- AchllleGrayMatter Robotics
- C230Dreamer上海
- chikutaTokyo
- clyxi
- daoran
- deb0chFlowrates
- dignakovTaiga Robotics
- f0reachARRKyoto Institute of Technology
- femust
- fett-tonyTCS
- furushchev@GITAI
- gavanderhoorn@tud-cor @tud-dri @sam-xl
- gvallicrosaUniversitat de Girona
- HansRoboTIER IV
- hardesh@Peppermint-Robots
- hw102050
- knorth55@GITAI
- kriskozakhatchbed
- lauesaBastian Mobile Robotics, Toyota Advanced Logistics
- leighleighleighAmbit Robotics
- ljaniecWrocław University of Science and Technology
- lucaswSeattle
- LuckierDodgeArgonne National Laboratory
- malban@hatchbed
- michaelchi08MCKC
- MikhailBertrandSoftBank
- MirkoFerrati
- OTLSynchrobo, inc
- OxideDevXFreelance
- peci1Czech Technical University in Prague
- pgliraAIT Austrian Institute of Technology
- qpc001
- romainreignierRobopec @ixblue
- wookbinHYULIM GROUP (Robot)
- zloyvolkey