesian-dt
pendantss: penalized norm-ratios disentangling additive noise, trend and sparse spikes pendantss
sen2dwater: a novel multispectral and multitemporal dataset and deep learning benchmark for water resources analysis impact-of-climate-change-on-water-resources


paper code
q-eegnet: an energy-efficient 8-bit quantized parallel eegnet implementation for edge motor-imagery brain--machine interfaces q-eegnet
k-deep simplex: deep manifold learning via local dictionaries manifold-learning-with-simplex-constraints
model-based and graph-based priors for group testing priors_group_testing
semi-blind source separation using convolutive transfer function for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation audio-samples2
self-supervised learning for anomalous channel detection in eeg graphs: application to seizure analysis EEG-CGS
stimulus-informed generalized canonical correlation analysis of stimulus-following brain responses si-gcca
stratified multivariate multiscale dispersion entropy for physiological signal analysis smvmde
crc-aided learned ensembles of belief-propagation polar decoders polar-ensembles


paper code
mical: mutual information-based cnn-aided learned factor graphs for seizure detection from eeg signals cnn-aided-factor-graphs-with-estimated-mutual-information-features-for-seizure-detection-mical


paper code
imitation learning-based implicit semantic-aware communication networks: multi-layer representation and collaborative reasoning irml


paper code
automated sleep staging via parallel frequency-cut attention transformer_sleep
grant-free random access of iot devices in massive mimo with partial csi grant-free-random-access-partial-csi
a stochastic optimization framework for fair risk minimization FERMI


paper code
da-music: data-driven doa estimation via deep augmented music algorithm tvt23


paper code
bayesian active meta-learning for few pilot demodulation and equalization bayesian_active_meta_learning
mixcycle: unsupervised speech separation via cyclic mixture permutation invariant training mixcycle
learning representations for new sound classes with continual self-supervised learning cssl_sound
multiple-access channel coding with non-signaling correlations mac_ns_lp


paper code
physfad: physics-based end-to-end channel modeling of ris-parametrized environments with adjustable fading physfad
principal component analysis in space forms HoroPCA
deep injective prior for inverse scattering scattering_injective_prior
unsupervised multivariate time-series transformers for seizure identification on eeg eeg_mvts
the entropy rate of linear additive markov processes LAMPEntropyEstimates


paper code
expanding boundaries of gap safe screening kl_screening


paper code
frequency-dependent f-number increases the contrast and the spatial resolution in fast pulse-echo ultrasound imaging f_number


paper code
pendantss: penalized norm-ratios disentangling additive noise, trend and sparse spikes pendantss


paper code
multiscale adaptive scheduling and path-planning for power-constrained uav-relays via smdps MAESTRO-X
anxolotl, an anxiety companion app -- stress detection cfp-workshop-and-challenge-wellbeing
moreau-yosida $f$-divergences moreau-yosida-f-divergences


paper code
bayesian active meta-learning for few pilot demodulation and equalization bayesian_active_meta_learning
rtsnet: learning to smooth in partially known state-space models rtsnet_tsp
deep learning of near field beam focusing in terahertz wideband massive mimo systems nfwb_bf
learn to rapidly and robustly optimize hybrid precoding learn-to-rapidly-optimize-hybrid-precoding
fusing models for prognostics and health management of lithium-ion batteries based on physics-informed neural networks PINN-Battery-Prognostics
learning to maximize mutual information for dynamic feature selection dynamic-selection
data-driven optimization of directed information over discrete alphabets discrete_di_optimization


paper code
efficient approximation of jacobian matrices involving a non-uniform fast fourier transform (nufft) Bjork
semantic communications with discrete-time analog transmission: a papr perspective semanticpapr
power control for 6g industrial wireless subnetworks: a graph neural network approach Power_Control_GNN
sheaf-theoretic self-filtering network of low-cost sensors for local air quality monitoring: a causal approach AirSheaf
similarity-based predictive maintenance framework for rotating machinery similarity-based-predictive-maintenance-framework-for-rotating-machinery
lab-scale vibration analysis dataset and baseline methods for machinery fault diagnosis with machine learning vbl-va001


paper code
clock and orientation-robust simultaneous radio localization and mapping at millimeter wave bands castro-5g
ecg-based electrolyte prediction: evaluating regression and probabilistic methods ecg-electrolyte-regression
a low multiplicative complexity fast recursive dct-2 algorithm Fast_recursive_DCT


paper code
permutation matrix modulation permutation-matrix-modulation
recovery of missing sensor data by reconstructing time-varying graph signals EUSIPCO_22_Sobolev
link-level simulator for 5g localization 5G_Positioning_Link_Level_Simulator%20v1.0.rar
doubly transitive lines ii: almost simple symmetries 2-tran-II


paper code
neonatal eeg graded for severity of background abnormalities in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy downsample_open_eeg
spectral subspace dictionary learning spectral_dict_learn
deep unfolding-based weighted averaging for federated learning under heterogeneous environments deepunfolding-based-fl


paper code
electromagnetic based communication model for dynamic metasurface antennas dma_model


paper code
rhombic grids reduce the number of voxels in fast pulse-echo ultrasound imaging rhombic_grids
anticancer peptides classification using kernel sparse representation classifier acp-kernel-src
nestanets: stable, accurate and efficient neural networks for analysis-sparse inverse problems as-nesta-net


paper code
beats: an open-source, high-precision, multi-channel eeg acquisition tool system beats
joint network topology inference via a shared graphon model jointinf_graphs_graphon


paper code
enhancement of a state-of-the-art rl-based detection algorithm for massive mimo radars improved_rl_algorithm_mmimo_radar
openran gym: ai/ml development, data collection, and testing for o-ran on pawr platforms colosseum-near-rt-ric
fast fullsubnet: accelerate full-band and sub-band fusion model for single-channel speech enhancement FullSubNet


paper code
deep learning and its applications to wifi human sensing: a benchmark and a tutorial wifi-csi-sensing-benchmark
simulating road spray effects in automotive lidar sensor models reflection_based_lidar_object_model


paper code
a quaternion-valued variational autoencoder QVAE
l3das21 challenge: machine learning for 3d audio signal processing L3DAS21
l3das22 challenge: learning 3d audio sources in a real office environment l3das22
state-augmented learnable algorithms for resource management in wireless networks stateaugmented_rrm_gnn
duidd: deep-unfolded interleaved detection and decoding for mimo wireless systems duidd


paper code
do not sleep on traditional machine learning: simple and interpretable techniques are competitive to deep learning for sleep scoring sleep-linear
self-supervised learning for anomalous channel detection in eeg graphs: application to seizure analysis EEG-CGS
network coding: an optimization approach network_codes


paper code
learning representations for new sound classes with continual self-supervised learning cssl_sound
artificial intelligence enabled noma towards next generation multiple access ai_noma


paper code
federated learning via plurality vote fedvote
deep, deep learning with bart deep-deep-learning-with-bart
autofi: towards automatic wifi human sensing via geometric self-supervised learning wifi-csi-sensing-benchmark
spectral efficiency analysis of uplink-downlink decoupled access in c-v2x networks Spectral-Efficiency-Analysis-of-Uplink-Downlink-Decoupled-Access-in-C-V2X-Networks
max filtering with reflection groups reflection-groups


paper code
model-based and graph-based priors for group testing priors_group_testing
deep conv-attention model for diagnosing left bundle branch block from 12-lead electrocardiograms dilated_conv_attention.ipynb
symbol-level grand for high-order modulation over flat fading channels sGRAND
a lego-brick approach to coding for network communication lego-brick


paper code
dynamic shimming in the cervical spinal cord for multi-echo gradient-echo imaging at 3 t realtime-dynamic-shimming
unrolled algorithms for group synchronization unrolling_synchronization
greeneyes: an air quality evaluating model based on wavenet AirEvaluation
vicious classifiers: data reconstruction attack at inference time vicious-classifiers


paper code
unique sparse decomposition of low rank matrices Unique_Fac_of_Low_Rank
gridless 3d recovery of image sources from room impulse responses acoustic-sfw
enhancing low-density eeg-based brain-computer interfaces with similarity-keeping knowledge distillation eeg-kd


paper code
direction of arrival estimation of sound sources using icosahedral cnns icodoa
storseismic: a new paradigm in deep learning for seismic processing storseismic


paper code
lggnet: learning from local-global-graph representations for brain-computer interface LGG
bayesian active meta-learning for few pilot demodulation and equalization bayesian_active_meta_learning
signal enhancement for two-dimensional cryo-em data processing cryoemsignalenhancement
joint graph learning from gaussian observations in the presence of hidden nodes hidden_joint_gaussian_inf
spectral efficiency analysis of uplink-downlink decoupled access in c-v2x networks Spectral-Efficiency-Analysis-of-Uplink-Downlink-Decoupled-Access-in-C-V2X-Networks
node-wise domain adaptation based on transferable attention for recognizing road rage via eeg dataandcode
approximate message passing for multi-layer estimation in rotationally invariant models ML-RI-GAMP


paper code
optimal discrete beamforming of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces RIS_Optimization
a domain-knowledge-inspired music embedding space and a novel attention mechanism for symbolic music modeling fundamentalmusicembedding
fecam: frequency enhanced channel attention mechanism for time series forecasting fecam
wigner distribution deconvolution adaptation for live ptychography reconstruction livewdd


paper code
fully on-board low-power localization with multizone time-of-flight sensors on nano-uavs Matrix_ToF_Drones
swl-adapt: an unsupervised domain adaptation model with sample weight learning for cross-user wearable human activity recognition SWL-Adapt


paper code
openran gym: ai/ml development, data collection, and testing for o-ran on pawr platforms colosseum-near-rt-ric
self-supervised learning for anomalous channel detection in eeg graphs: application to seizure analysis EEG-CGS
robust and fast measure of information via low-rank representation lrmi


