1 |
js-jquery |
henrya |
87 |
2 |
SourceKitForSafari |
SourceKit for Safari is a browser extension for GitHub, that enables IDE features on your browser such as symbol navigator, go to definition and documentation on hover. |
kishikawakatsumi |
541 |
3 |
dd |
โจ The most popular way of debugging in PHP is now available in JavaScript. |
nunomaduro |
119 |
4 |
lss-manager-v3 |
Das offizielle Repo fรผr den LSS Manager |
LSS-Manager |
24 |
5 |
blog |
A forkable personal blog that runs on GitHub pages. Demo ๐ |
lukejacksonn |
6 |
6 |
d3 |
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐๐๐ |
d3 |
90788 |
7 |
tailwind-rn |
Use Tailwind CSS in React Native projects |
vadimdemedes |
405 |
8 |
svg-bg |
SaraVieira |
2 |
9 |
gatsby-course-starter |
a gatsby starter project to help you create educational materials |
btholt |
97 |
10 |
css-to-js |
Transform css to JavaScript objects |
SaraVieira |
62 |
11 |
api-for-friendly-words |
CSS-Tricks |
12 |
12 |
cross-zip |
Cross-platform .zip file creation |
feross |
87 |
13 |
gatsby-theme-terminal |
A zero component Gatsby theme for developers ๐ |
PaulieScanlon |
86 |
14 |
universal-tilt.js |
๐ Parallax tilt effect library |
universal-tilt-js |
106 |
15 |
hedron |
Perform live shows with your three.js creations |
nudibranchrecords |
302 |
16 |
graphiql-explorer |
Explorer plugin for GraphiQL |
OneGraph |
548 |
17 |
stormdb |
๐ฉ๏ธ StormDB is a tiny, lightweight, 0 dependency, easy-to-use JSON-based database for NodeJS, the browser or Electron. |
TomPrograms |
351 |
18 |
signal-promise |
Simple wait/notify promise with optional max wait time |
mafintosh |
41 |
19 |
just |
A library of dependency-free JavaScript functions that do just do one thing. |
angus-c |
2263 |
20 |
popper-core |
๐ฟPositioning tooltips and popovers is difficult. Popper is here to help! |
popperjs |
14549 |
21 |
yarn-deduplicate |
Deduplication tool for yarn.lock files |
atlassian |
510 |
22 |
uid |
A tiny (134B) and fast utility to generate random IDs of fixed length |
lukeed |
374 |
23 |
cabot |
Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty |
arachnys |
4744 |
24 |
js-beautify |
Beautifier for javascript |
beautify-web |
6704 |
25 |
patternfly-timeline |
A time based / event series interactive visualization using d3.js. Use drag and zoom to navigate in time. |
patternfly |
93 |
26 |
github-trending-api |
The missing APIs for GitHub trending projects and developers ๐ |
huchenme |
445 |
27 |
vue-fullpage.js |
Official Vue.js wrapper for fullPage.js http://alvarotrigo.com/vue-fullpage/ |
alvarotrigo |
1319 |
28 |
babel-plugin-template-html-minifier |
Minify HTML in tagged template strings using html-minifier |
cfware |
46 |
29 |
sourcebit |
Sourcebit helps developers build data-driven JAMstack sites by pulling data from any third-party resource |
stackbithq |
128 |
30 |
css-analyzer |
Analytics for CSS |
projectwallace |
135 |
31 |
11tywithgooglesheet |
Atanda1 |
6 |
32 |
nedb |
The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser |
louischatriot |
11180 |
33 |
starplate |
Lightning fast template and view engine built on top of Incremental DOM and Babel (ES6 Templates + Incremental DOM working together) |
littlstar |
67 |
34 |
grapesjs |
Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding |
artf |
10555 |
35 |
todometer |
A meter-based to-do list |
cassidoo |
1119 |
36 |
cli-diagram |
Draw needlessly complex diagrams in the console |
Lakitna |
181 |
37 |
is-sponsor-label-action |
๐๐ A GitHub Action that labels issues/PRs if the creator is a sponsor of the owner |
JasonEtco |
102 |
38 |
kap-playback-speed |
Speed up or slow down Kap recordings |
karaggeorge |
12 |
39 |
node-sonos-http-api |
An HTTP API bridge for Sonos easing automation. Hostable on any node.js capable device, like a raspberry pi or similar. |
jishi |
1445 |
40 |
simple-svg-placeholder |
A very simple placeholder image generator with zero dependencies. |
cloudfour |
93 |
41 |
panzoom |
Universal pan and zoom library (DOM, SVG, Custom) |
anvaka |
737 |
42 |
htl |
Hypertext Literal |
observablehq |
122 |
43 |
serverless-plugin-canary-deployments |
Canary deployments for your Serverless application |
davidgf |
257 |
44 |
aoe2techtree |
Age of Empires II Tech Tree |
SiegeEngineers |
61 |
45 |
jira_clone |
A simplified Jira clone built with React/Babel (Client), and Node/TypeScript (API). Auto formatted with Prettier, tested with Cypress. |
oldboyxx |
4849 |
46 |
focus.js |
๐ An experimental image zooming library. |
Spiderpig86 |
6 |
47 |
vimeo.js |
Official Node.js library for the Vimeo API. |
vimeo |
182 |
48 |
userbase |
Create secure and private web apps using only static JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. |
encrypted-dev |
1112 |
49 |
Fomantic-UI |
Fomantic-UI is a community fork of Semantic-UI |
fomantic |
1618 |
50 |
civ6-play-by-cloud-turn-notifier |
brettstack |
5 |
51 |
node-ffi |
Node.js Foreign Function Interface |
node-ffi |
3355 |
52 |
node-mkdirp |
Recursively mkdir, like mkdir -p , but in node.js |
isaacs |
28 |
53 |
generative-placeholders |
Use generative art as your image placeholders. |
fourtonfish |
4 |
54 |
postcss-dark-theme-class |
PostCSS plugin to make dark/light theme switcher by copying styles from media query to special class |
postcss |
52 |
55 |
playwright |
Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API |
microsoft |
10976 |
56 |
compressed-size-action |
GitHub Action that adds compressed size changes to your PRs. |
preactjs |
166 |
57 |
supermaya |
MadeByMike |
142 |
58 |
one-click-apps |
Repo for CapRover One Click Apps (https://github.com/caprover/caprover) |
caprover |
49 |
59 |
lodash |
A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras. |
lodash |
44186 |
60 |
react-simple-code-editor |
Simple no-frills code editor with syntax highlighting |
satya164 |
466 |
61 |
calendarize |
A tiny (202B) utility to generate calendar views. |
lukeed |
357 |
62 |
awesome-web-animation |
A list of awesome web animation libraries, books, apps etc. |
sergey-pimenov |
729 |
63 |
tidal-api |
An unofficial API wrapper for Tidal Music. |
spencercharest |
69 |
64 |
flickity |
๐ Touch, responsive, flickable carousels |
metafizzy |
6080 |
65 |
laravel-feedback-component |
Customizable Feedback Component for Laravel |
mydnic |
162 |
66 |
npq |
๐safely* install packages with npm or yarn by auditing them as part of your install process |
lirantal |
417 |
67 |
TypeScript-Handbook |
The TypeScript Handbook is a comprehensive guide to the TypeScript language |
microsoft |
4518 |
68 |
tiny-css-prefixer |
CSS prefixing helpers in less than 1KB ๐ |
kitten |
37 |
69 |
fullcalendar |
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar |
fullcalendar |
11043 |
70 |
react-big-calendar |
gcal/outlook like calendar component |
jquense |
3912 |
71 |
uuid |
Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript |
uuidjs |
8983 |
72 |
reveal.js |
The HTML Presentation Framework |
hakimel |
50914 |
73 |
pull |
โฌ๏ธ Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs |
wei |
845 |
74 |
rcoil |
Rcoil is an orchestration library that makes it easy to call multiple APIs or AWS Lambda functions and aggregate the output into a single response. |
sapessi |
21 |
75 |
aud |
Use npx aud instead of npm audit , whether you have a lockfile or not! |
ljharb |
21 |
76 |
combokeys |
Web browser keyboard shortcuts. CommonJS, NPM. |
avocode |
673 |
77 |
vue-testing-library |
๐ฆ Simple and complete Vue.js testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. |
testing-library |
317 |
78 |
color-blind |
Simulate color blindness by converting RGB hex codes. |
skratchdot |
65 |
79 |
cli |
the package manager for JavaScript |
npm |
2948 |
80 |
typical |
Animated typing in ~400 bytes ๐ก of JavaScript |
camwiegert |
661 |
81 |
axios-curlirize |
axios plugin converting requests to cURL commands, saving and logging them. |
delirius325 |
74 |
82 |
apicache |
Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node. |
kwhitley |
820 |
83 |
axios-cache-adapter |
Caching adapter for axios. Store request results in a configurable store to prevent unneeded network requests. |
RasCarlito |
344 |
84 |
sketch-map-generator |
Sketch plugin to fill a layer with a map generated from a given location using Google Maps and Mapbox |
eddiesigner |
791 |
85 |
plexiglass |
Libraries that remove mouse feedback to encourage keyboard and screen reader testing |
madalynrose |
6 |
86 |
formee |
A tiny (532B) library for handling <form> elements. |
lukeed |
390 |
87 |
klona |
A tiny (366B) and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more! |
lukeed |
649 |
88 |
browser-compat-data |
This repository contains compatibility data for Web technologies as displayed on MDN |
mdn |
2637 |
89 |
npm-install-peers |
CLI command to install npm peerDependencies |
spatie |
131 |
90 |
webpack-module-nomodule-plugin |
Easily implement a module nomodule index.html |
JoviDeCroock |
42 |
91 |
devolution |
๐ฆ -> ๐ฆA de-evolution gun for your bundle! |
theKashey |
125 |
92 |
open-ui |
Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption. |
626 |
93 |
rainbrow |
Clone of the Rainbrow iOS game in JavaScript |
charliegerard |
29 |
94 |
shins |
Shins Is Not Slate - port of Slate markdown renderer to Node.js |
Mermade |
233 |
95 |
glyphhanger |
Your web font utility belt. It can subset web fonts. It can find unicode-ranges for you automatically. It makes julienne fries. |
filamentgroup |
866 |
96 |
mxb |
Personal Website built with Eleventy |
maxboeck |
167 |
97 |
ladybug-website |
ladybug-podcast |
50 |
98 |
framework-compare |
Compare implementations of some basic webpages in different frameworks |
andrewiggins |
10 |
99 |
canvas-confetti |
๐ on-demand confetti gun |
catdad |
339 |
100 |
storefront-ui |
Customization-first, performance-oriented and elegant UI framework for eCommerce (and not only) based on Vue.js and Google Retail UX Playbook. Made with ๐ by Vue Storefront team and contributors. |
DivanteLtd |
1143 |
101 |
deck-of-cards |
Deck of Cards (old version) |
deck-of-cards |
2560 |
102 |
image-shrinker |
App for macOS. Minify your images and graphics with just one drop. Autorenamed in the same place where it comes from. Immediately! |
stefansl |
167 |
103 |
svgo |
๐ฏ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files |
svg |
13912 |
104 |
extension-boilerplate |
โก๏ธ A template for building cross browser extensions for Chrome, Opera & Firefox. |
EmailThis |
2395 |
105 |
variable-type-tools |
Minisites that demonstrate various aspects of variable fonts |
TypeNetwork |
16 |
106 |
audio-waveform-svg-path |
Building path for SVG element to perform waveform view of audio file |
antonKalinin |
27 |
107 |
cloudscraper |
Node.js library to bypass cloudflare's anti-ddos page |
codemanki |
546 |
108 |
postcss-px-to-viewport |
A plugin for PostCSS that generates viewport units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax) from pixel units. The best choice to create a scalable interface on different displays by one design size. |
evrone |
1124 |
109 |
blog |
rauchg |
416 |
110 |
badgen |
Fast handcraft svg badge generating library. |
badgen |
426 |
111 |
react-typescript-web-extension-starter |
๐ฅ๏ธ A Web Extension starter kit built with React, TypeScript, SCSS, Storybook, Jest, EsLint, Prettier, Webpack and Bootstrap. Supports both Google Chrome + Mozilla Firefox ๐ฅ |
aeksco |
382 |
112 |
netflix-1080p-firefox |
๐ฟ Force 1080p Netflix playback in Firefox |
vladikoff |
325 |
113 |
isocity |
A isometric city builder in JavaScript |
victorqribeiro |
2447 |
114 |
e2e-testsuite-platform |
This package contains the e2e platform test suite for Shopware 6 using Cypress |
shopware |
7 |
115 |
car |
Multiplayer 2d car physics with JavaScript! |
pakastin |
389 |
116 |
svg-to-jsx-electron |
Transform SVG to JSX |
SaraVieira |
53 |
117 |
vuejs.org |
๐ The official documentation site for Vue.js. |
vuejs |
4319 |
118 |
noise-peer |
Simple end-to-end encrypted, secure channels using Noise Protocol Framework and libsodium secretstream |
emilbayes |
125 |
119 |
sw-cypress |
leichteckig |
10 |
120 |
pump |
pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes |
mafintosh |
766 |
121 |
ssdeploy |
Netlify replacement to deploy simple websites with better flexibility, speed and without vendor lock-in |
ai |
152 |
122 |
spark-joy |
โจ๐easy ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product. |
sw-yx |
2934 |
123 |
drive-db |
๐ Use Google Drive spreadsheets as a simple database |
franciscop |
655 |
124 |
google-oauth-jwt-stream |
A readable stream of OAuth access tokens for use with Google APIs |
jed |
5 |
125 |
reddit |
Simple Reddit API client |
feross |
40 |
126 |
stripe-webhook-monitor |
Stripe Webhook Monitor provides a real-time feed and graph of Stripe events received via webhooks. ๐โจ |
stripe |
301 |
127 |
react-icons-kit |
React Svg Icons |
wmira |
309 |
128 |
parse-server |
API server module for Node/Express |
parse-community |
17315 |
129 |
pure-react-carousel |
A highly impartial suite of React components that can be assembled by the consumer to create a carousel with almost no limits on DOM structure or CSS styles. If you're tired of fighting some other developer's CSS and DOM structure, this carousel is for you. |
express-labs |
646 |
130 |
tauCharts |
D3 based data-focused charting library. Designed with passion. Flexible. |
TargetProcess |
1863 |
131 |
design-system |
๐ Storybook Design System |
storybookjs |
638 |
132 |
webauthn-demo |
WebAuthn Workshop Demo [Completed DEMO is at completed demo-branch] |
fido-alliance |
298 |
133 |
atree |
Just a simple Christmas tree, based on reddit story |
anvaka |
2289 |
134 |
postgres |
Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js |
porsager |
1611 |
135 |
one-click.js |
One Click, Offline, CommonJS Modules in the browser |
jordwalke |
318 |
136 |
uBlock |
uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. |
gorhill |
19928 |
137 |
poxi |
A flat pixel art editor |
maierfelix |
1354 |
138 |
node-preload |
Request that Node.js child processes preload modules |
cfware |
2 |
139 |
gatsby-blog-tutorial |
emmabostian |
6 |
140 |
liaison |
A love story between the frontend and the backend |
liaisonjs |
285 |
141 |
alpine |
A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. |
alpinejs |
5914 |
142 |
totalist |
A tiny (181B to 224B) utility to recursively list all (total) files in a directory |
lukeed |
82 |
143 |
jsdom |
A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js |
jsdom |
13867 |
144 |
ffmpeg-static |
ffmpeg static binaries for Mac OSX and Linux and Windows |
eugeneware |
237 |
145 |
learnstorybook-design-system |
chromaui |
22 |
146 |
learnstorybook.com |
Static site and content for Storybook tutorials |
chromaui |
1597 |
147 |
bruno-arizio |
๐จ Bruno Arizio portfolio. |
lhbzr |
176 |
148 |
gasp |
An inclusive sex ed zine from your friends at Planned Parenthood @ PSU |
lachlanjc |
5 |
149 |
Villain |
A free and open source web-based comic book reader. |
btzr-io |
111 |
150 |
jelly-beats |
A decentralized music and podcasts streaming platform |
btzr-io |
64 |
151 |
mxstbr.com |
The source for my personal website |
mxstbr |
277 |
152 |
jest-image-snapshot |
โจ Jest matcher for image comparisons. Most commonly used for visual regression testing. |
americanexpress |
2298 |
153 |
url-shim |
A 1.5kB browser polyfill for the Node.js URL and URLSearchParams classes. |
lukeed |
113 |
154 |
tXml |
โกvery small and fast xml-parser in pure javascriptโก |
TobiasNickel |
60 |
155 |
node-extend |
Simple function to extend objects |
justmoon |
313 |
156 |
worldstar |
Generates world map chart of GitHub stargazers |
dyatko |
15 |
157 |
arkit |
JavaScript architecture diagrams and dependency graphs |
dyatko |
423 |
158 |
changelog-maker |
A git log to CHANGELOG.md tool |
nodejs |
179 |
159 |
cheatsheets-ng |
Devhints cheatsheets, updated with the new layout for devhints-engine |
rstacruz |
9 |
160 |
flowponent |
A small Preact/React library for defining workflow-like evolving views via generators |
jviide |
50 |
161 |
tar-stream |
tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator. |
mafintosh |
279 |
162 |
yazl |
yet another zip library for node |
thejoshwolfe |
234 |
163 |
mkvmerge-static-linux |
A static binary for the mkvmerge(1) command for Linux. |
little-core-labs |
4 |
164 |
cz-cli |
The commitizen command line utility. |
commitizen |
8525 |
165 |
spanning-css-polyfill |
foldable-devices |
36 |
166 |
ninetales |
An experimental framework raising the performance bar |
davidbailey00 |
27 |
167 |
middy |
๐ต The stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda |
middyjs |
1266 |
168 |
iTunes-Sniper |
Kill iTunes, open Spotify |
wesbos |
66 |
169 |
node-tap |
Test Anything Protocol tools for node |
tapjs |
1571 |
170 |
unpacker-with-progress |
Unpack zip and tar archives, with a uniform API and progress |
little-core-labs |
5 |
171 |
friendly-words |
The Glitch word list, packaged into an NPM module for easy use. |
glitchdotcom |
98 |
172 |
c8 |
output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage |
bcoe |
718 |
173 |
elasticsearch-js |
Official Elasticsearch client library for Node.js |
elastic |
4101 |
174 |
rax |
๐ฐ Rax is a progressive React framework for building universal application. https://rax.js.org |
alibaba |
6218 |
175 |
postcss-color-mod-function |
Modify colors using the color-mod() function in CSS |
jonathantneal |
57 |
176 |
leonardo |
Generate colors based on a desired contrast ratio |
adobe |
765 |
177 |
onloaded |
A tiny (350B) library to detect when images have loaded. |
lukeed |
33 |
178 |
dof-tool |
A web app to calculate your depth of field when doing photography. |
surma |
22 |
179 |
webpack-pwa-manifest |
Progressive Web App Manifest Generator for Webpack, with auto icon resizing and fingerprinting support. |
arthurbergmz |
386 |
180 |
scrying-pen |
A strange pen that draws in both the past and the future // a realtime implementation of SketchRNN |
andymatuschak |
62 |
181 |
responsive_breakpoints_generator |
cloudinary |
378 |
182 |
ethereum-lists |
A repository for maintaining lists of things like malicious URLs, fake token addresses, and so forth. We love lists. |
MyEtherWallet |
254 |
183 |
CEP-Spy |
No-dependency CEP utility for identifying current host app, current panel, sibling extensions and more |
Inventsable |
4 |
184 |
claudia |
Deploy Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway easily |
claudiajs |
3434 |
185 |
stmux |
Simple Terminal Multiplexer for Node.js Environments |
rse |
338 |
186 |
dante2 |
A complete rewrite of dante editor in draft-js |
michelson |
741 |
187 |
quiet-js |
Transmit data with sound using Web Audio -- Javascript binding for libquiet |
quiet |
1567 |
188 |
esrever |
A Unicode-aware string reverser written in JavaScript. |
mathiasbynens |
734 |
189 |
lowlight |
Virtual syntax highlighting for virtual DOMs and non-HTML things |
wooorm |
202 |
190 |
remark-highlight.js |
plugin to highlight code blocks with highlight.js (via lowlight) |
remarkjs |
35 |
191 |
cross-storage |
Cross domain local storage, with permissions |
zendesk |
1835 |
192 |
netlify-plugin-a11y |
Build a more accessible web! Run your critical pages through pa11y and fail build if accessibility failures are found. |
sw-yx |
8 |
193 |
netlify-plugin-encrypted-files |
Netlify Build Plugin to obscure files in git repos! (both filenames and their contents) This enables you to partially open source your site, while still being able to work as normal on your local machine and in your Netlify builds. |
sw-yx |
5 |
194 |
netlify-plugin-lighthouse |
netlify-plugin-lighthouse |
netlify-labs |
14 |
195 |
netlify-plugin-no-more-404 |
Netlify Build plugin to guarantee you preserve your own internal URL structure between builds. Don't break the web! Demo: |
sw-yx |
4 |
196 |
netlify-plugin-sitemap |
Automatically Generate sitemaps on build |
netlify-labs |
13 |
197 |
netlify-plugin-yield-data-for-eleventy |
Make data from the Netlify build cache available to the Eleventy SSG |
philhawksworth |
3 |
198 |
netlify-plugin-subfont |
Netlify build plugin to run automated web font loading optimizations on static pages |
Munter |
5 |
199 |
netlify-plugin-hashfiles |
Netlify build plugin to get optimal file caching with hashed file names and immutable cache headers |
Munter |
5 |
200 |
netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache |
jlengstorf |
35 |
201 |
netlify-plugin-fetch-feeds |
A Netlify plugin to source content from remote feeds including RSS and JSON |
philhawksworth |
9 |
202 |
netlify-deployment-hours-plugin |
Block deployment if it is outside of deployment hours. |
neverendingqs |
1 |
203 |
netlify-plugin-checklinks |
Netlify build plugin check your links and asset references |
Munter |
18 |
204 |
convert-colors |
Convert Colors converts colors between RGB, HEX, HSL, HWB, LAB, LCH, and more |
jonathantneal |
37 |
205 |
eui |
Elastic UI Framework ๐ |
elastic |
1803 |
206 |
simmerjs |
A pure Javascript reverse CSS selector engine which calculates a DOM element's unique CSS selector on the current page. |
gmmorris |
105 |
207 |
custom-select |
My version of a custom select input, with filtering |
stringyland |
168 |
208 |
dear-github-2.0 |
๐จ An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects |
drop-ice |
1592 |
209 |
boomerang |
End user oriented web performance testing and beaconing |
akamai |
1397 |
210 |
visualizing-git |
๐ผ๏ธ Visualize how common Git operations affect the commit graph |
git-school |
597 |
211 |
media-capabilities |
A convenient atomicized class containing insights into the host system's media processing capabilities |
little-core-labs |
3 |
212 |
SwiftLaTeX |
SwiftLaTeX, a WYSIWYG Browser-based LaTeX Editor |
SwiftLaTeX |
1349 |
213 |
fuzzysearch |
๐ฎ Tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in JavaScript |
bevacqua |
2420 |
214 |
graphql-react |
A GraphQL client for React using modern context and hooks APIs that is lightweight (< 2.5 KB size limited) but powerful; the first Relay and Apollo alternative with server side rendering. |
jaydenseric |
536 |
215 |
redwood |
Bringing full-stack to the JAMstack. |
redwoodjs |
3068 |
216 |
puppeteer-go |
Simple utility to help quickly script puppeteer programs |
PaulKinlan |
59 |
217 |
color-names |
Massive color dictionary ๐ |
meodai |
921 |
218 |
exifer |
A lightweight Exif meta-data decipher. |
terkelg |
268 |
219 |
tech-interview-handbook |
๐ฏ Materials to help you rock your next coding interview |
yangshun |
41509 |
220 |
action |
Automate image generation with HTML/CSS to Image API + GitHub Actions |
htmlcsstoimage |
8 |
221 |
craco |
Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for create-react-app |
gsoft-inc |
1435 |
222 |
blocks |
A JSX-based page builder for creating beautiful websites without writing code |
blocks |
3112 |
223 |
semver-diff |
Get the diff type of two semver versions: 0.0.1 0.0.2 โ patch |
sindresorhus |
52 |
224 |
css-zero |
Zero-runtime CSS-in-JS |
CraigCav |
101 |
225 |
object-style |
jxnblk |
27 |
226 |
fnv1a |
FNV-1a non-cryptographic hash function |
sindresorhus |
80 |
227 |
webglstudio.js |
A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more. |
jagenjo |
3802 |
228 |
lighthouse-ci |
Automate running Lighthouse for every commit, viewing the changes, and preventing regressions |
GoogleChrome |
2584 |
229 |
cf-sentry |
A template to create a Cloudflare worker that logs errors to Sentry |
bustle |
17 |
230 |
cuid |
Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. |
ericelliott |
2077 |
231 |
lambda-api |
Lightweight web framework for your serverless applications |
jeremydaly |
738 |
232 |
github-project-automation-plus |
๐ค Automate GitHub Project cards with any webhook event |
alex-page |
44 |
233 |
chessboardjs |
JavaScript chessboard |
oakmac |
1288 |
234 |
async-iterator-pipe |
Pipe between async iterators and streams |
Qard |
2 |
235 |
HTML Framework that allows you not to write JavaScript code. |
Guseyn |
101 |
236 |
use-climate-change-reminder |
๐ณFight the climate change crisis by spreading the message for how you can help |
mfix22 |
38 |
237 |
csslint |
๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ Linter for the diesdas CSS architecture |
diesdasdigital |
11 |
238 |
teenytest |
A very simple, zero-config test runner for Node.js |
testdouble |
70 |
239 |
fix-es-imports |
Fixes your ES import paths - from Node-style to explicit filenames |
billinghamj |
110 |
240 |
flowy |
The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts โจ |
alyssaxuu |
6338 |
241 |
mirror-folder |
Small module to mirror a folder to another folder. Supports live mode as well. |
mafintosh |
81 |
242 |
icons |
Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap. |
twbs |
420 |
243 |
css-trimmer |
Identify the unused properties in your CSS |
connorjclark |
6 |
244 |
pown |
Pown.js is a security testing an exploitation toolkit built on top of Node.js and NPM. |
pownjs |
163 |
245 |
materials |
paper-materials-crowd-sourced |
41 |
246 |
swagger-editor |
Swagger Editor |
swagger-api |
6025 |
247 |
oas-kit |
Convert Swagger 2.0 definitions to OpenAPI 3.0 and resolve/validate/lint |
Mermade |
426 |
248 |
api-spec-converter |
Convert API descriptions between popular formats such as OpenAPI(fka Swagger), RAML, API Blueprint, WADL, etc. |
LucyBot-Inc |
593 |
249 |
zip-it-and-ship-it |
Intelligently prepare Node.js Lambda functions for deployment |
netlify |
61 |
250 |
build |
Netlify Build Plugins. Join the early access beta ๐ |
netlify |
58 |
251 |
js-client |
A Open-API derived JS + Node.js API client for Netlify |
netlify |
106 |
252 |
es-get-iterator |
Get an iterator for any JS language value. Works robustly across all environments, all versions. |
ljharb |
9 |
253 |
node-rcedit |
Node module to edit resources of exe |
electron |
129 |
254 |
Uncanny-Forest |
A virtual world synthesized with the latent representation of forest sounds. |
jooohyunpark |
4 |
255 |
node-simple-plist |
A simple API for interacting with binary and plain text plist data. |
wollardj |
36 |
256 |
plist.js |
Mac OS X Plist parser/builder for Node.js and browsers |
TooTallNate |
345 |
257 |
gunzip-maybe |
Transform stream that gunzips its input if it is gzipped and just echoes it if not |
mafintosh |
82 |
258 |
tar-fs |
fs bindings for tar-stream |
mafintosh |
286 |
259 |
code-syntax-block |
A WordPress plugin which extends Gutenberg adding color syntax highlighting to the code block. |
mkaz |
192 |
260 |
neo |
The webworkers driven UI framework (Beta version) |
neomjs |
522 |
261 |
netlify-plugin-image-optim |
Optimize images as part of your Netlify build process |
chrisdwheatley |
5 |
262 |
graphql-tag |
A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries |
apollographql |
1581 |
263 |
wrr |
A tiny (148B) weighted round robin utility |
lukeed |
156 |
264 |
fathom-client |
A Fathom Analytics library to help with client-side routing |
unstacked |
18 |
265 |
web-ext |
A command line tool to help build, run, and test web extensions |
mozilla |
907 |
266 |
postcss-sort-media-queries |
PostCSS plugin for combine and sort CSS media queries with mobile first or desktop first methods. |
yunusga |
40 |
267 |
twitter-together |
๐ฆ A GitHub action to tweet from a repository |
gr2m |
245 |
268 |
bootlint |
HTML linter for Bootstrap projects |
twbs |
2346 |
269 |
siriwave |
The Appleยฎ Siri wave-form replicated in a JS library. |
kopiro |
988 |
270 |
electron-builder-notarize |
Notarize Electron applications using electron-builder |
karaggeorge |
47 |
271 |
picostyle |
Ultra small CSS in JS library in 0.4 KB |
morishitter |
323 |
272 |
async-folder-walker |
A recursive async iterator of the files and directories in a given directory. Can take multiple directories and files, limit walk depth and filter based on path names and stat results. |
bcomnes |
13 |
273 |
made-with-webassembly |
A showcase of awesome production applications, side projects, and use cases made with WebAssembly (Wasm). ๐ท |
torch2424 |
96 |
274 |
github-action |
GitHub Action for running Cypress end-to-end tests |
cypress-io |
188 |
275 |
abstract-cache |
jsumners |
12 |
276 |
rfdc |
Really Fast Deep Clone |
davidmarkclements |
175 |
277 |
avvio |
