AuRo2022-For robots’ robust localization in varying illumination environments. The code proposes a novel automated camera-exposure control framework to capture the best-exposed images.
- 504115681Nankai University
- chengwei920412
- congleeteaShenzhen, China
- cranklerHIT / HITSZ / SUSTech
- CyberkonaWuhan University
- cynosure4sure
- elebossThe University of Hong Kong
- fengweichangzi
- GongGQ
- GrandzxwHarbin Institute of Technology
- HitszChenHITsz
- jianhengLiuHKU, HITSZ
- juliangaal
- JustonesNorthwestern Polytechnical University
- li9616
- Murplugg
- nixwang
- nkhedekar
- OneWillow
- OuyangJunyuanHITSZ nROS-Lab
- raymond-lau-lyfNanyang Technological University
- Rex-sys-hkHKUST
- Ruikun-LiShanghai Jiao Tong University
- ShepherddotBeijing
- ShuyangUniThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, ECE
- SilenceOverflowBay Area
- sl-kis
- soul0knightNortheastern University
- srinivasrama
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- wangyu-060070
- wolf943134497
- xiaomofang
- xpxie
- yanliang-wangHarbin Institute of Technology, Shen Zhen