paper code
music source separation with generative flow generativesourceseparation
parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (faceted hypersara): ii. code and real data proof of concept faceted-hypersara
defending adversarial attacks on deep learning based power allocation in massive mimo using denoising autoencoders dae_for_adv_attacks_in_mimo
medalcare-xl: 16,900 healthy and pathological 12 lead ecgs obtained through electrophysiological simulations fim_eikonal
sketch-and-solve approaches to k-means clustering by semidefinite programming sketch-and-solve_kmeans


paper code
deformable radar polygon: a lightweight and predictable occupancy representation for short-range collision avoidance deformable_radar_polygon_occupancy_representation
surimi: supervised radio map augmentation with deep learning and a generative adversarial network for fingerprint-based indoor positioning surimi
semi-supervised specific emitter identification method using metric-adversarial training mat-based-ss-sei
discovering dynamic patterns from spatiotemporal data with time-varying low-rank autoregression vars


paper code
low-complexity near-optimum symbol detection based on neural enhancement of factor graphs gap
biologically-plausible determinant maximization neural networks for blind separation of correlated sources biologically-plausible-detmaxnns-for-blind-source-separation
conditioning and sampling in variational diffusion models for speech super-resolution diffwave-sr
quantized compressed sensing with score-based generative models qcs-sgm
structured gradient descent for fast robust low-rank hankel matrix completion hsgd


paper code
evaluation of interpretability for deep learning algorithms in eeg emotion recognition: a case study in autism deep-learning-emotion-decoding-using-eeg-data-from-autism-individuals
pan-tompkins++: a robust approach to detect r-peaks in ecg signals Pan-Tompkins-Plus-Plus
evaluating feature attribution methods for electrocardiogram attribution-ecg
challenges in gaussian processes for non intrusive load monitoring nilm_gp
eeg aided boosting of single-lead ecg based sleep staging with deep knowledge distillation sleep_staging_kd
imitation learning-based implicit semantic-aware communication networks: multi-layer representation and collaborative reasoning irml
verified reversible programming for verified lossless compression flipper
diffusion model based posterior sampling for noisy linear inverse problems dmps


paper code
graph neural networks with parallel neighborhood aggregations for graph classification spin
communication-efficient stochastic zeroth-order optimization for federated learning FedZO
meta-af: meta-learning for adaptive filters metaaf
transforming ris-assisted passive beamforming from tedious to simple: a relaxation algorithm for rician channel relaxation-algorithm-on-ris-miso
olia: an open-source digital lock-in amplifier olia
ontology-aware learning and evaluation for audio tagging ontology-aware-audio-tagging
quasifibrations of graphs to find symmetries in biological networks qf
blind super-resolution of point sources via projected gradient descent pgdvhl
rate-distortion theoretic bounds on generalization error for distributed learning datascience


paper code
openfwi: large-scale multi-structural benchmark datasets for seismic full waveform inversion openfwi
pmnet: robust pathloss map prediction via supervised learning pmnet
spatiotemporal modeling of multivariate signals with graph neural networks and structured state space models graphs4mer
motor imagery decoding using ensemble curriculum learning and collaborative training ensemble-mi
neural network based generation of 1-dimensional stochastic fields with turbulent velocity statistics nn-turb
nonlinear information bottleneck nonlinear-IB-PyTorch
a novel approach to the partial information decomposition redundancy
diffeomorphic information neural estimation dine


paper code
arrhythmia classification using cgan-augmented ecg signals augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan
sinusoidal frequency estimation by gradient descent sinusoidal-gradient-descent
sar-based landslide classification pretraining leads to better segmentation sar-landslide-detection-pretraining
astrometric calibration and source characterisation of the latest generation neuromorphic event-based cameras for space imaging icns_noralph_event_based-space_imaging-speed_dataset
towards fast single-trial online erp based brain-computer interface using dry eeg electrodes and neural networks: a pilot study stimusto


paper code
deep reinforcement learning based joint downlink beamforming and ris configuration in ris-aided mu-miso systems under hardware impairments and imperfect csi ris-miso-pda-deep-reinforcement-learning
sigt: an efficient end-to-end mimo-ofdm receiver framework based on transformer sigt
efficient urllc with a reconfigurable intelligent surface and imperfect device tracking efficient-ris-aided-urllc


paper code
one-bit mmwave mimo channel estimation using deep generative networks obq-gan-mimo-ce
mcnet: fuse multiple cues for multichannel speech enhancement mcnet
olia: an open-source digital lock-in amplifier olia
detecting train driveshaft damages using accelerometer signals and differential convolutional neural networks crack-detection-railway-axles-deep-learning
what has been enhanced in my knowledge-enhanced language model? gcs_ki


paper code
link scheduling using graph neural networks distgcn
a tutorial on terahertz-band localization for 6g communication systems radio_localization
end-to-end p300 bci using bayesian accumulation of riemannian probabilities demos
data augmentation for learning predictive models on eeg: a systematic comparison eeg-augmentation-benchmark-2022
towards v2i age-aware fairness access: a dqn based intelligent vehicular node training and test method age-fairness
motif-topology improved spiking neural network for the cocktail party effect and mcgurk effect motif-snn
machine learning methods applied to cortico-cortical evoked potentials aid in localizing seizure onset zones ml4hsoz
cardiacgen: a hierarchical deep generative model for cardiac signals cardiac_gen_model
almost optimal variance-constrained best arm identification va-bai


paper code
universal adversarial perturbations for cnn classifiers in eeg-based bcis UAP_EEG
tiny noise, big mistakes: adversarial perturbations induce errors in brain-computer interface spellers Speller-Attacks
reconfigurable intelligent surface phase hopping for ultra-reliable communications ris-phase-hopping
a dataset and baseline approach for identifying usage states from non-intrusive power sensing with midas iot-based sensors poweriot-state-identification
transforming ris-assisted passive beamforming from tedious to simple: a relaxation algorithm for rician channel relaxation-algorithm-on-ris-miso
advancing the state-of-the-art for ecg analysis through structured state space models ssm_ecg
wyner-ziv estimators for distributed mean estimation with side information and optimization wz_estimators
hybrid hmm decoder for convolutional codes by joint trellis-like structure and channel prior hmm-decoder
multi-user frequency assignment for ultra-reliable mmwave two-ray channels frequency-assignment-qmkp


paper code
learning sparse analytic filters for piano transcription sparse-analytic-filters
on low-rank trace regression under general sampling distribution cv-impute


paper code
gradient-based learning of discrete structured measurement operators for signal recovery glodismo
graph neural networks for community detection on sparse graphs gnn_community_detection
the entropy rate of linear additive markov processes LAMPEntropyEstimates


paper code
toward reliable signals decoding for electroencephalogram: a benchmark study to eegnex eegnex
optimal discrete beamforming of reconfigurable intelligent surface RIS_Optimization
phaseaug: a differentiable augmentation for speech synthesis to simulate one-to-many mapping phaseaug
estimation of signal parameters using deep convolutional neural networks deepest-demo
quantization adaptor for bit-level deep learning-based massive mimo csi feedback qcrnet


paper code
mimo channel estimation using score-based generative models score-based-channels
causal discovery in linear structural causal models with deterministic relations propagation-scm
causal discovery in linear latent variable models subject to measurement error sem-me-ur
bounded guaranteed algorithms for concave impurity minimization via maximum likelihood linear_clustering


paper code
sharp: environment and person independent activity recognition with commodity ieee 802.11 access points sharp
efficient deep learning-based estimation of the vital signs on smartphones mtvital
towards efficient ecg-based atrial fibrillation detection via parameterised hypercomplex neural networks hypercomplexecg
malgrid: visualization of binary features in large malware corpora MalGrid
samo: speaker attractor multi-center one-class learning for voice anti-spoofing samo
deep learning for rapid landslide detection using synthetic aperture radar (sar) datacubes landslide-sar-unet
neural multi-event forecasting on spatio-temporal point processes using probabilistically enriched transformers neural-spatio-temporal-probabilistic-transformers
pan-tompkins++: a robust approach to detect r-peaks in ecg signals Pan-Tompkins-Plus-Plus
pygsl: a graph structure learning toolkit pygsl
unifying approaches in active learning and active sampling via fisher information and information-theoretic quantities 2208.00549
hybrid hmm decoder for convolutional codes by joint trellis-like structure and channel prior hmm-decoder
fas-unet: a novel fas-driven unet to learn variational image segmentation fasunet
inductive graph transformer for delivery time estimation igt-wsdm23


paper code
graph neural networks for wireless communications: from theory to practice gnn4com
rate-splitting for intelligent reflecting surface-aided multiuser vr streaming Deep-GRAIL
multi-view multi-label fine-grained emotion decoding from human brain activity ml-bvae
recursive estimation of user intent from noninvasive electroencephalography using discriminative models bci-disc-models
a knowledge distillation framework for enhancing ear-eeg based sleep staging with scalp-eeg data EarEEG_KnowledgeDistillation


paper code
an open platform for simulating the physical layer of 6g communication systems with multiple intelligent surfaces 6g-simulation-platform
a space of goals: the cognitive geometry of informationally bounded agents cognitive-geometry


paper code
topology-aware graph neural networks for learning feasible and adaptive ac-opf solutions GNN_OPF_electricity_market
parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (faceted hypersara): ii. code and real data proof of concept faceted-hypersara
a nonlinear sum of squares search for cazac sequences ieee-sos-cazac
witt: a wireless image transmission transformer for semantic communications witt


paper code
i13dr: a real-time demand response infrastructure for integrating renewable energy resources demand-manager-app
fast-convergent federated learning via cyclic aggregation cyclicaggregation
better lightweight network for free: codeword mimic learning for massive mimo csi feedback codewordmimicfeedback
space-time design for deep joint source channel coding of images over mimo channels st_jscc
what has been enhanced in my knowledge-enhanced language model? gcs_ki
page: prototype-based model-level explanations for graph neural networks page