Asynchronous bootstrapping of Node applications |
mcollina |
151 |
278 |
npm-run-path |
Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries |
sindresorhus |
77 |
279 |
path-key |
Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform |
sindresorhus |
26 |
280 |
reactime |
Chrome extension for state debugging in React applications |
open-source-labs |
638 |
281 |
configorama |
โ๏ธ ${variable} support for configuration files |
DavidWells |
10 |
282 |
lighthouse-ci-action |
Audit URLs using Lighthouse and test performance with Lighthouse CI. |
treosh |
404 |
283 |
micro-api-client |
Small library for talking to micro REST APIs (not related to Netlify's main API) |
netlify |
17 |
284 |
header-pagination |
Parse rfc5988 style pagination Link headers from a fetch Response object. |
bcomnes |
5 |
285 |
CIMonitor |
Displays CI statuses on a dashboard and triggers fun modules representing the status! |
CIMonitor |
28 |
286 |
is-negative-zero |
Is this value negative zero? === will lie to you. |
inspect-js |
10 |
287 |
GitHubPackagesSecurityAction |
WhiteSource security scan action for Github package registry |
whitesource |
4 |
288 |
quickwords |
Quickwords is a productivity app, to get on with your work quicker. |
quickwords |
88 |
289 |
newman |
Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman |
postmanlabs |
4339 |
290 |
intel-hex.js |
A JavaScript parser/writer for Intel HEX file format. |
bminer |
15 |
291 |
twitchtactoe |
Tic Tac Toe in React because it is Simple Skills Sunday |
geohot |
67 |
292 |
react-overflow-indicator |
Detect overflow and render shadows, fades, arrows, etc. |
exogen |
43 |
293 |
practical-ui-physics |
Learn basic physics for UI |
desandro |
318 |
294 |
CyberChef |
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis |
gchq |
8487 |
295 |
didact |
A DIY guide to build your own React |
pomber |
2383 |
296 |
animavita |
Trigger life-saving alerts, register animals for adoption and find the closest pet friend to adopt ๐ถ |
animavita |
437 |
297 |
lighthouse-ci |
A useful wrapper around Google Lighthouse CLI |
andreasonny83 |
178 |
298 |
codecov-action |
GitHub Action that uploads coverage to Codecov โ๏ธ |
codecov |
255 |
299 |
bypass-paywalls-chrome |
Bypass Paywalls for Chrome |
iamadamdev |
3850 |
300 |
little-window |
Little Window is a clever little cat chatbot that directs women experiencing abuse to the information they are looking for as quickly as possible. |
chaynHQ |
24 |
301 |
netlify |
A preactjs and netlify CMS template |
preactjs-templates |
19 |
302 |
conf |
Simple config handling for your app or module |
sindresorhus |
553 |
303 |
configstore |
Easily load and persist config without having to think about where and how |
yeoman |
620 |
304 |
paint-github |
[WebExtension] Draw your GitHub comment. |
muan |
285 |
305 |
env-paths |
Get paths for storing things like data, config, cache, etc |
sindresorhus |
202 |
306 |
which-collection |
Which kind of Collection (Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet) is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without instanceof , and despite Symbol.toStringTag. |
inspect-js |
6 |
307 |
spinnies |
Node.js module to create and manage multiple spinners in command-line interface programs |
jcarpanelli |
48 |
308 |
update-notifier |
Update notifications for your CLI app |
yeoman |
1376 |
309 |
preset-modules |
A Babel preset that targets modern browsers by fixing engine bugs (will be merged into preset-env eventually) |
babel |
679 |
310 |
juice-shop |
OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application |
bkimminich |
3058 |
311 |
react-adaptive-hooks |
Deliver experiences best suited to a user's device and network constraints |
GoogleChromeLabs |
4115 |
312 |
contentful.js |
JavaScript library for Contentful's Delivery API (node & browser) |
contentful |
628 |
313 |
qs |
A querystring parser with nesting support |
ljharb |
5125 |
314 |
merge-pull-request-action |
A simple GitHub Action for merging pull requests |
juliangruber |
9 |
315 |
find-pull-request-action |
A GitHub Action for finding pull requests. |
juliangruber |
3 |
316 |
approve-pull-request-action |
A GitHub Action for approving pull requests. |
juliangruber |
5 |
317 |
now-playing-printer |
๐ง๐ฅ๐จ๏ธ๐ผ๏ธ print out the album art music you're currently listening to to a thermal printer receipt |
zaccolley |
21 |
318 |
postcss-is-pseudo-class |
Match elements by inner selectors in CSS |
csstools |
22 |
319 |
is-map |
Is this value a JS Map? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. |
inspect-js |
5 |
320 |
react-query |
โ๏ธ Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React |
tannerlinsley |
5547 |
321 |
git-js |
A light weight interface for running git commands in any node.js application. |
steveukx |
1674 |
322 |
mac-screen-capture-permissions |
Check and request permission to capture the screen |
karaggeorge |
45 |
323 |
swagger-ui |
Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API. |
swagger-api |
17397 |
324 |
swagger-samples |
Samples for the various Swagger projects under swagger-api |
swagger-api |
467 |
325 |
swagger-node |
Swagger module for node.js |
swagger-api |
3648 |
326 |
selfdefined |
Dictionary database with future API and bot integrations |
tatianamac |
236 |
327 |
clipboard.js |
โ๏ธ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped ๐ |
zenorocha |
28305 |
328 |
del-cli |
Delete files and directories |
sindresorhus |
162 |
329 |
genart |
code in, art out |
amiechen |
47 |
330 |
nanochrome |
Launch a Chrome Browser as a nanoprocess (nanoresource). |
little-core-labs |
6 |
331 |
secret-local-storage |
A wrapper around 'localStorage/sessionStorage' to provide storage encryption with libsodium |
little-core-labs |
19 |
332 |
ferrum |
Features from the rust language in javascript: Provides Traits/Type classes & an advanced library for working with sequences/iterators in js |
adobe |
406 |
333 |
request-action |
A GitHub Action to send arbitrary requests to GitHub's REST API |
octokit |
27 |
334 |
native-url |
Node's url module implemented using the built-in URL API. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
251 |
335 |
geolib |
Zero dependency library to provide some basic geo functions |
manuelbieh |
3148 |
336 |
lengthy-svg |
MicroLibrary for SVG Shape Length in a CSS Var |
shshaw |
55 |
337 |
get-node |
Download a specific version of Node.js |
ehmicky |
7 |
338 |
get-node-cli |
Download a specific version of Node.js (CLI) |
ehmicky |
3 |
339 |
chrome-aws-lambda |
Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions |
alixaxel |
1430 |
340 |
serverless-puppeteer-layers |
Serverless Framework + AWS Lambda Layers + Puppeteer = โค๏ธ |
RafalWilinski |
196 |
341 |
riot-web |
A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web. |
vector-im |
4536 |
342 |
streetmix |
Streetmix makes it easy for people to design public spaces together. |
streetmix |
428 |
343 |
stopgap |
Easily create/remove temporary directories. |
terkelg |
12 |
344 |
css4-color-talk |
Talk explaining CSS4 color specification. First given at CSS Day, Amsterdam, 17 June 2016 |
svgeesus |
10 |
345 |
unpkg |
The CDN for everything on npm |
mjackson |
1369 |
346 |
marp |
The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem |
marp-team |
1455 |
347 |
hent |
A small utility to fetch remote files into buffers |
terkelg |
23 |
348 |
lite-youtube-embed |
A faster youtube embed. |
paulirish |
2358 |
349 |
parse-torrent |
Parse a torrent identifier (magnet uri, .torrent file, info hash) |
webtorrent |
291 |
350 |
uptime |
GitHub Action to check the status of endpoints |
srt32 |
17 |
351 |
codimd |
CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms. |
hackmdio |
5814 |
352 |
gltf-vscode |
This is an extension for Visual Studio Code to add support for editing glTF files. |
AnalyticalGraphicsInc |
186 |
353 |
three.js-template |
brunosimon |
33 |
354 |
folio-2019 |
brunosimon |
1924 |
355 |
handlebars.js |
wycats |
15223 |
356 |
express |
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node. |
expressjs |
48026 |
357 |
hbs |
Express view engine wrapper for Handlebars |
pillarjs |
1356 |
358 |
FroshCypress |
FriendsOfShopware |
5 |
359 |
isauth |
This package provides control to check if user session dead before submit forms. If the session is dead, a modal will reveal and ask password to re-login. |
spiderwebtr |
102 |
360 |
preact-integrations |
A collection of sample apps demonstrating Preact's compatibility with various 3rd party libraries |
preactjs |
33 |
361 |
evergarden |
[WIP] A design system for Vue.js |
evergarden-ui |
33 |
362 |
React-Dropzone-Component |
๐ท ReactJS Dropzone for File Uploads (using Dropzone.js) |
felixrieseberg |
937 |
363 |
WebCamera |
Camera controls for the Web |
riju |
119 |
364 |
php-ddd-cargo-sample |
PHP 7 Version of the cargo sample used in Eric Evans DDD book |
codeliner |
714 |
365 |
brand-colors |
๐จ A color collection available in sass, less, stylus and css |
reimertz |
758 |
366 |
is-website-vulnerable |
finds publicly known security vulnerabilities in a website's frontend JavaScript libraries |
lirantal |
1401 |
367 |
actions-mocks |
Mock and test helpers for GitHub Actions |
jonabc |
8 |
368 |
node-cross-spawn |
A cross platform solution to node's spawn and spawnSync |
moxystudio |
704 |
369 |
vue-demos |
A repository of Vue demos. |
cfjedimaster |
31 |
370 |
mobile-first-animation |
Gesture-driven animation on the mobile web (React Conf 2019) |
aholachek |
1904 |
371 |
radialMenu |
A highly customizable radial menu that's very easy to setup. |
victorqribeiro |
355 |
372 |
shipjs |
Take control of what is going to be your next release. |
algolia |
519 |
373 |
proposal-uuid |
UUID proposal for ECMAScript (Stage 1) |
tc39 |
351 |
374 |
color-thief |
Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node. |
lokesh |
8446 |
375 |
is-mergeable |
Check if a GitHub Pull Request is in a (most likely) mergeable state |
jamiebuilds |
19 |
376 |
rollup-plugin-tagged-template |
Use plain HTML files as tagged templates. |
luwes |
23 |
377 |
honkify |
Set a goose loose on your site to be a jerk. |
jlengstorf |
116 |
378 |
dot-dom |
.dom is a tiny (512 byte) template engine that uses virtual DOM and some of react principles |
wavesoft |
717 |
379 |
MixrElixr |
Browser extension that enhances your Mixer viewing experience with custom emotes, new features, and a ton of options. |
crowbartools |
24 |
380 |
nativescript-preact |
Build cross-platform iOS and Android apps using Preact. |
staydecent |
89 |
381 |
life-is-short |
Just a little reminder of how much time of your life you've already wasted ๐ |
ad-si |
12 |
382 |
Fantasy-Map-Generator |
Web application generating interactive and highly customizable maps |
Azgaar |
1598 |
383 |
generate-function |
Module that helps you write generated functions in Node |
mafintosh |
77 |
384 |
DEV-widget |
Unofficial Widget/profile card for https://dev.to/ |
saurabhdaware |
76 |
385 |
lighthouse-check-action |
GitHub Action for running @GoogleChromeLabs Lighthouse audits with all the bells and whistles ๐ Multiple audits, Slack notifications, and more! |
foo-software |
51 |
386 |
cli-spinners |
Spinners for use in the terminal |
sindresorhus |
1546 |
387 |
basic-algorithms |
๐คBasic algorithms using JavaScript |
teffcode |
9 |
388 |
create-xo |
Add XO to your project |
xojs |
37 |
389 |
kew |
a lightweight promise library optimized for node.js |
Medium |
216 |
390 |
adblockradio |
An adblocker for live radio streams and podcasts. Machine learning meets Shazam. |
adblockradio |
1324 |
391 |
npx |
npm package executor |
npm |
359 |
392 |
stargazed |
๐ Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! |
abhijithvijayan |
248 |
393 |
nostlan |
Nostlan is a high quality front-end launcher for video game emulators! Available on Linux, macOS, and Windows! |
quinton-ashley |
147 |
394 |
appium-desktop |
Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux |
appium |
2640 |
395 |
movieTrivia |
Movie Trivia Game |
wdixon2186 |
2 |
396 |
npm-run-all |
A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential. |
mysticatea |
3371 |
397 |
eleventyone |
A scaffold for a quick start building with the Eleventy SSG |
philhawksworth |
244 |
398 |
virtual-lolly |
JAMstack demo site - prerendered with serverless API fallbacks |
philhawksworth |
34 |
399 |
react-rainbow |
๐ React Rainbow Components. Build your web application in a snap. |
nexxtway |
1258 |
400 |
geometric |
A JavaScript library for doing geometry. |
HarryStevens |
459 |
401 |
emittery |
Simple and modern async event emitter |
sindresorhus |
1027 |
402 |
lighthouse-monitor |
Investigate performance over your whole company with lighthouse |
Verivox |
99 |
403 |
automerge |
A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. |
automerge |
7902 |
404 |
outdated-browser-rework |
Detects outdated browsers and advises users to upgrade to a new version. Handles mobile devices! |
mikemaccana |
162 |
405 |
psi |
PageSpeed Insights Reporting for Node |
GoogleChromeLabs |
2988 |
406 |
javascript-action |
Create a JavaScript Action with tests, linting, workflow, publishing, and versioning |
actions |
263 |
407 |
computer-puns |
A hand-picked selection of the worst computer puns, really cringe worthy stuff. |
AlexLakatos |
50 |
408 |
cypress-file-upload |
File upload testing made easy |
abramenal |
197 |
409 |
kappa-core |
Minimal peer-to-peer database, based on kappa architecture. |
kappa-db |
164 |
410 |
mergeable |
๐ค All the missing GitHub automation ๐ ๐ |
mergeability |
404 |
411 |
awesome-earth |
The planet doesn't need to be simultaneously on fire and underwater. We can fix things. |
philsturgeon |
658 |
412 |
react-table |
โ๏ธ Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React |
tannerlinsley |
10513 |
413 |
vue-tags-input |
A tags input component for VueJS |
JohMun |
564 |
414 |
tracy |
A tool designed to assist with finding all sinks and sources of a web application and display these results in a digestible manner. |
nccgroup |
398 |
415 |
is-symbol |
Is this an ES6 Symbol value? |
inspect-js |
17 |
416 |
jquery.disableAutoFill |
Disable form auto-fill and auto-complete functions. |
terrylinooo |
151 |
417 |
tailwindcss-border-gradients |
Tailwind CSS plugin to generate border image gradient utilities. |
cossssmin |
47 |
418 |
svelte-imask |
PaulMaly |
32 |
419 |
image-actions |
A Github Action that automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests. |
calibreapp |
582 |
420 |
just-launch |
Launch any browser, on any OS, with a fresh session! |
juliangruber |
91 |
421 |
electron-stream |
Streaming wrapper around electron |
juliangruber |
109 |
422 |
nanoguard |
Small module that allows you to guard a call to a function. |
mafintosh |
63 |
423 |
bowser |
a browser detector |
lancedikson |
4300 |
424 |
redux-state-sync |
A lightweight middleware to sync your redux state across browser tabs |
102 |
425 |
cress |
Heydon |
81 |
426 |
client |
The Hypothesis web-based annotation client. |
hypothesis |
317 |
427 |
wasm-feature-detect |
A small library to detect which features of WebAssembly are supported. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
105 |
428 |
github-track-followers |
๐จ CLI to display followers of GitHub user |
piecioshka |
6 |
429 |
tinybox |
Tiny, single file, scalable key value store based on HAMTs |
hyperdivision |
53 |
430 |
terminal.sexy |
Create, view and edit terminal colorschemes. |
stayradiated |
619 |
431 |
pears |
Listen to music with far away friends. Pears is a temporary, collaborative p2p playlist built on DAT |
as-dr |
60 |
432 |
css-colours-sorted |
CSS Colours Sorted By |
wesbos |
123 |
433 |
specificity |
A JavaScript module for calculating the specificity of CSS selectors |
keeganstreet |
428 |
434 |
react-cropper |
Cropper as React components |
roadmanfong |
1093 |
435 |
cropperjs |
JavaScript image cropper. |
fengyuanchen |
7107 |
436 |
promise-waitlist |
Promise-based Wait List for your apps |
indutny |
29 |
437 |
flawwwless-ui |
Flawwwless ui library for React.js. |
JulienRioux |
261 |
438 |
payment-form-modal |
How to implement Stripe Elements within a modal dialog. |
stripe-samples |
51 |
439 |
saving-card-without-payment |
How to build a form to save a credit card without taking a payment. |
stripe-samples |
28 |
440 |
draqula |
๐ง GraphQL client for minimalistic React apps |
vadimdemedes |
736 |
441 |
bfwasm |
A non-optimizing Brainf_ck to WebAssembly compiler |
surma |
23 |
442 |
testing-library-docs |
docs site for *-testing-library |
testing-library |
177 |
443 |
github-buttons |
Unofficial github:buttons. |
ntkme |
707 |
444 |
Larval |
A GUI for Laravel Homestead site configuration |
Orrison |
6 |
445 |
regl |
๐ Functional WebGL |
regl-project |
3525 |
446 |
browser-run |
The easiest way of running code in a browser environment |
juliangruber |
360 |
447 |
leonsans |
Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim. |
cmiscm |
8407 |
448 |
remote-jobs |
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in tech. |
remoteintech |
12206 |
449 |
use-reactive-state |
๐ฅ Data binding incorporation in React world |
IgorHalfeld |
51 |
450 |
local-storage-proxy |
bcomnes |
8 |
451 |
svg-to-jsx |
Figma plugin to copy svg as a react component |
SaraVieira |
120 |
452 |
ignition-migrations |
mazedlx |
20 |
453 |
react-native-website |
The site and docs for React Native |
facebook |
1063 |
454 |
gestures-ml-js |
[WIP] - Gesture recognition using hardware and Tensorflow.js |
charliegerard |
61 |
455 |
Shape-Your-Music |
A web application for drawing music. |
ejarzo |
53 |
456 |
array-includes |
Array.prototype.includes spec-compliant polyfill |
es-shims |
36 |
457 |
wallace-cli |
Pretty CSS analytics on the CLI |
bartveneman |
262 |
458 |
parse-css |
๐ Standards-based CSS Parser |
tabatkins |
271 |
459 |
move-file-cli |
Move a file on the command-line |
sindresorhus |
57 |
460 |
slang |
๐ค a simple audio programming language implemented in JS |
kylestetz |
1074 |
461 |
inclusive-menu-button |
A keyboard and screen reader accessible ARIA menu button implementation. |
Heydon |
135 |
462 |
route-manifest |
A tiny (412B) runtime to retrieve the correct entry from a Route Manifest file. |
lukeed |
36 |
463 |
merge-release |
Automatically release all merges to master on npm. |
mikeal |
266 |
464 |
almy |
๐๏ธ 673 bytes store for managing the state in your application |
tomas2387 |
24 |
465 |
bundle-size-action |
Calculate the bundle size of your module. Useful for GitHub Actions. |
mikeal |
25 |
466 |
sheetify |
โจ Modular CSS bundler for browserify |
stackcss |
440 |
467 |
d3-autocomplete |
Small autocomplete written using D3 |
emilbayes |
4 |
468 |
WebGL-Fluid-Simulation |
Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile) |
PavelDoGreat |
8020 |
469 |
contain-facebook |
Facebook Container isolates your Facebook activity from the rest of your web activity in order to prevent Facebook from tracking you outside of the Facebook website via third party cookies. |
mozilla |
692 |
470 |
math |
A PHP 5.3+ mathematics library, providing functionality for large numbers |
moontoast |
232 |
471 |
remote-form |
Submit forms via AJAX with ease |
github |
20 |
472 |
perf-tooling |
List of performance analysis, monitoring and optimization tools |
stefanjudis |
614 |
473 |
postcss-url |
PostCSS plugin to rebase url(), inline or copy asset. |
postcss |
282 |
474 |
bole |
A tiny JSON logger |
rvagg |
241 |
475 |
tippyjs-react |
React component for Tippy.js (official) |
atomiks |
633 |
476 |
elasticlunr.js |
Based on lunr.js, but more flexible and customized. |
weixsong |
1447 |
477 |
lunr.js |
A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright |
olivernn |
6707 |
478 |
dox |
JavaScript documentation generator for node using markdown and jsdoc |
tj |
2109 |
479 |
cpx2 |
A cli tool to watch and copy file globs. |
bcomnes |
6 |
480 |
react-redux |
Official React bindings for Redux |
reduxjs |
19234 |
481 |
preact-i18n |
Simple localization for Preact. |
synacor |
168 |
482 |
cpx |
A cli tool to watch and copy file globs. |
mysticatea |
346 |
483 |
svelte-testing-library |
๐ฟ๏ธ Simple and complete Svelte DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices |
testing-library |
271 |
484 |
svelte-inspector |
Development helper for inspecting and opening svelte components in editor |
qutran |
45 |
485 |
typography.js |
A powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful design |
KyleAMathews |
3142 |
486 |
node-deep-equal |
node's assert.deepEqual algorithm |
inspect-js |
490 |
487 |
snippet-generator |
Snippet generator for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom |
pawelgrzybek |
690 |
488 |
docdash |
โก Lodash inspired JSDoc 3 template/theme |
clenemt |
560 |
489 |
docma |
A powerful tool to easily generate beautiful HTML documentation from JavaScript (JSDoc), Markdown and HTML files. |
onury |
254 |
490 |
esdoc |
ESDoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript |
esdoc |
2577 |
491 |
react-doc-generator |
Generate a simple React component documentation in Markdown. |
marborkowski |
42 |
492 |
jsdoc |
An API documentation generator for JavaScript. |
jsdoc |
10508 |
493 |
heresy-todo |
The ๐ฅ heresy ๐ฅ version of the famous TodoMVC |
WebReflection |
13 |
494 |
antedate |
A tiny pre-renderer for client side applications. |
terkelg |
12 |
495 |
vhs-tape |
๐ผ A tape extension for testing frontend components. |
hyperdivision |
38 |
496 |
throttles |
A tiny (139B to 204B) utility to regulate the execution rate of your functions |
lukeed |
168 |
497 |
code-snippets |
Chrome DevTools code snippets |
bahmutov |
1605 |
498 |
martini |
A JavaScript library for real-time RTIN terrain mesh generation |
mapbox |
437 |
499 |
httpsnippet |
HTTP Request snippet generator for many languages & libraries |
Kong |
585 |
500 |
textbelt |
Free API for outgoing SMS |
typpo |
2004 |
501 |
detect-it |
Detect if a device is mouseOnly, touchOnly, or hybrid, and if it supports passive event listeners |
rafrex |
230 |
502 |
GeistMap |
An experimental personal knowledge base with a focus on connections |
bryanph |
380 |
503 |
funding |
Let's get open source maintainers paid โจ |
feross |
205 |
504 |
empathy-driven-development |
Demo Gatsby app for a #noSlides talk on debugging and building accessible React apps |
marcysutton |
321 |
505 |
reef |
A lightweight library for creating reactive, state-based components and UI. |
cferdinandi |
494 |
506 |
rollup-native-modules-boilerplate |
A demo app showcasing the use of real JavaScript modules in productionโcomplete with cross-browser fallbacks for legacy browsers. |
philipwalton |
158 |
507 |
sheetdown |
๐ โฌ๏ธ Convert a Google Spreadsheet into a Table in Markdown |
jlord |
309 |
508 |
houdini-tabs |
WIP: scroll-snap-points + ScrollTimeline + Houdini AnimationWorklet |
argyleink |
8 |
509 |
001 |
draw_code.001 โ ThreeJS, WebGL & GLSL |
drawcode-workshops |
46 |
510 |
ccxt |
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 120 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges |
ccxt |
13477 |
511 |
lighterhtml |
The hyperHTML strength & experience without its complexity ๐ |
WebReflection |
516 |
512 |
softest |
Recording Browser Interactions And Generating Test Scripts. |
prprprus |
202 |
513 |
dynamic-import-polyfill |
A fast, tiny polyfill for dynamic import() that works in all module-supporting browsers |
GoogleChromeLabs |
168 |
514 |
chart.xkcd |
xkcd styled chart lib |
timqian |
6190 |
515 |
magic-string |
Manipulate strings like a wizard |
Rich-Harris |
731 |
516 |
convert-source-map |
Converts a source-map from/to different formats. |
thlorenz |
109 |
517 |
insert-css |
insert a string of css into the <head> |
substack |
220 |
518 |
first-interaction |
An action for filtering pull requests and issues from first-time contributors |
actions |
38 |
519 |
common-tags |
๐ Useful template literal tags for dealing with strings in ES2015+ |
zspecza |
1424 |
520 |
csjs-inject |
CSJS with auto-injection of styles |
rtsao |
32 |
521 |
csjs-extractify |
Browserify plugin to extract csjs into an external css bundle |
rtsao |
15 |
522 |
babel-plugin-csjs-postcss |
๐ Babel plugin for running PostCSS on CSJS at build time |
rtsao |
30 |
523 |
source-map |
Consume and generate source maps. |
mozilla |
2164 |
524 |
dependency-cruiser |
Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD. |
sverweij |
1009 |
525 |
reconciled |
โ๏ธ Simple way to create a custom React renderer |
vadimdemedes |
214 |
526 |
json-graphql-server |
Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds. |
marmelab |
1060 |
527 |
p-temporary-directory |
Async/promise tmp dirs with cleanup. |
bcomnes |
6 |
528 |
csjs-injectify |
Browserify transform to auto-inject csjs |
rtsao |
8 |
529 |
webpack-blocks |
๐ฆ Configure webpack using functional feature blocks. |
andywer |
2800 |
530 |
webpack-chain |
A chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack configurations. |
neutrinojs |
1995 |
531 |
webpack-encore |
A simple but powerful API for processing & compiling assets built around Webpack |
symfony |
1632 |
532 |
ambrosia |
Kthulu120 |
7 |
533 |
awesome-svelte-resources |
[deprecated for sveltejs/community] useful resources for Svelte v3+ |
ryanatkn |
549 |
534 |
uglify-register |
The require hook will bind itself to node's require and automatically uglify files on the fly. |
ljharb |
10 |
535 |
is-set |
Node module to easily check if an object is an ES6 set |
arthurvr |
3 |
536 |
three-tube-wireframe |
Builds a tube-based wireframe geometry in ThreeJS |
mattdesl |
26 |
537 |
connected-react-socket |
๐ Simple provider for socket.io in react |
chafilin |
19 |
538 |
paper-colors |
A small set of pastel and off-white paper colors |
mattdesl |
34 |
539 |
crypto-storage |
A light & secure way to store data in browser. |
tony-go |
9 |
540 |
postcss-load-config |
Autoload Config for PostCSS |
michael-ciniawsky |
407 |
541 |
nve |
Run any command on specific Node.js versions |
ehmicky |
500 |
542 |
wtfjs |
A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples |
denysdovhan |
16756 |
543 |
raw-loader |
A loader for webpack that allows importing files as a String |
webpack-contrib |
735 |
544 |
adaptive-loading |
Demos for Adaptive Loading - differentially deliver fast, lighter experiences for users on slow networks & devices |
GoogleChromeLabs |
180 |
545 |
emoji-to-issue |
The fastest way to create GitHub issues on your phone. Add an emoji reaction on Slack and it creates an issue for you. |
uiur |
25 |
546 |
sqliterally |
Lightweight SQL query builder |
terkelg |
211 |
547 |
is-nan |
ES6-compliant shim for Number.isNaN - the global isNaN returns false positives. |
es-shims |
11 |
548 |
electron-dl |
Simplified file downloads for your Electron app |
sindresorhus |
667 |
549 |
nconf |
Hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and atomic object merging. |
indexzero |
3566 |
550 |
safe-publish-latest |
Ensure that when you npm publish , the "latest" tag is only set for the truly latest version. |
ljharb |
17 |
551 |
is-string |
Is this value a JS String object or primitive? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. |
inspect-js |
15 |
552 |
markdown-it |
Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed |
markdown-it |
9216 |
553 |
vuex-persistedstate |
๐พ Persist and rehydrate your Vuex state between page reloads. |
robinvdvleuten |
4052 |
554 |
vuex |
๐๏ธ Centralized State Management for Vue.js. |
vuejs |
23320 |
555 |
http-errors |
Create HTTP Errors |
jshttp |
850 |
556 |
codetribute |
A site that guides contributors to their first contribution |
mozilla-frontend-infra |
24 |
557 |
quasar |
Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time |
quasarframework |
14258 |
558 |
fuse-shared-library |
Cross-platform FUSE libraries for OSX/Linux. |
fuse-friends |
7 |
559 |
hls-get |
Easily download HLS streams |
mafintosh |
15 |
560 |
components |
The Serverless Framework's new infrastructure provisioning technology โ Build, compose, & deploy serverless apps in seconds... |
serverless |
1658 |
561 |
bruck |
A prototyping system built with web components and the Houdini Paint API |
Heydon |
466 |
562 |
backyourstack |
BackYourStack analyzes repositories to recommend Open Source projects to support. |
