Software package and ROS wrappers of the Aruco Augmented Reality marker detector library
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Is ROS2 Foxy supported?
#137 opened by sw1pr0g - 0
Flickering in Debug View
#136 opened by haxybaxy - 11
noetic process has died
#133 opened by Panda12580 - 1
pose representation problem
#134 opened by waliwali1111 - 5
why the size of distorsionCoeff is 4?
#130 opened by xibeisiber - 0
can aruco_ros subscribe raw(distorted) image?
#131 opened by xibeisiber - 3
No marker TF frame
#111 opened by saprrow - 3
an error when catkin_make
#127 opened by llzll1031 - 1
Calculate reprojection error
#126 opened by sally-203 - 2
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how to change the coordinate system
#124 opened by Yaoxingtian - 1
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about distance
#122 opened by Yaoxingtian - 2
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about no camera info
#120 opened by Yaoxingtian - 9
- 1
- 4
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[bug] double free detected in tcache 2
#117 opened by cyborgdennett - 1
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Process dies everytime I try to access the topic aruco_marker_publisher/result
#114 opened by jhielson - 12
- 2
Markers detected but no pose data
#112 opened by VGSTU - 5
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cv::Exception OpenCV(4.2.0) 9004:Unknown status code 9004) !isValid(): invalid marker
#108 opened by Assets01 - 10
aruco_ros/aruco/src/aruco/marker.cpp:321: error: (9004) !isValid(): invalid marker.
#109 opened by 670768312 - 3
Aruco markers not detected in Gazebo
#100 opened by Mechaick - 4
Support of aruco for ROS2 is available?
#106 opened by goyalvarun02 - 6
Can't detect marker with realsense
#107 opened by 0smile - 3
- 9
Unable to build package
#105 opened by AngeloEspinoza - 4
Robot localization using aruco marker in gazebo
#83 opened by Eswar1991 - 2
Issue about the frame rate
#102 opened by tao-seu-309 - 1
Kinetic to Melodic orientation change
#88 opened by gokhansolak - 1
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Question about accuracy
#94 opened by kay01-kwon - 1
opencv version
#97 opened by Nicoladao - 1
a question about the longest detect distance
#101 opened by ovenbananaaa - 5
Release for Noetic
#99 opened by OTL - 4
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How to get aruco pose in python
#96 opened by Aki92-Xavier - 0
Generate Aruco Markers
#95 opened by joshi-bharat - 9
No version for Noetic OpenCV4
#89 opened by RDaneelOlivav - 20
Marker pose few cm off in TIAGo simulation
#91 opened by SDBonhof - 2
High CPU usage
#92 opened by xudooo - 3
Pose estimation accuracy?
#90 opened by kevinsanity5 - 2
ROS 2 compatability
#86 opened by yanth0nybg - 1
Could you release it into ros binaries ?, it is more convinient and lightweight
#82 opened by jediofgever - 3
no aruco package for ros-melodic
#84 opened by seigot - 1
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [aruco_ros/single]: aruco_ros======What should I DO?
#80 opened by FrankCreen