SlideSLAM: Sparse, Lightweight, Decentralized Metric-Semantic SLAM for Multi-Robot Navigation
- 504115681Nankai University
- ankitVP77
- astronaunt
- BohemianRhapsodyzMIST
- chengwei920412
- CLboyrobot
- dodeakim
- DreamWaterFoundShanghai Jiao Tong University
- FreeecodeChengdu , China
- himhan34FuroLAB(Field and Underwater robotics Lab)
- HuanYin94HKUST
- hwan0806Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- hyuwuhan
- JinXJinLeX
- johannes-graeterdotscene GmbH
- JokerJohnPh.D. candidate, HKUST.
- Leekh951Inha University, SPARO LAB
- lewisjiangHong Kong
- lhthqSoutheast University
- LittleStoneAtGithub
- qiaozhijian@HKUST-Aerial-Robotics
- Richard-coder
- runjtuShanghai Jiao Tong University
- sh362262130Pukyong National University
- srinivasrama
- thisparticle
- U-AMCRepublic of Korea
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- wolf943134497
- XINRUIIShanghai Jiao Tong University
- xuankuzcrHKU & XJTU
- Yeah2333XMU
- yuxuanzhou97Wuhan University
- YZH-botTsinghua SIGS
- zzwu29The Chinese University of Hong Kong