backyourstack |
166 |
563 |
vue-gantt |
dhtmlxGantt with vue.js, A gantt component for Vue.js |
wuyaoxing |
64 |
564 |
plotly.js |
Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash |
plotly |
11425 |
565 |
Darkmode.js |
๐ Add a dark-mode / night-mode to your website in a few seconds |
sandoche |
1632 |
566 |
react-pivot |
React-Pivot is a data-grid component with pivot-table-like functionality for data display, filtering, and exploration. |
davidguttman |
882 |
567 |
xlsx.js |
XLSX.js is a JavaScript library for converting the data in base64 XLSX files into JavaScript objects - and back! Please note that this library is licensed under the Microsoft Office Extensible File License - a license NOT approved by the OSI. While this license is based off of the MS-PL, which is OSI-approved, there are significant differences. |
stephen-hardy |
539 |
568 |
TableExport |
The simple, easy-to-implement library to export HTML tables to xlsx, xls, csv, and txt files. |
clarketm |
720 |
569 |
officegen |
Standalone Office Open XML files (Microsoft Office 2007 and later) generator for Word (docx), PowerPoint (pptx) and Excell (xlsx) in javascript. The output is a stream. |
Ziv-Barber |
1800 |
570 |
node-xlsx |
NodeJS excel file parser & builder |
mgcrea |
1876 |
571 |
timesheet.js |
JavaScript library for HTML5 & CSS3 time sheets |
sbstjn |
6734 |
572 |
sheetjs |
๐ SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit |
SheetJS |
20482 |
573 |
slate-deep-table |
Plugin for the Slate editor, allowing for creation of tables with nested content |
jasonphillips |
84 |
574 |
nodom |
fake DOM for RE:DOM |
redom |
124 |
575 |
kap-gifski |
Kap plugin - Export to high-quality GIFs using Gifski |
sindresorhus |
63 |
576 |
app-exists |
Check if an app exists on macOS |
sindresorhus |
65 |
577 |
js-codemod |
Codemod scripts to transform code to next generation JS |
cpojer |
951 |
578 |
deck |
๐ Kanban-style project & personal management tool for Nextcloud, similar to Trello |
nextcloud |
437 |
579 |
mole |
A tool for managing design decision outputs for different platforms |
limitlessloop |
22 |
580 |
open-wc |
Open Web Components: guides, tools and libraries for modern web development and web components |
open-wc |
804 |
581 |
board |
Trello like kanban board. Based on Restya platform. |
RestyaPlatform |
1468 |
582 |
ImageTrailEffects |
A set of effects for mouse-following image trails that show a random series of images. |
codrops |
113 |
583 |
replicator |
Replicate data structures easily using hyperswarm |
hyperswarm |
24 |
584 |
webxr-polyfill |
Use the WebXR Device API today, providing fallbacks to native WebVR 1.1 and Cardboard |
immersive-web |
191 |
585 |
twilio-cli |
Unleash the power of Twilio from your command prompt |
twilio |
66 |
586 |
t-rex-runner |
the t-rex runner game extracted from chromium |
wayou |
1132 |
587 |
balance-text |
A plugin for implementing balancing of wrapping text in a web page |
adobe |
1013 |
588 |
hyperssh |
Run SSH over hyperswarm! |
mafintosh |
113 |
589 |
hyperswarm |
A distributed networking stack for connecting peers. |
hyperswarm |
373 |
590 |
why-did-you-render |
why-did-you-render monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders. |
welldone-software |
3005 |
591 |
pigato |
PIGATO - an high-performance Node.js microservices framework |
prdn |
287 |
592 |
material-ui |
React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design. |
mui-org |
56097 |
593 |
primereact |
The Most Complete React UI Component Library |
primefaces |
1298 |
594 |
passport |
Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js. |
jaredhanson |
17180 |
595 |
browserl.ist |
A website that shows what browsers supported by a browserslist query |
jonrohan |
202 |
596 |
style-shelter |
An ES6 Module based shelter to adopt CSS Stylesheets from |
bengfarrell |
15 |
597 |
lozad.js |
๐ฅ Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more |
ApoorvSaxena |
6131 |
598 |
probot-weekly-radar |
dmleong |
3 |
599 |
browser-extension-template |
๐ Barebones boilerplate with webpack, options handler and auto-publishing |
notlmn |
139 |
600 |
gleam |
GLEAM web visual novel creator |
eevee |
4 |
601 |
weekly-digest |
Weekly summary of activity on your GitHub repository ๐ |
probot |
144 |
602 |
pdf.js |
PDF Reader in JavaScript |
mozilla |
30087 |
603 |
a11y-dialog |
A very lightweight and flexible accessible modal dialog. |
edenspiekermann |
1388 |
604 |
gatsby-theme-jam-example |
An example submission for the Gatsby Theme Jam. |
jlengstorf |
77 |
605 |
gatsby-starter-blog-theme |
Starter for using the official gatsby blog theme |
gatsbyjs |
50 |
606 |
remark-lint-blank-lines-1-0-2 |
remark-lint-blank-lines-1-0-2 |
vhf |
7 |
607 |
remark-lint-no-dead-urls |
Ensure that external links in your Markdown are alive |
davidtheclark |
46 |
608 |
cessie |
Transpile your CSS bundle to support CSS variables, calc, and future CSS for legacy browsers. |
bjarneo |
79 |
609 |
style-dictionary |
A build system for creating cross-platform styles. |
amzn |
1052 |
610 |
split-ease |
The JavaScript Easing function with a beginning, middle and end |
lunelson |
46 |
611 |
atomize |
Design System for developers build on styled-components & React JS. |
proksh |
647 |
612 |
redux-undo |
โป๏ธ higher order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to redux state containers |
omnidan |
2434 |
613 |
lines-per-second |
CLI tool that counts how many lines per second is written to it |
mafintosh |
17 |
614 |
update |
Update is a new developer framework and CLI for automating updates of any kind in code projects. If you know how to use assemble, generate or verb, you'll know how to use update. |
update |
99 |
615 |
action-tmate |
Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using tmate to get access to the runner system itself. |
mxschmitt |
280 |
616 |
bitfield-db |
bitfield database with rank+select over persistent storage. based on roaring+run and fenwick trees |
peermaps |
42 |
617 |
send |
Streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET support |
pillarjs |
647 |
618 |
form-data |
A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. |
form-data |
1498 |
619 |
MidiWriterJS |
โฌ A JavaScript library which provides an API for programmatically generating and creating expressive multi-track MIDI files and JSON objects. |
grimmdude |
319 |
620 |
droneWorld |
droneWorld: a 3D world map and a three.js playground |
blaze33 |
141 |
621 |
serve-static |
Serve static files |
expressjs |
1151 |
622 |
content-disposition |
Create and parse HTTP Content-Disposition header |
jshttp |
140 |
623 |
chromotome |
A collection of color palettes saved for personal use. |
kgolid |
133 |
624 |
docusaurus-template-no-style |
๐ฆ Opinionated minimum style template for Docusaurus 2 |
wgao19 |
11 |
625 |
kvlly |
Personal site built with Gatsby and deployed on Netlify. Really just a coding playground. |
kellyvaughn |
69 |
626 |
oauth2-client-js |
A library to help you handle OAuth2 access and refresh tokens |
zalando-stups |
169 |
627 |
made-in-iran |
A list of cool projects made in Iran |
mohebifar |
523 |
628 |
meteor |
Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform |
meteor |
41683 |
629 |
thunderclap |
A key-value, indexed JSON, and graph database plus function oriented server designed for Cloudflare |
anywhichway |
223 |
630 |
gatsby-starter-netlify-cms |
Example gatsby + netlify cms project |
netlify-templates |
1414 |
631 |
SmoothScrollingImageEffects |
A small set of ideas on animating images and other elements while smooth scrolling a page. |
codrops |
243 |
632 |
transform |
A polyglot web converter. |
ritz078 |
1420 |
633 |
git-identity |
A Simple git identity manager |
runebaas |
3 |
634 |
browserslist-ga-export |
Generate browserslist-stats.json using Browserslist-GA without logging into a Google Account. |
browserslist |
17 |
635 |
sharec |
๐ฆ Store your configs in one place and share between projects without any pain |
lamartire |
134 |
636 |
text-editor |
A text editor build on the Native File System APIs |
GoogleChromeLabs |
71 |
637 |
qss |
A tiny (294b) browser utility for encoding & decoding a querystring. |
lukeed |
321 |
638 |
react-rendering-strategies |
Improve your React โ๏ธ app performance by using Dynamic Rendering, Progressive Rendering or Static Rendering |
midudev |
177 |
639 |
CodeSplinta |
A dashboard web app for monitoring the security and performance attributes of third-party web apps + JS library |
coolandcodes |
3 |
640 |
test-all-versions |
Run your test suite against all published versions of a dependency |
watson |
43 |
641 |
rubber_duck |
Rubber ducking as a service. |
atleastimtrying |
100 |
642 |
inky |
An editor for ink: inkle's narrative scripting language |
inkle |
1042 |
643 |
monopoly |
A fully functional Monopoly game in JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Play online: https://www.intrepidcoder.com/projects/monopoly/ |
intrepidcoder |
127 |
644 |
purchasing-power-parity |
๐ซ Make your products affordable for everyone around the world. |
rwieruch |
316 |
645 |
github-actions-badge |
A GitHub Actions README badge |
CultureHQ |
65 |
646 |
action-badges |
๐กโก๏ธ A README badge service for GitHub Actions |
JasonEtco |
56 |
647 |
worker-emscripten-template |
cloudflare |
14 |
648 |
dimport |
Run ES Module syntax (import , import() , and export ) in any browser โ even IE! |
lukeed |
538 |
649 |
json-parse-benchmark |
Benchmark comparing JSON.parse vs. equivalent JavaScript literals across JavaScript engines. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
79 |
650 |
phtml |
Transform HTML with JavaScript |
phtmlorg |
54 |
651 |
detect-secrets |
A developer-friendly secrets detection tool for CI and pre-commit hooks based on Yelp's detect-secrets |
lirantal |
27 |
652 |
fingerprintjs2 |
Modern & flexible browser fingerprinting library |
Valve |
10251 |
653 |
react-ink |
A React component for adding material design style ink |
vigetlabs |
306 |
654 |
rk-community-site |
๐ฆ RK's community site |
react-knowledgeable |
19 |
655 |
hacker-scripts |
Based on a true story |
37695 |
656 |
react-base-table |
A react table component to display large datasets with high performance and flexibility |
Autodesk |
638 |
657 |
postcss-selector-not |
PostCSS plugin to transform :not() W3C CSS level 4 pseudo class to more compatible CSS (multiple css3 :not() selectors) |
postcss |
45 |
658 |
premonish |
Predict which DOM element a user will interact with next. |
mathisonian |
1534 |
659 |
compression |
Node.js compression middleware |
expressjs |
2167 |
660 |
postcss-import-url |
PostCSS plugin inlines remote files. |
unlight |
33 |
661 |
next-fetch-har |
Debug Next.js SSR requests using HTTP Archive (HAR) logs |
exogen |
26 |
662 |
SmoothScrollAnimations |
Demo of a tutorial on how to add smooth page scrolling with an inner image animation |
codrops |
188 |
663 |
webextensions-examples |
Example Firefox add-ons created using the WebExtensions API |
mdn |
2260 |
664 |
diabloweb |
Diablo 1 for web browsers |
d07RiV |
1174 |
665 |
opensource.guide |
๐ Community guides for open source creators |
github |
6746 |
666 |
webpack-syntax-resolver-plugin |
A resolver that respects the syntax field proposal |
JoviDeCroock |
4 |
667 |
use-context-selector |
React useContextSelector hook in userland |
dai-shi |
185 |
668 |
preact-ssr-prepass |
Drop-in replacement for react-ssr-prepass |
sventschui |
17 |
669 |
nectarjs |
Javascript's God Mode |
NectarJS |
1293 |
670 |
reselect |
Selector library for Redux |
reduxjs |
16451 |
671 |
glamor |
inline css for react et al |
threepointone |
3594 |
672 |
slides |
Presentations |
sokra |
133 |
673 |
sample-pie-shop |
Example e-commerce site to explore PWA (Progressive Web App) use cases. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
174 |
674 |
gatsby-intro |
Code for the Introduction to Gatsby course. |
FrontendMasters |
175 |
675 |
mapscii |
๐บ MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet mapscii.me <= on Mac and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows |
rastapasta |
4380 |
676 |
relog |
PHP logs and logfiles streaming to Node.js and Chrome DevTools |
hdodov |
6 |
677 |
is-interactive |
Check if stdout or stderr is interactive |
sindresorhus |
86 |
678 |
webpack-ui |
The Graphical User Interface for webpack |
webpack-ui |
26 |
679 |
stripe-payments-demo |
Sample store accepting universal payments on the web with Stripe Elements, Payment Request, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, and the PaymentIntents API. ๐ณ๐โจ |
stripe |
995 |
680 |
pflames |
Easy flamegraphs! |
bengl |
33 |
681 |
afd-blocker-plugin |
AfD Blocker Browser Plugin |
dieparteidiepartei |
268 |
682 |
isitfunnyforeveryoneorjust.me |
SaraVieira |
3 |
683 |
vue-to-react |
Turn a Vue component into a React component. |
egoist |
100 |
684 |
demoboard |
Demonstrating your UI components with ease, a Storybook alternative. |
egoist |
76 |
685 |
migrate-mongo |
A database migration tool for MongoDB in Node |
seppevs |
282 |
686 |
react-to-vue |
Turn a React component into a Vue component. |
egoist |
49 |
687 |
joplin |
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/ |
laurent22 |
14796 |
688 |
eslint-plugin-import-helpers |
ESLint plugin to help enforce a configurable order for import statements |
Tibfib |
153 |
689 |
rizzo |
UI Layer for lonelyplanet.com |
lonelyplanet |
732 |
690 |
moji-brush |
https://www.mojibrush.co |
samccone |
62 |
691 |
lazytag |
Lazy loading Custom Elements and their styles without even thinking about it. |
WebReflection |
30 |
692 |
nextjs-preactX |
Configured of using Next.js with Preact X! |
SaltyAom |
42 |
693 |
tracium |
A blessed Chrome Trace parser. |
aslushnikov |
56 |
694 |
website |
QueerJS website |
queerjs |
36 |
695 |
hvbrd-sockets |
Interactive hoverboard prototype using JavaScript and WebSockets |
charliegerard |
61 |
696 |
pdf-2-pod |
PDF2POD is a PDF file reader that takes any pdf document, converts it to text and reads the text aloud. |
slightlynerd |
7 |
697 |
gridstudio |
Grid studio is a web-based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages. |
ricklamers |
6927 |
698 |
node-module-boilerplate |
Boilerplate to kickstart creating a Node.js module |
sindresorhus |
641 |
699 |
node-cli-boilerplate |
Boilerplate to kickstart creating a Node.js command-line tool |
sindresorhus |
193 |
700 |
postcss-responsive-type |
Automagical responsive typography, built on PostCSS |
seaneking |
348 |
701 |
eslint-config-xo-vue |
ESLint shareable config for Vue to be used with eslint-config-xo https://github.com/xojs/xo |
ChocPanda |
22 |
702 |
internships |
A collection of internship applications for the summer of 2020 |
Zackhardtoname |
883 |
703 |
dom-augmentor |
Same as augmentor but with DOM oriented useEffect handling via dropEffect. |
WebReflection |
48 |
704 |
carbon |
A design system built by IBM |
carbon-design-system |
2844 |
705 |
duktape |
Duktape - embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint |
svaarala |
4353 |
706 |
serverless-offline |
Emulate AWS ฮป and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project |
dherault |
3363 |
707 |
jexcel |
jExcel is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel or any other spreadsheet software. |
paulhodel |
3493 |
708 |
outline |
The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, and markdown compatible. |
outline |
8183 |
709 |
github-do-not-ban-us |
GitHub do not ban us from open source world ๐ฎ๐ท |
1995parham |
12120 |
710 |
backend-engineer-test |
backend engineer test |
hellocomet |
4 |
711 |
json-schema-faker |
JSON-Schema + fake data generators |
json-schema-faker |
2215 |
712 |
pr-bot |
๐ค Compare your base branch to a pull request and run plugins over it to view differences |
GoogleChromeLabs |
177 |
713 |
build-your-own-radar |
A library that generates an interactive radar, inspired by http://thoughtworks.com/radar/ |
thoughtworks |
886 |
714 |
challenge-bypass-extension |
privacypass |
365 |
715 |
sketch-plugin-convert-to-grayscale |
A simple Sketch plugin to convert selected shapes to grayscale colors |
mheesakkers |
68 |
716 |
ogl |
Minimal WebGL Library |
oframe |
1417 |
717 |
sublet |
Reactive leases for data subscriptions |
lukeed |
140 |
718 |
rbd-thought-sensor |
[WIP] A thought sensor for react-beautiful-dnd, built with Epoc.js and the Emotiv Epoc sensor |
charliegerard |
33 |
719 |
fruit-genie |
Deeplocal |
54 |
720 |
prism-react-renderer |
๐๏ธ Renders highlighted Prism output to React (+ theming & vendored Prism) |
FormidableLabs |
548 |
721 |
review-fetch |
Code exercises to help you solidify your knowledge of fetch |
aholachek |
4 |
722 |
dark-mode-toggle |
A custom element that allows you to easily put a Dark Mode ๐ toggle or switch on your site: |
GoogleChromeLabs |
274 |
723 |
darkmodejs |
Utility package for managing Dark Mode on the web |
Assortment |
379 |
724 |
windows-equalizer |
Prototype of music equalizer using browser windows and the Web Audio API |
charliegerard |
43 |
725 |
v8.dev |
The source code of v8.dev, the official website of the V8 project. |
v8 |
422 |
726 |
LaneChange |
An Android & iOS app that reports mobility issues to your city |
xaphod |
63 |
727 |
js-search |
JS Search is an efficient, client-side search library for JavaScript and JSON objects |
bvaughn |
1325 |
728 |
atomico |
Small library for the creation of interfaces based on web-components, only using functions and hooks. |
atomicojs |
348 |
729 |
dark-mode |
Prototype for dark mode with a GitHub profile |
broccolini |
39 |
730 |
svelte-virtual-list |
A virtual list component for Svelte apps |
sveltejs |
237 |
731 |
jest-electron-runner |
custom test runner for Jest that allows tests to be run in Electron environment |
facebook-atom |
142 |
732 |
exthouse |
Analyze the impact of a browser extension on web performance. |
treosh |
356 |
733 |
up-for-grabs.net |
Jump in! |
up-for-grabs |
1648 |
734 |
website |
Libraโs mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people. |
libra |
233 |
735 |
build-dumb-sht |
SaraVieira |
8 |
736 |
css-triggers |
A reference for the render impact of mutating CSS properties. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
710 |
737 |
tailwindcss-accessibility |
A Tailwind CSS plugin that adds additional functionality to help improve accessibility. |
jack-pallot |
23 |
738 |
markeye |
A previewer for Markdown files |
vesparny |
82 |
739 |
noscript |
The popular NoScript Security Suite browser extension. |
hackademix |
258 |
740 |
composition-api |
Vue2 plugin for the Composition API. |
vuejs |
1964 |
741 |
snake |
A silly snake game on the browser URL |
epidemian |
480 |
742 |
theme-ui |
Build consistent, themeable React apps based on constraint-based design principles |
system-ui |
2160 |
743 |
readme-md-generator |
๐ CLI that generates beautiful README.md files |
kefranabg |
7047 |
744 |
electron-boilerplate |
Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app with Electron |
sindresorhus |
1383 |
745 |
emphasize |
ANSI syntax highlighting for the terminal |
wooorm |
68 |
746 |
lowdb |
โก๏ธ lowdb is a small local JSON database powered by Lodash (supports Node, Electron and the browser) |
typicode |
12692 |
747 |
pupa |
Simple micro templating |
sindresorhus |
208 |
748 |
pupa-cli |
Simple micro templating |
sindresorhus |
64 |
749 |
jsdiff |
A javascript text differencing implementation. |
kpdecker |
4718 |
750 |
stylis.js |
light โ weight css preprocessor |
thysultan |
885 |
751 |
prosemirror |
The ProseMirror WYSIWYM editor |
ProseMirror |
4417 |
752 |
yadda |
A BDD javascript library |
acuminous |
413 |
753 |
resize-observer-polyfill |
A polyfill for the Resize Observer API |
que-etc |
1177 |
754 |
cjs-to-es6 |
CLI to convert CommonJS to ES6 modules |
rektide |
3 |
755 |
https-everywhere |
A browser extension that encrypts your communications with many websites that offer HTTPS but still allow unencrypted connections. |
EFForg |
2827 |
756 |
shopware2vuestorefront |
First Progressive Web App for Shopware 6. Made with โค๏ธ by Vue Storefront |
DivanteLtd |
57 |
757 |
replace-in-files-cli |
Replace matching strings and regexes in files |
sindresorhus |
122 |
758 |
react-teleporter |
Teleport React components in the same React tree ๐ก |
gregberge |
935 |
759 |
html5-terminal |
petele |
1 |
760 |
opencollective-frontend |
Open Collective Frontend. A React app powered by Next.js. |
opencollective |
257 |
761 |
multi-download |
Download multiple files at once in the browser |
sindresorhus |
466 |
762 |
breaking_the_physical_limits_of_fonts |
Breaking the physical limits of fonts |
graphitemaster |
311 |
763 |
create-react-app-lambda |
netlify |
371 |
764 |
enzyme |
JavaScript Testing utilities for React |
enzymejs |
18603 |
765 |
diffchecker-cli |
Command-line interface for diffchecker |
wali-s |
18 |
766 |
ladybugpodcast |
The site for our show! |
ladybug-podcast |
74 |
767 |
portal-vue |
A feature-rich Portal Plugin for Vuejs, for rendering DOM outside of a component, anywhere our app or the entire document. |
LinusBorg |
2580 |
768 |
tailwindcss-plugins |
๐๐ Set of useful plugins for tailwindcss |
lorisleiva |
177 |
769 |
details-dialog-element |
A modal dialog that's opened with <details>. |
github |
488 |
770 |
orbit-card |
๐ณ Generate your own Orbit 1.0 membership card |
idaluisonyeo |
25 |
771 |
csslint |
Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets |
CSSLint |
4523 |
772 |
resume-schema |
JSON-Schema is used here to define and validate our proposed resume json |
jsonresume |
1289 |
773 |
react-zdog |
โก๏ธ๐ถ React bindings for zdog |
drcmda |
292 |
774 |
WebGLImageFilter |
Fast image filters for Browsers with WebGL support |
phoboslab |
239 |
775 |
todo |
GitHub App that creates new issues from actionable comments in your code. |
JasonEtco |
512 |
776 |
next-hnpwa-singlefile |
โฒ HNPWA with Next.js in a sing file |
ragingwind |
22 |
777 |
d3-interpolate-path |
Interpolates path d attribute smoothly when A and B have different number of points. |
pbeshai |
203 |
778 |
githubDB |
A Lightweight Cloud based JSON Database with a MongoDB like API for Node. |
usmakestwo |
147 |
779 |
netlify-dev-plugin |
Local dev server with functions, rules engine and add-on support |
netlify |
185 |
780 |
serverless |
The Power of Serverless for Front-End Developers |
CSS-Tricks |
342 |
781 |
entropic |
๐ฆ ๐ฆ a package registry for anything, but mostly javascript ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ |
entropic-dev |
5273 |
782 |
xstyled |
Consistent theme based CSS for styled-components & emotion ๐
๐ฉโ๐คโก๏ธ |
smooth-code |
1122 |
783 |
mimic-fn |
Make a function mimic another one |
sindresorhus |
52 |
784 |
flappy-windows |
Flappy Bird with browser windows |
charliegerard |
138 |
785 |
akismet.js |
Prevent comment spam using Akismet service, in JavaScript. |
cedx |
16 |
786 |
algorithm-visualizer |
๐Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code |
algorithm-visualizer |
28900 |
787 |
FunctionScript |
A language and specification for turning JavaScript functions into typed HTTP APIs |
FunctionScript |
1295 |
788 |
zdog |
Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG |
metafizzy |
7563 |
789 |
noop-stream |
Create a readable Node.js stream that produces no data (or optionally blank data) or a writable stream that discards data |
sindresorhus |
39 |
790 |
dev-null-cli |
Cross-platform /dev/null |
sindresorhus |
86 |
791 |
rollup-plugin-size-snapshot |
Track your library bundles size and its treeshakability with less effort |
TrySound |
133 |
792 |
vue-instantsearch |
๐ Algolia components for building search UIs with Vue.js |
algolia |
615 |
793 |
react-vertex |
โพ React Vertex | Hooks-based WebGL library for React |
sghall |
1219 |
794 |
random-bytes-readable-stream |
Creates a readable stream producing cryptographically strong pseudo-random data using crypto.randomBytes() |
sindresorhus |
72 |
795 |
floatThead |
Fixed <thead>. Doesn't need any custom css/html. Does what position:sticky can't |
mkoryak |
1155 |
796 |
to-htm |
Conversion tool from JSX or Handlebars to htm (tagged template literal) |
blikblum |
31 |
797 |
A Barcode scanner capapable of reading Code128, Code93, Code39, Standard/Industrial 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar and EAN-13 barcodes in javascript. |
EddieLa |
538 |
798 |
neverland |
React like Hooks for lighterhtml |
WebReflection |
187 |
799 |
heresy |
React-like Custom Elements via V1 API builtin extends. |
WebReflection |
206 |
800 |
regular-elements |
Custom Elements made available for any node, and through CSS selectors |
WebReflection |
84 |
801 |
wicked-elements |
Components for the DOM as you've never seen before |
WebReflection |
177 |
802 |
custom-elements-builtin |
A polyfill for Custom Elements builtin extends |
ungap |
73 |
803 |
talk-2019 |
Slides for my 2019 talk, "Saving the Web 16ms at a Time" |
joshwcomeau |
41 |
804 |
scar |
Deploy static websites in seconds - with HTTPS, a global CDN, and custom domains. |
cloudkj |
1701 |
805 |
react-component-benchmark |
A component to help benchmark React components and their trees. |
paularmstrong |
294 |
806 |
star-history |
The missing star history graph of github repos |
timqian |
1694 |
807 |
sun-moon-toggle |
๐๐ Hipster dark mode with mix-blend-mode |
wgao19 |
29 |
808 |
flru |
A tiny (215B) and fast Least Recently Used (LRU) cache |
lukeed |
268 |
809 |
lighthouse-plugin-field-performance |
Add "field" performance data to your Lighthouse report |
treosh |
158 |
810 |
tourist |
Travel the web they said, it'll be fun they said. |
slightlyoff |
58 |
811 |
gulp-execa |
Gulp.js command execution for humans |
ehmicky |
42 |
812 |
regexp-tree |
Regular expressions processor in JavaScript |
DmitrySoshnikov |
267 |
813 |
FroshHelpDesk |
FriendsOfShopware |
4 |
814 |
arbitrary-image-stylization-tfjs |
Arbitrary style transfer using TensorFlow.js |
reiinakano |
662 |
815 |
tornis |
Tornis helps you watch and respond to changes in your browser's viewport ๐ฒ |
robb0wen |
1414 |
816 |
slonik |
A PostgreSQL client with strict types, detailed logging and assertions. |
gajus |
1391 |
817 |
dlv |
Safe deep property access in 120 bytes. x = dlv(obj, 'a.b.x') |
developit |
991 |
818 |
sinuous |
๐งฌ Small, fast, reactive UI library |
luwes |
546 |
819 |
electric-io |
โก๏ธ๐๐ The cutest IoT dashboard of your dreams โ๏ธ |
noopkat |
236 |
820 |
tailwindcss-module |
Tailwind CSS module for NuxtJS with PurgeCSS |
nuxt-community |
327 |
821 |
grommet |
a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package |
grommet |
6154 |
822 |
moonlight-vscode-theme |
A VS Code theme with bubblegum colors on a moonlit background |
atomiks |
180 |
823 |
wasm-by-example |
Wasm By Example is a website with a set of hands-on introduction examples and tutorials for WebAssembly (Wasm) |
torch2424 |
137 |
824 |
router |
Storeon module for URL routing |
storeon |
58 |
825 |
react-daterange-picker |
A date range picker for your React app. |
wojtekmaj |
170 |
826 |
my-budget |
Free, open source offline cross-platform budgeting solution built with Electron. |
reZach |
911 |
827 |
butterchurn |
Butterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer |
jberg |
341 |
828 |
H5SC |
HTML5 Security Cheatsheet - A collection of HTML5 related XSS attack vectors |
cure53 |
2299 |
829 |
web-components-examples |
A series of web components examples, related to the MDN web components documentation at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components. |
mdn |
1049 |
830 |
gitfolio |
personal website + blog for every github user |
imfunniee |
4535 |
831 |
esx |
Like JSX, but native and fast |
esxjs |
567 |
832 |
svelte |
A tiny (177 bytes) connector for Storeon and Svelte |
storeon |
41 |
833 |
ola |
๐ Smooth animation library for interpolating numbers |
franciscop |
1749 |
834 |
undo |
Module for storeon which allows undoing or redoing the latest event |
storeon |
23 |
835 |
node-apn |
๐ฒ Apple Push Notification module for Node.js |
node-apn |
3996 |
836 |
fusuma |
โ๏ธFusuma makes slides with Markdown easily. |
hiroppy |
3641 |
837 |
react-tetris |
Use React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. ๐ฎ |
chvin |
5970 |
838 |
