Model Predictive Path Integral Control using isaacgym for rollouts, gpu-accelerated
- a2821952
- alxschwrzNVIDIA
- amirsaffariAmazon
- bertony567
- c-salmi
- casparvv
- fly51flyPRIS
- giulioturrisiDynamic Legged Systems Lab
- jelledouwe
- joonhyung-leeKorea University
- knorth55@GITAI
- lassepeDelft University of Technology
- lgkimjyKorea Institute of Science and Technology
- maxspahn@tud-amr; @eager-dev
- mlodelTU Delft, Department of Cognitive Robotics
- mstoelzleMIT LIDS
- otsubo
- pac48PickNik Robotics
- podsvirovRussia
- PugensSAM XL
- rperezdattariTU Delft
- SandalotsVolcanak
- SchortengerEPFL
- sebtiburzioMunich
- sg774Bengaluru
- siddharthdeoreItalian Institute of Technology
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- tudoroanceaLausanne
- ultrarobotics
- wangcongrobotTU Delft
- xEnVrEIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- xkhainguyen@RoboticExplorationLab
- yuezhezhangDarmstadt, Germany
- zlatanajanovicRWTH Aachen University
- zzhou387Georgia Tech