paper code
deep convolutional neural networks for multi-target tracking: a transfer learning approach mtt
conditioning and sampling in variational diffusion models for speech super-resolution diffwave-sr
multimodal estimation of change points of physiological arousal in drivers ggs_driving
speaker recognition with two-step multi-modal deep cleansing avcleanse
lightweight and high-fidelity end-to-end text-to-speech with multi-band generation and inverse short-time fourier transform mb-istft-vits
nnsvs: a neural network-based singing voice synthesis toolkit nnsvs
imitation learning-based implicit semantic-aware communication networks: multi-layer representation and collaborative reasoning irml


paper code
vqf: highly accurate imu orientation estimation with bias estimation and magnetic disturbance rejection vqf
accelerated massive mimo detector based on annealed underdamped langevin dynamics langevin-mimo-detector
kalmanbot: kalmannet-aided bollinger bands for pairs trading kalmanbot_icassp23
infoshape: task-based neural data shaping via mutual information mine-pytorch


paper code
multimodal sensor data fusion for in-situ classification of animal behavior using accelerometry and gnss data animal_behavior_classification_acc_gnss
topological slepians: maximally localized representations of signals over simplicial complexes topological-slepians
a nonlinear sum of squares search for cazac sequences ieee-sos-cazac
hybrid hmm decoder for convolutional codes by joint trellis-like structure and channel prior hmm-decoder


paper code
label-aware ranked loss for robust people counting using automotive in-cabin radar labelawareranked-loss


paper code
hierarchical filtering with online learned priors for ecg denoising hkf_icassp23
unsupervised particle sorting for cryo-em using probabilistic pca particle_sorting
ecg artifact removal from single-channel surface emg using fully convolutional networks ecg-removal-from-semg-by-fcn
stimulus-informed generalized canonical correlation analysis of stimulus-following brain responses si-gcca
tight mutual information estimation with contrastive fenchel-legendre optimization FLO
fast beam alignment via pure exploration in multi-armed bandits fast-beam-alignment


paper code
noisy neonatal chest sound separation for high-quality heart and lung sounds heart-and-lung-sound-separation
deep, deep learning with bart deep-deep-learning-with-bart
nestanets: stable, accurate and efficient neural networks for analysis-sparse inverse problems as-nesta-net


paper code
recovery of missing sensor data by reconstructing time-varying graph signals EUSIPCO_22_Sobolev
prosky: neat meets noma-mmwave in the sky of 6g prosky
a hybrid millimeter-wave channel simulator for joint communication and localization omnisim
on tilted losses in machine learning: theory and applications TERM
rashomon capacity: a metric for predictive multiplicity in classification rashomon-capacity


paper code
a spatially separable attention mechanism for massive mimo csi feedback pytorch_stnet
generative adversarial user privacy in lossy single-server information retrieval GAUP_TIFS22


paper code
non-stationary transformers: exploring the stationarity in time series forecasting Nonstationary_Transformers
deep learning-enabled semantic communication systems with task-unaware transmitter and dynamic data semantic-communication-systems
distributed inference over linear models using alternating gaussian belief propagation FactorGraph.jl


paper code
a robust alternative for graph convolutional neural networks via graph neighborhood filters neighborhoodgf
music source separation with generative flow generativesourceseparation
sinr: deconvolving circular sas images using implicit neural representations csas_deconvolution_inr
transfer learning of wav2vec 2.0 for automatic lyric transcription alt_speechbrain
toward reliable signals decoding for electroencephalogram: a benchmark study to eegnex eegnex
disentangled representation learning for rf fingerprint extraction under unknown channel statistics dr-rff
multiscale adaptive scheduling and path-planning for power-constrained uav-relays via smdps MAESTRO-X
evaluating latent space robustness and uncertainty of eeg-ml models under realistic distribution shifts evaluating-eeg-representations
a framework to evaluate independent component analysis applied to eeg signal: testing on the picard algorithm testica
robust graph filter identification and graph denoising from signal observations graph_denoising
principled pruning of bayesian neural networks through variational free energy minimization principledpruningbnn
a unitary transform based generalized approximate message passing guamp


paper code
calibration and uncertainty characterization for ultra-wideband two-way-ranging measurements uwb_calibration
i13dr: a real-time demand response infrastructure for integrating renewable energy resources demand-manager-app


paper code
ecg-atk-gan: robustness against adversarial attacks on ecgs using conditional generative adversarial networks ecg-atk-gan
spd domain-specific batch normalization to crack interpretable unsupervised domain adaptation in eeg TSMNet
partial identifiability for nonnegative matrix factorization nmf-partial-identifiability
a monotonicity constrained attention module for emotion classification with limited eeg data bci-attention
self-supervised learning for label-efficient sleep stage classification: a comprehensive evaluation eval_ssl_ssc
decentralized state estimation in a dimension-reduced linear regression dtt
better lattice quantizers constructed from complex integers latticequantizer
decision-oriented two-parameter fisher information sensitivity using symplectic decomposition symplecticfishersensitivity
rigorous dynamical mean field theory for stochastic gradient descent methods rigorous-dynamical-mean-field-theory


paper code
a spatially separable attention mechanism for massive mimo csi feedback pytorch_stnet
outlier-insensitive kalman filtering using nuv priors oikf_icassp23
an energy-efficient spiking neural network for finger velocity decoding for implantable brain-machine interface snn-for-finger-velocity-ibmi
multimodality multi-lead ecg arrhythmia classification using self-supervised learning ecg_ssl_12lead
cross task neural architecture search for eeg signal classifications ctnas-eeg
multi-layer state evolution under random convolutional design conv-ml-amp
graph neural networks for channel decoding gnn-decoder


paper code
the portiloop: a deep learning-based open science tool for closed-loop brain stimulation portiloop
transfer learning-based channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems using data-nulling superimposed pilots transferlearningbasedcebydnsp
slurp! spectroscopy of liquids using robot pre-touch sensing slurp_grasping
multi-site diagnostic classification of schizophrenia using 3d cnn on aggregated task-based fmri data Schizophrenia-Classification-from-multi-site-fMRI-data
misspecified phase retrieval with generative priors MPRG


paper code
towards real-world bci: ccspnet, a compact subject-independent motor imagery framework CCSPNet
performance analysis of multi-user noma wireless-powered mmtc networks: a stochastic geometry approach mmtc-noma
communication-efficient stochastic zeroth-order optimization for federated learning FedZO
urglq: an efficient covariance matrix reconstruction method for robust adaptive beamforming robust-adaptive-beamforming-2022
online learning of the transfer matrix of dynamic scattering media: wavefront shaping meets multidimensional time series online_learning_tm
correlative information maximization based biologically plausible neural networks for correlated source separation Biologically-Plausible-Correlative-Information-Maximization-for-Blind-Source-Separation
rhombic grids reduce the number of voxels in fast pulse-echo ultrasound imaging rhombic_grids
coinpress: practical private mean and covariance estimation coin-press
constrained optimal querying: huffman coding and beyond constrained-optimal-querying-huffman-coding-and-beyond


paper code
experiments with mmwave automotive radar test-bed mmWave-radar-signal-processing-and-microDoppler-classification


paper code
role of deep learning in wireless communications DL-DSC-FDD-Massive-MIMO
few-shot calibration of set predictors via meta-learned cross-validation-based conformal prediction meta-xb
efficient sequence packing without cross-contamination: accelerating large language models without impacting performance packedBERT
grassmannian packings: trust-region stochastic tuning for matrix incoherence trstmi
orthogonal non-negative matrix factorization: a maximum-entropy-principle approach mep-orthogonal-nmf


paper code
generalised implicit neural representations ginr
learning the spectrogram temporal resolution for audio classification diffres-python
matt: a manifold attention network for eeg decoding matt


paper code
diagnosis of parkinson's disease based on voice signals using shap and hard voting ensemble method classification_of_parkinson_disease
do language models make human-like predictions about the coreferents of italian anaphoric zero pronouns? italian-zero-anaphora-prediction
overparameterized relu neural networks learn the simplest models: neural isometry and exact recovery neural-recovery


paper code
uncertainty detection and reduction in neural decoding of eeg signals ue-eeg
unsupervised multimodal change detection based on structural relationship graph representation learning srgcae


paper code
end-to-end p300 bci using bayesian accumulation of riemannian probabilities demos
near lossless time series data compression methods using statistics and deviation data-compression
ensemble machine learning model trained on a new synthesized dataset generalizes well for stress prediction using wearable devices stress
rf-transformer: a unified backscatter radio hardware abstraction rf-transformer
astf: visual abstractions of time-varying patterns in radio signals astf
tinyturbo: efficient turbo decoders on edge tinyturbo
construction of optimal spectral methods in phase retrieval Optimal_Spectral_Methods_PR
optimal denoising of rotationally invariant rectangular matrices rectangular_rie
self-stabilization: the implicit bias of gradient descent at the edge of stability eos


paper code
frequency-dependent $f$-number increases the contrast and the spatial resolution in fast pulse-echo ultrasound imaging f_number


paper code
a parameter-free nonconvex low-rank tensor completion model for spatiotemporal traffic data recovery T-ITS-PFNC


paper code
biologically-plausible determinant maximization neural networks for blind separation of correlated sources biologically-plausible-detmaxnns-for-blind-source-separation
source detection via multi-label classification Signal_detector
semi-blind source separation with learned constraints sgmca
provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems PastaQ.jl
cell-free massive mimo meets otfs modulation cell-free-otfs
an asymmetric contrastive loss for handling imbalanced datasets asymmetric-cl


