Library of rigid-body dynamics algorithms for systems with kinematic loops.
- ahoarauParis
- alpylmz
- asibatian
- charleskhazoom
- david-s-martinezAgile Robots SE
- deftlion
- dhruvthankiPensacola, Florida
- dmarewAmherst MA
- gfadiniLAAS CNRS
- gleamingko
- gmh14
- kassasin
- kevinzakka
- lgkimjyKorea Institute of Science and Technology
- linzhuyueCUHK
- lvanroyeKU Leuven
- lvjonokDaejeon
- matheecsCQU ➡️ UWM ➡️ XJTU ➡️ DR ➡️ UR
- prashanthr05
- qiayuanlUC Berkeley
- Rian-JoKIST
- Rooholla-KhorramBakhtNew York University
- saikishorPAL Robotics S.L
- shivesh1210Chalmers University
- shubhamsingh91The University of Texas at Austin
- siddharthdeoreItalian Institute of Technology
- ThisIsBohao
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- Yongming-Yue
- zacbrei
- zhilinxiong