crosstab |
Module for Storeon to synchronize actions for browser tabs |
storeon |
42 |
839 |
dsc |
A 0.3kB JavaScript library for creating DOM structures (JSX compatible, JSDOM compatible) |
jonathantneal |
47 |
840 |
activity-box |
โก๏ธ๐ Update a pinned gist to contain the latest activity of a user |
JasonEtco |
53 |
841 |
npm-home |
Open the npm page, Yarn page, or GitHub repo of a package |
sindresorhus |
169 |
842 |
gh-home |
Open the GitHub page of the given or current directory repo |
sindresorhus |
156 |
843 |
runpkg |
the online javascript package explorer |
FormidableLabs |
241 |
844 |
babel-plugin-wildcard |
Wildcard imports import a directories JS files |
vihanb |
148 |
845 |
url-polyfill |
Polyfill URL and URLSearchParams to match last ES7 specifications |
lifaon74 |
261 |
846 |
php-server |
Start a PHP server |
sindresorhus |
112 |
847 |
log-process-errors |
Show some โค๏ธ to Node.js process errors |
ehmicky |
422 |
848 |
stop-runaway-react-effects |
๐ Catches situations when a react use(Layout)Effect runs repeatedly in rapid succession |
kentcdodds |
483 |
849 |
grit-preact |
A Markdown editor for statically generated blogs. |
kahlil |
44 |
850 |
example-.io-game |
An example multiplayer (.io) web game. |
vzhou842 |
169 |
851 |
react-storefront |
Build and deploy e-commerce progressive web apps (PWAs) in record time. |
moovweb |
238 |
852 |
progressive-rendering-frameworks-samples |
Samples and demos from the Progressive Rendering I/O talk |
GoogleChromeLabs |
298 |
853 |
ajv |
The fastest JSON Schema Validator. Supports draft-04/06/07 |
epoberezkin |
7166 |
854 |
stethoscope-app |
A desktop application that checks security-related settings and makes recommendations for improvements without requiring central device management or automated reporting. |
Netflix-Skunkworks |
390 |
855 |
RPi-Monitor |
Real time monitoring for embedded devices |
XavierBerger |
724 |
856 |
intro-to-graphql |
[Course] Introduction to GraphQL |
FrontendMasters |
131 |
857 |
jfa-pwa-toolkit |
โก๏ธ PWA Features to Any Website (very Fast & Easy) |
jfadev |
234 |
858 |
dinoql |
A customizable GraphQL style query language for interacting with JavaScript objects. |
victorvoid |
1046 |
859 |
react-helmet |
A document head manager for React |
nfl |
12874 |
860 |
localstorage |
Module for storeon to persist data from state to local storage |
storeon |
53 |
861 |
jquery-modal |
The simplest possible modal for jQuery |
kylefox |
2195 |
862 |
dat-push |
push a dat to remote peers |
joehand |
23 |
863 |
zuckerberg.smile |
๐คControl Mark Zuckerbergs smile property |
terkelg |
48 |
864 |
colorme |
Visualize The CSS Color Function |
tylergaw |
308 |
865 |
autocannon |
fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js |
mcollina |
3523 |
866 |
Functional-Light-JS |
Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter. |
getify |
12652 |
867 |
pastel |
๐จ Framework for effortlessly building Ink apps |
vadimdemedes |
1176 |
868 |
x-ray |
The next web scraper. See through the <html> noise. |
matthewmueller |
5230 |
869 |
node-video-lib |
Node.js Video Library / MP4 & FLV parser / MP4 builder / HLS muxer |
gkozlenko |
234 |
870 |
wouter |
โธ A minimalist-friendly ~1.2KB routing for React and Preact. Nothing else but HOOKS. |
molefrog |
2135 |
871 |
prebuild |
A command line tool for easily doing prebuilds for multiple version of node on a specific platform |
prebuild |
271 |
872 |
bento-starter |
๐ฑ Full-Stack solution to quickly build PWA applications with Vue.js and Firebase |
kefranabg |
1365 |
873 |
tasklets |
Experimenting with making using workers easy. |
esprehn |
31 |
874 |
eleventy-netlify-boilerplate |
A template for building a simple website with the Eleventy static site generator |
danurbanowicz |
206 |
875 |
AI4Animation-js |
AI4Animation in javascript & three.js |
sneha-belkhale |
201 |
876 |
code-art |
Experiments in procedurally generated art. |
wybiral |
104 |
877 |
browsershot |
getDisplayMedia screenshots |
ondras |
41 |
878 |
datatable |
A simple, modern and interactive datatable library for the web |
frappe |
414 |
879 |
mockit |
A tool to quickly mock out end points, setup delays and more... |
boyney123 |
1420 |
880 |
custom-forms |
A better base for styling form elements with Tailwind CSS. |
tailwindcss |
762 |
881 |
ikonate |
Fully customisable & accessible vector icons |
mikolajdobrucki |
3050 |
882 |
criticalCSS |
Finds the Above the Fold CSS for your page, and outputs it into a file |
filamentgroup |
1473 |
883 |
javascript-fundamentals |
adjnor |
6 |
884 |
formal |
๐ Elegant form management primitives for the react hooks era. |
kevinwolfdev |
1072 |
885 |
vue-three-shaders |
An experiment with vue, three.js and shaders |
2pha |
24 |
886 |
global-this |
A cross engine globalThis |
ungap |
67 |
887 |
globalThis |
ECMAScript spec-compliant polyfill/shim for globalThis . |
es-shims |
101 |
888 |
glicky |
๐ญ An In-browser User Interface For JavaScript Development Workflows |
alex-saunders |
841 |
889 |
servor |
Dependency free file server for single page app development |
lukejacksonn |
435 |
890 |
React95 |
๐๐น Refreshed Windows 95 style UI components for your React app |
arturbien |
3663 |
891 |
sergey |
A tiny lil' static site generator |
trys |
100 |
892 |
tracery |
Tracery: a story-grammar generation library for javascript |
galaxykate |
1631 |
893 |
jeelizFaceFilter |
Javascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library designed for augmented reality webcam filters. Features : multiple faces detection, rotation, mouth opening. Various integration examples are provided (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D...). |
jeeliz |
1200 |
894 |
havetheybeenpwned |
Test if your user's password has been pwned using the haveibeenpwned.com API |
jamiebuilds |
68 |
895 |
snippets |
Emmet HTML snippets |
emmetio |
44 |
896 |
documentation |
๐ documentation for modern JavaScript |
documentationjs |
4997 |
897 |
nord-visual-studio-code |
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme. |
arcticicestudio |
604 |
898 |
estimo |
Evaluates how long the browser will execute your javascript code. |
mbalabash |
110 |
899 |
joi |
The most powerful data validation library for JS |
hapijs |
14552 |
900 |
loadable-components |
The recommended Code Splitting library for React โ๏ธโจ |
gregberge |
3835 |
901 |
style-sheet |
โก๏ธ๐จ Fast styles in JavaScript with support for static CSS extraction. |
giuseppeg |
153 |
902 |
ElGrapho |
ericdrowell |
1084 |
903 |
x-ray |
Visual debugger for your HTML, executable via a bookmark |
benscabbia |
188 |
904 |
combine-pagination |
A JavaScript library for paginating data from multiple sources ๐ฆ |
chrisvxd |
149 |
905 |
graphql-hooks |
๐ฃ Minimal hooks-first GraphQL client |
nearform |
1204 |
906 |
inertia-react |
The React adapter for Inertia.js. |
inertiajs |
112 |
907 |
react-act-examples |
Notes and examples on ReactTestUtils.act(...) |
threepointone |
361 |
908 |
react-canvas-knob |
Flexible knob/dial input component |
joshjg |
41 |
909 |
pagespeed-inslides |
HTML5 Slide Deck Generator Tool Based on the PageSpeed Insights API |
google |
53 |
910 |
bent |
Functional JS HTTP client (Node.js & Fetch) w/ async await |
mikeal |
1303 |
911 |
webpack-plugin-serve |
A Development Server in a Webpack Plugin |
shellscape |
256 |
912 |
Automate-Sketch |
Make your workflow more efficient. |
Ashung |
753 |
913 |
blind-review |
A browser extension to help perform unbiased reviews of pull requests |
olore |
14 |
914 |
travis-size-report |
GoogleChromeLabs |
105 |
915 |
CrossroadsSlideshow |
An experimental slideshow with an inclined look with three slide previews and a content view on click. |
codrops |
66 |
916 |
mk.js |
Canvas implementation of basic fighting game which allows multiplayer over the network. |
mgechev |
775 |
917 |
nanoquery |
๐ - Tiny querystring module |
choojs |
47 |
918 |
pill |
Add dynamic content loading to static sites with only 1 KiB of JS |
rumkin |
293 |
919 |
complete-intro-to-react |
A Complete Intro to React, as Given for Frontend Masters |
btholt |
1061 |
920 |
webpack-merge |
Merge designed for Webpack (MIT) |
survivejs |
2038 |
921 |
buble |
bublejs |
728 |
922 |
perflink |
Low friction JavaScript benchmarks that you can share via URL |
lukejacksonn |
912 |
923 |
react-loops |
React Loops works with React Hooks as part of the React Velcro Architecture |
leebyron |
1106 |
924 |
complete-intro-to-react |
A Complete Intro to React, as Given for Frontend Masters |
emmabostian |
7 |
925 |
nsfwjs |
NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js |
infinitered |
3669 |
926 |
skaler |
A (329B) client-side image resizer. |
terkelg |
72 |
927 |
ostap |
CLI tool that fast checks if your bundle contains multiple versions of the same package, only by looking in package.json. |
itwillwork |
118 |
928 |
is-thirteen |
Check if a number is equal to 13. |
jezen |
5005 |
929 |
howto-components |
Literate code examples for common UI patterns. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
752 |
930 |
docs |
Documentation of ZEIT Now and other services |
zeit |
573 |
931 |
coinflict-of-interest |
Browser extension to show user biases on Crypto Twitter. |
lukechilds |
135 |
932 |
offscreen-canvas |
Polyfill for OffscreenCanvas to move Three.js/WebGL/2D canvas to Web Worker |
ai |
144 |
933 |
flyd |
The minimalistic but powerful, modular, functional reactive programming library in JavaScript. |
paldepind |
1434 |
934 |
TinyColor |
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript |
bgrins |
3361 |
935 |
internal-nav-helper |
Helper function for handling internal navigation in Single Page Apps (SPAs) in ~250 bytes before gzip. |
HenrikJoreteg |
49 |
936 |
BackstopJS |
Catch CSS curve balls. |
garris |
5088 |
937 |
JSVerbalExpressions |
JavaScript Regular expressions made easy |
VerbalExpressions |
11456 |
938 |
react-final-form-hooks |
React Hooks to bind to ๐ Final Form's high performance subscription-based form state management engine |
final-form |
436 |
939 |
moo |
Optimised tokenizer/lexer generator! ๐ Uses /y for performance. Moo. |
no-context |
306 |
940 |
nearley |
๐๐๐ฒ Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript. |
kach |
2413 |
941 |
selectize.js |
Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery based and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc. |
selectize |
12269 |
942 |
api-explorer |
Open source components that make up ReadMe's API explorer |
readmeio |
43 |
943 |
docs |
Guide, recipes, and protocol specifications for Logux |
logux |
348 |
944 |
css-explain |
SQL EXPLAIN for CSS selectors |
josh |
1090 |
945 |
awesome-uses |
A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs. |
wesbos |
3168 |
946 |
javascript |
RunwayML + JavaScript ๐พ |
runwayml |
94 |
947 |
library |
A collaborative documentation site, powered by Google Docs. |
nytimes |
721 |
948 |
eslint-config-xo-typescript |
ESLint shareable config for TypeScript to be used with eslint-config-xo |
xojs |
95 |
949 |
gatsby-docz-library |
Example of a library website built with Gatsby and Docz |
doczjs |
21 |
950 |
konva |
Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications. |
konvajs |
4783 |
951 |
custom-starter |
๐ Start projects fast simply cloning already created boilerplate repos |
jediyozh |
11 |
952 |
sheetrock |
Quickly connect to, query, and lazy-load data from Google Spreadsheets. |
chriszarate |
749 |
953 |
construct-js |
๐ ๏ธA library for creating byte level data structures. |
francisrstokes |
956 |
954 |
inertia-vue |
The Vue adapter for Inertia.js. |
inertiajs |
419 |
955 |
inertia |
A framework for creating server-driven single page apps. |
inertiajs |
1275 |
956 |
form-backend-validation |
An easy way to validate forms using back end logic |
spatie |
742 |
957 |
iro.js |
๐จ HSV colorwheel widget for JavaScript with a modern, SVG-based user interface |
jaames |
594 |
958 |
eslint-plugin-unicorn |
Various awesome ESLint rules |
sindresorhus |
1090 |
959 |
react-ssr-prepass |
A custom partial React SSR renderer for prefetching and suspense |
FormidableLabs |
295 |
960 |
mdx-blocks |
jxnblk |
156 |
961 |
vue-focus |
A reusable focus directive for reusable Vue.js components |
simplesmiler |
387 |
962 |
vue-a11y-dialog |
Vue.js component for a11y-dialog |
morkro |
56 |
963 |
clipboard-copy |
Lightweight copy to clipboard for the web |
feross |
391 |
964 |
p-lazy |
Create a lazy promise that defers execution until it's awaited or when .then() or .catch() is called |
sindresorhus |
212 |
965 |
bird-box |
๐ฆ๐ฌ Update a gist to contain your latest tweet |
matchai |
128 |
966 |
storeon |
๐ฉ A tiny (167 bytes) event-based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, Vue, and Svelte |
storeon |
1290 |
967 |
flip |
๐ React -> Vue Component transpiler |
13 |
968 |
csz |
Runtime CSS modules with SASS like preprocessing |
lukejacksonn |
154 |
969 |
effector |
The state manager โ๏ธ |
zerobias |
2233 |
970 |
argparse |
CLI arguments parser for node.js. JS port of python's argparse module. |
nodeca |
369 |
971 |
pino |
๐ฒ super fast, all natural json logger ๐ฒ |
pinojs |
5255 |
972 |
google-unlocked |
Google Unlocked browser extension uncensor google search results |
Ibit-to |
780 |
973 |
three.js |
JavaScript 3D library. |
mrdoob |
59541 |
974 |
reactjs-interview-questions |
List of top 304 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers |
semlinker |
1456 |
975 |
laxxx |
Simple & light weight (3kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scrolllll! Harness the power of the most intuitive interaction and make your websites come alive! |
alexfoxy |
6842 |
976 |
griffith |
A React-based web video player |
zhihu |
1940 |
977 |
KaTeX |
Fast math typesetting for the web. |
KaTeX |
11691 |
978 |
winston |
A logger for just about everything. |
winstonjs |
15143 |
979 |
babel-plugin-tailwind-components |
Use Tailwind with any CSS-in-JS library |
bradlc |
250 |
980 |
serverless-next.js |
โก Deploy your next apps using the serverless framework |
danielcondemarin |
670 |
981 |
luxon |
โฑ A library for working with dates and times in JS |
moment |
9178 |
982 |
gluonjs |
A lightweight Web Component base |
ruphin |
74 |
983 |
webp-in-css |
PostCSS plugin and tiny JS script (131 bytes) to use WebP in CSS background |
ai |
307 |
984 |
nagibabel.js |
nagibabel.js |
fual |
347 |
985 |
kv-storage-polyfill |
A polyfill for the kv-storage built-in module. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
130 |
986 |
es-serve |
Server for modern single-page web apps |
phaux |
84 |
987 |
POC-ModularLegacyBuild |
Module-nomodule implementation that has grown to more than just a POC |
JoviDeCroock |
19 |
988 |
observer-util |
Transparent reactivity with 100% language coverage. Made with โค๏ธ and ES6 Proxies. |
nx-js |
632 |
989 |
preact-nx-observer |
A simple preact decorator for @nx-js/observer-util |
mseddon |
14 |
990 |
builtwithvue |
learn by doing, not by following the rules. A collection of projects that built with vue, a framework I'm learning. |
amiechen |
17 |
991 |
recipes.sebastiandedeyne.com |
๐จโ๐ณ A collection of recipes I frequently revisit |
sebastiandedeyne |
5 |
992 |
github-follow-extension |
Chrome extension that makes following repository file movements easier |
staff0rd |
39 |
993 |
github-issue-link-status |
Colorize issue and PR links to see their status (open, closed, merged) |
fregante |
221 |
994 |
send |
Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox |
mozilla |
9226 |
995 |
eslint-plugin-proper-arrows |
ESLint rules to ensure proper arrow function definitions |
getify |
243 |
996 |
js-extract |
Fancy extractor for js objects |
gcdurastanti |
9 |
997 |
constyble |
CSS complexity linter |
bartveneman |
72 |
998 |
avif.js |
AVIF polyfill for the browser |
Kagami |
148 |
999 |
replace-in-files |
Replace text in one or more files or globs. |
wj42ftns |
14 |
1000 |
Jets.js |
Native CSS search engine |
NeXTs |
2767 |
1001 |
JournalBook |
JournalBook is a private, offline-first personal journal. |
trys |
494 |
1002 |
accessibility-guide |
A curated collection of web accessibility tips, tricks, and best practices |
fejes713 |
449 |
1003 |
find-a-mentor |
The Coding Coach mentors website |
Coding-Coach |
562 |
1004 |
accessibility-developer-tools |
This is a library of accessibility-related testing and utility code. |
GoogleChrome |
1990 |
1005 |
has-yarn-cli |
Check if a project is using Yarn |
sindresorhus |
63 |
1006 |
codecrumbs |
Learn, design or document codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code. Live updates, multi-language support and more. |
Bogdan-Lyashenko |
2297 |
1007 |
styled-components |
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress ๐
styled-components |
28736 |
1008 |
polished |
A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript โจ |
styled-components |
5901 |
1009 |
docker-tutorial |
Source code for my tutorial on Docker for front-end devs |
charliegerard |
8 |
1010 |
hidden |
Script to make inaccessible elements invisible to everyone, until their accessibility issues are fixed |
charliegerard |
66 |
1011 |
oy |
Render HTML emails on the server with React. |
revivek |
777 |
1012 |
fast-cli |
Test your download and upload speed using fast.com |
sindresorhus |
1788 |
1013 |
filenamify-cli |
Convert a string to a valid safe filename on the command-line |
sindresorhus |
38 |
1014 |
react-popper |
React wrapper around Popper.js (official) |
popperjs |
1522 |
1015 |
jss |
JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language. |
cssinjs |
5622 |
1016 |
core-components |
Accessible and lightweight Javascript components |
nrkno |
80 |
1017 |
supports-webp |
Detect support for WEBP images in the browser in 0.3KB |
fregante |
88 |
1018 |
vuepress-plugin-rss |
youngtailors |
12 |
1019 |
cheerio |
Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server. |
cheeriojs |
21651 |
1020 |
use-substate |
๐ Lightweight (<600B minified + gzipped) React Hook to subscribe to a subset of your single app state. |
philipp-spiess |
96 |
1021 |
chromedriver |
Download ChromeDriver for Electron |
electron |
85 |
1022 |
swiss |
๐จ๐ญFunctional custom elements with hooks and enhancers. |
luwes |
160 |
1023 |
architect |
The simplest, most powerful way to build serverless applications |
architect |
942 |
1024 |
quickchart |
Render charts and QR codes to image or PDF |
typpo |
869 |
1025 |
malware-jail |
Sandbox for semi-automatic Javascript malware analysis, deobfuscation and payload extraction. Written for Node.js |
HynekPetrak |
323 |
1026 |
box-js |
A tool for studying JavaScript malware. |
CapacitorSet |
403 |
1027 |
hiring-without-whiteboards |
โญ๏ธ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process |
poteto |
14765 |
1028 |
snowpack |
๐ฆโจ Build web applications with less tooling and 10x faster iteration. No bundler required. |
pikapkg |
6749 |
1029 |
decider |
๐คApply CSS to React components conditionally |
uyouthe |
50 |
1030 |
remount |
Mount React components to the DOM using custom elements |
rstacruz |
478 |
1031 |
next-cookies |
Tiny little function for getting cookies on both client & server with next.js. |
matthewmueller |
275 |
1032 |
appsensor |
A toolkit for building self-defending applications through real-time event detection and response |
jtmelton |
228 |
1033 |
make-dir-cli |
Make directories and their parents if needed - Like mkdir -p , but cross-platform |
sindresorhus |
86 |
1034 |
declarative-web-components |
Author web components, declaratively |
ebidel |
34 |
1035 |
list.egoist.sh |
My Anime / Manga List |
egoist |
27 |
1036 |
roast-my-deps |
Your dependencies are bad and you should feel bad |
jamiebuilds |
270 |
1037 |
vuepress-plugin-feed |
RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress 1.x |
webmasterish |
35 |
1038 |
vuepress-plugin-reading-time |
Vuepress reading time plugin to display how long a page takes to read |
darrenjennings |
21 |
1039 |
spectron |
๐ Test Electron apps using ChromeDriver |
electron-userland |
1385 |
1040 |
preact_ie7 |
Yes. Someone I know needs IE7 in 2019 and wants React. (dramatic lightning; thunder) |
StoneCypher |
66 |
1041 |
laravel-web-tinker |
Tinker in your browser |
spatie |
530 |
1042 |
senv |
A simple CLI tool for encrypting and decrypting .env files |
jaydenwindle |
35 |
1043 |
awesome-IT-films |
๐บ A curated list of awesome films about IT & geek people. |
greybax |
682 |
1044 |
react-color |
๐จ Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more |
casesandberg |
8201 |
1045 |
js-cleanup |
Smart comment and whitespace cleaner for JavaScript-like files |
aMarCruz |
19 |
1046 |
capture-website-cli |
Capture screenshots of websites from the command-line |
sindresorhus |
470 |
1047 |
capture-website |
Capture screenshots of websites |
sindresorhus |
861 |
1048 |
goober |
๐ฅ goober, a less than 1KB ๐css-in-js alternative with a familiar API |
cristianbote |
1122 |
1049 |
split-on-first |
Split a string on the first occurrence of a given separator |
sindresorhus |
53 |
1050 |
Blotter |
A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web. |
bradley |
2593 |
1051 |
vuepress-blog |
Source repo for building a blog with Vuepress, Tailwind and Netlify |
amiechen |
9 |
1052 |
zero |
Zero is a web server to simplify web development. |
remoteinterview |
5482 |
1053 |
nanoutils |
๐ Tiniest FP-friendly JavaScript utils library |
nanoutils |
156 |
1054 |
cleave.js |
Format input text content when you are typing... |
nosir |
15390 |
1055 |
textblock |
Continuously responsive typesetting โ Demo: |
glyphic-co |
523 |
1056 |
applause-button |
A zero-configuration medium-style button for adding applause / claps / kudos to web pages and blog posts |
ColinEberhardt |
287 |
1057 |
typeit |
The most versatile JavaScript animated typing utility on the planet. |
alexmacarthur |
1629 |
1058 |
amplitudejs |
AmplitudeJS: Open Source HTML5 Audio Library. Design your web audio player, the way you want. No dependencies required. |
521dimensions |
3407 |
1059 |
minisearch |
Tiny and powerful JavaScript full-text search engine for browser and Node |
lucaong |
416 |
1060 |
Lemon-JS |
An accessible rendering engine in Javascript |
Donorhan |
62 |
1061 |
usehooks |
Easy to understand React Hook code recipes |
gragland |
1659 |
1062 |
super-postcss |
Now youโre playing with PostCSS โ Super PostCSS! |
csstools |
13 |
1063 |
benchmark-cli |
๐๏ธโโ๏ธ CLI application to benchmark JavaScript files. |
DylanPiercey |
3 |
1064 |
lazy-brush |
Smooth drawing with mouse, finger or other pointing device |
dulnan |
430 |
1065 |
fixpack |
A package.json file scrubber for the truly insane. |
HenrikJoreteg |
398 |
1066 |
decktape |
PDF exporter for HTML presentations |
astefanutti |
1548 |
1067 |
contrast-ratio |
A tool to calculate the contrast ratio between any two valid CSS colors. |
LeaVerou |
1733 |
1068 |
twig.js |
JS implementation of the Twig Templating Language |
twigjs |
1581 |
1069 |
jsmart |
jSmart is Smarty Javascript Template Engine, port of the PHP Smarty Template Engine |
umakantp |
108 |
1070 |
deck.js |
Modern HTML Presentations |
imakewebthings |
5402 |
1071 |
Convert pptx file to HTML by using pure javascript |
g21589 |
255 |
1072 |
ScrollMagic |
The javascript library for magical scroll interactions. |
janpaepke |
12103 |
1073 |
react-dom-confetti |
Trigger confetti explosions on state transitions |
daniel-lundin |
413 |
1074 |
docker-google-lighthouse-express |
A service which gives a REST API to LightHouse CLI โก๏ธ |
Antoinebr |
24 |
1075 |
Puppeteer-Service |
A service to get different informations from a given website thanks to Puppeteer |
Antoinebr |
8 |
1076 |
picture-in-picture-chrome-extension |
GoogleChromeLabs |
300 |
1077 |
Awesome-Design-Tools |
The best design tools and plugins for everything ๐ |
LisaDziuba |
19491 |
1078 |
leon |
๐ง Leon is your open-source personal assistant. |
leon-ai |
6723 |
1079 |
javascript |
Exercism exercises in JavaScript. |
exercism |
197 |
1080 |
react-router |
Declarative routing for React |
ReactTraining |
39975 |
1081 |
react-share-button |
๐ฑ React share button component with web-share api and fallback modal with native intent urls |
housinghq |
86 |
1082 |
fixedScrollNav |
ES6 module that provides a fixed scrolling navigation to navigate between sections using arrows |
diverent2 |
3 |
1083 |
opus-stream-decoder |
Instantly decode Ogg Opus audio streams in chunks with JavaScript & WebAssembly (Wasm) |
AnthumChris |
45 |
1084 |
node-installed-check |
Checks that all dependencies in your package.json have supported versions installed and complies with your specified node engine version range |
voxpelli |
59 |
1085 |
Motrix |
A full-featured download manager. |
agalwood |
19835 |
1086 |
uot |
๐ฆ A tiny setTimeout alternative with progress. |
vaneenige |
41 |
1087 |
vue-router-prefetch |
Prefetch links when they are visible in viewport. |
egoist |
308 |
1088 |
certificate-monitor |
Monitor and inspect SSL/TLS Certificates to warn of impending or unauthorized certificate responses |
colbygk |
6 |
1089 |
ssl |
Rules that relate to checking the SSL configuration of each individual resolved server from the domain to ensure locked down config with the broadest compatibility |
passmarked |
6 |
1090 |
diff |
Javascript utility for calculating deep difference, capturing changes, and applying changes across objects; for nodejs and the browser. |
flitbit |
2352 |
1091 |
react-hooks-helper |
A custom React Hooks library that gives you custom hooks for your code. |
revelcw |
198 |
1092 |
FroshDataTableLayout |
Adds data table to the available product layouts of categories |
FriendsOfShopware |
7 |
1093 |
react-switch |
A draggable toggle-switch component for React. Check out the demo at: |
markusenglund |
957 |
1094 |
quixote |
CSS unit and integration testing |
jamesshore |
729 |
1095 |
react-sortable-tree |
Drag-and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies |
frontend-collective |
3176 |
1096 |
wpk |
a friendly, intuitive & intelligent CLI for webpack |
wpk-cli |
232 |
1097 |
postcss-classes-to-mixins |
Intelligently convert CSS classes to SASS, Less and Stylus mixins |
nrkno |
13 |
1098 |
grpcc |
A gRPC cli interface for easy testing against gRPC servers |
njpatel |
1010 |
1099 |
qoa |
Minimal interactive command-line prompts |
klaussinani |
1926 |
1100 |
instant.page |
Make your siteโs pages instant in 1 minute and improve your conversion rate by 1% |
instantpage |
4184 |
1101 |
lazyload |
LazyLoad is a lightweight and flexible script that speeds up your web application by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, videos and iframes to when they will enter the viewport. It's written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages the IntersectionObserver API, it supports responsive images and enables native lazy loading. |
verlok |
5153 |
1102 |
serverless-lambda |
An extension for running Probot on Lambda |
probot |
58 |
1103 |
react-testing-library |
๐ Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. |
testing-library |
11275 |
1104 |
mercury-parser |
๐ Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page |
postlight |
3012 |
1105 |
pack |
๐ฆโก๏ธ Build your npm package using composable plugins. https://www.pika.dev/blog/introducing-pika-pack/ |
pikapkg |
2044 |
1106 |
not-paid |
Client did not pay? Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away |
kleampa |
6768 |
1107 |
git-history |
Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository |
pomber |
11732 |
1108 |
nodeppt |
This is probably the best web presentation tool so far! |
ksky521 |
8665 |
1109 |
flexsearch |
Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js |
nextapps-de |
6041 |
1110 |
variableFont.js |
JS library for handling variable fonts through use of opentype.js |
Monotype |
74 |
1111 |
opentype.js |
Read and write OpenType fonts using JavaScript. |
opentypejs |
2720 |
1112 |
BassoonTracker |
Webbased old-school Amiga music tracker in plain old javascript - Plays and edits Amiga Mod files and FastTracker XM files |
steffest |
609 |
1113 |
animated-burgers |
Collection of animated burgers for React, also available as HTML+CSS |
march08 |
733 |
1114 |
import-http |
Import modules from URL instead of local node_modules |
egoist |
1009 |
1115 |