paper code
ddp-gcn: multi-graph convolutional network for spatiotemporal traffic forecasting DDP-GCN
ppg2abp: translating photoplethysmogram (ppg) signals to arterial blood pressure (abp) waveforms using fully convolutional neural networks PPG2ABP
real-time noise cancellation with deep learning deepNeuronalFilter
under the sand: navigation and localization of a micro aerial vehicle for landmine detection with ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar mav_findmine
pyffs: a python library for fast fourier series computation and interpolation with gpu acceleration pyFFS
bounded simplex-structured matrix factorization bssmf.jl
poisson phase retrieval in very low-count regimes ppr-low-count
how does data freshness affect real-time supervised learning? impact-of-data-freshness-in-learning


paper code
deep, deep learning with bart deep-deep-learning-with-bart
activity detection in distributed mimo: distributed amp via likelihood ratio fusion distributed-AMP
autoencoder based iterative modeling and multivariate time-series subsequence clustering algorithm abimca


paper code
leveraging joint-diagonalization in transform-learning nmf tlnmf-tsp
eventnet: detecting events in eeg eventnet
dynamic response recovery using ambient synchrophasor data: a synthetic texas interconnection case study dy_resp_pkg_new
compressing sign information in dct-based image coding via deep sign retrieval dsr


paper code
learning bilinear models of actuated koopman generators from partially-observed trajectories koopmangeneratorem
inferring network properties from time series using transfer entropy and mutual information: validation of multivariate versus bivariate approaches infonet
decoding reed-muller codes with successive codeword permutations sprld


paper code
an inertial block majorization minimization framework for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization TITAN
signal decomposition using masked proximal operators signal-decomposition
massive mimo with dual-polarized antennas dual-polarization


paper code
temporal feedback convolutional recurrent neural networks for speech command recognition temporal-feedback-crnn
real-time outdoor localization using radio maps: a deep learning approach LocUNet
efficient approximation of jacobian matrices involving a non-uniform fast fourier transform (nufft) Bjork
data-driven estimation of capacity upper bounds upper_capacity_bounds
bolt: fused window transformers for fmri time series analysis bolt
an impedance transition method to verify the reference impedance of multiline trl calibration verification-multiline-trl-calibration
information-theoretic characterization of the generalization error for iterative semi-supervised learning generrorssl_2022


paper code
gcns-net: a graph convolutional neural network approach for decoding time-resolved eeg motor imagery signals EEG-DL
bayesbeat: reliable atrial fibrillation detection from noisy photoplethysmography data bayesbeat
parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (faceted hypersara): ii. code and real data proof of concept faceted-hypersara
multiscale adaptive scheduling and path-planning for power-constrained uav-relays via smdps MAESTRO-X
self-supervised learning with an information maximization criterion corinfomax-ssl


paper code
blind equalization and channel estimation in coherent optical communications using variational autoencoders vae-equalizer
particle gradient descent model for point process generation pp_syn
a stochastic optimization framework for fair risk minimization FERMI


paper code
learning-based downlink power allocation in cell-free massive mimo systems power-allocation-cell-free
untargeted region of interest selection for gc-ms data using a pseudo f-ratio moving window ($\psi$frmv) regionofinterest
personalized emotion detection using iot and machine learning MLEmotionDetection


paper code
multi-event-camera depth estimation and outlier rejection by refocused events fusion dvs_mcemvs
decorrelate irrelevant, purify relevant: overcome textual spurious correlations from a feature perspective depro


paper code
adaptive r-peak detection on wearable ecg sensors for high-intensity exercise adaptive_rpeak_det_public
a design of low-projection scma codebooks for ultra-low decoding complexity in downlink iot networks scma-codebook
data-driven blind synchronization and interference rejection for digital communication signals scss_sync


paper code
autoencoder based iterative modeling and multivariate time-series subsequence clustering algorithm mt3scm
the optimality of word lengths. theoretical foundations and an empirical study iql-research-project-21-22


paper code
two beams are better than one: enabling reliable and high throughput mmwave links mmreliable
position aided beam prediction in the real world: how useful gps locations actually are? position-beam-prediction
too fine or too coarse? the goldilocks composition of data complexity for robust left-right eye-tracking classifiers kdd-ml
non-adaptive and two-stage coding over the z-channel Z-channel_with_1_error


paper code
a time-domain real-valued generalized wiener filter for multi-channel neural separation systems TAC
generative principal component analysis GenerativePCA
denoising generalized expectation-consistent approximation for mr image recovery corr-plus-corr


paper code
bottlefit: learning compressed representations in deep neural networks for effective and efficient split computing bottlefit-split_computing
semantic communications with discrete-time analog transmission: a papr perspective semanticpapr
transfer learning of an ensemble of dnns for ssvep bci spellers without user-specific training ensemble-of-dnns
tfn: an interpretable neural network with time-frequency transform embedded for intelligent fault diagnosis tfn
large graph signal denoising with application to differential privacy dp-graph-denoising
data augmentation for deep receivers data-augmentations-for-receivers
learning to predict requires integrated information learningrequiresintinf
abs+ polar codes: exploiting more linear transforms on adjacent bits abs-polar


paper code
artificial intelligence enabled noma towards next generation multiple access ai_noma
evaluating short-term forecasting of multiple time series in iot environments multiple-timeseries-forecasting
towards unsupervised assessment with open-source data of the accuracy of deep learning-based distributed pv mapping dsfrance
software tools for decoding quantum low-density parity check codes qecc


paper code
variational sparse coding with learned thresholding variational-sparse-coding
a unified spatially coupled code design: threshold, cycles, and locality unified_sc_ldpcl
mind: maximum mutual information based neural decoder mind-neural-decoder


paper code
fast robust subspace tracking via pca in sparse data-dependent noise NORST
do language models make human-like predictions about the coreferents of italian anaphoric zero pronouns? italian-zero-anaphora-prediction


paper code
gridless 3d recovery of image sources from room impulse responses acoustic-sfw


paper code
openfwi: large-scale multi-structural benchmark datasets for seismic full waveform inversion openfwi
robust distributed bayesian learning with stragglers via consensus monte carlo straggler-resilient-cmc
integration of physics-based and data-driven models for hyperspectral image unmixing awesome-hyperspectral-image-unmixing
cast: a toolchain for creating and characterizing realistic wireless network emulation scenarios cast
latent signal models: learning compact representations of signal evolution for improved time-resolved, multi-contrast mri latent_signal_models_mrm_2022
adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar


paper code
gcns-net: a graph convolutional neural network approach for decoding time-resolved eeg motor imagery signals EEG-DL


paper code
ecg-atk-gan: robustness against adversarial attacks on ecgs using conditional generative adversarial networks ecg-atk-gan
ensemble learning using individual neonatal data for seizure detection distributed-nsda
eeg4students: an experimental design for eeg data collection and machine learning analysis eeg4students
approximation of images via generalized higher order singular value decomposition over finite-dimensional commutative semisimple algebra talgebra


paper code
trajectory pmb filters for extended object tracking using belief propagation trajectory-pmb-eot-bp
enhancing deep learning performance of massive mimo csi feedback jpts


paper code
leveraging joint-diagonalization in transform-learning nmf tlnmf-tsp
arrhythmia classification using cgan-augmented ecg signals augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan
quantum message-passing algorithm for optimal and efficient decoding quantum-message-passing-paper


paper code
exploiting temporal structures of cyclostationary signals for data-driven single-channel source separation scss_csgaussian
survey of machine learning techniques to predict heartbeat arrhythmias ECG_Predictor
universal caching universalcaching


paper code
echofilter: a deep learning segmentation model improves the automation, standardization, and timeliness for post-processing echosounder data in tidal energy streams echofilter
a unified algorithmic framework for distributed adaptive signal and feature fusion problems -- part ii: convergence properties DASF_toolbox


paper code
fast off-the-grid sparse recovery with over-parametrized projected gradient descent opcomp_sparse_recovery
ensemble learning using individual neonatal data for seizure detection distributed-nsda
psychophysiological arousal in young children who stutter: an interpretable ai approach modality-wise-multple-instance-learning
a unified algorithmic framework for distributed adaptive signal and feature fusion problems -- part i: algorithm derivation DASF_toolbox


paper code
towards a better understanding human reading comprehension with brain signals uercm
quantum message-passing algorithm for optimal and efficient decoding quantum-message-passing-paper


paper code
parametric scattering networks ParametricScatteringNetworks
self-supervised learning for anomalous channel detection in eeg graphs: application to seizure analysis EEG-CGS
signal detection with dynamic programming Signal-detection-with-dynamic-programming
efficient randomized subspace embeddings for distributed optimization under a communication budget distoptconstrcomm


paper code
a robust adversarial network-based end-to-end communications system with strong generalization ability against adversarial attacks GAN-based-E2E-communications-system-for-defense-against-adversarial-attack
towards interpretable sleep stage classification using cross-modal transformers cross-modal-transformer
dynamic task software caching-assisted computation offloading for multi-access edge computing drl-mec
wifi based distance estimation using supervised machine learning wifi-fingerprint
how does data freshness affect real-time supervised learning? impact-of-data-freshness-in-learning


paper code
lrh-net: a multi-level knowledge distillation approach for low-resource heart network lrh-net
a hybrid method for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling bearings with low system delay vibration-based-fault-diagnosis-with-low-delay
a unified spatially coupled code design: threshold, cycles, and locality unified_sc_ldpcl
communication network model of the immune system identifies the impact of interactions with sars-cov-2 proteins core


paper code
echofilter: a deep learning segmentation model improves the automation, standardization, and timeliness for post-processing echosounder data in tidal energy streams echofilter
an modified cole's importance sampling method for low error floor qc-ldpc codes construction trapping-sets-enumeration


paper code
perturbative construction of mean-field equations in extensive-rank matrix factorization and denoising perturbative_mean_field_matrix_factorization


