- 21
oscillations at the end of joint movements
#318 opened by HumbertoE - 1
Does /franka_control/set_EE_frame service change the end effector of current move group ? #122
#284 opened by Assets01 - 2
Cartesian velocity control with dual arm setup
#273 opened by hmcty - 2
Allow more external force
#259 opened by xav12358 - 15
Panda with mobile robot gazebo crash
#313 opened by kosmonauta144 - 20
No error raised when controller stop working
#326 opened by HumbertoE - 16
error recovery takes long time
#317 opened by HumbertoE - 4
- 4
Change Gravity Vector
#327 opened by ARoefer - 7
Possible race condition in getMass()
#325 opened by nicolapiccinelli - 0
Even if the controller torque is saturated i get the controller_torque_discontinuity error
#324 opened by nicolapiccinelli - 12
- 11
- 0
GripperCommandAction is unresponsive for 2min
#281 opened by rhaschke - 1
franka_control compilation error
#282 opened by sasilva1998 - 1
How to use internal joint impedance controller
#283 opened by vonHartz - 1
- 9
Link3 and Link4 have self collision problem
#267 opened by kouroshD - 0
[franka_description] Should mention paper's friction model is not used?
#301 opened by EricCousineau-TRI - 2
- 1
- 2
libfranka: Incompatible library version (server version: 4, library version: 5)
#312 opened by xzhuzhu - 4
Access state of pilot buttons?
#280 opened by rhaschke - 0
Dangerous move after apply force
#287 opened by dev4l - 1
Unknown substitution command [arm_id].
#294 opened by TonyStone191031 - 2
Regarding the `setCommand()`
#288 opened by BolunDai0216 - 2
What difference between the external controller and the internal controller? And how to use external controller in Franka_ros?
#307 opened by Lejou - 1
- 1
- 1
Why the trajectory go like this
#293 opened by dev4l - 1
[franka_description] Docs say `gazebo=true` triggers use of paper's estimated paremters, but they are always used?
#300 opened by EricCousineau-TRI - 4
- 2
Incompatible library version
#310 opened by HukoOo - 2
- 3
Control Gripper using Python
#303 opened by baberjunaid - 2
Strange external force and wrench from real robot
#297 opened by Lejou - 1
#296 opened by Jacklove-G - 2
- 0
Bad precision on positionning control
#286 opened by xav12358 - 1
Error when running `make -j$(nproc) deb-pkg`
#285 opened by BolunDai0216 - 2
GripperServer: Commanding out of range width! max_width = 0 command = 0.0698501
#276 opened by dbdxnuliba - 2
ros_control error during Catkin_make of franka_ros package on Arch Linux real-time kernel
#268 opened by ruturajsambhusvt - 0
- 0
How to obtain the pressure of the real Franka's end effector (not gripper) and control it to generate a constant force (such as 0.5kg)?
#274 opened by Franka-Med - 3
Could not switch controllers
#272 opened by BolunDai0216 - 0
Working with the real robot in a docker container
#271 opened by kamiradi - 5
- 8
Gripper teleoperation
#264 opened by arsh09 - 3
Get user button state
#266 opened by xav12358 - 3
Libfranka library and server incompatibility
#260 opened by Obscuriosity