learn-react-app |
Application that will help you learn React fundamentals. Install this application locally - there's tutorial, code snippets and exercises. The main objective of this project is to help you get off the ground with React! |
tyroprogrammer |
3275 |
1116 |
x-spreadsheet |
A web-based JavaScript๏ผcanvas๏ผ spreadsheet |
myliang |
8326 |
1117 |
mintable |
๐ Roll your own ad-free Mint clone for managing personal finances using publicly available APIs. |
kevinschaich |
640 |
1118 |
ink |
๐ React for interactive command-line apps |
vadimdemedes |
13013 |
1119 |
hotkey |
Trigger an action on an element with a keyboard shortcut. |
github |
1912 |
1120 |
cloudquery |
Turn any website to API by several clicks (serverless and support SPA!) |
t9tio |
2066 |
1121 |
laravel-translations-loader |
Webpack loader to import Laravel translation files (PHP or JSON) into your JS bundle as JSON. |
kirschbaum-development |
77 |
1122 |
riot |
Simple and elegant component-based UI library |
riot |
14165 |
1123 |
figma-to-google-slides |
Convert Figma frames into a Google Slides presentation ๐ญ |
alyssaxuu |
321 |
1124 |
node-sonos |
๐ Sonos Media Player Interface/Client |
bencevans |
568 |
1125 |
hls.js |
JavaScript HLS client using Media Source Extension |
video-dev |
7413 |
1126 |
shaka-player |
JavaScript player library / DASH & HLS client / MSE-EME player |
google |
3828 |
1127 |
react-docgen |
A CLI and toolbox to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes. |
reactjs |
2621 |
1128 |
serverless-webpack |
Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas with Webpack |
serverless-heaven |
1290 |
1129 |
circular-dependency-plugin |
Detect circular dependencies in modules compiled with Webpack |
aackerman |
493 |
1130 |
web.dev |
Content repository for web.dev |
GoogleChrome |
988 |
1131 |
BitVision |
Terminal dashboard for Bitcoin trading, forecasting, and charting |
shobrook |
843 |
1132 |
react-native-web |
React Native for Web |
necolas |
16216 |
1133 |
nuclear |
Streaming music player that finds free music for you |
nukeop |
5453 |
1134 |
shiny |
๐ Shiny reflections for mobile websites |
rikschennink |
2807 |
1135 |
security-checklist |
A checklist for staying safe on the internet |
brianlovin |
840 |
1136 |
obsolete-webpack-plugin |
๐ A Webpack plugin generates a browser-side standalone script that detects browser compatibility based on Browserslist and prompts website users to upgrade it. |
ElemeFE |
122 |
1137 |
netlify-shortener |
Your own free URL shortener with Netlify |
kentcdodds |
482 |
1138 |
viz.js |
A hack to put Graphviz on the web. |
mdaines |
3337 |
1139 |
vue-lazy-hydration |
Lazy hydration of server-side rendered Vue.js components |
maoberlehner |
443 |
1140 |
codelf |
A search tool helps dev to solve the naming things problem. |
unbug |
9440 |
1141 |
css-feature-toggle-devtools-extension |
A devtools extension for toggling CSS features allowing developers to see how pages/apps render in browsers that don't support modern CSS features |
keithclark |
108 |
1142 |
GraphQL-RethinkDB |
Sample application to demonstrate usage of GraphQL with RethinkDB |
therise3107 |
7 |
1143 |
gov-availability |
The availability of the government of the United States of America |
cmgiven |
138 |
1144 |
react-preload |
Component to preload images before showing content |
sambernard |
140 |
1145 |
funcy.js |
funcy.js - a functional web components wrapper |
michael-klein |
77 |
1146 |
administration |
shopware |
23 |
1147 |
globby |
User-friendly glob matching |
sindresorhus |
1380 |
1148 |
little-virtual-computer |
Learn how computers work by simulating them in Javascript |
jsdf |
806 |
1149 |
lowjs |
A port of Node.JS with far lower system requirements. Community version for POSIX systems such as Linux, uClinux or Mac OS X. |
neonious |
1092 |
1150 |
devtools-timeline-model |
Unsupported |
paulirish |
161 |
1151 |
faker.js |
generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser |
Marak |
23055 |
1152 |
merge-windows |
Chrome extension - Merge windows into the active one |
sindresorhus |
163 |
1153 |
kefir |
A Reactive Programming library for JavaScript |
kefirjs |
1658 |
1154 |
nock |
HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js |
nock |
9337 |
1155 |
Debucsser |
CSS debugging tool with an unpronounceable name |
lucagez |
1026 |
1156 |
appium |
๐ฑ Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps. |
appium |
11102 |
1157 |
styled-vue |
Use dynamic styles in Vue single-file components. |
egoist |
420 |
1158 |
pizza-dough |
This recipe is dedicated to helping you make the best possible pizza dough for Neapolitan pizza. |
hendricius |
2602 |
1159 |
vue-tables-2 |
Vue.js 2 grid components |
matfish2 |
1373 |
1160 |
sao |
โ Futuristic scaffolding tool |
saojs |
842 |
1161 |
react-graphql-starter |
Demo starter pack for React + Apollo Client + GraphQL Yoga |
lydiahallie |
21 |
1162 |
grant |
OAuth Middleware for Express, Koa and Hapi |
simov |
2653 |
1163 |
stars |
GitHub Star History and Stats |
simov |
27 |
1164 |
yargs |
yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist. |
yargs |
7502 |
1165 |
supertest |
๐ทSuper-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API. |
visionmedia |
9740 |
1166 |
expect |
Write better assertions |
mjackson |
2316 |
1167 |
micro-mw |
a simple helper to add middleware to your zeit/micro or Now 2.0 functions |
mhamann |
21 |
1168 |
gray-matter |
Smarter YAML front matter parser, used by metalsmith, Gatsby, Netlify, Assemble, mapbox-gl, phenomic, and many others. Simple to use, and battle tested. Parses YAML by default but can also parse JSON Front Matter, Coffee Front Matter, TOML Front Matter, and has support for custom parsers. |
jonschlinkert |
652 |
1169 |
lit-vue |
๐ฅ Vue SFC goodies directly in JavaScript files. |
egoist |
240 |
1170 |
art-template |
High performance JavaScript templating engine |
aui |
8931 |
1171 |
systeminformation |
System Information Library for Node.JS |
sebhildebrandt |
1071 |
1172 |
unistore |
๐ถ 350b / 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React |
developit |
2653 |
1173 |
htmlnano |
Modular HTML minifier, built on top of the PostHTML |
posthtml |
103 |
1174 |
clsx |
A tiny (229B) utility for constructing className strings conditionally. |
lukeed |
902 |
1175 |
gitment |
A comment system based on GitHub Issues. |
imsun |
3720 |
1176 |
fbt |
A JavaScript Internationalization Framework |
facebook |
3353 |
1177 |
string-similarity |
Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance. |
aceakash |
1847 |
1178 |
learn-json-web-tokens |
๐ Learn how to use JSON Web Token (JWT) to secure your next Web App! (Tutorial/Example with Tests!!) |
dwyl |
4070 |
1179 |
router |
reach |
6341 |
1180 |
svg-icon |
An ultimate SVG icons collection DONE RIGHT, with over 10,000 SVG icons out of the box. |
leungwensen |
764 |
1181 |
cf-workers |
Collection of Cloudflare Workers |
pmeenan |
71 |
1182 |
potential-changes-for-github |
Potential changes for GitHub: Browser extension that shows which pull requests contain changes related to a file. |
dzhavat |
90 |
1183 |
objection.js |
An SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js |
Vincit |
5031 |
1184 |
css-modal |
A modal built with pure CSS, enhanced with JavaScript |
drublic |
1812 |
1185 |
pa11y-webservice |
Pa11y Webservice provides scheduled accessibility reports for multiple URLs |
pa11y |
109 |
1186 |
pa11y |
Pa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal |
pa11y |
2464 |
1187 |
learnGitBranching |
An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate! |
pcottle |
15106 |
1188 |
bundle-size-tracker |
Serverless bundle size tracking over time / Suivi continu et sans serveur des tailles de paquets |
cds-snc |
69 |
1189 |
campaign |
๐ Compose responsive email templates easily, fill them with models, and send them out. |
bevacqua |
640 |
1190 |
rockstar |
The Rockstar programming language specification |
RockstarLang |
5659 |
1191 |
felony |
๐๐ฅ๐ Next Level PGP |
henryboldi |
3480 |
1192 |
TNG-Hooks |
Provides React-inspired 'hooks' like useState(..) for stand-alone functions |
getify |
861 |
1193 |
CodeBuddy |
๐ง WIP - Connect with developers and find projects ๐ฏ |
lydiahallie |
32 |
1194 |
vector |
Vector is an on-host performance monitoring framework which exposes hand picked high resolution metrics to every engineerโs browser. |
Netflix |
3354 |
1195 |
smartcrop.js |
Content aware image cropping |
jwagner |
11368 |
1196 |
falling-through-code |
sergiubucur |
28 |
1197 |
daydream |
A chrome extension to record your actions into a nightmare or puppeteer script |
segmentio |
2544 |
1198 |
workshy |
A small (376B) lazy function scheduler for a butter smooth main thread. |
terkelg |
74 |
1199 |
mkdirplz |
Make directories recursively -plz ๐ |
terkelg |
10 |
1200 |
scoped-style |
A tiny css in js library ๐ |
sadick254 |
120 |
1201 |
Magic-Grid |
A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. |
e-oj |
2450 |
1202 |
examples |
Serverless Examples โ A collection of boilerplates and examples of serverless architectures built with the Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions, and more. |
serverless |
7200 |
1203 |
serverless |
Serverless Framework โ Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! โ |
serverless |
35167 |
1204 |
forgJs |
ForgJs is a javascript lightweight object validator. Go check the Quick start section and start coding with love |
oussamahamdaoui |
1693 |
1205 |
fiddly |
Create beautiful and simple HTML pages from your Readme.md files |
SaraVieira |
772 |
1206 |
semantic-release |
๐ฆ๐ Fully automated version management and package publishing |
semantic-release |
9425 |
1207 |
speakeasy |
Two-factor authentication for Node.js. One-time passcode generator (HOTP/TOTP) with support for Google Authenticator. |
speakeasyjs |
2156 |
1208 |
dynamodb |
DynamoDB data mapper for Node.js |
baseprime |
170 |
1209 |
coolqlcool |
Nextjs server to query websites with GraphQL |
dinubs |
605 |
1210 |
useCookie |
๐ช React Hook for Cookies based on js-cookie ๐ช |
rrudol |
31 |
1211 |
issue-label-manager-action |
GitHub Action to declaratively setup labels across repos |
lannonbr |
111 |
1212 |
release-notify-action |
GitHub Action that triggers e-mails with release notes when these are created |
bitoiu |
64 |
1213 |
public-ip-cli |
Get your public IP address |
sindresorhus |
197 |
1214 |
pushnotifications-demo |
Demo for cross browsers push notifications with server side code |
MicrosoftEdge |
89 |
1215 |
Orca |
Esoteric Programming Language |
hundredrabbits |
2456 |
1216 |
preload |
Data preloading for vue-router, similar to Sapper's preload or Nuxt.js's asyncData |
badrap |
50 |
1217 |
next-optimized-images |
next-optimized-images automatically optimizes images used in next.js projects (jpeg, png, svg, webp and gif). |
cyrilwanner |
642 |
1218 |
version-badge |
Display a version badge. |
egoist |
54 |
1219 |
pako |
high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js |
nodeca |
2822 |
1220 |
tinyify |
a browserify plugin that runs various optimizations, so you don't have to install them all manually. makes your bundles tiny! |
browserify |
378 |
1221 |
overreacted.io |
Personal blog by Dan Abramov. |
gaearon |
5382 |
1222 |
good-first-issue |
๐ฅ CLI for finding good first issues |
cutenode |
402 |
1223 |
new-github-release-url |
Generate a URL for opening a new GitHub release with prefilled tag, body, and other fields |
sindresorhus |
102 |
1224 |
isomer |
Simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas |
jdan |
2619 |
1225 |
simplemde-markdown-editor |
A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking. |
sparksuite |
7539 |
1226 |
unicon |
๐ฆ Wrangle SVGs from your favorite design tool. |
souporserious |
159 |
1227 |
proposal-pluggable-types |
A stage 0 proposal to add a pluggable type system to JavaScript |
samuelgoto |
100 |
1228 |
tikzcd-editor |
A simple visual editor for creating commutative diagrams. |
yishn |
1248 |
1229 |
cla-assistant |
Contributor License Agreement assistant (CLA assistant) |
cla-assistant |
661 |
1230 |
confpad.github.io |
โก๏ธ ConfPad: community-curated list of tech conference talks, videos, slides and the like |
confpad |
57 |
1231 |
framerx-react-sync |
Sync your react js (styled-)components with a FramerX project. |
zauberware |
24 |
1232 |
ncc |
Compile a Node.js project into a single file. Supports TypeScript, binary addons, dynamic requires. |
zeit |
3836 |
1233 |
jison |
Bison in JavaScript. |
zaach |
3648 |
1234 |
mermaid |
Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown |
mermaid-js |
29195 |
1235 |
sharp |
High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library. |
lovell |
16105 |
1236 |
jsPDF |
Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone. |
MrRio |
18809 |
1237 |
jstz |
๐Timezone detection for JavaScript |
iansinnott |
139 |
1238 |
JSCity |
Visualizing JavaScript source code as navigable 3D cities |
aserg-ufmg |
1327 |
1239 |
clean-publish |
Removing configuration files and fields in package.json before publishing to npm |
shashkovdanil |
95 |
1240 |
subfont |
Command line tool to optimize your webfont loading. Aggressive subsetting based on your font use, self-hosting of Google fonts and preloading |
Munter |
992 |
1241 |
klaro |
Klaro! A simple and powerful tool to manage user consent on websites. |
KIProtect |
265 |
1242 |
execa |
Process execution for humans |
sindresorhus |
3062 |
1243 |
generator-generator |
Generate a Yeoman generator |
yeoman |
1051 |
1244 |
cac |
Simple yet powerful framework for building command-line apps. |
cacjs |
517 |
1245 |
webpack |
Our base webpack config |
spatie |
12 |
1246 |
circular-json |
JSON does not handle circular references. Now it does |
WebReflection |
580 |
1247 |
progress-estimator |
Logs a progress bar and estimation for how long a Promise will take to complete |
bvaughn |
1951 |
1248 |
react-final-form |
๐ High performance subscription-based form state management for React |
final-form |
5650 |
1249 |
litegraph.js |
A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently. |
jagenjo |
1673 |
1250 |
cms.js |
Client-Side JavaScript Site Generator |
chrisdiana |
2976 |
1251 |
StackBlur |
Fast and almost Gaussian blur |
flozz |
1005 |
1252 |
pngjs |
Pure JavaScript PNG decoder |
arian |
128 |
1253 |
del |
Delete files and directories |
sindresorhus |
1064 |
1254 |
vis |
โ ๏ธ This project is not maintained anymore! Please go to https://github.com/visjs |
almende |
7967 |
1255 |
styled-tools |
Useful interpolated functions for CSS-in-JS |
diegohaz |
705 |
1256 |
node-dark-mode-listener |
A small library for listening to dark mode changes on macOS Mojave |
LinusU |
14 |
1257 |
preducs |
Easy state handling of state updates |
cristianbote |
13 |
1258 |
dcipher |
Decipher hashes using online rainbow & lookup table attack services. |
k4m4 |
91 |
1259 |
dcipher-cli |
๐Crack hashes using online rainbow & lookup table attack services, right from your terminal. |
k4m4 |
166 |
1260 |
docsearch |
๐ The easiest way to add search to your documentation. |
algolia |
1243 |
1261 |
autoComplete.js |
Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library. |
TarekRaafat |
2662 |
1262 |
react-use-form-state |
๐ React hook for managing forms and inputs state |
wsmd |
733 |
1263 |
speed-measure-webpack-plugin |
โฑ See how fast (or not) your plugins and loaders are, so you can optimise your builds |
stephencookdev |
1212 |
1264 |
react-suspense-polyfill |
Polyfill for the React Suspense API ๐ฎ |
transitive-bullshit |
93 |
1265 |
CSS-Filters-Polyfill |
This polyfill takes the official CSS filters syntax and translates it to the different equivalent techniques that the browsers know for those effects |
Schepp |
761 |
1266 |
html-sketchapp |
HTML to Sketch export solution |
html-sketchapp |
1678 |
1267 |
statusfy |
A Marvelous Open Source Status Page System |
bazzite |
1788 |
1268 |
ember-async-await-helper |
Awaits a promise, then yields its result to a block. ๐ |
tildeio |
34 |
1269 |
canvas-sketch |
[beta] A framework for making generative artwork in JavaScript and the browser. |
mattdesl |
2095 |
1270 |
node-easing |
https://rook2pawn.github.io/node-easing easing functions without the unnecessary framework cruft |
rook2pawn |
27 |
1271 |
dataloader |
DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching. |
graphql |
8945 |
1272 |
sw-delta |
An incremental cache for the web |
gmetais |
1107 |
1273 |
Edge-Detection-project |
Tiny Image in Javascript - Edge Detection Algorithms |
bockp |
25 |
1274 |
styled-css-grid |
๐ฑ A tiny CSS grid layout for React |
azz |
471 |
1275 |
react-gridit |
React grid using CSS Grid and styled-components |
nem035 |
95 |
1276 |
task-worklet |
Task Worklet: explainer, polyfill and demos. |
developit |
253 |
1277 |
js-framework-benchmark |
A comparison of the perfomance of a few popular javascript frameworks |
krausest |
3006 |
1278 |
clappr |
๐ฌ An extensible media player for the web. |
clappr |
4943 |
1279 |
react-hooks |
Collection of React Hooks |
nikgraf |
820 |
1280 |
passwordless |
node.js/express module to authenticate users without password |
florianheinemann |
1893 |
1281 |
eslint-formatter-pretty |
Pretty ESLint formatter |
sindresorhus |
349 |
1282 |
imba |
โ๐ฝ The friendly full-stack language |
imba |
3791 |
1283 |
DoodleMaster |
"Don't code your UI, Draw it !" |
karanchahal |
2452 |
1284 |
edex-ui |
A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support. |
GitSquared |
12576 |
1285 |
htm |
Hyperscript Tagged Markup: JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support. |
developit |
5684 |
1286 |
slate |
A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.) |
ianstormtaylor |
17143 |
1287 |
unified |
โ๏ธ interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees |
unifiedjs |
1948 |
1288 |
ProjectVisBug |
FireBug for designers โบ Edit any webpage, in any state https://a.nerdy.dev/gimme-visbug |
GoogleChromeLabs |
3625 |
1289 |
PiPer |
Browser extension that adds Picture in Picture support to YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Video, Twitch, Plex, and more! |
amarcu5 |
200 |
1290 |
git-functions |
Runtime for Git Functions supporting GitHub Actions |
ewindisch |
10 |
1291 |
Baker |
๐จโ๐ณ๐ Quick and easy baking of computing environments. |
ottomatica |
183 |
1292 |
openmct |
A web based mission control framework. |
nasa |
8038 |
1293 |
kraken-js |
An express-based Node.js web application bootstrapping module. |
krakenjs |
4831 |
1294 |
why-did-you-update |
๐ฅ Puts your console on blast when React is making unnecessary updates. |
maicki |
4046 |
1295 |
Glider.js |
A fast, lightweight, dependency free, native scrolling carousel alternative! |
NickPiscitelli |
2105 |
1296 |
cote |
A Node.js library for building zero-configuration microservices. |
dashersw |
1521 |
1297 |
api-platform |
REST and GraphQL framework to build modern API-driven projects (server-side and client-side) |
api-platform |
5704 |
1298 |
escape-goat |
&๐; Escape a string for use in HTML or the inverse |
sindresorhus |
355 |
1299 |
manage-wifi-cli |
Turn your Wi-Fi on and off |
sindresorhus |
106 |
1300 |
inchjs |
A documentation tool for JavaScript/NodeJS |
rrrene |
47 |
1301 |
corpora |
A collection of small corpuses of interesting data for the creation of bots and similar stuff. |
dariusk |
3681 |
1302 |
rewire |
Easy monkey-patching for node.js unit tests |
jhnns |
2690 |
1303 |
svg-to-vue-component |
Transform SVG files into Vue SFC (with hot reloading and SVGO support) |
egoist |
192 |
1304 |
bin-version-cli |
Get the version of a binary in semver format |
sindresorhus |
32 |
1305 |
babel-blade |
(under new management!) โธ๏ธSolve the Double Declaration problem with inline GraphQL. Babel plugin/macro that works with any GraphQL client! |
babel-blade |
233 |
1306 |
node-phpfpm |
node.js run php scripts via phpfpm |
longbill |
45 |
1307 |
peaks.js |
JavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms |
bbc |
1592 |
1308 |
rawact |
[POC] A babel plugin which compiles React.js components into native DOM instructions to eliminate the need for the react library at runtime. |
sokra |
2552 |
1309 |
enquirer |
Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts. |
enquirer |
5168 |
1310 |
bin-version |
Get the version of a binary in semver format |
sindresorhus |
39 |
1311 |
fx |
Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer ๐ฅ |
antonmedv |
9587 |
1312 |
neo-async |
Neo-Async is thought to be used as a drop-in replacement for Async, it almost fully covers its functionality and runs faster |
suguru03 |
538 |
1313 |
easy-peasy |
Vegetarian friendly state for React |
ctrlplusb |
3299 |
1314 |
node-db-migrate |
Database migration framework for node |
db-migrate |
1855 |
1315 |
color-wander |
๐จ Generative artwork in node/browser based on a seeded random |
mattdesl |
1422 |
1316 |
immer |
Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one |
immerjs |
15945 |
1317 |
Resemble.js |
Image analysis and comparison |
rsmbl |
3561 |
1318 |
buttercup-desktop |
๐ Javascript Secrets Vault - Multi-Platform Desktop Application |
buttercup |
3231 |
1319 |
intl-tel-input |
A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers |
jackocnr |
4736 |
1320 |
new-github-issue-url |
Generate a URL for opening a new GitHub issue with prefilled title, body, and other fields |
sindresorhus |
142 |
1321 |
humanize-url |
Humanize a URL: https://sindresorhus.com โ sindresorhus.com |
sindresorhus |
190 |
1322 |
is-up-cli |
Check whether a website is up or down |
sindresorhus |
253 |
1323 |
teston |
Test on! ๐ช๐ |
testonjs |
29 |
1324 |
AwesomeXSS |
Awesome XSS stuff |
s0md3v |
2898 |
1325 |
redbird |
A modern reverse proxy for node |
OptimalBits |
4110 |
1326 |
awesome-selfhosted |
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of hosting and managing applications instead of renting from Software-as-a-Service providers |
awesome-selfhosted |
43032 |
1327 |
javascript |
JavaScript Style Guide |
airbnb |
94234 |
1328 |
howler.js |
Javascript audio library for the modern web. |
goldfire |
15890 |
1329 |
jsx-transform |
JSX transpiler. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React. |
alexmingoia |
244 |
1330 |
ervy |
Bring charts to terminal. |
chunqiuyiyu |
1479 |
1331 |
confs.tech |
List of tech conferences: JavaScript / Design - CSS - UX / Ruby - iOS - Android - PHP - Data - Devops |
tech-conferences |
1415 |
1332 |
facon |
Tiny utility (272B) to create DOM elements with manner. |
terkelg |
194 |
1333 |
dat |
๐พ peer-to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line |
datproject |
7853 |
1334 |
webscribble |
A simple, no-fluff web scratchpad. |
surma |
7 |
1335 |
vue-slides |
Present with Vue |
znck |
241 |
1336 |
components |
Primer React components |
primer |
726 |
1337 |
morphdom |
Fast and lightweight DOM diffing/patching (no virtual DOM needed) |
patrick-steele-idem |
1952 |
1338 |
lightcase |
The smart and flexible Lightbox Plugin. |
cbopp-art |
404 |
1339 |
assets-webpack-plugin |
Webpack plugin that emits a json file with assets paths |
ztoben |
892 |
1340 |
exec-php |
Execute PHP function within NodeJS application |
iqbalfn |
36 |
1341 |
glorious-demo |
The easiest way to demonstrate your code in action. |
glorious-codes |
3076 |
1342 |
workerize-example |
Example of converting a module to a web-worker in electron |
joshwnj |
14 |
1343 |
dinero.js |
An immutable library to create, calculate and format money. |
dinerojs |
3484 |
1344 |
OnsenUI |
Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js. |
OnsenUI |
7897 |
1345 |
carlo |
Web rendering surface for Node applications |
GoogleChromeLabs |
9153 |
1346 |
face-pong |
WIP - Pong game with face tracking |
charliegerard |
8 |
1347 |
AnimatedGridPreviews |
A template where one can switch between little image previews that are scattered around the page. |
codrops |
173 |
1348 |
terser-webpack-plugin |
Terser Plugin |
webpack-contrib |
1226 |
1349 |
terser |
๐ JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+ |
terser |
4355 |
1350 |
ImmortalDB |
๐ฉ A relentless key-value store for the browser. |
gruns |
2543 |
1351 |
travis-chrome |
An example repo to show how to run tests with Karma runner using Chrome browser (with Xvfb) in Travis CI |
kristerkari |
10 |
1352 |
js-matchdep |
Use micromatch to filter npm module dependencies by name. |
tkellen |
99 |
1353 |
learn-travis |
๐ A quick Travis CI (Continuous Integration) Tutorial for Node.js developers |
dwyl |
1151 |
1354 |
graphql-cost-analysis |
A Graphql query cost analyzer. |
pa-bru |
457 |
1355 |
phin |
Node HTTP client |
ethanent |
383 |
1356 |
haunted |
React's Hooks API implemented for web components ๐ป |
matthewp |
1575 |
1357 |
lint-staged |
๐ซ๐ฉ โ Run linters on git staged files |
okonet |
6684 |
1358 |
react-window-communication-hook |
React hook to communicate among browser context (tabs, windows, iframes) |
AvraamMavridis |
63 |
1359 |
pennywise |
Cross-platform application to open any website or media in a floating window |
kamranahmedse |
3004 |
1360 |
add-asset-webpack-plugin |
Dynamically add an asset to the Webpack graph |
sindresorhus |
84 |
1361 |
simple |
A simple web app starter for Poi, with zero config. |
poi-starters |
8 |
1362 |
react-syntax-highlighter |
syntax highlighting component for react with prismjs or highlightjs ast using inline styles |
conorhastings |
1428 |
1363 |
stateful-functions |
rektide |
132 |
1364 |
repl |
REPL rewrite for Node.js โจ๐ข๐โจ |
nodejs |
76 |
1365 |
spacy-js |
๐ JavaScript API for spaCy with Python REST API |
ines |
94 |
1366 |
texme |
Self-rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents |
susam |
1222 |
1367 |
call-rate-limiter |
A tiny (~700B) rate limiting wrapper for async functions and APIs (live demo https://codesandbox.io/s/m7lql79k6j) |
ujenjt |
103 |
1368 |
vue-hooks |
Experimental React hooks implementation in Vue |
yyx990803 |
1508 |
1369 |
ThreeJS-360-Panorama |
A panoramic experiment with ThreeJS to visualize a 360 tour with controls |
NorikDavtian |
72 |
1370 |
react-hooks-lib |
A set of reusable React Hooks. |
beizhedenglong |
280 |
1371 |
Black |
World's fastest HTML5 2D game engine ๐ธ |
MassiveHeights |
140 |
1372 |
vue-typeahead |
๐ Typeahead component for Vue.js |
pespantelis |
507 |
1373 |
swipe-listener |
Zero-dependency, minimal swipe-gesture listener for the web. |
umanghome |
52 |
1374 |
react-tooltip |
react tooltip component |
wwayne |
1898 |
1375 |
viperHTML |
Isomorphic hyperHTML |
WebReflection |
315 |
1376 |
Malvid |
UI to help you build and document web components. |
Malvid |
338 |
1377 |
Ackee |
Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy. |
electerious |
1487 |
1378 |
fair-analytics |
๐ An analytics server that doesn't undermine user's privacy |
vesparny |
757 |
1379 |
react-focus-lock |
It is a trap! A lock for a Focus. ๐ |
theKashey |
544 |
1380 |
nodegit |
Native Node bindings to Git. |
nodegit |
4465 |
1381 |
postcss-register-custom-props |
PostCSS plugin that transforms custom property registration in CSS to JS |
vitaliy-bobrov |
20 |
1382 |
in-view |
Get notified when a DOM element enters or exits the viewport. ๐ |
camwiegert |
4609 |
1383 |
lit-styles |
Monorepository with lit-css and integration with other tools and frameworks. |
lit-styles |
40 |
1384 |
fix-path |
Fix the $PATH on macOS when run from a GUI app |
sindresorhus |
174 |
1385 |
gulp-svg-sprite |
SVG sprites & stacks galore โ Gulp plugin wrapping around svg-sprite that reads in a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites and CSS resources in various flavours |
jkphl |
619 |
1386 |
particles.js |
A lightweight, dependency-free and responsive javascript plugin for particle backgrounds. |
marcbruederlin |
1174 |
1387 |
cypress-testing-library |
Simple and complete custom Cypress commands and utilities that encourage good testing practices. |
testing-library |
911 |
1388 |
schnack |
๐ฃ๏ธ Simple self-hosted node app for Disqus-like drop-in commenting on static websites |
schn4ck |
1554 |
1389 |
lungo-cli |
Control the Lungo app from the command-line |
sindresorhus |
34 |
1390 |
orkl |
Simple peer-to-peer blogging site |
kodedninja |
50 |
1391 |
react-undraw-illustrations |
React unDraw Components: MIT licensed illustrations by unDraw for your React projects |