paper code
efficient waveform covariance matrix design and antenna selection for mimo radar evolutionary-antenna-design-in-mimo
expression might be enough: representing pressure and demand for reinforcement learning based traffic signal control Advanced_XLight
ultra lite convolutional neural network for automatic modulation classification ultra-lite-convolutional-neural-network-for-automatic-modulation-classification


paper code
beats: an open-source, high-precision, multi-channel eeg acquisition tool system beats
a spatially separable attention mechanism for massive mimo csi feedback pytorch_stnet
fra-rir: fast random approximation of the image-source method fra-rir
oversquashing in gnns through the lens of information contraction and graph expansion oversquashing


paper code
disentangled representation learning for rf fingerprint extraction under unknown channel statistics dr-rff
a design of low-projection scma codebooks for downlink satellite internet of things scma-codebook


paper code
visually evaluating generative adversarial networks using itself under multivariate time series GaussianGANs


paper code
stable and interpretable unrolled dictionary learning stable-interpretable-unrolled-dl
the wqn algorithm to adaptively correct artifacts in the eeg signal wavelet-wqn-acha
segmented learning for class-of-service network traffic classification s2mc-for-cos
recovery of future data via convolution nuclear norm minimization CNNM
deep learning-enabled semantic communication systems with task-unaware transmitter and dynamic data semantic-communication-systems


paper code
self-supervised group meiosis contrastive learning for eeg-based emotion recognition Self-supervised-group-meiosis-contrastive-learning-for-EEG-based-emotion-recognition
towards v2i age-aware fairness access: a dqn based intelligent vehicular node training and test method age-fairness


paper code
untargeted region of interest selection for gc-ms data using a pseudo f-ratio moving window ($\psi$frmv) regionofinterest
vector-based data improves left-right eye-tracking classifier performance after a covariate distributional shift eegetcovariatedistributionalshift
descod-ecg: deep score-based diffusion model for ecg baseline wander and noise removal score-based-ecg-denoising
tcmi: a non-parametric mutual-dependence estimator for multivariate continuous distributions tcmi
tight concentrations and confidence sequences from the regret of universal portfolio precise
better lattice quantizers constructed from complex integers latticequantizer


paper code
deep learning based successive interference cancellation for the non-orthogonal downlink sicnet
deep learning-based synchronization for uplink nb-iot nprach_synch
analytic relations between networks: encoding, decoding, and causality analytic-relations-between-complex-networks-encoding-decoding-and-causality


paper code
wivelo: fine-grained walking velocity estimation for wi-fi passive tracking WiVelo_SECON22
one-nearest-neighbor search is all you need for minimax optimal regression and classification split-knn-rules
pareto-optimal clustering with the primal deterministic information bottleneck pareto_dib


paper code
graph neural networks for communication networks: context, use cases and opportunities GNNPapersCommNets


paper code
sparse signal models for data augmentation in deep learning atr mstar_data_aug
few-shot domain adaptation for end-to-end communication domain-adaptation-autoencoder
time majority voting, a pc-based eeg classifier for non-expert users time_majority_voting
dynamic measurement of structural entropy for dynamic graphs incre-se


paper code
task-oriented communication for multi-device cooperative edge inference vddib-sr
end-to-end signal classification in signed cumulative distribution transform space PyTransKit
a learning aided flexible gradient descent approach to miso beamforming lagd
openran gym: ai/ml development, data collection, and testing for o-ran on pawr platforms colosseum-near-rt-ric
toward reliable signals decoding for electroencephalogram: a benchmark study to eegnex eegnex
quantum advantage in learning from experiments ReCirq
on confidence sequences for bounded random processes via universal gambling strategies confidence-sequence-via-gambling


paper code
explainable ai algorithms for vibration data-based fault detection: use case-adadpted methods and critical evaluation xai-vibration-fault-detection


paper code
neural architecture search for spiking neural networks neural-architecture-search-for-spiking-neural-networks
trajectory pmb filters for extended object tracking using belief propagation trajectory-pmb-eot-bp
multi resolution analysis (mra) for approximate self-attention mra-attention


paper code
beats: an open-source, high-precision, multi-channel eeg acquisition tool system beats


paper code
a large collection of real-world pediatric sleep studies sleep_study
do not sleep on linear models: simple and interpretable techniques outperform deep learning for sleep scoring sleep-linear
unrolled algorithms for group synchronization unrolling_synchronization
automated black-box boundary value detection repro_autobva


paper code
music source separation with generative flow generativesourceseparation
plotly-resampler: effective visual analytics for large time series plotly-resampler
segment-level metric learning for few-shot bioacoustic event detection dcase_2022_task_5
deep learning and its applications to wifi human sensing: a benchmark and a tutorial wifi-csi-sensing-benchmark
correlated age-of-information bandits Correlated-AoI-Bandits
the signed cumulative distribution transform for 1-d signal analysis and classification PyTransKit
tight concentrations and confidence sequences from the regret of universal portfolio precise
ultra-marginal feature importance umfi
interpretable collective intelligence of non-rational human agents collective-intelligence-research


paper code
correctly modeling tx and rx chain in (distributed) massive mimo -- new fundamental insights on coherency Correctly-Modeling-TX-and-RX-Chain-in-Massive-MIMO
open-source software for electrical engineering applications requiring consideration of electrodynamics: elecode elecode
deepsolar tracker: towards unsupervised assessment with open-source data of the accuracy of deep learning-based distributed pv mapping dsfrance
outlier detection of vital sign trajectories from covid-19 patients outlier-detection-recap-data


paper code
self-supervised speaker recognition with loss-gated learning loss-gated-learning
reconstruction of time-varying graph signals via sobolev smoothness graphtrss
few-shot specific emitter identification via deep metric ensemble learning few-shot-specific-emitter-identification-via-deep-metric-ensemble-learning
a neural-network framework for the design of individualised hearing-loss compensation connear_periphery
analytic relations between complex networks: encoding, decoding, and causality analytic-relations-between-complex-networks-encoding-decoding-and-causality
an asymmetric contrastive loss for handling imbalanced datasets asymmetric-cl


paper code
a covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection kravchuk-transform-and-its-zeros
an automated theorem proving framework for information-theoretic results psitip
on the distribution of the information density of gaussian random vectors: explicit formulas and tight approximations information-density
quantum advantage in learning from experiments ReCirq


paper code
towards off-the-grid algorithms for total variation regularized inverse problems tvsfw
frame-type sensitive rdo control for content-adaptive-encoding icip2022
multi-channel deep networks for block-based image compressive sensing deepbcs
an information upper bound for probability sensitivity ProbSensitivityInfoBound
l$_0$onie: compressing coins with l$_0$-constraints l0onie


paper code
mutual-information based optimal experimental design for hyperpolarized $^{13}$c-pyruvate mri hyperpolarizedmri


paper code
visual sensor network stimulation model identification via gaussian mixture model and deep embedded features vsn-with-ae
variance in classifying affective state via electrocardiogram and photoplethysmography emo_phys_eval
morpi: mobile robot pure inertial navigation morpi
topologically driven methods for construction of multi-edge type (multigraph with nodes puncturing) quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes for wireless channel, wdm long-haul and archival holographic memory trapping-sets-enumeration


paper code
state-augmented learnable algorithms for resource management in wireless networks stateaugmented_rrm_gnn


paper code
near out-of-distribution detection for low-resolution radar micro-doppler signatures near-ood-doppler-signatures
identification of distorted rf components via deep multi-task learning hardware-problem-identification
content addressable memory without catastrophic forgetting by heteroassociation with a fixed scaffold mesh
modeling and correcting bias in sequential evaluation sequential-bias


paper code
hardware architecture for high throughput event visual data filtering with matrix of iir filters algorithm dvs_filtermatrixiir
learning noise with generative adversarial networks: explorations with classical random process models noisegan
task-oriented self-supervised learning for anomaly detection in electroencephalography eeg-ad
semi-blind source separation using convolutive transfer function for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation audio-samples2
encoding of probability distributions for asymmetric numeral systems AsymmetricNumeralSystemsToolkit


paper code
stride: a flexible platform for high-performance ultrasound computed tomography stride
leveraging joint-diagonalization in transform-learning nmf tlnmf-tsp
propagation of measurement and model uncertainties through multiline trl calibration uncertainty-multiline-trl-calibration
federated over-air subspace tracking from incomplete and corrupted data distributed-pca


paper code
robust photon-efficient imaging using a pixel-wise residual shrinkage network robust-photon-efficient-imaging-using-prsnet
correctly modeling tx and rx chain in (distributed) massive mimo -- new fundamental insights on coherency Correctly-Modeling-TX-and-RX-Chain-in-Massive-MIMO
depth-2 neural networks under a data-poisoning attack neurotron_experiments


paper code
aivc: artificial intelligence based video codec AIVC
stratified multivariate multiscale dispersion entropy for physiological signal analysis smvmde


paper code
audio dequantization using (co)sparse (non)convex methods audio_dequantization
graph neural network aided mu-mimo detectors GNN-based-MIMO-Detection
adaptive decoding mechanisms for uav-enabled double-uplink coordinated noma uav-noma-adm
a unified treatment of partial stragglers and sparse matrices in coded matrix computation unifiedtreatment
mutual-information based optimal experimental design for hyperpolarized $^{13}$c-pyruvate mri hyperpolarizedmri


paper code
a framework of inertial alternating direction method of multipliers for non-convex non-smooth optimization iADMM
frame-type sensitive rdo control for content-adaptive-encoding icip2022
multi-modal sensor data fusion for in-situ classification of animal behavior using accelerometry and gnss data animal_behavior_classification_acc_gnss
deep-learning-aided distributed clock synchronization for wireless networks distributed-dnn-aided-time-synchronization
accelerated information gradient flow Accelerated-Information-Gradient-flow
source localization of graph diffusion via variational autoencoders for graph inverse problems slvae
deep generation of heterogeneous networks hgen


