LeGO-LOAM: Lightweight and Ground-Optimized Lidar Odometry and Mapping on Variable Terrain
Pinned issues
How to integrate IMU and Point cloud Data of Ouster in the Algorithm?
#163 opened by adityarath302
- 0
Running LeGO-LOAM-ROS2 with LSLIDAR data
#291 opened by Igorgrc - 2
- 12
The imported target "vtk**" references the file "/usr/bin/***" but this file does not exist。Ubuntu 20
#245 opened by SYLJSTK - 3
- 3
tf required for LeGO-LOAM
#261 opened by mgrallos - 0
How to generate aft_map positioning information for all frames instead of key frames?
#289 opened by suayu - 7
No Update on Map
#260 opened by SreenathRavi - 2
[mapOptmization-7] process has died
#285 opened by binbin2002 - 2
Adaption to Robosense RS-Lidar M1
#284 opened by hhackbarth - 0
Using LsLidar C16
#286 opened by joelevander10 - 4
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pcl::IOException' what(): : [pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Input point cloud has no data!
#275 opened by hyunsehyun - 2
Launch file wont work?
#262 opened by LFS-Robotics - 1
SLAM estimate data
#283 opened by ShashwatMahapatra - 17
- 2
malloc(): memory corruption
#255 opened by Z-Jeff - 21
Loop closure not working
#234 opened by konnoeric - 0
LiDAR rotates and moves alone in a mapping environment, even though LIDAR is fixed in reality.
#282 opened by ej-sys1 - 3
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2
#257 opened by abhishekt711 - 3
It's not working with Livox mid-360, even after I am using PointCloud2 format.
#265 opened by naveenkumar2208 - 0
How can I edit the code to apply mapping to all points (include outliers), rather than just the corners and surf?
#281 opened by ghangminyun - 0
mapOptimization crashes when robot starts moving
#280 opened by astef3 - 0
Isn't an IMU a must
#279 opened by pjj707278870 - 0
catkin build fails -
#278 opened by AutomationMartin - 0
Ubuntu 20.4, ROS Noetic Drift Problem
#277 opened by OrkunAkar - 0
- 0
- 1
I have been trying to use lego -LOAM for ouster os1 32 lidar to get 3d point cloud could you please give me an idea how to acheive it.
#266 opened by FalakFatima11 - 0
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Pose file
#272 opened by yzq20020425 - 1
Can i use this with a non-rotating LiDAR?
#270 opened by Cyperpace - 0
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Q. How to change lidar data type of XYZI to XYZIR?
#269 opened by Asagi-Lily - 0
Why is surfPointsLessFlat used for feature association between the current frame and the last frame?
#263 opened by JzHuai0108 - 0
Help to Plot and Compare the Trajectories
#259 opened by Abhirup0209 - 3
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Slow implementation of tranformPointCloud
#256 opened by UditSinghParihar - 0
labelComponent alpha value
#254 opened by pauls0323 - 1
- 1
Frames Interpretation
#250 opened by tejalbarnwal - 1
how to debug this code ?
#249 opened by Willforcv - 1
adjustDistortion about halfpassed
#248 opened by Shelfcol - 1
Velodyne mounted at 90 degrees
#246 opened by aliimranTW - 1
Is the odometry topic's coordinate system is same as the lidar coordinate system ?
#244 opened by AdamPengG - 1
- 1
error when "catkin_make -j1"
#241 opened by shuttworth - 2
lego loam 加入IMU發生嚴重飄移問題
#239 opened by yoyoyin0902 - 2
#238 opened by FiammaDong - 2
bag file does not appear in point cloud in Rviz
#236 opened by BeomBeom2 - 1
启动lego loam后,rviz里面没有显示实施激光雷达点云数据
#237 opened by hxj0316 - 0
payload sensor (pointcloud) is not visualize
#235 opened by BeomBeom2