GraemeFulton |
117 |
1392 |
via.js |
Write JS code that runs in a different context. E.g. use the DOM in a Web Worker. |
AshleyScirra |
368 |
1393 |
vue-vscode-snippets |
These snippets were built to supercharge my workflow in the most seamless manner possible. |
sdras |
909 |
1394 |
Font-Awesome |
The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit |
FortAwesome |
62514 |
1395 |
lerna |
๐ A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. |
lerna |
22043 |
1396 |
tournamentmango |
Manage tournaments and players easily. |
seiyria |
131 |
1397 |
jquery.gracket.js |
jquery.gracket.js - A jQuery and canvas approach to creating single elimination tournament brackets. |
Zettersten |
96 |
1398 |
graphpack |
โ๏ธ A minimalistic zero-config GraphQL server. |
glennreyes |
1939 |
1399 |
teamspeak-manager |
Cli for managing multiple teamspeak servers on one host |
shyim |
2 |
1400 |
hyper-snazzy |
Elegant Hyper theme with bright colors |
sindresorhus |
1136 |
1401 |
omi |
Front End Cross-Frameworks Framework - ๅ็ซฏ่ทจๆกๆถ่ทจๅนณๅฐๆกๆถ |
Tencent |
10919 |
1402 |
dom-testing-library |
๐ Simple and complete DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. |
testing-library |
1910 |
1403 |
reactions |
Source code for https://reactions.live |
chancancode |
3 |
1404 |
doiuse |
๐ฃ Lint CSS for browser support against caniuse database. |
anandthakker |
922 |
1405 |
core-js |
Standard Library |
zloirock |
12401 |
1406 |
lets-build-express |
This repo contains chapters which explains how one can build a minimal express library. |
antsmartian |
607 |
1407 |
gridsome |
โก๏ธBuild modern JAMstack websites with Vue.js |
gridsome |
5856 |
1408 |
cli |
Netlify Command Line Interface |
netlify |
823 |
1409 |
33-js-concepts |
๐ 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know. |
leonardomso |
31431 |
1410 |
mocha-headless-chrome |
Run client-side mocha tests in the command line through headless Chrome. |
direct-adv-interfaces |
94 |
1411 |
colorette |
Color your terminal using pure idiomatic JavaScript. |
jorgebucaran |
892 |
1412 |
color |
๐ Javascript color conversion and manipulation library |
Qix- |
3162 |
1413 |
react-universal-component |
๐ The final answer to a React Universal Component: simultaneous SSR + Code Splitting |
faceyspacey |
1598 |
1414 |
graphql.js |
A Simple and Isomorphic GraphQL Client for JavaScript |
f |
2075 |
1415 |
plex-sync |
๐ฌ Command line utility for synchronizing Plex Media Server watched / seen status between multiple servers |
jacobwgillespie |
213 |
1416 |
tfjs-examples |
Examples built with TensorFlow.js |
tensorflow |
4207 |
1417 |
tmi |
TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the web |
addyosmani |
1657 |
1418 |
tfjs-yolo-tiny |
In-Browser Object Detection using Tiny YOLO on Tensorflow.js |
ModelDepot |
419 |
1419 |
Blot |
Turns a folder into a blog |
davidmerfield |
599 |
1420 |
cheet.js |
easy easter eggs (konami code, etc) for your website. |
namuol |
1322 |
1421 |
csprng.xyz |
ejcx |
11 |
1422 |
tiptap |
A rich-text editor for Vue.js |
scrumpy |
6880 |
1423 |
percollate |
๐ โ ๐ A command-line tool to turn web pages into beautifully formatted PDFs |
danburzo |
2937 |
1424 |
Advanced-React |
Starter Files and Solutions for Full Stack Advanced React and GraphQL |
wesbos |
2503 |
1425 |
discharge |
โก๏ธ A simple, easy way to deploy static websites to Amazon S3. |
brandonweiss |
433 |
1426 |
vue-realworld-example-app |
An exemplary real-world application built with Vue.js, Vuex, axios and different other technologies. This is a good example to discover Vue for beginners. |
gothinkster |
2724 |
1427 |
micro-github |
A tiny microservice that makes adding authentication with GitHub to your application easy. |
mxstbr |
709 |
1428 |
openapi-directory |
๐ Wikipedia for Web APIs. Directory of REST API definitions in OpenAPI 2.0/3.0 format |
APIs-guru |
1852 |
1429 |
preact-cli-express-ssr |
Adds server-side rendering to a newly created Preact project created with the command preact create preactjs-templates/default preact-cli-express-ssr . |
johnhaitas |
21 |
1430 |
realworld |
"The mother of all demo apps" โ Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more ๐
gothinkster |
39106 |
1431 |
filter-console |
Filter out unwanted console.log() output |
sindresorhus |
196 |
1432 |
tags-input |
๐ <input type="tags"> like magic |
developit |
300 |
1433 |
siema |
Siema - Lightweight and simple carousel in pure JavaScript |
pawelgrzybek |
3128 |
1434 |
warpjs |
Warp, distort, bend, twist and smudge your SVGโs directly in the browser |
benjamminf |
262 |
1435 |
postgraphile |
Execute one command (or mount one Node.js middleware) and get an instant high-performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database! |
graphile |
8729 |
1436 |
evercookie |
Produces persistent, respawning "super" cookies in a browser, abusing over a dozen techniques. Its goal is to identify users after they've removed standard cookies and other privacy data such as Flash cookies (LSOs), HTML5 storage, SilverLight storage, and others. |
samyk |
3783 |
1437 |
webpack-autoconf |
A tool to create frontend apps using webpack or Parcel |
jakoblind |
456 |
1438 |
vue-observe-visibility |
Detect when an element is becoming visible or hidden on the page. |
Akryum |
956 |
1439 |
dat.gui |
dat.gui is a lightweight controller library for JavaScript. |
dataarts |
4521 |
1440 |
extra.css |
A CSS Houdini Paint library for those who want to make their sites a little extra ๐๐ปโโ๏ธ |
una |
78 |
1441 |
act |
โ๏ธ Multi-purpose URI tracker. |
simonepri |
7 |
1442 |
30-seconds-of-interviews |
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview. |
30-seconds |
7743 |
1443 |
ekill |
Chrome/Firefox extension to nuke annoying elements in a web page |
rhardih |
970 |
1444 |
awesome-vscode |
๐จ A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. |
viatsko |
16941 |
1445 |
sentineljs |
Detect new DOM nodes using CSS selectors (650 bytes) |
muicss |
1083 |
1446 |
matter-js |
a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web โฒโ โ |
liabru |
9879 |
1447 |
is-in-view |
Tiny function to check if a given element is in the current viewport. |
fbosch |
11 |
1448 |
legit |
Add licenses to projects at the command line |
captainsafia |
510 |
1449 |
docute |
๐ Effortless documentation, done right. |
egoist |
3040 |
1450 |
synp |
Convert yarn.lock to package-lock.json and vice versa |
imsnif |
420 |
1451 |
idevice |
Discover which iOS devices are used on your site |
dieulot |
233 |
1452 |
fastdom |
Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM measurement and mutation tasks |
wilsonpage |
5598 |
1453 |
volkswagen |
๐ Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass. |
auchenberg |
10908 |
1454 |
skip |
A programming language to skip the things you have already computed |
skiplang |
1546 |
1455 |
smooth-ui |
Modern React UI library ๐
๐ฉโ๐ค๐ญ |
smooth-code |
1501 |
1456 |
node-youtube-dl |
youtube-dl driver for node |
przemyslawpluta |
1299 |
1457 |
neurons |
Neurotic Neurons, an interactive explanation. |
ncase |
178 |
1458 |
flatted |
A fast and minimal circular JSON parser. |
WebReflection |
520 |
1459 |
Javascript |
A repository for All algorithms implemented in Javascript (for educational purposes only) |
TheAlgorithms |
2165 |
1460 |
create-react-library |
โกCLI for easily creating reusable react libraries. |
transitive-bullshit |
3258 |
1461 |
worker-plugin |
๐ฉโ๐ญ Adds native Web Worker bundling support to Webpack. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
1484 |
1462 |
idlize |
Helper classes and methods for implementing the idle-until-urgent pattern |
GoogleChromeLabs |
879 |
1463 |
lyo |
๐ฆ Node.js to browser - The easy way |
bokub |
629 |
1464 |
burn |
๐ฅ BURN a React Native boilerplate |
FotonTech |
118 |
1465 |
js-equality-game |
The Worst Minesweeper ๐ฃ Ever |
slikts |
234 |
1466 |
quick-lru |
Simple โLeast Recently Usedโ (LRU) cache |
sindresorhus |
293 |
1467 |
antwar |
A static site generator built with React and Webpack. |
antwarjs |
459 |
1468 |
wwwbasic |
wwwBASIC is an implementation of BASIC that runs on Node.js and the Web. |
google |
1100 |
1469 |
mongo-graphql-starter |
Creates a fully functioning, performant GraphQL endpoint from an existing MongoDB. Supports middleware, and Mongo 4 transactions. |
arackaf |
371 |
1470 |
bellwoods |
mattdesl |
351 |
1471 |
pwa-weather |
Minimal Weather PWA: Offline, Push Notification and Web Payments |
mutebg |
88 |
1472 |
ramjet |
Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions |
Rich-Harris |
5405 |
1473 |
WatermelonDB |
๐ Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps โก๏ธ |
Nozbe |
6531 |
1474 |
tink |
a dependency unwinder for javascript |
npm |
2144 |
1475 |
react-ideal-image |
๐ผ๏ธ An Almost Ideal React Image Component |
stereobooster |
3181 |
1476 |
autopolyfiller-loader |
๐ญ Autopolyfiller loader for webpack |
deepsweet |
67 |
1477 |
path-tangents |
Compute tangents for a path of 3D points. |
dmnsgn |
9 |
1478 |
frenet-serret-frames |
Compute Frenet-Serret frames for a path of 3D points and tangents. |
dmnsgn |
17 |
1479 |
DiagonalSlideshow |
A slideshow with a diagonal look and a content preview |
codrops |
256 |
1480 |
preact-fluid |
A minimal UI kit for Preact |
ajainvivek |
141 |
1481 |
generative-artistry |
A website for self coding generative art tutorials. |
tholman |
477 |
1482 |
svgr |
Transform SVGs into React components ๐ฆ |
gregberge |
6028 |
1483 |
preact-routlet |
Simple Component Driven Routing for Preact/React using ES7 Decorators |
k1r0s |
36 |
1484 |
gyro |
Demo: |
xem |
12 |
1485 |
project-explorer |
๐A CLI tool to create an annotated tree visualization of any project |
sdras |
476 |
1486 |
vue-directory-tree |
A visualization of relevant files for vue repo, along with notes |
sdras |
155 |
1487 |
avl |
๐ Fast AVL tree for Node and browser |
w8r |
62 |
1488 |
astroturf |
An "artificial" CSS-in-JS for those that want it all. |
4Catalyzer |
1641 |
1489 |
Library-Detector-for-Chrome |
๐ Extension that detects which JavaScript libraries are running on a page |
johnmichel |
491 |
1490 |
sails |
Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js |
balderdashy |
21245 |
1491 |
insomnia |
Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL Client |
Kong |
12821 |
1492 |
dss |
Deterministic Style Sheets |
giuseppeg |
155 |
1493 |
deoptigate |
Investigates v8/Node.js function deoptimizations. |
thlorenz |
528 |
1494 |
alasql |
AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel. |
agershun |
4902 |
1495 |
web-tooling-benchmark-generator |
CLI tools to generate new benchmarks in v8/web-tooling-benchmark. |
alopezsanchez |
10 |
1496 |
wcag-contrast |
WCAG contrast ratio measurement and scoring |
tmcw |
77 |
1497 |
ky |
๐ณ Tiny & elegant HTTP client based on window.fetch |
sindresorhus |
5443 |
1498 |
webpack-stats-diff-plugin |
Webpack plugin for reporting changes in bundle sizes across builds |
ZachGawlik |
63 |
1499 |
maintainerswanted.com |
No time to maintain your open source project? Find a new maintainer! |
flxwu |
114 |
1500 |
nylas-mail |
๐ An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome! |
nylas |
24526 |
1501 |
to-fast-properties |
Force V8 to use fast properties for an object |
sindresorhus |
184 |
1502 |
leven |
Measure the difference between two strings with the fastest JS implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm |
sindresorhus |
494 |
1503 |
node-delegates |
Nodejs method and accessor delegation utility |
tj |
363 |
1504 |
dot-prop |
Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path |
sindresorhus |
435 |
1505 |
fast-levenshtein |
Efficient Javascript implementation of Levenshtein algorithm with locale-specific collator support. |
hiddentao |
468 |
1506 |
zet |
Set() as it should be. |
terkelg |
352 |
1507 |
civis |
JavaScript 4X game |
Venerons |
555 |
1508 |
react-calendar-timeline |
A modern and responsive react timeline component. |
namespace-ee |
1019 |
1509 |
pwa |
(WIP) Universal PWA Builder |
lukeed |
2875 |
1510 |
envinfo |
Generate a report about your development environment for debugging and issue reporting |
tabrindle |
432 |
1511 |
progressive-tooling |
A list of community-built, third-party tools that can be used to improve page performance |
GoogleChromeLabs |
489 |
1512 |
web-development-template |
My personal template for web development with the latest tools and optimisations suitable for medium sized projects. |
TimvanScherpenzeel |
6 |
1513 |
which-licenses-i-have |
๐ Learn about the licenses around your package |
pedronauck |
29 |
1514 |
preact-route-async |
Easy asynchronous loading for your router components. For 440B. |
mjanssen |
31 |
1515 |
twitter-lite |
A tiny, full-featured, flexible client / server library for the Twitter API |
draftbit |
267 |
1516 |
razzle |
โจ Create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration |
jaredpalmer |
8784 |
1517 |
email-autocomplete |
A jQuery plugin that suggests and autocompletes the domain in email fields. |
yongzhenlow |
260 |
1518 |
remove-old-service-worker |
jakearchibald |
9 |
1519 |
next-routes |
Universal dynamic routes for Next.js |
fridays |
2142 |
1520 |
turbo-json-parse |
Turbocharged JSON.parse for type stable JSON data |
mafintosh |
605 |
1521 |
code-surfer |
Rad code slides <๐/> |
pomber |
4805 |
1522 |
svg-filters |
โจ SVG Filters Playground |
yoksel |
155 |
1523 |
cordova-file-cache |
An awesome File Cache for Cordova Apps. |
markmarijnissen |
86 |
1524 |
Shows an explosion when a page has more than one tracker on the page |
SaraVieira |
25 |
1525 |
size-plugin |
Track compressed Webpack asset sizes over time. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
1608 |
1526 |
v86 |
x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS |
copy |
9398 |
1527 |
imgcache.js |
JS library based on the File API to cache images for offline recovery (target: cordova/phonegap & chrome) |
chrisben |
802 |
1528 |
git-tutor |
+md=โค๏ธ Awesome tutorials from your git log |
lesnitsky |
365 |
1529 |
ora |
Elegant terminal spinner |
sindresorhus |
5847 |
1530 |
underrun |
Twin stick shooter game in 13kb of JavaScript/WebGL |
phoboslab |
935 |
1531 |
github-release-notes |
Node module to create a release or a changelog from a tag and uses issues or commits to creating the release notes. |
github-tools |
528 |
1532 |
framework7 |
Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps |
framework7io |
15337 |
1533 |
react-coroutine |
Make your async components compact and descriptive by leveraging the power of the language features |
alexeyraspopov |
231 |
1534 |
Subworkers |
Polyfill to allow nested WebWorkers |
dmihal |
73 |
1535 |
agadoo |
Check whether a package is tree-shakeable |
Rich-Harris |
362 |
1536 |
navaid |
A navigation aid (aka, router) for the browser in 850 bytes~! |
lukeed |
444 |
1537 |
SpaceX-API |
๐ Open Source REST API for rocket, core, capsule, pad, and launch data |
r-spacex |
3371 |
1538 |
electron-pdf |
๐ A command line tool to generate PDF from URL, HTML or Markdown files. |
fraserxu |
995 |
1539 |
vue-slicksort |
A set of vue mixins to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list โ๏ธ |
Jexordexan |
818 |
1540 |
vue-draggable-resizable |
Vue2 Component for draggable and resizable elements. |
mauricius |
1388 |
1541 |
vue-dragging |
A sortable list directive with Vue |
hilongjw |
611 |
1542 |
vue2-dragula |
๐ Drag and drop so simple it hurts http://astray-git.github.io/vue-dragula |
kristianmandrup |
200 |
1543 |
vue-dragula |
๐ Drag and drop so simple it hurts http://astray-git.github.io/vue-dragula |
Astray-git |
326 |
1544 |
Vue.Draggable |
Vue drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js |
SortableJS |
11302 |
1545 |
maizzle-php |
PHP build system for rapid email development. |
maizzle |
301 |
1546 |
deprecated |
๐ Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (beta) |
ream |
872 |
1547 |
bundlephobia |
๐๏ธ Find out the cost of adding a new frontend dependency to your project |
pastelsky |
4588 |
1548 |
cows |
๐ฎ ASCII cows |
sindresorhus |
340 |
1549 |
webpack-messages |
Beautifully format Webpack messages throughout your bundle lifecycle(s)! |
lukeed |
221 |
1550 |
templite |
Lightweight templating in 150 bytes |
lukeed |
169 |
1551 |
check-links |
Robustly checks an array of URLs for liveness. Extremely fast โก |
transitive-bullshit |
295 |
1552 |
image-webpack-loader |
Image loader module for webpack |
tcoopman |
1781 |
1553 |
next-plugins |
Official Next.js plugins |
zeit |
2073 |
1554 |
compost |
A collection of web component mixins |
lamplightdev |
16 |
1555 |
better-phpunit |
A better PHPUnit test runner for VS Code |
calebporzio |
112 |
1556 |
graphqurl |
curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client. |
hasura |
2140 |
1557 |
http2-wrapper |
Use HTTP2 the same way like HTTP1 |
szmarczak |
158 |
1558 |
run-electron |
Run Electron without all the junk terminal output |
sindresorhus |
180 |
1559 |
pify |
Promisify a callback-style function |
sindresorhus |
1274 |
1560 |
geo-maps |
๐บ High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated. |
simonepri |
1026 |
1561 |
typo |
Package to help in popular typo: browserlist instead of browserslist |
browserslist |
11 |
1562 |
openschufa |
OpenSCHUFA is a web app for data donation in a project on credit scoring in Germany. |
algorithmwatch |
40 |
1563 |
vscode-lintlens |
Augment your ESLint rules in Visual Studio Code - Adds metadata beside each ESLint rule. |
ghmcadams |
22 |
1564 |
dumper.js |
A better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications |
ziishaned |
2753 |
1565 |
readability |
A standalone version of the readability lib |
mozilla |
3026 |
1566 |
egg |
๐ฅ Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa |
eggjs |
15182 |
1567 |
styled |
The styled-components preact-cli template. |
SaraVieira |
15 |
1568 |
styled-icons |
Popular icon packs like Font Awesome, Material Design, and Octicons, available as React Styled Components |
jacobwgillespie |
1224 |
1569 |
react-sortable-hoc |
A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable listโ๏ธ |
clauderic |
7976 |
1570 |
virtualized-list |
A tiny, Vanilla JS, virtualization library |
clauderic |
69 |
1571 |
apexcharts.js |
๐ Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG |
apexcharts |
8585 |
1572 |
socialmanagertools-twbot |
๐ค ๐ฅ Twitter Bot made with love and nodejs |
social-manager-tools |
43 |
1573 |
socialmanagertools-igbot |
๐ค ๐ท Instagram Bot made with love and nodejs |
social-manager-tools |
633 |
1574 |
npm-check-updates |
Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json or bower.json allows |
tjunnone |
5301 |
1575 |
ims |
Install My Stuff - an opinionated npm module installer |
mafintosh |
188 |
1576 |
react-window |
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data |
bvaughn |
7655 |
1577 |
thanks |
๐ Give thanks to the open source maintainers you depend on! โจ |
feross |
2690 |
1578 |
react-spring |
โ๏ธ A spring physics based React animation library |
react-spring |
16556 |
1579 |
rollup-plugin-loadz0r |
An ill-named rollup plugin that makes code splitting โjust workโ, even with workers. |
surma |
101 |
1580 |
Splitting |
JavaScript microlibrary to split an element by words, characters, children and more, populated with CSS variables! |
shshaw |
952 |
1581 |
beedle |
A tiny library inspired by Redux & Vuex to help you manage state in your JavaScript apps |
hankchizljaw |
264 |
1582 |
react-todo |
A simple React ToDo app created as a comparison piece for a React vs Vue article I posted at https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english |
sunil-sandhu |
183 |
1583 |
contained.af |
A stupid game for learning about containers, capabilities, and syscalls. |
genuinetools |
666 |
1584 |
apple-music-js |
A music streaming service built from the ground up using React & Redux |
tvillarete |
1614 |
1585 |
svgurt |
Image -> SVG Vectorizing Tool - Live at: |
Anemy |
109 |
1586 |
downshift |
๐ Primitive to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input React components |
downshift-js |
8131 |
1587 |
styleurl-extension |
Share & export CSS tweaks from Chrome instantly. |
Jarred-Sumner |
167 |
1588 |
chalk |
๐ Terminal string styling done right |
chalk |
14232 |
1589 |
vanilla-js-state-management |
A state management system built with vanilla JavaScript with a little demo included |
hankchizljaw |
247 |
1590 |
ffmpeg.js |
Port of FFmpeg with Emscripten |
Kagami |
1290 |
1591 |
ffmpeg-concat |
Concats a list of videos together using ffmpeg with sexy OpenGL transitions. |
transitive-bullshit |
252 |
1592 |
puppeteer-render-text |
Robust text renderer using headless chrome. |
transitive-bullshit |
35 |
1593 |
react-particle-effect-button |
Bursting particle effect buttons for React ๐ |
transitive-bullshit |
1324 |
1594 |
beaker |
An experimental peer-to-peer Web browser |
beakerbrowser |
5234 |
1595 |
taskbook |
Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat |
klaussinani |
7516 |
1596 |
trends |
ultra high performance github trending application |
hanford |
425 |
1597 |
upash |
๐Unified API for password hashing algorithms |
simonepri |
466 |
1598 |
upash-cli |
๐ Hash password directly from your terminal |
simonepri |
17 |
1599 |
json5 |
JSON5 โ JSON for humans |
json5 |
3650 |
1600 |
zoe |
๐ Zero-config ESLint toolchain with sensible defaults. |
jorgegonzalez |
106 |
1601 |
terminalizer |
๐ฆ Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player |
faressoft |
9153 |
1602 |
vue-auth |
Jwt Auth library for Vue.js. |
websanova |
1978 |
1603 |
hold-up |
โ Wait until a given condition is true |
rafaelrinaldi |
21 |
1604 |
nova-docs |
laravel |
258 |
1605 |
localForage |
๐พ Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API. |
localForage |
16873 |
1606 |
github-dashboard |
[Web extension] Filter events on github.com activity dashboard. |
muan |
419 |
1607 |
mousetrap |
Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript |
ccampbell |
10044 |
1608 |
enable-npm-2fa |
A script for enabling 2FA on all of your npm packages |
jamiebuilds |
56 |
1609 |
avoriaz |
๐ฌ a Vue.js testing utility library |
eddyerburgh |
776 |
1610 |
vue-i18n |
๐ Internationalization plugin for Vue.js |
kazupon |
5379 |
1611 |
evergreen |
๐ฒ Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment |
segmentio |
9304 |
1612 |
unswitch |
๐น A tiny event handler for Switch controllers! |
vaneenige |
577 |
1613 |
ok-mdx |
Browser-based MDX editor |
jxnblk |
655 |
1614 |
ndb |
ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools |
GoogleChromeLabs |
9933 |
1615 |
rich-markdown-editor |
The open source React and Slate based markdown editor that powers Outline wiki. Want to try it out? Create a free account: |
outline |
681 |
1616 |
nanoid-good |
Obscene words filter for nanoid |
y-gagar1n |
35 |
1617 |
rawgit |
Served files from raw.githubusercontent.com, but with the correct content types. No longer actively developed. |
rgrove |
2297 |
1618 |
cypress |
Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. |
cypress-io |
19366 |
1619 |
mdx-deck |
โ ๏ธ React MDX-based presentation decks |
jxnblk |
8992 |
1620 |
np |
A better npm publish |
sindresorhus |
5100 |
1621 |
wayfarer |
๐ composable trie based router |
choojs |
317 |
1622 |
nanohtml |
๐ HTML template strings for the Browser with support for Server Side Rendering in Node. |
choojs |
610 |
1623 |
sheet-router |
fast, modular client-side router |
yoshuawuyts |
214 |
1624 |
yo-yo |
A tiny library for building modular UI components using DOM diffing and ES6 tagged template literals |
maxogden |
1300 |
1625 |
gitmoji |
An emoji guide for your commit messages. ๐ |
carloscuesta |
7056 |
1626 |
Keyframes |
A library for converting Adobe AE shape based animations to a data format and playing it back on Android and iOS devices. |
facebookarchive |
5367 |
1627 |
express-es6-rest-api |
๐ Starter project for an ES6 RESTful Express API. |
developit |
2303 |
1628 |
lambdoku |
Heroku-like experience when using AWS Lambda |
kubek2k |
577 |
1629 |
lazyframe |
๐๐ฝ Dependency-free library for lazyloading iframes |
vb |
205 |
1630 |
serve |
Static file serving and directory listing |
zeit |
5569 |
1631 |
30daysofHelloWorld |
Nov 2016, 30 days of 30 hello worlds using new (to me) technology |
hagata |
120 |
1632 |
axios |
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js |
axios |
71563 |
1633 |
loadjs |
A tiny async loader / dependency manager for modern browsers (899 bytes) |
muicss |
2350 |
1634 |
OctoLinker |
OctoLinker โ Links together, what belongs together |
OctoLinker |
4288 |
1635 |
bankai |
๐ - friendly web compiler |
choojs |
1047 |
1636 |
dom-css |
fast dom CSS styling |
mattdesl |
148 |
1637 |
oui |
Objects go in, UI comes out |
wearekuva |
212 |
1638 |
png2svg |
Command line tool for compressing a png into an svg |
arenanet |
66 |
1639 |
shields |
Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format |
badges |
10542 |
1640 |
graphql-engine |
Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on Postgres with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events. |
hasura |
15858 |
1641 |
codesandbox-client |
An online IDE for rapid web development |
codesandbox |
9219 |
1642 |
coolhue |
Coolest Gradient Hues and Swatches |
webkul |
3081 |
1643 |
font-playground |
A fun place to play with variable fonts. |
wentin |
111 |
1644 |
v8n |
โ๏ธ JavaScript fluent validation library |
imbrn |
3757 |
1645 |
term-sheets |
Create animated terminal presentations. Export as SVG, animated GIF, or HTML+CSS |
neatsoftware |
232 |
1646 |
gogdb |
Website that collects data on GOG games |
Yepoleb |
63 |
1647 |
Mirror |
A blogging tool powered by GitHub API. Write your blog on GitHub issue. |
LoeiFy |
559 |
1648 |
tobi |
An accessible, open-source lightbox with no dependencies. |
rqrauhvmra |
195 |
1649 |
asciiflow2 |
ASCIIFlow Infinity |
lewish |
1085 |
1650 |
filepond |
๐ A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library |
pqina |
8884 |
1651 |
Synergy |
Synergy is a framework for building modular, configurable and scalable UI components for React-DOM projects |
One-Nexus |
145 |
1652 |
LimeSurvey |
The most popular FOSS online survey tool on the web. |
LimeSurvey |
1447 |
1653 |
github-pages-aws-lambda-publish |
Automatically re-publish github pages with AWS lambda |
evert |
4 |
1654 |
lighthouse-thresholds |
A utility to to run Google Lighthouse against score budgets |
luke-j |
70 |
1655 |
guppy |
๐ A friendly application manager and task runner for React.js |
joshwcomeau |
3056 |
1656 |
jscost.org |
JSCost.org - a JavaScript cost visualizer ๐ธ |
GoogleChromeLabs |
99 |
1657 |
browser-es-module-loader |
ES Module Loader browser loading example |
ModuleLoader |
80 |
1658 |
react-breakpoints |
A React component that sends current breakpoint via context based on viewport width, allowing you to load different components in different breakpoints. |
ehellman |
78 |
1659 |
eleventy |
A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. |
11ty |
4918 |
1660 |
weatherapp-boilerplate |
A Preact.js boilerplate for developing a weather app. |
nenee |
7 |
1661 |
benny-hill |
Play the Benny Hill theme while running another command |
mafintosh |
226 |
1662 |
re-carousel |
Minimal carousel component for React. |
amio |
189 |
1663 |
react-tree-walker |
Walk a React (or Preact) element tree, executing a "visitor" function against each element. |
ctrlplusb |
303 |
1664 |
strapi-examples |
๐ List of examples using Strapi |
strapi |
755 |
1665 |
funnies |
๐ Make users laugh when your app loads. |
1egoman |
145 |
1666 |
httparchive.org |
The HTTP Archive website hosted on App Engine |
HTTPArchive |
173 |
1667 |
kleur |
The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~! |
lukeed |
839 |
1668 |
bitmidi.com |
๐น Listen to free MIDI songs, download the best MIDI files, and share the best MIDIs on the web |
feross |
355 |
1669 |
css-doodle |
๐จ A web component for drawing patterns with CSS. |
css-doodle |
2773 |
1670 |
carbon-now-cli |
๐จ Beautiful images of your code โ from right inside your terminal. |
mixn |
4505 |
1671 |
svelte |
Cybernetically enhanced web apps |
sveltejs |
32336 |
1672 |
video.js |
Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player |