paper code
a large collection of real-world pediatric sleep studies sleep_study
a nonlinear beamforming for enhanced spatiotemporal sensitivity in high frame rate ultrasound flow imaging nonlinear_beamforming
vehif: an accessible vegetation high-impedance fault data set format hif_vegetation_data
arbitrary-length analogs to de bruijn sequences pkl


paper code
scaling and scalability: provable nonconvex low-rank tensor estimation from incomplete measurements ScaledGD
identifying electrocardiogram abnormalities using a handcrafted-rule-enhanced neural network ecg_processing
model-driven deep learning-based mimo-ofdm detector: design, simulation, and experimental results cg-oamp-net
adaptive regularized zero-forcing beamforming in massive mimo with multi-antenna users Adaptive-Regularized-Zero-Forcing-Beamforming-in-Massive-MIMO-with-Multi-Antenna-Users
self-dual hadamard bent sequences hadamard_bent
differentially private maximal information coefficients dp-mic
beating the sum-rate capacity of the binary adder channel with non-signaling correlations mac_ns_lp


paper code
channel estimation in massive mimo under hardware non-linearities: bayesian methods versus deep learning deep-learning-channel-estimation
real-time noise cancellation with deep learning deepNeuronalFilter
self-supervised eeg representation learning for automatic sleep staging contrawr
disentangling modes with crossover instantaneous frequencies by synchrosqueezed chirplet transforms, from theory to application synchrosqueezed-chirplet-transforms
a covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection kravchuk-transform-and-its-zeros
signal decomposition using masked proximal operators signal-decomposition
deep neural convolutive matrix factorization for articulatory representation decomposition ema_gesture
propagation of measurement and model uncertainties through multiline trl calibration uncertainty-multiline-trl-calibration
can we trust our energy measurements? a study on the odroid-xu4 energymeasurementanalysis
a learning aided gradient descent for miso beamforming lagd
combating the instability of mutual information-based losses via regularization deconstructing-mine


paper code
plotly-resampler: effective visual analytics for large time series plotly-resampler
fast lossless neural compression with integer-only discrete flows iodf


paper code
an accelerated expectation-maximization algorithm for multi-reference alignment synch-em
the portiloop: a deep learning-based open science tool for closed-loop brain stimulation portiloop
a real-world radio frequency signal dataset based on lte system and variable channels xsrpdataset
evaluating short-term forecasting of multiple time series in iot environments multiple-timeseries-forecasting


paper code
learning the structure of large networked systems obeying conservation laws slnscl
on the relationship between ground- and satellite- based global horizontal irradiance solarsatground
paramnet: a multi-layer parametric network for joint channel estimation and symbol detection ParamNET
loss functions for classification using structured entropy resources


paper code
pareto-optimal clustering with the primal deterministic information bottleneck pareto_dib


paper code
multiple hypothesis testing framework for spatial signals lfdr-smom
efficient approximation of jacobian matrices involving a non-uniform fast fourier transform (nufft) Bjork
roadside lidar vehicle detection and tracking using range and intensity background subtraction roadside-lidar-vehicle-detection-and-tracking-background-subtraction
integration of physics-based and data-driven models for hyperspectral image unmixing awesome-hyperspectral-image-unmixing
data-driven denoising of accelerometer signals MEMS-IMU-Denoising
reinforcement learning-based placement of charging stations in urban road networks pcrl
ris-admm: an admm-based passive and sparse sensing method with interference removal ris-admm
ultra-marginal feature importance umfi


paper code
denoising generalized expectation-consistent approximation for mri image recovery corr-plus-corr


paper code
convolutional dictionary learning by end-to-end training of iterative neural networks convsparsitynns
aligning random graphs with a sub-tree similarity message-passing algorithm graph_alignment


paper code
technical report (v1.0)--pseudo-random cartesian sampling for dynamic mri cmr-sampling
perturbative construction of mean-field equations in extensive-rank matrix factorization and denoising perturbative_mean_field_matrix_factorization


paper code
extreme compressed sensing of poisson rates from multiple measurements SPoRe
energy and age pareto optimal trajectories in uav-assisted wireless data collection aoienergyuavtraopt
self-supervised learning for human activity recognition using 700,000 person-days of wearable data ssl-wearables
decomposed linear dynamical systems (dlds) for learning the latent components of neural dynamics dLDS-Discrete-Python-Model
decentralized low-latency collaborative inference via ensembles on the edge ensembles-on-the-edge
computational doob's $h$-transforms for online filtering of discretely observed diffusions CompDoobTransform


paper code
mean subtraction and mode selection in dynamic mode decomposition msub_mdselect_dmd
characterizing the slope trade-off: a variational perspective and the donoho-tanner limit SLOPE_AMP
dcase 2021 task 3: spectrotemporally-aligned features for polyphonic sound event localization and detection SALSA
da-music: data-driven doa estimation via deep augmented music algorithm tsp22
mical: mutual information-based cnn-aided learned factor cnn-aided-factor-graphs-with-estimated-mutual-information-features-for-seizure-detection-mical
on low-rank trace regression under general sampling distribution cv-impute
blind super-resolution of point sources via projected gradient descent pgdvhl
supervised contrastive csi representation learning for massive mimo positioning SupConCSI
an information upper bound for probability sensitivity ProbSensitivityInfoBound
minimizing the expected posterior entropy yields optimal summary statistics summaries


paper code
approximation of images via generalized higher order singular value decomposition over finite-dimensional commutative semisimple algebra talgebra
lossy gradient compression: how much accuracy can one bit buy? fl_rd
rashomon capacity: a metric for predictive multiplicity in probabilistic classification rashomon-capacity


paper code
design of an optimal testbed for tracking of tagged marine megafauna receiver-deployment


paper code
zero-shot self-supervised learning for mri reconstruction ZS-SSL
the representation jensen-r'enyi divergence jensen-renyi-divergence


paper code
metassd: meta-learned self-supervised detection metassd
channel model mismatch analysis for xl-mimo systems from a localization perspective radio_localization
rethinking graph neural networks for anomaly detection rethinking-anomaly-detection
generalised implicit neural representations ginr
information fragmentation, encryption and information flow in complex biological networks fragmentation_replication_instructions


paper code
transfer learning-based channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems using data-nulling superimposed pilots transferlearningbasedcebydnsp
recovery of future data via convolution nuclear norm minimization CNNM


paper code
a semidefinite relaxation for sums of heterogeneous quadratics on the stiefel manifold sums-of-heterogeneous-quadratics
generalizing brain decoding across subjects with deep learning meg-group-decode
auditing differential privacy in high dimensions with the kernel quantum r'enyi divergence kernel_renyi_dp


paper code
multi-layer state evolution under random convolutional design conv-ml-amp


paper code
over-the-air design of gan training for mmwave mimo channel estimation ota-gan-mimo-ce
a real-world radio frequency signal dataset based on lte system and variable channels xsrpdataset
ultra-compact binary neural networks for human activity recognition on risc-v processors ultracompactbnn


paper code
a tutorial on terahertz-band localization for 6g communication systems radio_localization
towards practical physics-informed ml design and evaluation for power grid gridwarm
multi-agent feedback enabled neural networks for intelligent communications MAFENN_TRANS_2022


paper code
position aided beam prediction in the real world: how useful gps locations actually are? position-beam-prediction
approximate message passing with parameter estimation for heavily quantized measurements 1Bit-CS
antenna selection in switch-based mimo arrays via doa threshold region approximation radio_localization
neural augmented min-sum decoding of short block codes for fading channels nams


paper code
a subspace method for time series anomaly detection in cyber-physical systems pad
multivariate public key cryptosystem from sidon spaces Sidon-Cryptosystem
optimizing the communication-accuracy trade-off in federated learning with rate-distortion theory compressed_communication


paper code
denoising noisy neural networks: a bayesian approach with compensation NoisyNN


paper code
link scheduling using graph neural networks distgcn
stride: a flexible platform for high-performance ultrasound computed tomography stride
robust photon-efficient imaging using a pixel-wise residual shrinkage network robust-photon-efficient-imaging-using-prsnet
approximation of images via generalized higher order singular value decomposition over finite-dimensional commutative semisimple algebra talgebra
lower-bounds on the bayesian risk in estimation procedures via $f$-divergences f_divergences_lower_bounds


paper code
signal2image modules in deep neural networks for eeg classification signal2image-modules-in-deep-neural-networks-for-eeg-classification
r-local unlabeled sensing: a novel graph matching approach for multiview unlabeled sensing under local permutations QAP-for-ULS
visual sensor network stimulation model identification via gaussian mixture model and deep embedded features vsn-with-ae
near out-of-distribution detection for low-resolution radar micro-doppler signatures doppler-signatures-generation


paper code
two-dimensional multi-target detection: an autocorrelation analysis approach MTD-2D
generalized autocorrelation analysis for multi-target detection mtd-gmm
an approximate expectation-maximization for two-dimensional multi-target detection mtd-2d-em
over-the-air ensemble inference with model privacy oac-based-private-ensembles
recovering or testing extended-affine equivalence EA_equivalence_for_quadratic_functions
hybrid beam alignment for multi-path channels: a group testing viewpoint beamforming
analog secure distributed matrix multiplication over complex numbers sdmm-over-complex
mind: maximum mutual information based neural decoder mind-neural-decoder


paper code
r-local sensing: improved algorithm and applications proximal-alt-min-for-uls-udgp
probabilistic estimation of chirp instantaneous frequency using gaussian processes chirpgp
data-driven upper bounds on channel capacity upper_capacity_bounds


paper code
annealed langevin dynamics for massive mimo detection langevin-mimo-detector
how well does surprisal explain n400 amplitude under different experimental conditions? does-surprisal-explain-n400


paper code
advanced sleep spindle identification with neural networks sumo
intelligent reflecting surface configurations for smart radio using deep reinforcement learning irsconfigurationdrl
deepfilternet2: towards real-time speech enhancement on embedded devices for full-band audio deepfilternet


