Code for Visual Dexterity: In-Hand Reorientation of Novel and Complex Object Shapes (Science Robotics)
- araffin@DLR-RM
- ariszxxuNational University of Singapore
- binghui-zSoutheast University
- changhaowang@facebookresearch
- curieuxjyRobotics Innovatory at SKKU
- dpetrillo740New York, NY
- eanswerNVIDIA
- fly51flyPRIS
- flysoaryun
- GaoLonZhejiang University
- HaozhiQiUC Berkeley
- huy-haColumbia Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Lab
- Jiahui-3205
- Jiankai-SunStanford University
- kiwi-sherbetUT Austin
- LeiHHHuangNew York
- lingxiaomengshenzhen
- nianxing
- NirViajeAIR | KAST&EDS
- PhimosHigh-Flyer
- quincy1123
- RchalYangUC San Diego
- ssilenziFranka Robotics
- taochenshhMIT CSAIL
- tylerlumVancouver, BC
- UltronAITsinghua University
- warmtan
- wkwan7UC San Diego
- xukechunZhejiang University
- YuHoChauUniversity of West Lafayette
- yzqinUC San Diego
- zhonghai1995
- zhrmichael-logmZhejiang University
- zhuyifengzju
- zzz622848