- alienzj@ohmeta
- andersgsCanada
- AngryMaciekCity, University of London
- bsipos@nanoporetech
- bsmith89The Gladstone Institutes
- chmreidUCSC Genomics Institute
- clederOomnitza
- CreRecombinaseSan Francisco, CA
- davidecarlson
- dridkBrest Hospital
- edmundmiller@seqeralabs
- ekirvingUniversity of Copenhagen
- endrebakNTNU
- enixmailAAFC
- giovp@theislab
- guillaumecharbonnierFreelance
- hroetscKing's College London, The Francis Crick Institute, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences
- jfearPairwise
- jiezhou1
- kelly-sovacool@CCBR
- kpjData Science @google
- leipzig@TileDB-Inc
- luizirber@10xgenomics
- mbhall88University of Melbourne | Doherty Institute
- mdshw5@novartis
- mimame@Illumina
- olantwin
- RomainFeronLausanne, Switzerland
- sam217paLBBE
- samesensePhiladelphia
- siebrenfRadboud University
- snashraf
- sstadickBio-Rad Laboratories
- standageFrederick, MD
- wdecosterVIB-UAntwerp
- williamrowell@PacificBiosciences