- 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped) with PCL 1.8
#7 opened by qmx066 - 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error' what(): vector::reserve
#70 opened by crazy007302 - 0
Why do not use std::unordered_map?
#68 opened by wdyiwdwd - 0
- 1
How use ndt_omp on my code?
#64 opened by Nothand0212 - 0
Crash app when using scan_matching on ubuntu 22
#66 opened by sonphambk - 11
Segmentation fault (core dumped) with PCL 1.8
#6 opened by qmx066 - 0
Run alignerror
#65 opened by CHANdaFeng - 1
[Registration]ndt_omp running error
#63 opened by kitzhongzhengqi - 1 build error
#27 opened by T1King - 5
Differences between KDTREE and DIRECT7
#24 opened by LandauR - 1
- 1
Thanks for your work, I have a question about how to konw degradation ahout ndt?
#61 opened by tust13018211 - 0
- 5
#5 opened by yukkysaito - 0
.clang-format seems to be invalid
#55 opened by kminoda - 3
- 0
About the origin of the term "DIRECT7"
#49 opened by Leohsieh57 - 0
The ndt_omp registration time is unstable.
#48 opened by tqltech - 0
- 2
Support ROS2 build
#42 opened by KeisukeShima - 2
Interpretation of calculateScore Function.
#45 opened by wienans - 1
error: there are no arguments to ‘omp_get_max_threads’ that depend on a template parameter
#39 opened by PenghangF - 5
- 0
- 0
Build errors with point type PointXYZINormal or other types existed in pcl
#40 opened by Richardson-Chong - 2
catkin_make error
#8 opened by crankler - 5
- 1
How to assign ndt_omp initial guess transformation between source cloud and target cloud
#31 opened by Shelfcol - 2
Connection to ROS
#30 opened by TBdt38 - 1
On the implementation of neighborhood search
#29 opened by HyHuang1995 - 0
Error in argument of align function
#25 opened by AchmadFathoni - 2
- 3
- 9
- 2
Build error when adding a new point type
#22 opened by henry0572 - 2
How to tune parameters in gicp_omp
#21 opened by meyrin15 - 4
- 2
How to set num_threads?
#17 opened by FishInWave - 2
usage of calculateScore ?
#16 opened by MikeZhu92 - 1
- 7
- 5
drifted error of the ndt_omp
#10 opened by weisongwen - 2
fitness score
#9 opened by IntelDan - 2
cmake error with tx2(arm)
#2 opened by autoperson - 2
GICP speed?
#1 opened by antithing