- 0
Effort Mapping of FourBarLinkageTransmission
#523 opened by qiayuanl - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
Calling switch_controller service from python requires controller being loaded
#511 opened by rhaschke - 0
- 0
Possible to have different namespace for control.yaml and hardware_interface.cpp? [Question]
#514 opened by Doctor-N0 - 0
- 6
[ROS1] controller_stopper from ur_robot_driver repo
#510 opened by fmauch - 3
Recent changes to spawner script break simulation startup for legged robots
#507 opened by Martin-Oehler - 0
- 1
Segmentation fault by controller spawner on loading(or searching) my custom written controller
#476 opened by rishabh900 - 1
Order of update calls of individual controllers when Controller Manager's update is called
#500 opened by RohanBampal - 1
Exception thrown while initializing controller 'test_velocity_controller' - error not descriptive enough
#501 opened by JanezCim - 1
update() of ControllerManager don't work
#505 opened by yeying256 - 1
ros_control error during Catkin_make of franka_ros package on Arch Linux realtime kernel (Franka Emika Panda Robot)
#504 opened by ruturajsambhusvt - 0
limit_jerk question in speed_limiter
#503 opened by YuLin1226 - 1
Tutorial for using ros_control in Python3
#502 opened by bhomaidan1990 - 3
Moving to Python 3
#459 opened by lepalom - 1
can't find ros control
#499 opened by Omunkhuush - 0
Multiple Hardware Interfaces for the same controller on different computers
#498 opened by mrunaljsarvaiya - 0
Unable to identify any set of controllers that can actuate the specified joints: [ panda_joint1 panda_joint2 panda_joint3 panda_joint4 panda_joint5 panda_joint6 panda_joint7 ] [ERROR]:Known controllers and their joints:
#497 opened by qyp-robot - 1
diff_drive_controller prev_time not set
#495 opened by PaddyCube - 0
- 0
Use position controller to control velocity
#493 opened by LMX-BY - 3
joint_limits_interface.h Error
#490 opened by erdisayar - 0
Multithreaded read() write() in CombinedRobotHW
#489 opened by sonelu - 1
joint_states/effort goes to zero when published a torque using effort_controllers/JointGroupEffortController in Gazebo
#487 opened by amjack0 - 0
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Inconsistent handling of registered InterfaceManagers in InterfaceManager
#452 opened by RobertWilbrandt - 1
TransmissionInterfaceLoader running with "this" pointer to get StateInterface cause SPAWNER ERROR
#481 opened by zvyun - 2
- 4
Position controlller sends mismatching command on load
#480 opened by arsh09 - 0
Next Noetic Release
#455 opened by bmagyar - 0
- 3
Effort controller with gravity compensation
#469 opened by alexswerner - 2
Register to position and effort handle
#463 opened by arsh09 - 0
- 1
gethandle() error
#467 opened by EricWang1hitsz - 1
- 3
- 3
UR10e can connect the pc,but doesn't move it
#465 opened by tt2cloud - 2
python hardware interface binding
#464 opened by a-z-e-r-i-l-a - 3
- 1
Next Noetic Release
#449 opened by bmagyar - 3
Spawning stopped controllers sets them to state `initialized` instead of `stopped`
#451 opened by Martin-Oehler - 4
Controller Manager CLI Broken Melodic
#442 opened by danem - 2
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- 1
Acceleration limits on position interfaces
#435 opened by dheera