paper code
learning to continuously optimize wireless resource in a dynamic environment: a bilevel optimization perspective TSP_CL
energy and age pareto optimal trajectories in uav-assisted wireless data collection aoienergyuavtraopt
variational sparse coding with learned thresholding variational-sparse-coding
gridwarm: towards practical physics-informed ml design and evaluation for power grid gridwarm
pervasive machine learning for smart radio environments enabled by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces drl_ris_tutorial
zeros of gaussian weyl-heisenberg functions and hyperuniformity of charge gwhf
universal caching universalcaching


paper code
using a drone sounder to measure channels for cell-free massive mimo systems CF-mMIMO
hierarchical dirichlet process based gamma mixture modelling for terahertz band wireless communication channels DPGMM-Channel-Modelling
far from asymptopia atomicpriors.jl


paper code
a dynamic response recovery framework using ambient synchrophasor data dy_resp_pkg_new
information fragmentation, encryption and information flow in complex biological networks fragmentation_replication_instructions
fundamental performance limits for sensor-based robot control and policy learning performance-limits


paper code
minimax estimation of partially-observed vector autoregressions POVAR.jl
approximation of images via generalized higher order singular value decomposition over finite-dimensional commutative semisimple algebra talgebra


paper code
signal decomposition using masked proximal operators signal-decomposition
multiple testing and variable selection along the path of the least angle regression lar_testing
aligning random graphs with a sub-tree similarity message-passing algorithm graph_alignment


paper code
reconfigurable intelligent surface phase hopping for ultra-reliable communications ris-phase-hopping
zeros of gaussian weyl-heisenberg functions and hyperuniformity of charge gwhf
modeling and correcting bias in sequential evaluation sequential-bias


paper code
mgait: model-based gait analysis using wearable bend and inertial sensors mgait
storseismic: a new paradigm in deep learning for seismic processing storseismic
end-to-end signal classification in signed cumulative distribution transform space PyTransKit
gmss: graph-based multi-task self-supervised learning for eeg emotion recognition gmss
admm-dad net: a deep unfolding network for analysis compressed sensing ADMM-DAD
deep learning-enabled semantic communication systems with task-unaware transmitter and dynamic data semantic-communication-systems
ridgeless regression with random features ridgeless-regression-with-random-features


paper code
ramp-cnn: a novel neural network for enhanced automotive radar object recognition radar-multiple-perspective-object-detection
an investigation of the effectiveness of phase for audio classification investigation-phase
linguistic dependencies and statistical dependence cpmi-dependencies


paper code
real-time outdoor localization using radio maps: a deep learning approach LocUNet
attention based neural networks for wireless channel estimation Attention_Based_Neural_Networks_for_Wireless_Channel_Estimation
interpretable collective intelligence of non-rational human agents collective-intelligence-research


paper code
1-bit compressive sensing via approximate message passing with built-in parameter estimation 1Bit-CS
salience: an unsupervised user adaptation model for multiple wearable sensors based human activity recognition SALIENCE
leveraging power grid topology in machine learning assisted optimal power flow MLOPF.jl
music source separation with generative flow generativesourceseparation


paper code
block alternating bregman majorization minimization with extrapolation BMME
encoding cardiopulmonary exercise testing time series as images for classification using convolutional neural network multivariatetimeseries


paper code
experiments with mmwave automotive radar test-bed mmWave-radar-signal-processing-and-microDoppler-classification
probabilistic rainfall estimation from automotive lidar rainfall_modeling_open
pyffs: a python library for fast fourier series computation and interpolation with gpu acceleration pyFFS
a ris-based passive doa estimation method for integrated sensing and communication system passivedoa-isac-ris


paper code
sinr: deconvolving circular sas images using implicit neural representations csas_deconvolution_inr


paper code
ultra marginal feature importance umfi


paper code
atlas fusion -- modern framework for autonomous agent sensor data fusion Atlas-Fusion
dual aspect self-attention based on transformer for remaining useful life prediction dast
rewis: reliable wi-fi sensing through few-shot multi-antenna multi-receiver csi learning rewis
syncnet: using causal convolutions and correlating objective for time delay estimation in audio signals 2022_syncnet
music source separation with generative flow generativesourceseparation
radiology text analysis system (radtext): architecture and evaluation radtext


paper code
cnn-based approaches for cross-subject classification in motor imagery: from the state-of-the-art to dynamicnet Dynamic-PyTorch-Net
multi-centroid hyperdimensional computing approach for epileptic seizure detection
deconvolution of the functional ultrasound response in the mouse visual pathway using block-term decomposition btd_deconv
design of an optimal testbed for tracking of tagged marine megafauna receiver-deployment
automatic data augmentation selection and parametrization in contrastive self-supervised speech representation learning augmentations
recovering or testing extended-affine equivalence EA_equivalence_for_quadratic_functions


paper code
wifieye -- seeing over wifi made accessible wifieye
muleeg: a multi-view representation learning on eeg signals muleeg
binary spatial random field reconstruction from non-gaussian inhomogeneous time-series observations WarpedGaussianProcesses
rf signal transformation and classification using deep neural networks rf_classification
structured gradient descent for fast robust low-rank hankel matrix completion hsgd


paper code
hrtf measurement for accurate sound localization cues hrtf-hats-kaist
pareto-optimal clustering with the primal deterministic information bottleneck pareto_dib


paper code
the generalized method of moments for multi-reference alignment gmm-cryo
patient contrastive learning: a performant, expressive, and practical approach to ecg modeling ml4h
gan-based joint activity detection and channel estimation for grant-free random access jadce


paper code
vehicular visible light positioning for collision avoidance and platooning: a survey vehicular-vlp-simulations
electrocardio panorama: synthesizing new ecg views with self-supervision Electrocardio-Panorama
fbdnn: filter banks and deep neural networks for portable and fast brain-computer interfaces fbcnn
power allocation for wireless federated learning using graph neural networks wirelessfl-pdgnet
variational message passing for online polynomial narmax identification acc2022-vmpnarmax


paper code
a fast transformer-based general-purpose lossless compressor a-fast-transformer-based-general-purpose-losslesscompressor
robust remote estimation over the collision channel in the presence of an intelligent jammer cdc22


paper code
single-pixel compressive imaging in shift-invariant spaces via exact wavelet frames compressive_imaging_in_si_spaces
time-coded spiking fourier transform in neuromorphic hardware time-coded-SFT
direction of arrival estimation of sound sources using icosahedral cnns icodoa
vqf: highly accurate imu orientation estimation with bias estimation and magnetic disturbance rejection vqf
differentially private federated learning via reconfigurable intelligent surface fl_privacy_blockcrossing
lead1.0: a large-scale annotated dataset for energy anomaly detection in commercial buildings lead-dataset


paper code
common information, matroid representation, and secret sharing for matroid ports common-information-and-matroid-ports
unbiased single-scale and multi-scale quantizers for distributed optimization Gradient-Compression
self-dual hadamard bent sequences hadamard_bent


paper code
multiple hypothesis testing framework for spatial signals lfdr-smom
an approximate expectation-maximization for two-dimensional multi-target detection mtd-2d-em
physics informed neural networks for control oriented thermal modeling of buildings physnet_thermal_models
separate what you describe: language-queried audio source separation lass
analysis of eeg frequency bands for envisioned speech recognition imaginedspeechrecognition
over-the-air federated learning via second-order optimization AirFL-2nd
approximation of images via generalized higher order singular value decomposition over finite-dimensional commutative semisimple algebra talgebra


paper code
deep unfolding basis pursuit: improving sparse channel reconstruction via data-driven measurement matrices DeepBP-AE
parametric scattering networks ParametricScatteringNetworks
predicting the impact of formation protocols on battery lifetime immediately after manufacturing fast-formation
distributed link sparsification for scalable scheduling using graph neural networks gcn-sparsify
online meta-learning for hybrid model-based deep receivers metadeepsic
q-ppg: energy-efficient ppg-based heart rate monitoring on wearable devices q-ppg
neural vocoder is all you need for speech super-resolution ssr_eval


paper code
bddm: bilateral denoising diffusion models for fast and high-quality speech synthesis bddm


paper code
complex frequency domain linear prediction: a tool to compute modulation spectrum of speech fdlp_spectrogram
distilling ghz states using stabilizer codes ghz_distillation_qec


paper code
lggnet: learning from local-global-graph representations for brain-computer interface LGG
estimation of consistent time delays in subsample via auxiliary-function-based iterative updates auxtde
transsleep: transitioning-aware attention-based deep neural network for sleep staging transsleep
deep learning based intelligent coin-tap test for defect recognition torch-tapnet
physiomtl: personalizing physiological patterns using optimal transport multi-task regression mmash
fast quantum state reconstruction via accelerated non-convex programming MiFGD
scale-invariant representation of machine learning powerlaw_ml
node representation learning in graph via node-to-neighbourhood mutual information maximization n2n
the impact of partial packet recovery on the inherent secrecy of random linear coding vtc2022-spring


paper code
signal2image modules in deep neural networks for eeg classification signal2image-modules-in-deep-neural-networks-for-eeg-classification
sionna: an open-source library for next-generation physical layer research sionna


paper code
phase collapse in neural networks phasecollapse
neural capacity estimators: how reliable are they? nce_icc-2022
physics informed neural networks for control oriented thermal modeling of buildings physnet_thermal_models
efficient doa estimation method for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces aided uav swarm adpp
sdoanet: an efficient deep learning-based doa estimation network for imperfect array sdoanet
graph neural networks for wireless communications: from theory to practice gnn4com
learning resilient radio resource management policies with graph neural networks Resilient_RRM_GNN
towards optimally efficient search with deep learning for large-scale mimo systems hats