videojs |
27802 |
1673 |
script-progress |
Estimate script execution time |
alexkuz |
177 |
1674 |
typpy |
โ๏ธ A better typeof for JavaScript. |
IonicaBizau |
45 |
1675 |
singlie |
Singly circular & linear linked lists for ES6 |
klaussinani |
188 |
1676 |
lepto |
Automated image Editing, Optimization and Analysis via CLI and a web interface |
leptojs |
483 |
1677 |
vue-native-core |
Vue Native is a framework to build cross platform native mobile apps using JavaScript |
GeekyAnts |
7038 |
1678 |
jeelizWeboji |
JavaScript/WebGL real-time face tracking and expression detection library. Build your own emoticons animated in real time in the browser! SVG and THREE.js integration demos are provided. |
jeeliz |
672 |
1679 |
yett |
๐A small webpage library to control the execution of (third party) scripts |
snipsco |
513 |
1680 |
logicemu |
lvandeve |
82 |
1681 |
DropIt |
DropIt is a File Uploader built with nodejs, Upload, get a link, and share your files with anyone easily. |
ThalKod |
360 |
1682 |
vivid |
a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze. |
webkul |
1722 |
1683 |
pickr |
๐จ Flat, simple, multi-themed, responsive and hackable Color-Picker library. No dependencies, no jQuery. Compatible with all CSS Frameworks e.g. Bootstrap, Materialize. Supports alpha channel, rgba, hsla, hsva and more! |
Simonwep |
2828 |
1684 |
motus |
Animation library that mimics CSS keyframes when scrolling. |
alexcambose |
405 |
1685 |
jsconfeu-generative-visuals |
Code for the generative projection mapped animations during JSConf EU 2018 in Berlin. |
mattdesl |
336 |
1686 |
A powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps |
kitze |
4078 |
1687 |
Lang.js |
๐ญ Laravel Translator class in JavaScript! |
rmariuzzo |
209 |
1688 |
release-drafter |
Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master. |
release-drafter |
1040 |
1689 |
gatsby |
Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React |
gatsbyjs |
43357 |
1690 |
libmoji |
๐ Bitmoji's API made easy for everyone |
matthewnau |
155 |
1691 |
Liike |
Tiny JS tweening library. |
LiikeJS |
175 |
1692 |
pretty-ms |
Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 1337000000 โ 15d 11h 23m 20s |
sindresorhus |
512 |
1693 |
parse-ms |
Parse milliseconds into an object |
sindresorhus |
68 |
1694 |
to-milliseconds |
Convert an object of time properties to milliseconds: {seconds: 2} โ 2000 |
sindresorhus |
134 |
1695 |
vue-wait |
Complex Loader and Progress Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt Applications |
f |
1641 |
1696 |
rogue.js |
The "nearly invisible" way to server-render React applications |
alidlo |
1957 |
1697 |
nano-nanoid-cc |
Nano ID Collision Calculator |
alex7kom |
20 |
1698 |
lighthousebot |
Run Lighthouse in CI, as a web service, using Docker. Pass/Fail GH pull requests. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
2211 |
1699 |
webpack-dev-server |
Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes. Documentation https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/. |
webpack |
6137 |
1700 |
stylelint-config-wordpress |
WordPress CSS & SCSS Coding Standards shareable config for stylelint |
WordPress-Coding-Standards |
86 |
1701 |
hocs |
๐ฑ Higher-Order Components for React |
deepsweet |
1785 |
1702 |
preact-component-console |
A console emulator for preact. |
haensl |
28 |
1703 |
YouTube-Music-Desktop |
unofficial YouTube Music desktop client |
Ahriana |
15 |
1704 |
hiper |
๐ A statistical analysis tool for performance testing |
pod4g |
2541 |
1705 |
buddy-cli |
CLI tool for Buddy Cloud |
buddy-works |
69 |
1706 |
maid |
Markdown driven task runner. |
egoist |
1965 |
1707 |
cxs |
fast af css-in-js in 0.7kb |
cxs-css |
1053 |
1708 |
babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx |
babel plugin for vue 2.0 jsx |
vuejs |
1610 |
1709 |
pwa-starter-kit |
Starter templates for building full-featured Progressive Web Apps from web components. |
Polymer |
2364 |
1710 |
rust-wasm-loader |
Webpack loader for Rust |
ianjsikes |
71 |
1711 |
monaco-editor |
A browser based code editor |
microsoft |
19535 |
1712 |
fortnite_challenges |
Personal Project for tracking Fortnite Challenges |
taylorrohrich |
18 |
1713 |
serviceworker-cookbook |
It's online. It's offline. It's a Service Worker! |
mozilla |
2044 |
1714 |
saber |
()==[:::::::::::::> Build static sites in Vue.js, without the hassle |
saberland |
1861 |
1715 |
nanoJS |
Minimal standalone JS library for DOM manipulation |
vladocar |
623 |
1716 |
dropbar |
jxnblk |
90 |
1717 |
livecode-svganimation |
In my Smashing Toronto talk, I'll be live coding an SVG animation from start to finish. Here's the repo that houses the base materials, and any further references for things we don't have time to cover. |
sdras |
84 |
1718 |
css-vars-ponyfill |
Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers |
jhildenbiddle |
837 |
1719 |
vue-toasted |
๐ Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+ |
shakee93 |
1609 |
1720 |
toastr |
Simple javascript toast notifications |
CodeSeven |
10117 |
1721 |
webfontloader |
Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face. |
typekit |
8113 |
1722 |
vue-loader |
๐ฆ Webpack loader for Vue.js components |
vuejs |
4283 |
1723 |
reaumur |
Conversion between units of temperature |
pbakondy |
1 |
1724 |
tabletop |
Tabletop.js gives spreadsheets legs |
jsoma |
3491 |
1725 |
rollup-starter-app |
Bare-bones example of how to create an application using Rollup |
rollup |
230 |
1726 |
doctor |
quick and easy documentation of Vue.js components - DEPRECATED |
propellant |
226 |
1727 |
vscode-lit-html |
Adds syntax highlighting for html inside of JavaScript and TypeScript tagged template strings |
mjbvz |
227 |
1728 |
react-beautiful-dnd |
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React |
atlassian |
18775 |
1729 |
ansi-html |
An elegant lib that converts the chalked text to HTML. |
Tjatse |
83 |
1730 |
droplr-clone |
WIP ๐ง Use firebase storage cloud and database for image storing app |
lydiahallie |
11 |
1731 |
fetch |
A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill. |
github |
23413 |
1732 |
so-pwa |
A progressive web app to read Stack Overflow content. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
199 |
1733 |
class-names |
Conditionally join CSS class names together - Especially useful with React |
sindresorhus |
278 |
1734 |
accesslint.js |
Keep accessibility errors in check. |
AccessLint |
405 |
1735 |
gpu.js |
GPU Accelerated JavaScript |
gpujs |
9916 |
1736 |
a11y |
Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta) |
addyosmani |
1631 |
1737 |
microenvi |
Bundle, serve, and hot reload with one command |
fwilkerson |
108 |
1738 |
mavo-snippets |
An extension for Visual Studio Code with snippets for Mavo. |
lgkonline |
9 |
1739 |
Vynchronize |
Watch videos with friends online with the new real time video synchronization platform |
kyle8998 |
909 |
1740 |
wait-for-localhost-cli |
Wait for localhost to be ready from the command-line |
sindresorhus |
97 |
1741 |
pocket.io |
A minimalistic version of socket.io that weights about 1K instead of 60K. |
WebReflection |
96 |
1742 |
html-template-es-modules |
A simple proof-of-concept for importing HTML Templates into ES Modules |
trentmwillis |
37 |
1743 |
typed-objects |
๐ป [typed-objects] ๐ป - polyfill of ES7 typed objects for node.js |
haoxins |
36 |
1744 |
pollyjs |
Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions. |
Netflix |
8405 |
1745 |
threejs-app |
Some opinionated structure for a complex/scalable ThreeJS app |
mattdesl |
390 |
1746 |
gatsby-style-guide-guide |
A boilerplate for creating your own custom style guide |
bradfrost |
463 |
1747 |
rosin |
A tiny single-finger tap and swipe library. |
estrattonbailey |
21 |
1748 |
quakejs |
inolen |
878 |
1749 |
webgl-rts |
A prototype of an RTS game in WebGL. |
rosshadden |
6 |
1750 |
font-style-matcher |
โก๏ธ๐จ Matches the x-heights and widths of two fonts |
notwaldorf |
381 |
1751 |
chroma.js |
JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations |
gka |
6930 |
1752 |
meleelight |
Melee Light Platform Fighter |
schmooblidon |
347 |
1753 |
elementor |
The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. Create high-end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design. |
elementor |
3010 |
1754 |
ejs |
a koa view render middleware, support all feature of ejs |
koajs |
216 |
1755 |
koa-router |
Router middleware for koa. |
ZijianHe |
4530 |
1756 |
xmysql |
๐ One command to generate REST APIs for any MySql Database. |
o1lab |
4030 |
1757 |
signale |
Highly configurable logging utility |
klaussinani |
8065 |
1758 |
hypergit |
Manage and clone peer-to-peer git repositories. |
noffle |
172 |
1759 |
github-guesser |
A Starry Game |
david-szabo97 |
43 |
1760 |
prettier-plugin-csharp |
Prettier C# Plugin |
warrenseine |
197 |
1761 |
easy-toggle-state |
A tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element in any contexts. |
Twikito |
248 |
1762 |
postcss-easing-gradients |
PostCSS plugin to create smooth linear-gradients that approximate easing functions. |
larsenwork |
616 |
1763 |
first-input-delay |
A JavaScript library for measuring First Input Delay (FID) in the browser. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
313 |
1764 |
react-ape |
๐ฆโข [Work in Progress] React Renderer to build UI interfaces using canvas/WebGL |
raphamorim |
1115 |
1765 |
stylelint-a11y |
Plugin for stylelint with a11y rules |
YozhikM |
362 |
1766 |
auth-module |
๐ Zero-boilerplate authentication support for Nuxt |
nuxt-community |
972 |
1767 |
iban.js |
IBAN & BBAN validation, formatting and conversion in Javascript |
arhs |
427 |
1768 |
js-resources |
๐ง [UNMAINTAINED] Find the right JavaScript resources |
lydiahallie |
9 |
1769 |
strapi |
๐ Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs |
strapi |
23249 |
1770 |
yt-player |
Simple, robust, blazing-fast YouTube Player API |
feross |
521 |
1771 |
slides--why-design-systems-fail |
una |
8 |
1772 |
dvlp |
๐ฅ A no-nonsense dev server toolkit to help you develop quickly and easily for the web |
popeindustries |
105 |
1773 |
css-typed-om |
Use CSS Typed Object Model in the browser |
csstools |
58 |
1774 |
workbox |
๐ฆ Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps |
GoogleChrome |
9015 |
1775 |
script-loader |
[deprecated] Script Loader |
webpack-contrib |
325 |
1776 |
devdocs-desktop |
๐ A full-featured desktop app for DevDocs.io. |
egoist |
2434 |
1777 |
html-critical-webpack-plugin |
A webpack plugin that will extract critical CSS. Now supports Webpack v4. |
anthonygore |
331 |
1778 |
penthouse |
Generate critical css for your web pages |
pocketjoso |
2205 |
1779 |
critters |
๐ฆ A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
2342 |
1780 |
prerender-loader |
๐ฐ Painless universal pre-rendering for Webpack. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
1828 |
1781 |
inert |
Polyfill for the inert attribute and property. |
518 |
1782 |
handsontable |
JavaScript/HTML5 Data Grid Component with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Available for React, Vue and Angular. |
handsontable |
13394 |
1783 |
engine |
Fast and lightweight WebGL game engine |
playcanvas |
5221 |
1784 |
hackathon-starter |
A boilerplate for Node.js web applications |
sahat |
29817 |
1785 |
brusher |
Create beautiful webpage backgrounds |
kamranahmedse |
662 |
1786 |
tabler-vue |
Vue.js components and demo for the Tabler UI theme. |
tabler |
156 |
1787 |
Magnific-Popup |
Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance. |
dimsemenov |
10963 |
1788 |
dialog-polyfill |
Polyfill for the HTML dialog element |
GoogleChrome |
1923 |
1789 |
rebound-js |
Spring dynamics in JavaScript. |
facebook |
1718 |
1790 |
regenerator |
Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today. |
facebook |
3196 |
1791 |
immutable-js |
Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. |
immutable-js |
29453 |
1792 |
prefetch-polyfill-webpack-plugin |
Prefetch polyfill plugin for webpack async chunks to imporve load time (on safari) |
jin5354 |
43 |
1793 |
feature-queries-manager |
๐ Toggle CSS styles within @supports blocks |
ireade |
262 |
1794 |
emotion |
๐ฉโ๐ค CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition |
emotion-js |
10437 |
1795 |
parcel-hmr-vanillas-js |
Vanilla JS example for Parcel Vanillas JS |
wesbos |
8 |
1796 |
vue-googlemaps |
Integrate Google Maps in your Vue application |
Akryum |
495 |
1797 |
getbem.com |
Get BEM to all people in simplest way |
getbem |
4324 |
1798 |
minipack |
๐ฆ A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript |
ronami |
2052 |
1799 |
spoof |
Easily spoof your MAC address in macOS, Windows, & Linux! |
feross |
1344 |
1800 |
quill |
Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility. |
quilljs |
25997 |
1801 |
awesome-talks |
Awesome Talks Curated By the Community |
SaraVieira |
765 |
1802 |
javascript-algorithms |
๐ Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings |
trekhleb |
66281 |
1803 |
You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore |
List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin |
you-dont-need |
10928 |
1804 |
crontab-ui |
Easy and safe way to manage your crontab file |
alseambusher |
1095 |
1805 |
x0 |
Document & develop React components without breaking a sweat |
c8r |
1675 |
1806 |
fast-copy |
A blazing fast deep object copier |
planttheidea |
918 |
1807 |
app |
The WIP GitHub App |
wip |
533 |
1808 |
microstates.js |
Composable State Primitives for JavaScript |
microstates |
1314 |
1809 |
unavatar |
Get unified user avatar. |
Kikobeats |
186 |
1810 |
Fuse |
Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript |
krisk |
10141 |
1811 |
powerwalker |
๐Walk directories recursively. |
terkelg |
27 |
1812 |
css-paint-polyfill |
CSS Custom Paint / Paint Worklet polyfill with special browser optimizations. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
508 |
1813 |
preact-worker-demo |
Demo of preact rendering an entire app in a Web Worker. |
developit |
195 |
1814 |
size-limit |
Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit. |
ai |
3330 |
1815 |
blockchain-in-js |
Build your own blockchain! |
nambrot |
326 |
1816 |
preact-ssr |
A Server-side Rendered Preact app. |
yomete |
41 |
1817 |
webrtc-web |
Realtime communication with WebRTC |
googlecodelabs |
412 |
1818 |
performance-analytics |
Measuring Critical Performance Metrics with Google Analytics |
googlecodelabs |
32 |
1819 |
react-native-dom |
An experimental, comprehensive port of React Native to the web. |
vincentriemer |
3202 |
1820 |
kit |
Tools for developing, documenting, and testing React component libraries |
c8r |
1195 |
1821 |
workerize-loader |
๐๏ธ Automatically move a module into a Web Worker (Webpack loader) |
developit |
1608 |
1822 |
workerize |
๐๏ธ Run a module in a Web Worker. |
developit |
3723 |
1823 |
greenlet |
๐ฆ Move an async function into its own thread. |
developit |
4309 |
1824 |
stockroom |
๐ Offload your store management to a worker easily. |
developit |
1669 |
1825 |
mitt |
๐ฅ Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub. |
developit |
4024 |
1826 |
microbundle |
๐ฆ Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules. |
developit |
4503 |
1827 |
preact-www |
๐ Preact documentation website. |
preactjs |
243 |
1828 |
sirv |
An optimized middleware & CLI application for serving static files~! |
lukeed |
327 |
1829 |
warriorjs |
๐ฐ An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence |
olistic |
8481 |
1830 |
tiny-glob |
Super tiny and ~350% faster alternative to node-glob |
terkelg |
646 |
1831 |
dayjs |
โฐ Day.js 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API |
iamkun |
26591 |
1832 |
slugify |
Slugify a string |
sindresorhus |
1723 |
1833 |
picojs |
A face detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript |
tehnokv |
5455 |
1834 |
mjml |
MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy |
mjmlio |
10283 |
1835 |
plyr |
A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player |
sampotts |
16538 |
1836 |
openpgpjs |
OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript |
openpgpjs |
4296 |
1837 |
fastify |
Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js |
fastify |
14042 |
1838 |
remote-browser |
A low-level browser automation framework built on top of the Web Extensions API standard. |
intoli |
1389 |
1839 |
vuepress |
๐ Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator |
vuejs |
15973 |
1840 |
length.js |
๐ JavaScript library for length units conversion. |
appalaszynski |
291 |
1841 |
dragon-drop |
Accessible drag and drop list reorder module |
schne324 |
367 |
1842 |
axe-core |
Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing |
dequelabs |
2909 |
1843 |
mailgrab |
Simple and easy to use catch-all SMTP mail server and debugging tool |
PeeHaa |
86 |
1844 |
lossless-cut |
The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing |
mifi |
3565 |
1845 |
github-contributions-chart |
Generate an image of all your Github contributions |
sallar |
3272 |
1846 |
ga-lite |
Small, cacheable and open version of Google Analytics JS client |
jehna |
456 |
1847 |
fixed-data-table-2 |
A React table component designed to allow presenting millions of rows of data. |
schrodinger |
1017 |
1848 |
ReLaXed |
Create PDF documents using web technologies |
RelaxedJS |
11283 |
1849 |
mdx |
JSX in Markdown for ambitious projects |
mdx-js |
8533 |
1850 |
tui.calendar |
A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need. |
nhn |
8089 |
1851 |
laravel-mix-purgecss |
Zero-config Purgecss for Laravel Mix |
spatie |
678 |
1852 |
feed-module |
Everyone deserves RSS, ATOM and JSON feeds! |
nuxt-community |
108 |
1853 |
glide |
A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. Itโs lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more |
glidejs |
5270 |
1854 |
whatsapp-web-reveng |
Reverse engineering WhatsApp Web. |
sigalor |
4323 |
1855 |
FroshMaintenance |
FriendsOfShopware |
8 |
1856 |
mern-starter |
โ๏ธ DEPRECATED - Boilerplate for getting started with MERN stack |
Hashnode |
5202 |
1857 |
spectrum |
Simple, powerful online communities. |
withspectrum |
8591 |
1858 |
prose |
A Content Editor for GitHub. |
prose |
4313 |
1859 |
electron-packager |
Customize and package your Electron app with OS-specific bundles (.app, .exe, etc.) via JS or CLI |
electron |
6992 |
1860 |
text2mindmap |
Online tool for making mindmaps by writing indented lists |
tobloef |
908 |
1861 |
consola |
๐จ Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser |
nuxt |
2764 |
1862 |
license-generator |
Generates a license for your open source project. |
arshad |
84 |
1863 |
travis-buddy |
๐ Seamless integration between TravisCI and GitHub |
bluzi |
257 |
1864 |
aaronson-oracle |
Press the 'f' and 'd' keys randomly. It's easy. Just use your "free will." |
elsehow |
475 |
1865 |
imaging-heap |
A command line tool to measure the efficiency of your responsive image markup across viewport sizes and device pixel ratios. |
filamentgroup |
391 |
1866 |
postcss |
Transforming styles with JS plugins |
postcss |
22407 |
1867 |
stylus |
Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs |
stylus |
10336 |
1868 |
svg-term-cli |
Share terminal sessions via SVG and CSS |
marionebl |
1794 |
1869 |
array-explorer-cli |
โก A CLI package to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time |
ooade |
47 |
1870 |
sympact |
๐ฅ Simple stupid CPU/MEM "Profiler" for your JS code. |
simonepri |
437 |
1871 |
lag-radar |
Trace frame rate lag with a sexy performance radar |
mobz |
766 |
1872 |
gun |
A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph protocol to sync the web. |
amark |
11514 |
1873 |
server |
๐ A Github bot to keep repository forks up to date with their upstream. |
backstrokeapp |
659 |
1874 |
fkill-cli |
Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform. |
sindresorhus |
6058 |
1875 |
webpackbar |
Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack 3 and 4 |
nuxt |
1530 |
1876 |
parrot.live |
๐ฆ Bringing animated parrots to terminals everywhere |
hugomd |
2245 |
1877 |
tower_game |
๐็ๆฅผๆธธๆ html5 canvas tower building game ๐ข๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ฏ๐ฐ |
iamkun |
932 |
1878 |
PiPTool |
Add the Picture-in-Picture Functionality to YouTube, Netflix, Plex and other video broadcasting services in macOS Sierra |
bfmatei |
342 |
1879 |
electron-updater-example |
A complete example showing how to use electron-updater |
iffy |
348 |
1880 |
vue-content-loader |
SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading. |
egoist |
2196 |
1881 |
speedo-cli |
โ๏ธ Internet speed report in your terminal! |
xxczaki |
53 |
1882 |
local-cors-proxy |
Simple proxy to bypass CORS issues. |
garmeeh |
54 |
1883 |
date-fns |
โณ Modern JavaScript date utility library โ๏ธ |
date-fns |
21881 |
1884 |
gestalt |
A set of React UI components that supports Pinterestโs design language |
pinterest |
3456 |
1885 |
cubic-bezier |
Playground for CSS bezier-based timing functions |
LeaVerou |
130 |
1886 |
php-writer |
Update PHP scripts from their AST |
glayzzle |
25 |
1887 |
umd |
UMD (Universal Module Definition) patterns for JavaScript modules that work everywhere. |
umdjs |
6401 |
1888 |
scrollbooster |
Enjoyable content drag-to-scroll library |
ilyashubin |
652 |
1889 |
auto-py-to-exe |
Converts .py to .exe using a simple graphical interface |
brentvollebregt |
884 |
1890 |
bootstrap-vue |
BootstrapVue, with over 45 plugins, more than 85 custom components and over 500 icons, provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap v4 components and grid system for Vue.js. With extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup. |
bootstrap-vue |
11193 |
1891 |
create-dmg |
Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds |
sindresorhus |
3029 |
1892 |
shrinktome |
๐Shrink facebook by 5% every 10th second. You're welcome! |
terkelg |
15 |
1893 |
driver.js |
A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user's focus across the page |
kamranahmedse |
11082 |
1894 |
turbo-ws |
๐จ Blazing fast low-level WebSocket server |
hugmanrique |
658 |
1895 |
node_tradfri_ifttt |
Backend to control Ikea TRADFRI from IFTTT |
valenting |
111 |
1896 |
workly |
A really simple way to move a function or class to a web worker. ๐๏ธโโ๏ธโ ๐ |
pshihn |
1726 |
1897 |
wunderbar |
Simple horizontal bar chart printer for your terminal |
gribnoysup |
562 |
1898 |
jest-puppeteer |
Run your tests using Jest & Puppeteer ๐ชโจ |
smooth-code |
2631 |
1899 |
FreeTube |
An Open Source YouTube app for privacy |
FreeTubeApp |
1180 |
1900 |
Front-End-Wizard |
A comprehensive collection of front end tutorials and resources for developers |
kieranmv95 |
1606 |
1901 |
basicScroll |
Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables. |
electerious |
3279 |
1902 |
seo |
SEO utilities including a unique field type, sitemap & redirect manager |
ethercreative |
196 |
1903 |
Pilothouse |
A command line app for managing a LEMP local development environment based on Docker. |
Pilothouse-App |
98 |
1904 |
underconstruction |
This Laravel 6 package makes it possible for you to set your website in "Under Construction" mode. Only users with the correct 4 digit code can access your site. ๐ฅ ๐ฅ ๐ฅ |
larsjanssen6 |
510 |
1905 |
open-pip-cli |
๐บ CLI for https://github.com/albinekb/open-pip - Open a movie url or path in macOS picture-in-picture |
albinekb |
164 |
1906 |
dom-to-image |
Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas |
tsayen |
5887 |
1907 |
pressure |
๐๐ฅ JavaScript library for handling Force Touch, 3D Touch, and Pointer Pressure. |
stuyam |
2623 |
1908 |
responsive-components |
A modern approach to styling elements based on the size of their container |
philipwalton |
499 |
1909 |
turbo-http |
Blazing fast low level http server |
mafintosh |
968 |
1910 |
cockpit |
There's code a goin' on |
cockpit-project |
4779 |
1911 |
prism-pretty |
A Chrome Extension to format/highlight/preview HTML/JS/CSS/Markdown code with Prism.js |
L3au |
87 |
1912 |
jump.js |
A modern smooth scrolling library. |
callmecavs |
3361 |
1913 |
react-snap |
๐ป Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs |
stereobooster |
3424 |
1914 |
headless-chrome-crawler |
Distributed crawler powered by Headless Chrome |
yujiosaka |
4519 |
1915 |
sheetsee.js |
๐ ๐ Visualize Data from a Google Spreadsheet |
jlord |
2551 |
1916 |
prompts |
โฏ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts |
terkelg |
5701 |
1917 |
webpack-demos |
a collection of simple demos of Webpack |
ruanyf |
8873 |
1918 |
ethereumbook |
Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood |
ethereumbook |
6560 |
1919 |
easy-ease |
davidgilbertson |
63 |
1920 |
Crowd.lab |
Lightweight crowd simulation engine |
lo-th |
49 |
1921 |
cloudmapper |
CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. |
duo-labs |
3400 |
1922 |
seeThru |
HTML5 video with alpha channel transparencies |
m90 |
383 |
1923 |
dset |
A tiny (160B) utility for safely writing deep Object values~! |
lukeed |
585 |
1924 |
airtap |
Test your JavaScript in 800+ browsers. |
airtap |
1359 |
1925 |
vue-enterprise-boilerplate |
An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI. |
chrisvfritz |
5653 |
1926 |
swag-for-dev |
๐ swag opportunities for developers |
swapagarwal |
3609 |
1927 |
Rocket.Chat |
The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications. |
RocketChat |
26098 |
1928 |
jsonlint |
A JSON parser and validator with a CLI. |
zaach |
1559 |
1929 |
spritz.js |
๐ฝModern and delightful sprites animation library for JavaScript! |
maoosi |
19 |
1930 |
make-gis-great-again |
This web extension adds back "View Image" button to Google Image Search results. |
devunt |
778 |
1931 |
eliminate |
Delete files and directories without all the bullshit. |
terkelg |
50 |
1932 |
ProgressiveWordPress |
A Sample WordPress-based Progressive Web App |
GoogleChromeLabs |
568 |
1933 |
paperprograms |
Run Javascript on pieces of paper! |
janpaul123 |
410 |
1934 |
polacode |
๐ธ Polaroid for your code |
octref |
5657 |
1935 |
gantt |
Open Source Javascript Gantt |
frappe |
1616 |
1936 |
particles.js |
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles |
VincentGarreau |
21351 |
1937 |
front-end-interview-handbook |
๐ธ Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore |
yangshun |
23783 |
1938 |
self-destroying-sw |
Code-snippets and guides on removing ServiceWorker from a websiste. |
NekR |
170 |
1939 |
autobahn-js |
WAMP in JavaScript for Browsers and NodeJS |
crossbario |
1288 |
1940 |
chat-bubble |
Simple chatbot UI for the Web with JSON scripting ๐๐ค๐ค |
dmitrizzle |
308 |
1941 |
just-dashboard |
๐ ๐ Dashboards using YAML or JSON files |
kantord |
1425 |
1942 |
Inquirer.js |
A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. |
SBoudrias |
12228 |
1943 |
hygen |
The simple, fast, and scalable code generator that lives in your project. |
jondot |
2481 |
1944 |
OpenSC2K |
OpenSC2K - An Open Source remake of Sim City 2000 by Maxis |
nicholas-ochoa |
4608 |
1945 |
oji |
(โโฟโ) Text Emoticons Maker |
xxczaki |
643 |
1946 |
front-end-handbook-2018 |
2018 edition of our front-end development handbook |
FrontendMasters |
4174 |
1947 |
beyond-the-basics-of-image-optimization |
Smashing London 2018 |
una |
10 |
1948 |
slaeditor |
marcusasplund |
4 |
1949 |
unstated |
State so simple, it goes without saying |
jamiebuilds |
7320 |
1950 |
fetch-sync |
โ๏ธ Proxy fetch requests through the Background Sync API |
sdgluck |
123 |
1951 |
AlloyFinger |
Super tiny size multi-touch gestures library for the web. You can touch this โ |
AlloyTeam |
3014 |
1952 |
awesome-cheatsheets |
๐ฉโ๐ป๐จโ๐ป Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file. |
LeCoupa |
12037 |
1953 |
apollo-client-devtools |
๐ Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools |
apollographql |
1036 |
1954 |
kap |
An open-source screen recorder built with web technology |
wulkano |
11985 |
1955 |
gridtoflex.com |
Flexbox fallbacks for CSS Grid |
una |
83 |
1956 |
vue |
๐ Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. |
vuejs |
161038 |
1957 |
detangle |
google |
148 |
1958 |
autoEdit_2 |
Fast text based video editing, node Electron Os X desktop app, with Backbone front end. |