paper code
lead-agnostic self-supervised learning for local and global representations of electrocardiogram fairseq-signals
generative principal component analysis GenerativePCA


paper code
enhancement of a state-of-the-art rl-based detection algorithm for massive mimo radars improved_rl_algorithm_mmimo_radar


paper code
robust equivariant imaging: a fully unsupervised framework for learning to image from noisy and partial measurements rei
lossless compression with probabilistic circuits pressedjuice.jl


paper code
ensemble neural representation networks enrp
a regularization method to improve adversarial robustness of neural networks for ecg signal classification robust_dnn_for_ecg
benchmarking and interpreting end-to-end learning of mimo and multi-user communication DeepLearning_MIMO
generalized rectifier wavelet covariance models for texture synthesis wavelet-texture-synthesis
minimal algorithmic information loss methods for dimension reduction, feature selection and network sparsification Network-Robustness-by-Kolmogorov-Complexity
optimal representations for covariate shift optdom
optimizing the communication-accuracy trade-off in federated learning with rate-distortion theory compressed_communication
optimal denoising of rotationally invariant rectangular matrices rectangular_rie


paper code
self-supervised graph neural networks for improved electroencephalographic seizure analysis eeg-gnn-ssl
neural architecture search for spiking neural networks neural-architecture-search-for-spiking-neural-networks
modelling non-smooth signals with complex spectral structure gpcm
a novel approach to the partial information decomposition redundancy


paper code
kalmannet: neural network aided kalman filtering for partially known dynamics KalmanNet_TSP
nearest neighbor density functional estimation from inverse laplace transform knn-functional-estimation


paper code
exploring scalable, distributed real-time anomaly detection for bridge health monitoring real_time_bhm


paper code
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: a signal processing perspective with wireless applications spm_ris
the terminating-knockoff filter: fast high-dimensional variable selection with false discovery rate control tknock
roadside lidar vehicle detection and tracking using range and intensity background subtraction roadside-lidar-vehicle-detection-and-tracking-background-subtraction
coding theory package for macaulay2 Workshop-2020-Cleveland
information theoretic structured generative modeling structured-generative-modeling
fasura: a scheme for quasi-static massive mimo unsourced random access channels mmtc


paper code
biologically plausible single-layer networks for nonnegative independent component analysis bio-nica
decentralized beamforming for cell-free massive mimo with unsupervised learning CF-mMIMO-HBF
predicting flat-fading channels via meta-learned closed-form linear filters and equilibrium propagation scalar-channel-meta-prediction
unrolling palm for sparse semi-blind source separation lpalm
early stopping for deep image prior early_stopping_for_dip
transformers in time series: a survey time-series-transformers-review
hrtf measurement for accurate identification of binaural sound localization cues hrtf-construction


paper code
relay-assisted cooperative federated learning relay-fl
two-dimensional structure functions to characterize convective rolls in the marine atmospheric boundary layer from sentinel-1 sar images 2d-structure-functions
beats: an open-source, high-precision, multi-channel eeg acquisition tool system beats
towards optimally efficient search with deep learning for large-scale mimo systems hats
a unified spatially coupled code design: threshold, cycles, and locality unified_sc_ldpcl
programmable optical data transmission through multimode fibres enabling confidentiality by physical layer security mmf-physec


paper code
label-aware ranked loss for robust people counting using automotive in-cabin radar labelawareranked-loss


paper code
leveraging power grid topology in machine learning assisted optimal power flow MLOPF.jl
a fast and scalable polyatomic frank-wolfe algorithm for the lasso PolyatomicFW_SPL
signal decomposition using masked proximal operators signal-decomposition
sketched rt3d: how to reconstruct billions of photons per second real-time-sp-lidar


paper code
two-dimensional multi-target detection: an autocorrelation analysis approach MTD-2D
phycom: a multi-layer parametric network for joint linear impairments compensation and symbol detection PhyCOM
tcmi: a non-parametric mutual-dependence estimator for multivariate continuous distributions tcmi


paper code
depth estimation from monocular images and sparse radar using deep ordinal regression network DORN_radar
automated parkinson's disease detection and affective analysis from emotional eeg signals pd-eeg
signal-to-noise ratio is more important than sampling rate in beat-to-beat interval estimation from optical sensors ppg_sim_snr_fs
fast off-the-grid sparse recovery with over-parametrized projected gradient descent opcomp_sparse_recovery
admm-dad net: a deep unfolding network for analysis compressed sensing ADMM-DAD
sparsity-aware neural user behavior modeling in online interaction platforms Inf-VAE
kl divergence estimation with multi-group attribution multigroup-kl


paper code
multi-head relu implicit neural representation networks mh-relu-inr
mixture model auto-encoders: deep clustering through dictionary learning mixmate
nearest subspace search in the signed cumulative distribution transform space for 1d signal classification PyTransKit
fast matching pursuit with multi-gabor dictionaries fastmpwithmultigabor
a unifying theory of thompson sampling for continuous risk-averse bandits continuous-rho-ts


paper code
detection by sampling: massive mimo detector based on langevin dynamics langevin-mimo-detector
quantum circuit design for universal distribution using a superposition of classical automata QuBio


paper code
an experimental mmwave channel model for uav-to-uav communications uav-to-uav-60-ghz-channel-model
foundations of user-centric cell-free massive mimo cell-free-book
rawboost: a raw data boosting and augmentation method applied to automatic speaker verification anti-spoofing RawBoost-antispoofing
learning from an exploring demonstrator: optimal reward estimation for bandits inverse-bandit-code-release
fasura: a scheme for quasi-static massive mimo unsourced random access channels mmtc


paper code
millimeter wave wireless assisted robot navigation with link state classification mmwRobotNav
a novel 1d state space for efficient music rhythmic analysis 1d-statespace
embedding decomposition for artifacts removal in eeg signals deepseparator
vehif: an accessible vegetation high-impedance fault data set format hif_vegetation_data
echofilter: a deep learning segmentation model improves the automation, standardization, and timeliness for post-processing echosounder data in tidal energy streams echofilter
coordinated sum-rate maximization in multicell mu-mimo with deep unrolling gcnwmmse
provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems provable-ml-quantum


paper code
eeg-based cross-subject driver drowsiness recognition with an interpretable convolutional neural network eeg-based-cross-subject-driver-drowsiness-recognition-with-an-interpretable-cnn
feasibility of modeling orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing communication signals with unsupervised generative adversarial networks ofdm-gan
towards best practice of interpreting deep learning models for eeg-based brain computer interfaces Towards-Best-Practice-of-Interpreting-Deep-Learning-Models-for-EEG-based-BCI
signal decomposition using masked proximal operators signal-decomposition
stratified multivariate multiscale dispersion entropy for physiological signal analysis smvmde


paper code
fann-on-mcu: an open-source toolkit for energy-efficient neural network inference at the edge of the internet of things fann-on-mcu
user-centric perspective in random access cell-free aided by spatial separability cf-ra-spatial-separability
delay-oriented distributed scheduling using graph neural networks gcn-dql
two-dimensional structure functions to characterize convective rolls in the marine atmospheric boundary layer from sentinel-1 sar images 2d-structure-functions


paper code
direct design of biquad filter cascades with deep learning by sampling random polynomials iirnet
neural capacity estimators: how reliable are they? nce_icc-2022
deep-learning-assisted configuration of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in dynamic rich-scattering environments deep_ris_tuning_for_rich_scattering_environments
enhancing causal estimation through unlabeled offline data enhancing-causal-estimations


paper code
an investigation of the effectiveness of phase for audio classification investigation-phase
r-local sensing: improved algorithm and applications proximal-alt-min-for-uls-udgp
score-based generative models for robust channel estimation diffusion-channels
hermes: hybrid error-corrector model with inclusion of external signals for nonstationary fashion time series f1fashiondataset
understanding knowledge integration in language models with graph convolutions gcs_ki


paper code
demystifying why local aggregation helps: convergence analysis of hierarchical sgd hierarchical-sgd
massive uncoordinated access with random user activity uma_random_user_activity
coded resnext: a network for designing disentangled information paths coded-resnext
unsourced multiple access with random user activity uma_random_user_activity


paper code
a dynamic response recovery framework using ambient synchrophasor data dy_resp_pkg_new
graphon-aided joint estimation of multiple graphs jointinf_graphs_graphon


paper code
an information-theoretic justification for model pruning SuRP
sumo: advanced sleep spindle identification with neural networks sumo


paper code
deep augmented music algorithm for data-driven doa estimation icassp22
uncertainty in data-driven kalman filtering for partially known state-space models errcov_icassp22
admm-dad net: a deep unfolding network for analysis compressed sensing ADMM-DAD
active sensing for communications by learning dl-activesensing
adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar


paper code
a deep neural network for ssvep-based brain-computer interfaces Deep-SSVEP-BCI
rtsnet: deep learning aided kalman smoothing rtsnet_icassp22
a covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection kravchuk-transform-and-its-zeros
unsupervised source separation via self-supervised training mixcycle


paper code
physfad: physics-based end-to-end channel modeling of ris-parametrized environments with adjustable fading physfad
inter-subject contrastive learning for subject adaptive eeg-based visual recognition Deep-BCI
over-the-air ensemble inference with model privacy oac-based-private-ensembles
hermes: hybrid error-corrector model with inclusion of external signals for nonstationary fashion time series f1fashiondataset
gradient-based learning of discrete structured measurement operators for signal recovery glodismo
nearest neighbor density functional estimation from inverse laplace transform knn-functional-estimation
bayesian context trees: modelling and exact inference for discrete time series Bayesian-Suffix-Trees
tight mutual information estimation with contrastive fenchel-legendre optimization FLO
decoding reed-muller codes with successive codeword permutations SPRLD
parameter-free online linear optimization with side information via universal coin betting [olo-with-side-information](https://github.com/jongharyu/olo-w