OpenNewsLabs |
302 |
1959 |
web-components-todo |
A simple todo list built with various Web Components technologies |
shprink |
339 |
1960 |
vue-devtools |
โ๏ธ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. |
vuejs |
16843 |
1961 |
sockette |
The cutest little WebSocket wrapper! ๐งฆ |
lukeed |
2099 |
1962 |
tlx |
TLX is a small (< 5K minimized and gzipped) multi-paradigm front-end library supporting: template literals in place of JSX; multi-root templates in HTML, JavaScript, or remote URL references; t-for, t-foreach, t-forvalues with iterable protocol support; t-if attribute directive; custom attribute directives; optional two-way data binding; automatic or manual creation of standards compliant custom elements and components; standards compliant event handlers; a default router; extended lifecycle callbacks; automatic HTML injection protection. |
anywhichway |
65 |
1963 |
untrace |
๐ณ Minimal event tracking on the client in 300 bytes. |
vaneenige |
27 |
1964 |
fine-uploader |
Multiple file upload plugin with image previews, drag and drop, progress bars. S3 and Azure support, image scaling, form support, chunking, resume, pause, and tons of other features. |
FineUploader |
8091 |
1965 |
homebridge |
HomeKit support for the impatient |
homebridge |
14017 |
1966 |
homebridge-weather |
OpenWeatherMap Plugin for Homebridge |
werthdavid |
66 |
1967 |
node-graphql-server |
Boilerplate code for scalable, production-ready GraphQL servers |
graphql-boilerplates |
717 |
1968 |
project-guidelines |
A set of best practices for JavaScript projects |
elsewhencode |
20361 |
1969 |
twas |
๐ฐ Tiny (280B) relative time string function (eg: "3 seconds ago") |
vutran |
186 |
1970 |
bolt |
โก๏ธ Super-powered JavaScript project management |
boltpkg |
1697 |
1971 |
jarvis |
A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard |
zouhir |
5272 |
1972 |
match-sorter |
Simple, expected, and deterministic best-match sorting of an array in JavaScript |
kentcdodds |
1741 |
1973 |
polka |
A micro web server so fast, it'll make you dance! ๐ฏ |
lukeed |
3821 |
1974 |
jspaint |
๐จ Classic MS Paint, ๏ผฒ๏ผฅ๏ผถ๏ผฉ๏ผถ๏ผฅ๏ผค + โจExtras |
1j01 |
4844 |
1975 |
stylelint |
A mighty, modern style linter |
stylelint |
7660 |
1976 |
refined-twitter |
Browser extension that simplifies the Twitter interface and adds useful features |
sindresorhus |
1230 |
1977 |
Chrome-Store-Foxified |
Point and click to install extensions into your browser from the AMO, Chrome Web Store, Microsoft Store, or Opera Addons websites. |
Noitidart |
235 |
1978 |
tui.editor |
๐๐ Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. |
nhn |
10599 |
1979 |
awesomplete |
Ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies. |
LeaVerou |
6653 |
1980 |
spacetime |
A lightweight javascript timezone library |
spencermountain |
2888 |
1981 |
gitbook |
๐ Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown |
GitbookIO |
22212 |
1982 |
browsh |
A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers |
browsh-org |
11729 |
1983 |
headless-devtools |
Lets you perform Chrome DevTools actions from code by leveraging Headless Chrome+Puppeteer |
cowchimp |
523 |
1984 |
vue-cli |
๐ ๏ธ Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development |
vuejs |
24872 |
1985 |
VectorScrolling |
Animate your GSAP TimelineMax animations as you scroll. With 0 dependencies and only 980 bytes Gzipped |
motionharvest |
26 |
1986 |
GTAVMenuVueHtml |
GTA V popup menu (HTML, CSS, Vue.js) |
romgerman |
43 |
1987 |
uppy |
The next open source file uploader for web browsers ๐ถ |
transloadit |
22399 |
1988 |
auto-like-my-gf-insta-pic |
Bot to automatically like your friend's Instagram post and notify you on Slack |
gulzar1996 |
708 |
1989 |
melonJS |
a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine |
melonjs |
2963 |
1990 |
netlify-cms |
A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators |
netlify |
11246 |
1991 |
boardgame.io |
Open Source Game Engine for Turn-Based Games |
nicolodavis |
7815 |
1992 |
forever |
A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever) |
foreversd |
12804 |
1993 |
docusaurus |
Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. |
facebook |
16111 |
1994 |
poi |
โกA zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications. |
egoist |
4926 |
1995 |
Checklist-Checklist |
๐ A Curated List of Checklists โ๏ธโ๏ธ |
huyingjie |
2177 |
1996 |
30-seconds-of-code |
Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs |
30-seconds |
55595 |
1997 |
electron-reloader |
Simple auto-reloading for Electron apps during development |
sindresorhus |
370 |
1998 |
Manta |
๐ Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates. |
hql287 |
4790 |
1999 |
parcel |
๐ฆ๐ Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler |
parcel-bundler |
35288 |
2000 |
gulp |
The streaming build system |
gulpjs |
31681 |
2001 |
object-explorer |
๐ฅ A resource to help figure out what JavaScript object method would be best to use at any given time |
sdras |
1302 |
2002 |
animateplus |
A+ animation module for the modern web |
bendc |
5431 |
2003 |
server |
server for localtunnel.me |
localtunnel |
1733 |
2004 |
merchant.js |
๐ฐ A Javascript framework for creating idle games |
Flaque |
536 |
2005 |
array-explorer |
โก๏ธ A resource to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time |
sdras |
2169 |
2006 |
imaskjs |
vanilla javascript input mask |
uNmAnNeR |
2170 |
2007 |
broken-link-checker |
Find broken links, missing images, etc within your HTML. |
stevenvachon |
916 |
2008 |
neutrino |
Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration. |
neutrinojs |
3484 |
2009 |
freeciv-web |
Freeciv-web is an Open Source strategy game implemented in HTML5 and WebGL, which can be played online against other players, or in single player mode against AI opponents. |
freeciv |
1291 |
2010 |
pliim |
One click and be ready to go up on stage and shine! |
zehfernandes |
569 |
2011 |
scrollama |
Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver. |
russellgoldenberg |
4514 |
2012 |
showdown |
A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript |
showdownjs |
10382 |
2013 |
awx |
AWX Project |
ansible |
7558 |
2014 |
CodeMirror |
In-browser code editor |
codemirror |
19908 |
2015 |
awesome-tiny-browser-libs |
A curated list of awesome tiny browser libraries. |
egoist |
24 |
2016 |
Boostnote |
A markdown editor for developers on Mac, Windows and Linux. |
BoostIO |
16790 |
2017 |
webpack |
A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff. |
webpack |
53669 |
2018 |
hyperform |
Capture form validation back from the browser |
hyperform |
705 |
2019 |
fractal |
A tool to help you build & document web component libraries, and then integrate them into your web projects. |
frctl |
1741 |
2020 |
comlink |
Comlink makes WebWorkers enjoyable. |
GoogleChromeLabs |
5933 |
2021 |
ava |
๐ JavaScript test runner |
avajs |
17765 |
2022 |
updtr |
Update outdated npm modules with zero painโข |
peerigon |
2175 |
2023 |
babel-preset-env |
PSA: this repo has been moved into babel/babel --> |
babel |
3566 |
2024 |
babel |
๐ Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript. |
babel |
36226 |
2025 |
ghost-on-heroku |
One-button Heroku deploy for the Ghost blogging platform. |
cobyism |
682 |
2026 |
inclusive-design-checklist |
Aims to be the biggest checklist of inclusive design considerations ever |
Heydon |
2450 |
2027 |
meow |
๐ CLI app helper |
sindresorhus |
2120 |
2028 |
laravel-mix |
An elegant wrapper around Webpack for the 80% use case. |
JeffreyWay |
3931 |
2029 |
Semantic-UI |
Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language. |
Semantic-Org |
47609 |
2030 |
progress-string |
Get a progress bar as a string |
watson |
89 |
2031 |
DOMPurify |
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo: |
cure53 |
4899 |
2032 |
emergence.js |
Detect element visibility in the browser |
xtianmiller |
1859 |
2033 |
critical |
Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages |
addyosmani |
8246 |
2034 |
burnside |
Fast and Reliable E2E Web Testing with only Javascript |
Nike-Inc |
393 |
2035 |
volume-meter |
Simple example of implementing a clip-detecting volume meter in Web Audio. |
cwilso |
275 |
2036 |
nodebestpractices |
The Node.js best practices list (April 2020) |
goldbergyoni |
42564 |
2037 |
demopack |
A prepackaged Webpack for easy frontend demos. |
jackfranklin |
178 |
2038 |
heml |
HEML is an open source markup language for building responsive email. |
SparkPost |
4167 |
2039 |
next.js |
The React Framework |
zeit |
46631 |
2040 |
google-webfonts-helper |
A Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets |
majodev |
6296 |
2041 |
Front-End-Checklist |
๐ The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers |
thedaviddias |
38709 |
2042 |
speed-test |
Test your internet connection speed and ping using speedtest.net from the CLI |
sindresorhus |
3316 |
2043 |
draggable |
The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about. |
Shopify |
14018 |
2044 |
claire |
A Cloudflare WebExtension |
cloudflare |
71 |
2045 |
simple-push-demo |
A simple example of use push notifications on the web using Service Workers |
gauntface |
697 |
2046 |
js-code-to-svg-flowchart |
js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn otherโs code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code. |
Bogdan-Lyashenko |
5580 |
2047 |
closure-webpack-plugin |
Webpack Google Closure Compiler and Closure Library plugin - |
webpack-contrib |
376 |
2048 |
charts |
Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies |
frappe |
13210 |
2049 |
node-tradfri |
Node API to control IKEA Tradfri Lights |
morzzz007 |
45 |
2050 |
persist-storage |
๐ - Enable persistent storage in the browser |
choojs |
20 |
2051 |
webpackmonitor |
A tool for monitoring webpack optimization metrics through the development process |
webpackmonitor |
2382 |
2052 |
React-Sight |
Visualization tool for React, with support for Fiber, Router (v4), and Redux |
React-Sight |
2331 |
2053 |
random-position-on-the-surface-of-a-sphere |
Sometimes you just need to postion things on the surface of a sphere. Here are a few methods I've used over the years. |
defmech |
23 |
2054 |
rest.js |
GitHub REST API client for JavaScript |
octokit |
3896 |
2055 |
listr |
Terminal task list |
SamVerschueren |
2455 |
2056 |
plex |
The package of IBMโs typeface, IBM Plex. |
4861 |
2057 |
gutenberg |
The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository. |
WordPress |
5710 |
2058 |
litt |
The smallest javascript event emitter in the world. |
lf94 |
36 |
2059 |
mri |
Quickly scan for CLI flags and arguments |
lukeed |
354 |
2060 |
react-static |
โ๏ธ ๐ A progressive static site generator for React. |
react-static |
8516 |
2061 |
react-native-starter-kit |
๐ A React Native boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly ๐ |
mcnamee |
2775 |
2062 |
Keen-UI |
A lightweight Vue.js UI library with a simple API, inspired by Google's Material Design. |
JosephusPaye |
3891 |
2063 |
sticky-sidebar |
๐ Pure JavaScript tool for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar. |
abouolia |
1769 |
2064 |
Micromodal |
โญ Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs |
ghosh |
2245 |
2065 |
pupper-react |
React components for Pupper |
pupper |
13 |
2066 |
pupper-example |
PHP + React framework |
pupper |
6 |
2067 |
yepnope.js |
A Script Loader For Your Conditional Builds |
SlexAxton |
2569 |
2068 |
franz |
Franz is a free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more. |
meetfranz |
3708 |
2069 |
dredd |
Language-agnostic HTTP API Testing Tool |
apiaryio |
3321 |
2070 |
slate |
Beautiful static documentation for your API |
slatedocs |
29448 |
2071 |
socket.io |
Realtime application framework (Node.JS server) |
socketio |
49180 |
2072 |
bubbly-bg |
Beautiful bubbly backgrounds in less than 1kB (750 bytes gzipped) |
tipsy |
1503 |
2073 |
teachable-machine-v1 |
Explore how machine learning works, live in the browser. No coding required. |
googlecreativelab |
3573 |
2074 |
epoch-timeago |
๐ Convert unix time to a relative time string e.g., "4 hours ago". |
simonlc |
19 |
2075 |
accessibilityjs |
Client side accessibility error scanner. |
github |
2166 |
2076 |
carbon |
๐จ Create and share beautiful images of your source code |
carbon-app |
23409 |
2077 |
franchise |
๐ a notebook sql client. what you get when have a lot of sequels. |
3556 |
2078 |
src2png |
๐ธ๐ป Turn your source code into beautiful syntax-highlighted images. |
mplewis |
2226 |
2079 |
Iroh |
Dynamic code analysis tool - Exploit, record and analyze running JavaScript |
maierfelix |
844 |
2080 |
http-server |
a simple zero-configuration command-line http server |
http-party |
9319 |
2081 |
styled-system |
โฌข Style props for rapid UI development |
styled-system |
5623 |
2082 |
jsep |
JavaScript Expression Parser |
soney |
473 |
2083 |
release-it |
๐ Automate versioning and package publishing |
release-it |
3028 |
2084 |
locutus |
All your standard libraries will be assimilated into our JavaScript collective. Resistance is futile. |
kvz |
3332 |
2085 |
prettier-eslint-cli |
CLI for prettier-eslint |
prettier |
404 |
2086 |
JavaScript-MD5 |
JavaScript MD5 implementation. Compatible with server-side environments like node.js, module loaders like RequireJS and all web browsers. |
blueimp |
3695 |
2087 |
joof |
๐๐จ Add custom JavaScript or CSS to any webpage |
mikker |
24 |
2088 |
jquery-upload-file |
jQuery Upload File plugin provides Multiple file Uploads with progress bar.Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. |
hayageek |
625 |
2089 |
mail-for-good |
An open source email campaign management tool for nonprofits |
freeCodeCamp |
3301 |
2090 |
micro-medium-api |
Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL. |
evenchange4 |
136 |
2091 |
ide-php |
PHP language support for Atom-IDE |
atom |
268 |
2092 |
front-end-guide |
๐ Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack. |
grab |
12880 |
2093 |
react-fullstack-graphql |
Starter projects for fullstack applications based on React & GraphQL. |
graphql-boilerplates |
1202 |
2094 |
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y |
Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements. |
evcohen |
1910 |
2095 |
nanoid |
A tiny (108 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript |
ai |
8983 |
2096 |
ziggy |
Use your Laravel named routes in JavaScript |
tightenco |
1559 |
2097 |
dotenv |
Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects. |
motdotla |
11109 |
2098 |
tetris |
Play tetris in your terminal - in color |
mafintosh |
146 |
2099 |
respawn |
Spawn a process and restart it if it crashes |
mafintosh |
247 |
2100 |
redash |
Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data. |
getredash |
15802 |
2101 |
hazel |
Lightweight update server for Electron apps |
zeit |
2284 |
2102 |
github-releases-slack-notifier |
Slack bot that notify about new releases for GitHub repositories |
nightskylark |
19 |
2103 |
speaking-jpg |
A nonsense way to hide encrypted text messages inside jpegs |
WolframHempel |
191 |
2104 |
coisas |
a client-side CMS for editing GitHub Markdown (and other) files โบ |
fiatjaf |
284 |
2105 |
compressorjs |
JavaScript image compressor. |
fengyuanchen |
2069 |
2106 |
fitty |
โจ Makes text fit perfectly |
rikschennink |
2923 |
2107 |
spectacle |
ReactJS based Presentation Library |
FormidableLabs |
8383 |
2108 |
marko |
A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun |
marko-js |
9457 |
2109 |
gtop |
System monitoring dashboard for terminal |
aksakalli |
8083 |
2110 |
redocx |
๐ Create word documents with React |
nitin42 |
1267 |
2111 |
puppeteer |
Headless Chrome Node.js API |
puppeteer |
59987 |
2112 |
Chart.js |
Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag |
chartjs |
47975 |
2113 |
mesh |
Visualise data and edit JavaScript code using a spreadsheet interface. |
chrispsn |
1495 |
2114 |
react-desktop |
React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10 |
gabrielbull |
8677 |
2115 |
gulp-starter-env |
A basic gulp environment with autoprefixer and minifcation for designers to play around with |
una |
235 |
2116 |
TagUI |
Command-line tool for digital process automation (RPA) |
kelaberetiv |
3482 |
2117 |
botui |
๐ค A JavaScript framework to create conversational UIs |
botui |
2317 |
2118 |
pell |
๐ the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies |
jaredreich |
11192 |
2119 |
svgomg |
Web GUI for SVGO |
jakearchibald |
3763 |
2120 |
fontello |
Iconic fonts scissors |
fontello |
6236 |
2121 |
a-blast |
๐ฅ Save the World From the Cutest Creatures in the Universe! |
aframevr |
94 |
2122 |
vue-multiselect |
Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js |
shentao |
5117 |
2123 |
decentraleyes |
This repository has a new home: https://git.synz.io/Synzvato/decentraleyes |
Synzvato |
1443 |
2124 |
nightwatch |
End-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using the Webdriver API |
nightwatchjs |
10126 |
2125 |
Syntax |
A website for the Syntax Podcast |
wesbos |
522 |
2126 |
collect.js |
๐ Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects |
ecrmnn |
5059 |
2127 |
staticrypt |
Password protect a static HTML page |
robinmoisson |
1951 |
2128 |
tota11y |
an accessibility (a11y) visualization toolkit |
Khan |
4476 |
2129 |
dutier |
The immutable, async and hybrid state management solution for Javascript applications. |
luisvinicius167 |
404 |
2130 |
flubber |
Tools for smoother shape animations. |
veltman |
5183 |
2131 |
kss-node |
The Node.js implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating style guides |
kss-node |
1483 |
2132 |
Data-Pixels |
Create pixel art programmatically. Includes DataPixels.js and Data Pixels Playground desktop application. |
gmattie |
1422 |
2133 |
scs-commander |
A CLI tool for managing plugins in the Shopware Community Store. |
pickware |
10 |
2134 |
itsy-bitsy-data-structures |
๐ฐ All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures |
jamiebuilds |
7723 |
2135 |
SwagThreeSixtyViewer |
shopwareLabs |
22 |
2136 |
husky |
Git hooks made easy ๐ถ woof! |
typicode |
18377 |
2137 |
thelounge |
๐ฌ Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client |
thelounge |
3571 |
2138 |
feather |
Simply beautiful open source icons |
feathericons |
17765 |
2139 |
mavo |
Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS! |
mavoweb |
2355 |
2140 |
preact-cli |
๐บ Your next Preact PWA starts in 30 seconds. |
preactjs |
4112 |
2141 |
react-pdf |
๐ Create PDF files using React |
diegomura |
7416 |
2142 |
britecharts |
Client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations. |
eventbrite |
3607 |
2143 |
alex |
Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing |
get-alex |
3442 |
2144 |
UPNG.js |
Fast and advanced PNG (APNG) decoder and encoder (lossy / lossless) |
photopea |
1364 |
2145 |
pkg |
Package your Node.js project into an executable |
zeit |
15570 |
2146 |
prepack |
A JavaScript bundle optimizer. |
facebook |
14038 |
2147 |
purifycss |
Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps. |
purifycss |
9422 |
2148 |
tamperchrome |
Tamper Chrome is a Chrome extension that allows you to modify HTTP requests on the fly and aid on web security testing. Tamper Chrome works across all operating systems (including Chrome OS). |
google |
3659 |
2149 |
mrnomnom |
A small WebVR game about a donut and his hungry friends. |
etterstudio |
16 |
2150 |
blessed-contrib |
Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript |
yaronn |
13506 |
2151 |
Windows-universal-samples |
API samples for the Universal Windows Platform. |
microsoft |
7490 |
2152 |
svg-symbols |
kristoferjoseph |
20 |
2153 |
control-user-cursor |
Experiment to alter the cursor behavior. |
javierbyte |
1024 |
2154 |
tiny-care-terminal |
๐๐ป A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal. |
notwaldorf |
5795 |
2155 |
koa |
Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions |
koajs |
28836 |
2156 |
eruda |
Console for mobile browsers |
liriliri |
7494 |
2157 |
what-input |
A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse/pointer, keyboard or touch). |
ten1seven |
993 |
2158 |
awesome-mac |
๏ฃฟ Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories. |
jaywcjlove |
36960 |
2159 |
across-tabs |
Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs. Simple "CORS"ing! |
wingify |
1480 |
2160 |
tippyjs |
Tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu library |
atomiks |
7253 |
2161 |
mixitup |
A high-performance, dependency-free library for animated filtering, sorting, insertion, removal and more |
patrickkunka |
4283 |
2162 |
smooth-scroll |
A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links. |
cferdinandi |
4864 |
2163 |
browserslist |
๐ฆ Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env |
browserslist |
7397 |
2164 |
less-plugin-autoprefix |
Adds the ability for less to be post-processed by autoprefixer |
less |
171 |
2165 |
less.js |
Less. The dynamic stylesheet language. |
less |
16284 |
2166 |
less-plugin-clean-css |
Post-process and compress CSS using clean-css. |
less |
183 |
2167 |
prettier |
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. |
prettier |
36017 |
2168 |
tweezer.js |
A small, dependency-free, ES6 library for smooth animations. |
jaxgeller |
385 |
2169 |
postcss-cssnext |
postcss-cssnext has been deprecated in favor of postcss-preset-env . |
MoOx |
5410 |
2170 |
moon |
๐ The minimal & fast library for functional user interfaces |
kbrsh |
4866 |
2171 |
1pr |
I will be accepting up to one pull request per day on this project. |
thepracticaldev |
130 |
2172 |
InfiniteLoopBuster |
Using Esprima to stop infinite loops before they happen. |
CodePen |
35 |
2173 |
moveTo |
A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency |
hsnaydd |
2631 |
2174 |
node-osmosis |
Web scraper for NodeJS |
rchipka |
3867 |
2175 |
planck.js |
2D JavaScript Physics Engine |
shakiba |
3653 |
2176 |
nightmare |
A high-level browser automation library. |
segmentio |
18217 |
2177 |
uncss |
Remove unused styles from CSS |
uncss |
8795 |
2178 |
store.js |
Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web. |
marcuswestin |
12909 |
2179 |
redom |
Tiny (2 KB) turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. |
redom |
2865 |
2180 |
v2 |
Staffjoy V2 - all microservices in a monorepo |
Staffjoy |
1392 |
2181 |
the-super-tiny-compiler |
โ Possibly the smallest compiler ever |
jamiebuilds |
16597 |
2182 |
unfetch |
๐ Bare minimum fetch polyfill in 500 bytes. |
developit |
4655 |
2183 |
fast-memoize.js |
๐ Fastest possible memoization library |
caiogondim |
2228 |
2184 |
trevor |
๐ฆ Your own mini Travis CI to run tests locally |
vadimdemedes |
2171 |
2185 |
Ghost |
๐ป The #1 headless Node.js CMS for professional publishing |
TryGhost |
33183 |
2186 |
vhtml |
Render JSX/Hyperscript to HTML strings, without VDOM ๐ |
developit |
451 |
2187 |
caniuse |
Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com |
Fyrd |
4087 |
2188 |
yoast-components |
Accessible React components by Yoast |
Yoast |
20 |
2189 |
dom-diff |
Library for efficiently diffing and patching virtual and real DOM fragments. |
skatejs |
90 |
2190 |
react |
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
facebook |
146499 |
2191 |
preload-webpack-plugin |
A webpack plugin for injecting <link rel='preload|prefetch'> into HtmlWebpackPlugin pages, with async chunk support |
GoogleChromeLabs |
2018 |
2192 |
Lepton |
๐ป Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux) |
hackjutsu |
7334 |
2193 |
Is-Now-Illegal |
๐ซ A NERD protest against Trump's Immigration ban |
ivanseidel |
1407 |
2194 |
hyperapp |
The tiny framework for building web interfaces. |
jorgebucaran |
17278 |
2195 |
unicorn.js |
Unicorn CPU emulator framework port for JavaScript |
AlexAltea |
390 |
2196 |
lottie-web |
Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native. http://airbnb.io/lottie/ |
airbnb |
20365 |
2197 |
preact |
โ๏ธ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. |
preactjs |
25823 |
2198 |
monk |
The wise MongoDB API |
Automattic |
1676 |
2199 |
drawio |
Source to www.draw.io |
jgraph |
16115 |
2200 |
freeCodeCamp |
freeCodeCamp.org's open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free together with millions of people. |
freeCodeCamp |
309680 |
2201 |
front-end-handbook-2017 |
2017 edition of our front-end development guide |
FrontendMasters |
3900 |
2202 |
toiletdb |
flushes an object to a JSON file. lets you do simple CRUD with async safely with the backend being a flat JSON file |
maxogden |
217 |
2203 |
gotem |
Copy to clipboard for modern browsers in less than 1kb. |
callmecavs |
441 |
2204 |
sixflix |
๐ฌ Detects whether a host environment supports ES6. Algorithm by Netflix. |
bevacqua |
178 |
2205 |
keycodes |
Easy visualizer for JavaScript KeyCodes |
wesbos |
1529 |
2206 |
standard |
๐ JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer |
standard |
23488 |
2207 |
d3-layout-narrative |
A d3 layout for creating XKCD style narrative charts |
abcnews |
159 |
2208 |
parliament-svg |
Generate parliament charts as virtual-dom SVG |
juliuste |
145 |
2209 |
electron-quick-start |
Clone to try a simple Electron app |
electron |
7127 |
2210 |
jshint |
JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code |
jshint |
8354 |
2211 |
Ghost-Desktop |
โก๏ธ Ghost for Desktops |
TryGhost |
1064 |
2212 |
creative-portfolios |
๐A curated list of Creative Portfolios |
iRaul |
2235 |
2213 |
babel-preset-stage-4 |
Efficiently applies the minimum of transforms to run stage 4 code on Node.js 6, 8 and 10 |
avajs |
13 |
2214 |
video-to-css |
A hack project. it is stupid don't do it. |
MadeByMike |
7 |
2215 |
electron-lets-move |
Automatically move Electron apps to the Applications directory |
tommoor |
175 |
2216 |
leakage |
๐ Memory leak testing for node. |
andywer |
1438 |
2217 |
choo |
๐๐ - sturdy 4kb frontend framework |
choojs |
6366 |
2218 |
webgl-starter-kit |
A web starter kit with webgl renderer initialized from three.js |
mats31 |
8 |
2219 |
css-in-js |
React: CSS in JS techniques comparison |
MicheleBertoli |
4816 |
2220 |
express-babel |
Express starter kit with ES2017+ support, testing, linting, and code coverage |
vmasto |
617 |
2221 |
web-maker |
A blazing fast & offline frontend playground |
chinchang |
1653 |
2222 |
know-it-all |
If you don't know it all, at least know what you don't know. |
davidgilbertson |
695 |
2223 |
WebRTC-Experiment |
WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!! |
muaz-khan |
8287 |
2224 |
clean-code-javascript |
๐ Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript |
ryanmcdermott |
34854 |
2225 |
atom |
Atom file-specific icons for improved visual grepping. |
file-icons |
1020 |
2226 |
PapaParse |
Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input |
mholt |
8435 |
2227 |
atom |
The hackable text editor |
atom |
51576 |
2228 |
control-panel |
embeddable panel of inputs for parameter setting |
freeman-lab |
134 |
2229 |
eventstop |
A minimal event library for Node.js and browser. |
egoist |
120 |
2230 |
replace-string |
Replace all substring matches in a string |
sindresorhus |
62 |
2231 |
flow-runtime |
A runtime type system for JavaScript with full Flow compatibility. |
gajus |
803 |
2232 |
release |
Generate changelogs with a single command |
zeit |
2620 |
2233 |
browser-autofill-phishing |
A simple demo of phishing by abusing the browser autofill feature |
anttiviljami |
1405 |
2234 |
nanocomponent |
๐ - create performant HTML components |
choojs |
340 |
2235 |
diffyjs |
A dependency-free motion detection library for the browser |
maniart |
257 |
2236 |
eslint-plugin-compat |
Lint the browser compatibility of your code |
amilajack |
2422 |
2237 |
instantsearch.js |
โก๏ธ A JavaScript library for building performant and instant search experiences with Algolia. |
algolia |
2429 |
2238 |
octicons |
A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub |
primer |
5892 |
2239 |
draft-js |
A React framework for building text editors. |
facebook |
17747 |
2240 |
polite-element |
Politely waits to render an element until the browser has spare time |
yoshuawuyts |
46 |
2241 |
[node-steam](https: |